House Of Freaks

Letting out a slight gasp she quickly shut the door.. She wasn't used to so many people.. "What kind of house is this..? " She questioned her self.. She then realized that she has been traveling the last few days and is still wearing the same clothes... she sighs softly at the fact that she would have face people. She silently opens her suit case and pulls out a new shirt and skirt. she put son her sandals and picks up a towel, she quietly opens the door and steps out the door. Looking at the man in front of her.
"Yeah I'm the older sister," She told him. She took good care of her younger sister and was protective over her. Since there was no parents to take care of them she was in charge of making sure they stayed alive.


Lily was off walking happily just liking to be in the outdoors, her beeni on her head to cover her wolf like ear, but she was soon pulled from her thoughts when a girl bumped into her. She wasn't expecting the bump so she fell her own hat falling to the floor. She got up dusting my self off. "Yeah I'm okay," she said. She then looked at the girl and gasped.
Alex looked down at the girl when she heard her gasp. She tilted her to side and her ears twitched again. "What's wrong, did I hurt you? I really didn't mean to, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." Alex noticed that the girl had a weird scent. When she looked down she saw her hat on the ground near her feet and sighed. She tried to hide them by flattening them against her head.
"No you didn't hurt me," she told the girl with ears. Her own furry ears twitched, and she picked up her own little red hat and put on her head. She also picked up the girls hat and handed it to her. "Here you go," she said in a friendly tone. "My names Lily," she told the girl.
He glanced at the closed door, concerned, he hadn't scared her off, had he? Maybe she's just shy?

"That must be a big responsibility," he replied earnestly. "Being the role model and all, not to mention keeping an eye on her, she seems like a handful." He eyed the doors, wondering which room would belong to him.
"Yeah she can be a handful but... she's my sister, I have to take care of her," se told him then noticed that he was eyeing the doors of the rooms. "You can pick any empty room," she told him. Her wings were starting to get sore from bieng tucked in. "My room is the last room on the third floor, if you need anything just knock, Oh and help yourself to any thing in the fridge" she told him.
"Ok, then I'll look around a bit if you don't mind," he said, thanking her. Micah surveyed the second floor, but decided on a room on the third because there seemed to be more open rooms on that level, making it quieter. Throwing himself on the bed in the corner, he stretched out, enjoying the comforting softness. Untying his hair, he ruffled it, yawning contently. While he was happy to be resting, the curiosity about the other tenants was burning, so he stepped from his new room, aiming to greet his new collective family.
Max soon went in her room and let out her long wings, feeling relief flood through when she let them out. It felt good to let her large wings out. She closed the door to her room. The window was open letting the cold breeze in. She sat on her bed turning her music up, listening to Ed Sheeran voice fill the air. 
(Her wings:

Alex took the hat and held it in her hand. She had seen that the other girl had wolf ears and a small smile formed on her face. "Well I'm Alex and it's nice to meet someone that's like me after all this time."
(Ooh, pretty O u O)

Micah paused, remembering Scarlett's response to seeing him a few minutes ago. Maybe it's best to find Max and ask her if it's ok. She could maybe even tell me a bit about the residents here, so it would be less awkward for me. "Last room on the third floor," he reminded himself, shutting his door behind him. He'd taken his shoes off, so his feet hardly made a sound on the polished wooden floor. Hearing music from behind one of the doors, he figured it to be Max's. Knocking on the door, as to not barge in, he opened it, not expecting to see a pair of elegant wings attached to the girl's back. Frozen in the doorway, his muscles seemed stuck in place. Shocked, he didn't know what to say, sputtering nonsensical gibberish.
Yeah and I have a sister that has wings," she told her excited to meet someone else like her. "You should come over, Do you have a place to stay?" she asked usually people like them didn't have a place to live.
Alex was also curious and excited at meeting someone else that probably had to deal with the same problems she did. Her tail drooped down, "I don't have anywhere to stay anymore." Her parents 2 story house had been burnt to the ground and the forest had been cleared out.
(( my phone is being aweful, i'll post when i get home later, sorry guys :c)) 
(( my phone is being aweful, i'll post when i get home later, sorry guys :c))
(So many new people >.< ... well at least this rp isn't dead anymore!)

Dawn woke up from her nap, a big yawn stretching across her face. She paused and became very still when she heard new voices around, tuning her hearing and pushing it to work harder. Yes,there were indeed new people. Out of instinct she pushed the hood of her hoodie back onto her head and shoved her tail back into it's hiding spot, hoping that she did a good job of hiding all of her wolf-like features.
Lily took Alex hand and lead her to the house always happy to meet someone new. "Well you can stay with us then," she said happily a friendly smile on her face and they soon came up to the large house.

Max was socked with fear as the new boy came into her room, and saw her wings. She was so shocked that she want paying attention, and when she moved, her wings knocked over the small lamp that was sitting on her side table. Her dark green eyes were wide and filled with fear.
The silence had a heavy quality, weighing on his shoulders as Max's eyes grew wide. Vincent was almost relieved when she knocked the lamp off the side table, it broke the spell and allowed him to think and move again. "Hey, uhh-," he scrambled with what to say, how to assure her she was safe. "It's ok-! it's ok, I'm like you," he explained hurriedly in an attempt to calm her. "Well, not exactly like you," he added, motioning to her wings. "But I'm-. . .I guess you'd call it mutated," he said, finally starting to calm.
"Wait I don't-" They had already arrived at the house before she could finish. She looked up at the house and wondered if there were others like them inside. "Um Lily, are you sure that you want me to stay here?"
Max pulled back her wings. She relaxed, but just a bit. She looked at him for a moment, her wings still pulled back behind her, she was afraid of anyone, human or not, seeing her wings. They weren't normal. She went behind him and closed the door so no one else would see them. "How... how are you mutant?" she asked him wondering what he was. 

"Yes come on!!" She said happily and brought her inside happy to have a friend. She didn't see her sister. "We have plenty of rooms for you to stay in," she added.
Micah watched Max, awed by her wings. As nice as it was to swim, the thought of being able to fly was stunning, to have the sky as your playground. He frowned slightly. I wonder if that's part of why she isn't with parents. . . I can completely hide my mutation, but wings? That'd be impossible. . . "I'm, well, I guess I'm part fish," he swallowed, that sounded lame. Part fish. "It's- it's like I'm a merman," he explained, "with the tail and all, I can stay underwater for awhile as well." He made no offer to show her, considering he had to be clothes-less to transform, and that could be a bit awkward. As an understatement.
Alex looked around to see if she saw Lily's sister or anyone else. She didn't and figured that she could finally relax and unwrapped her tail from around her waist and let it hang to its full length. Alex hated having to hide her ears and tail just because some people wouldn't like it or freak out. "Oh thanks for letting me stay here Lily. Shouldn't you ask your sister if it's okay first?"

"Really?" she said surprised and relaxed a bit more. She could just imagine him, with a tail and underwater gracefully swimming under water. She wondered why he was here now. "Did you parents know?" she asked him looking up at him. "I mean you don't have to answer if you don't want to," she understood if things were personal.


"My sister wont mind, but if you want to talk to her I can go and find her," she told the girl. She took her hat off and let fuzzy ears show.
"Oh, it's no problem," he laughed. "They never knew, I was always cautious about it," he explained thoughtfully. "That's part of why I left home as soon as I was done with school, having more privacy was becoming necessary. . ." Micah remembered the pool in the back yard, brightening. "The pool," he started, "does your sister know about things, what about the other tenants?"
All Alex could do was nod because her attention was focused on Lily's tail. It was fluffier then her own and she had to resist the urge to grab it because she knew how sensitive a tail could be. She was glad that it wasn't moving or else she wouldn't be able to control herself. Stupid instincts. "I'll just wait here until you come back."

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