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Horsehair Worm

Using his last match, Dunder lit the tinder, which eventually lit the kindling, and got a fire going. "Man, we are really running out of rescources," he said. "Better go find some more. Hey, I found a crap ton of survivors in that store over there. They almost shot me, but then they clapped for me. I guess they were surprised that I survived without living in a whole weapon store. If only they could see us in action."
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"Meh, Every fight is mostly me.." Avrey said, which was a complete lie. "Don't even deny it." He giggled, poking at the fire. "We could pay em a visit, if you fe-" Avrey snapped his head to the left, then the right. "Wait...where did Owl go?"

It was made to make the nightmares go away...

Is what Owl kept telling herself, shaking violently and tearing through her bag. "No..No..not again...I can't be out...I don't want to fight them again...no..." She wimpered, throwing items out. She found a very small vial filled with blue liquid at the bottom, with barely any of the substance left. She gasped in joy. "Oh yes! Just a little more..." She emptied the vial into a syringe, and stabbed it into her self. She relaxed greatly, sliding down the wall slowly, and letting her head tilt to the side. She was awake, but stuck in a trance of happiness.
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Dunder walked around, searching for their ally. He eventually found her, laying on the ground, needle sticking out of her arm. "Uh, Avery, you may want to come take a look at this." Dunder was very concerned about her health, she couldn't die, he was just starting to tolerate her!
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Avrey ran over to see what Dunder was talking about. Owl was completely unaware of the two people that had shown up, she just stared across from them distantly. "Oh dear...is that...what is that.." Owl croaked quietly, shifting a bit. "She doesn't look good, we need to help her.."
Avrey knelt forward, and slowly took the needle out, looking at it's contents. He hummed quizzically. "I...She's fine. Just...go back to the camp. I'll get her there.." Avrey said, lifting Owl and gently carrying her, holding her neck and legs. He nodded for Dunder to go.
Dunder walked back to camp, still concerned about Owl. One side of him really wanted Owl dead, while the other side did not. It was so frustrating! He just figured whatever happened, happened, and he would be OK.
Dunder sat there, looking at Owl. She spased out a bit, giggling like someone had just told the funniest joke in the world. A couple of times she stood, and walked around aimlesly, flailing her arms around, which was bad, because she was still holding her weapoms, and almost decapitated Dunder a few times. He wondered if he should restrain her... Let's get "The Board" he thought, and he smiled.
Owl flailed a bit longer, before stopping cold, dropping her weapons. She stared for a moment, gazing coldly, before sitting on the floor, pulling her knees to her chest, burying her head inbetween them and crying quietly.
Avrey just made wild gestures with his arms. "I...I don't know!" He answered, walking over to Owl to try and comfort her, but was harshly shoved away. "J-Just...leave her alone?"
"Hmmm.... I think that is a good idea. Maybe we should even go away from camp for a bit, to the other camp maybe? No, I would like to go visit the survivors at the weapon store. How 'bout you?"
Dunder gestured towards the building. "Over there," he said, as he clutched his bow, and began walking in that direction. When he approached the door, he knocked a special little knock- Dat DatDat Dat. Dat. Dat, Dat! It was not an established knock, just something to let them know he wasn't a brainwashed zombie. A figure armed with a rifle cracked the door open a bit, and, with a sigh of relief after recognizing their returning friend, opened the door to let them in. Dunder explained everything- from when Owl came, up until now. The group seemed to understand, and provided them with a place for them to sleep, and food and water. "Thank you" Dunder said.
Avrey remained silent, much unlike him, but he just wandered around, exploring the place a bit. He didn't feel like doing anything, he was just...lost in thought.

Owl got up in time to see Dunder and Avrey enter a building some way away. She sighed, and trailed after them, mumbling to herself. When she got to the door, she hit it a couple times, keeping her head down.
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Dunder cautiously opened the door, an arrow already notched. "Oh, Owl," he said. "You still alive?"
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Owl said nothing, just walked inside, her head still down. She was expressionless, and her next move was not to be taken lightly.
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"So, uh, hi Owl" Dunder said, staring at the expressionless, emotionless, everythingnessless figure standing in front of him. She probably wasn't a zombie... she hadn't killed anyone. Yet.
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Owl stopped and stared at Dunder. "Hello." She spoke in a low, monotone, lifeless voice. She wasn't herself...she wasn't anyone. She continued her march, tearing through the building with an evil intention.
(Hey, I'll stick around.)

"Go. Away." Owl ordered Dunder, pointing. She continued walking...she seemed dertimined...and almost nothing would stop her.

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