House Of Freaks

"Yep you can have that one," she said happily. Well.I will be in my room if you need me and my older sister max is on the last room on the second story.
Scarlett fumbles in to the bed room and sets down her backs looking her new living area. she unzips her book back. "Wow people sure are welcoming here.." She looks out the door at the woman walking back in to her room. "I wonder what she's like.." She thinks to her self.
Max was laying back in her bed as her sister welcomed the new comer. She wasn't so much a peoples person like her younger sister.
Walking out her room after her stuff was laid out on her bed.. she didn't really bother to unpack in case she didn't fit in here either, "Might as well explore.." She cautiously walked from her room down the hallway..
Max had forgot to close her door, witch she usually didn't forget to do. But she was sucked into her music and transported to a far away place. She let out her wings thinking that no one would see them.
She walks through the hall way running her hand against the wall, she noticed another room open, she figured it was another empty room so she looked in and made a slight gasp at the girl in the room.
She was soon pulled out of her thoughts when she herd the light gasp through her music, using her inhanced hearing. She gasped in imbarcedment and in fright, pulling her wings in as tight she could trying to hide them behind her back. Her green eyes had gone big. "Um.. hello?" she said to the unexpected girl.
Micah turned the handlebars on his bike gently, making a lazy line across the empty road. The muddy tires crunched gently over a few stray pebbles and gravel, providing back noise to his idle thoughts. A shrill tone broke the silence, the brakes complaining loudly due to wear and use. Kicking his foot out to keep himself upright, Micah eyed the driveway leading to a medium sized house. Judging by the multiple cars, it likely belonged to a family, making it not only awkward, but doubtable that they were offering rental space. He tightened the band holding his hair to keep it from coming loose before continuing down the road. I should head back, what are the chances of finding a place out here? Who’s going to accept some underage kid that shows up out of nowhere?

Staying with his parents longer was an option, but one that wasn’t any more appealing now then it was when he left to live on his own. He wanted to live somewhere for longer than a year or two, he wanted stability. Micah currently worked at a whole food store, and it wasn’t half bad, his coworkers were mostly kind people and the hours were good. Nevertheless, the high rent still kept him looking for a cheaper place, and besides, biking was relaxing, he was enjoying the earthy undergrowth lining the road. The air had a certain crisp quality that managed to make him feel healthier just by breathing it, clearing his head. He’d chosen this place due to it’s location fairly close to the ocean, but it didn’t take him long to figure out the housing on the beach was for splurging tourists, it simply wasn’t practical. Sighing thoughtfully, he slowed for a minute to pull his simple black pants up to his knee, so they wouldn’t catch on the chain. Having legs at all was lucky in his eyes, he couldn’t imagine being stuck in the water forever, despite how much he enjoyed it. If that were the case, would he be some type of feral sea creature? Hunting down fish and devouring it raw? He played with the thought, letting he feet pedal on autopilot.

Twenty minutes later, Micah frowned; it’d been awhile since he’d last seen a house or building. Ah, great now I’m in the middle of nowhere, good luck finding somewhere to stay you sly genius. As if answering him, a house came into view out of the corner of his eye. He stopped and turned to it, shading his eyes from the sun where it silhouetted the structure. The house was large, imposing in its size. It was decorated carefully, giving it a vintage flair as the trees hugging its sides shrouded it with shadows. Micah walked his bike across the road, setting it carefully on the lawn before stepping hesitantly towards the front door. I went all this way; I could at least ask if they have any renting space, what’s the worst that could happen? He made three sharp knocks on the door, shifting nervously as he waited to see if anyone was home.
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(I'm so sorry I feel asleep~!)

"Um.. Hi.. I'm sorry I thought this room was empty.. "

She jumped hearing the sharp knocks on the door. She holds the edge of her long shirt.

She was a naturally jumpy girl, after all that had happened to her why wouldn't she be? She looks around.
Must have been the front door.. She thought to her self

"Um.. I think there's someone at the door.. "

She steps away from the door and hurries to her room sitting down with her hand over her mouth...

Wings.. She thought over and over again.. That girl had wings... She pulled her sleeves down looking at the scars that covered her arms.. She had never meet anyone who was as odd as she was.. Maybe she would actually fit in here. She jumped again hearing the second and third knocks on the door.
She pulled her wings back a jacket to cover her wings. "Don't worry about it," she said walking past the girl feeling like the girl just saw her naked. She went down stair and opened the door to see a new boy. "Hi," she said to the boy opening the door a bit wider, her black hair falling on her shoulders.
The door cracked open, revealing a sharp featured girl with stark black hair that fell gracefully past her shoulders. She was young, around his age, a bit surprising as he was expecting to see an adult. Micah brushed off his nervousness with a deepened breath, he needed to make a good first impression if he wanted to have any chance of becoming a tenant in this situation. "Hello," he greeted, smiling quietly. "I'm Micah, it's great to meet you," he sang softly, offering a hand. "I happened to be in the area, might I ask if you happen to have any space available for rent? I know it's a bit out of the blue-" he trailed off, gathering his thoughts. "I'd be able to pay rent, and well, I'm not very picky, I hope you'll consider-?"
"Yeah of coarse come in," she said trying not to be so antisocial as she usually was. The boy looked nervous, and about her age. She opened the door wider so she could go and come in. "There are plenty of empty rooms especially on the third floor," she told him. She was pretty sure she had the only room on the third floor.
Micah smiled, nodding thankfully at Max. "That's great, thank you," he replied, relieved to luck out as he did. It came to mind that living with roommates might be dangerous with his mutation, but as long as he kept it hidden, it wouldn't become a problem. I hid it from my own parents for years, I should be fine. Following her inside, he glanced around, curious about the interior. "Do a lot of people live here?" He asked, impressed by the size. "Oh, and how much for the ren-" His voice caught when he saw the pool from the back window. This place just keeps getting better. . . "I like the pool," he added, a bit embarrassed about the randomness of the remark.
"Um, not to many," She told him before he started to ask another question that ended with a comment. "I'm glad you like it, and there's no rent don't worry about it," she told him. She paid the rent for the house. She had a job at a town a little ways away that she walked to, sometimes flew.
"Really, are you sure?" He asked, eyebrows pinched in surprise while he pulled at his hair nervously. "Do your parents own the place, wouldn't they like to meet me first?" He inquired, unaware of Max's parentless situation. Micah's own parents had been his figurative dictators for most of his life, his newfound freedom was still an alien idea to him.
Max laughed a little not realizing he was serious, then saw his face. "Wait your serious aren't you? No It's just me that's incharge, I take care of this stuff no parents" she said and kept walking. She didn't really know them but hated them, unike her little sister where she wished she could meet them. Max didn't want anything to do with them.

"My names Max by the way," she told him.
Micah blinked in surprise at hearing the absence of parents, it was welcome though, a nice surprise. He wanted to understand why, but figured it would be rude to ask such a personal question when he'd only just met her. "Max? That's a cool name," he replied, smiling brightly. She seemed to be just a little on the quiet side, but she was nice, especially how she invited him in so kindly. Everything's just. . .turning out so well, he thought, following her up the stairs. What are the odds of finding a place like this by chance. I don't believe in fate. . .but this is just. . .

I don't have too much stuff," he explained, "so you needn't worry about me cluttering anything, and I usually keep my belongings straightened up." Ok, so usually was pushing it a bit, but he still felt the need to keep up good appearances and make positive impressions at this point.
"Don't worry about it," she smiled again.

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!!!!!" She herd her sister yelled running down the stairs happily smiling big, her younger sister was a lot louder and friendlier than her. "Lily this is... um... sorry I didn't catch your name," she told him.
"Thanks agai-" he choked on his words, freezing in surprise when the stairwell was suddenly at least ten times louder than it was seconds before. Micah found himself face to face with a bubbly looking girl with wild pink hair, his smile turned from genuine to forced, he wasn't so good with boisterous people. "Oh, sorry, I'm Micah," he explained, taking a step back from Lily absentmindedly, on instinct.
"Well nice to meet you, I'm lily, Max's younger sister," the pink haired girl told him happily. "Well I am going out for a walk I will be back," she said to Max.

"Be safe, be back before dark," she told her before the door slammed out behind the younger girl. "Sorry about that she can be kind of hyper at times," she told him. There was no controlling that wild one, she thought to herself.
"Oh, no, it's fine," he stammered, feeling bad if he made it seem like he didn't like Lily, she had just caught him off guard. "It must be nice," he said thoughtfully. "I mean, I don't have any siblings, it must be nice to be so close to someone like that," Micah explained. "My family always moved a lot, so I never really got many close friends." He cringed inwardly, it was just like him to start gushing his life story, and to make it worse, it sounded like he was being sorry for himself. "But it wasn't all that bad, I got to see all parts of the world," he added as they reached the top of the stairs.
"Yeah it is cool having a younger sibling," she told him, then listened to him talk about his past. She could understand how she could understand how it could be hard moving place to another place, she did that a while but that was because she and her sister were homeless for a while but she didn't want to tell him that, she didn't know what he would think. "Yeah my sister is really the only person I ever got really close to," she told him. "Where did you travel to?" she asked him.
(Sorry guys I went to a party I forgot that was happening tonight! I'm back now ~)

Scarlett awoke from her name to hear people talking down stairs, She quietly opened her newly acquired bedroom door and peeked out the door to see who was talking.. She saw the girl with jacket.. "Didn't..she have wings..?" She thought to her self.. "Maybe I was just dreaming. She stood at the corner of the wall just barely peeking out from the door trying to see the male voice she was hearing..
Alex was lazily walking around with a hat on that covered her ears but her tail was hanging out the bottom of her black jacket and swishing slowly with her mood. She wasn't sure about how she ended up in this place since she just followed wherever her instincts took her. After walking around she accidently bumped into someone with pink hair causing her hat to fall off in the process. Her ears twitched, "I'm sorry are you okay?"
(Same here, I got totally distracted, sorry. I took a break to sketch and ended up drawing this. Wtf, I need an adult. xD )

"I've always wondered what it would be like to have siblings, but I guess I wouldn't think twice about it if I did," he thought out loud with a faint smile. "I'd probably complain about them," he laughed, shaking his head. He listened attentively to her question, thinking for a few seconds before offering an answer. "I don't really remember much from when I was younger, but I do remember moving to Oregon when I was ten. After that we skipped around the US for a while, I even lived in Germany for a year." He sucked in a breath. "Honestly, it was nice there, but I didn't pick up on the language very well," he admitted, laughing breathily.

"You're the older sister right?" He asked. Is that rude to ask a girl? "I mean, you seem more mature is all," he backtracked as he noticed Scarlett peeking from her doorframe. Another tenant? Micah wasn't sure whether to bother her or not, considering he showed up out of nowhere and she might not be friendly towards strangers. He was unaware that Scarlett was in the same situation of being a new arrival. Setting his worries aside, he nodded a greeting to the redheaded girl.

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