House Of Freaks

"No problem." Dawn said to Max before turning over to Lily. "My clothes would just soak up the water if I do but it's alright. It's nice sitting here in the shade."

"Okay but if you change your mind I have a bathing suit you can borrow," she said swimming around in the big pool.

Lily swam around in the pool. Her tail wagged back and forth she was so happy.


Max soon got out and sat back in her chair next to Dawn her wings still showing. The hot sun felt good on her icy cold wet skin.
Dawn opened her eyes and stopped singing when she felt someone sit down next to her. She looked over and saw Max. "Hello. How's the water?" She asked, trying to start some kind of conversation.
"Really cold and wet," she said laughing a little. "How the sun?" she asked her. The sun shined bright on her bare skin, were her red and black striped bikini wasn't covering.
"Really hot and bright." She smiled slightly before nodding her head at Max's wings. "There wasn't much to be afraid of now was there?"
She looked back at her wings. "Yeah I guess there wasn't," she said with a small smile and opened and closed her wings once.
"I like the colors a lot. Suits you well." Dawn swishes her long and fluffy tail around, trying to get it to where it wasn't so stiff.
(This RP is moving pretty fast. I was at a friends, so couldn't get on. Should I just skip ahead to where wyou guys are now, or what?)
Dawn smiles slightly. "My favorite animal was always a wolf. They are loyal and caring for each other. I guess out of everything I was at least lucky to get something I liked."


Well that is good that you like the animal, you know Lily is mixt with wolf as well," she informed her. She was learning more about this girl.
"Mhm I could tell. When she first, er, ran up to me, I could smell the scent of the wolf on her which had me confused because it smelt familiar. I now know why it does." She thinks for about a minute before asking her a question. "Do you have any extra traits? Like enhanced sight or hearing?"
She waited a minute before answering her question"Um I have enhanced sight. I am also pretty fast on my wings," she informed her. "What about you?" she asked.
"Well I have more wolf DNA in me then most so I have a few more traits. I have enhanced sight, hearing, and smell, along my ability to run silently and fast, and I can whimper, growl, bark, etc. which means that I can make noises of wolfs which can be very annoying." She thinks before nodding her head. "Most of those took along time to get used to, it's all usually on instinct."
Taryn literally freaked. A few people started to show heir abilities and Taryn was so scared to tell hers. Did anyone notice Taryn Kreida? The alien from Earth? This was insanity. "Guys.. I'm scared to tell you. It's easy for you because you aren't known.... Should I tell?" She asked. Why was she asking?!
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Sven walked up to Max in his swim trunks and looked down at her with a big smile across his face and his head cocked to the side. He spoke to her with a smooth voice "Hey this is a nice party huh?"
As Wisdom finally go back to the house, she rushed into the nearest restroom. She slowly removed her clothing, making sure the door was locked. She sighed and placed her head against the wall. She didn't like showing off her body. She didn't like being in public in general, and now she was I a bikini? Wisdom couldn't believe she was doing this, but she took a deep breath. The boy was nice enough to buy this for her, not to mention with his own money, so she had to go the party. She put on the bathing suit, tucking her tiny stub of a tail into the bottoms. She collected her clothes and carried them outside with her. Then he thought to herself. 'I only know that one boy. Everyone here is a stranger to me.' Wisdom thought she was going to have a panic attack as she frantically searched for CJ by the pool.

(Im just gonna go ahead and have Jimmy join in. I guess he would have found out from Spencer anyways.)

Jimmy went into "His" room and looked around. No swim trucks... Just 2 sets of clothes he carried in his book bag. He sighed. 'I guess I can wear these... and wash them afterwards....' He thought to himself. Jimmy slipped off his shirt and looked at himself in a mirror. He hadn't necessarily been working out, but all that lifting of coffee beans at his old job must have helped him, because, d***, he was more toned than he could remember. After a bit of self examination, Jimmy headed out to the pool party.

(Oh, and anonymous, I love your signature :) )
"hmm the pool is warmer now.Well at least for me.I feel sorry for the people who haven't gotten wet yet.You guys are gonna be freezing."he said smiling as he hoped in.Since he is a bunny swimming and getting wet wasn't what they usually do but he was different than the rest and had that special touch that made him that way.

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