House Of Freaks


Lily saw that the girl felt bad. "I won't tell if you don't want me to and you know I have a good place you can hide it if you want I can show you," she told her.
Wisdom was a bit taken back by CJ swimming under her and picking her up, but she laughed. Wait. She.. laughed. This was the first time in.. Who knows how long. A smile crawled upon her face and her dimples showed. She looked down at CJ. "Well. I guess I can stay for a little while.." She said, grabbing his shoulders, and for once, enjoying life. '
Sven smiled at her "Well so far everything has been fine but there is this one drop dead gorgeous girl here that has the most beautiful long black hair, dazzling dark grey eyes and pretty brown wings. Id really like to get to know her better...other than that." he smiled at her.
Max couldn't help but blush at what he said. Nobody had complamented her before. "Well what do you wanna know?" she asked him with a half smile. She wasn't really good at talking to people or trusting them or making friends that was her sister, but... she was willing to give it a try.
CJ smiled up at her and threw her up in the air off his shoulders and into his arms when he felt something fuzzy. He reached his hand to find it a squeezed it with a confused face. "What is this?" when he finally realized his face went suddenly red but he smiled "Oh sorry about that."

Lily took her by the hand and pulled her in the house. They went in her room and then into her closet. Once she closed the closet door with them in it she opened the secrete hidden door. She opened it up to a dusty old room with only one light to bright the way. "Nobody knows about this room other than me and now you... Isn't it cool?" she said looking at all the old fashion stuff that filled the room. "You can keep it in here and I promise it will be safe."
Dawn chuckled quietly as she looked over at Max and the other guy, happy for her. Iv'e only been here for what, a few hours and i'm already getting somewhat soft. She shook her head and growled slightly, annoyed at her self for trusting other so easily, even though there really was no reason not to when they helped her.
Wisdom's heart just about stopped when she felt CJ's hand grab her tail. Her face went red, red like a tomato, and her hearts pace quickened. 'I knew this was a bad idea!!!' She thought to herself, stunned with embarrassment, memories of the horrible test's came back. She felt sick to her stomach, but tried to give him reassuring look. "It's uhm... it's fine." She said quietly, attempting to smile past the pin. Little things like that got to her, and she wished it wasn't like that.
"Well the first few that come to my mind would be...Whats your name, do you like Saturdays, do you like supper and do you like Italian." He smiled at her and laughed and stood up "oh and 1 to 10 can i work this swim suit or what?" he laughed again and smiled at her.
CJ looked at her and smiled "Hey dont worry I think its cute." he started releasing calming pheromones that smelled similar to sweet candy floss. He put his forehead against hers "Dont worry so much its not healthy for you." he put her down and held both of her hands.
When she entered, she looked at all the cool little nick-nacks here and there. "Wow..." Taryn looked down at the device, and it began to 'beep' "Err...." She looked down at it, and moved it around, and it beeped more. "This better not explode..." She stepped outside the room, and it beeped faster. She started to walk to her room, and it got faster, and faster, until it became one long humming noise when it was in front of all her boxes that she left to unpack later. "Should I open it?" She asked.

"My name is Max, and yes I love Italian," she said. She wondered if like this with all girls: sweet and funny? She looked at him in his swim suit. He was cute. "I Give you a 8," she said with a little of a laugh. 

Lily quickly followed her quickly. She looked at it for a moment before answering. "Yeah open it,"
Wisdom looked at CJ in the eyes for a moment, an felt something. Something... Different. Something she hadn't felt in a while. But then again, something pushed that feeling down. Her past. Her memories of pain and heartbreak. Those pushed that good, loved feeling down into the depths of her soul, where they had lain before just awaiting recovery. But maybe, maybe a layer of dust had been cleared, an she was one step closer to discovery.

Wisdom squeezed CJ's hand for a few moments and came up out of the water. (I'm guessing they were under water.. ) "Thanks..." She said. "But worrying is just who I am.." She murmured looking down into the water.

(Oh, and Seraph, where are you from anyways? I was just wondering. Heheh...)
She opened the big box, as a huge armor chestpiece came flying out onto her chest, flinging her to the wall, and it was nearly 2 times her size. "GAAH!" She screamed, as it kept pushing her against the wall. "De-activate! DEACTIVATE!!!!" She thought for a sec, and finally said it in Cynanian, as it stopped pushing her, and she pushed the piece off, and said, "What the hell?!!! Who put that Sh*t in my boxes man?!"

Lily was surprised when the armor came flying out. It stopped pushing her against the chest when she said something in another language. "What the hell was that?!" She asked her big green eyes wide.
"An 8 im happy with that." he smiled at her and sat back down "So Italian food thats good so how about Saturday we go on a fly down to the Italian place down stairs at Six?"
She looked at it, and went to the rest of the boxes. Taryn pulled out several armor pieces, and looked at them. "It's my goddamn armor!" She muttered. "How in the world? I never packed this!"

Max thought about it for a bit. She wasn't really the one to get close to people but... "Okay Saterday at Six," she accepted and gave him a half smile. 

"What are you going to need your armor for?" she asked curiously as she picked up one of the pieces of armor.
"Huh?" Ellie said, hearing a commotion coming from a room upstairs. Ellie stepped out of the pool largely unnoticed, and quickly dried off as she walked up the stairs. Once she reached the room upstairs, she knocked on it tentatively.

"You guys cutting alright?" She said, unable to help how thick her accent was. Ellie had pretty much given up on the whole american accent thing.
"...Well would you like to come on a fly with me?" He asked with a wide smile on his face. He leaned his head on his hand.
(Why do you ask?)

CJ smiled at her and hugged her "Your always welcome here and you dont have to leave. You dont have to be ashamed here. Its okay..." CJ brought her out again "So how did you like my cooking? I really tried my best to make it taste acceptable."
"I need this for stuff...." She smiled, and heard Ellie's voice out the door. "PSSSH..... Yeah..." Taryn looked around nervously, and looked at the chest piece.

"Yeah, sure" she told him and gave him a smile back. It seemed that he was always smiling. 

Lily turned to see Ellie. "Hey!" she said a little loud a smile on her face. "Didn't see you come," she said.
( Sorry, I just saw you said "Candy Floss" where as where I am from we say "Cotton Candy". So, just wondering, haha. And also, it's just a curiosity I guess :D )

Wisdom smiled back at him nervously. "Your cooking was amazing. And I'm not just saying that because it's the first real food I've had in a couple years." Wisdom laughed a bit. "It was genuinely great!" She said, realizing their hands were still together, but unsure if she should pull away.

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