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Horsehair Worm

(Sorry, camping trip u there?)

"Meh," Dunder said as he rolled over. He was awake, and very confused by the various wet spots on his arm. "Avery?" He said, shaking his friend.

(I shall be on until 9:30)
"You were doing weird things in your sleep. Just checking. You can go back to sleep now." Dunder sat, staring at the spot Owl sat.

(Ok, why are u disappointed?)
Avrey perked up, a little more awake. "W-Weird things? L-like what?" He asked, attempting to mask embarrassment...poorly.

(I'm not...why do you say that?)
(The empty box under your name.)

"Um, I think you liked me... and you said something about an ice cream cone. Nothing bad." He shrugged it off, clutching his bow. "We all do it Avery. Don't be embarrassed."
Avrey sighed with relief. "Dunder, let's just say what I did, could have been A LOT worse..Now, since I'm awake....I think we should clean up this base, and claim it." He said, getting up. He looked down, huffing. "Should probably find my cloak, too.."
"This isn't ours. It is theirs. But I do agree we should clean it up. All of these bodies..." A small tear trickled down his cheek. He bit his lip. "Let's do it. It must be done."
Avrey shook his head. "Dunder, who's is it...theirs?" He pointed to a nearby body. "This is ours now...just...forget them."

(Ben, I gtg, but I REALLY need you to ask your parents in the morning tomorrow if I can carpool with you on mondays, if not, I can't go to running club :( ((( )
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"There are survivors" Dunder said. "It's not right to take it. Also... they are part of The Group now. We have to protect, and help them. Although we should split up, like the 2 groups we already had. Before we do that though, we should probably clean up." He started to walk over to a body. Trying to fight back the tears, he lifted it up. "Have you seen any zombies lately?" He asked, trying to keep his mind off the fact that he was lifting a dead guy. "Um... where's Owl?..."
"I...Well, We could still use this as ours...our own base, They'll agree..." Avree looked behind him. "Dunder...I think their afraid of me..." He looked about and spotted Owl. "I'll take care of Owl.."

Owl sat, with her blank, expressionless face, and when Avree showed up, she seemed to brighten up, but it seemed she was still dragged under. "Owl...Please understand it wasn't your fault..." He spoke, and Owl nodded. "It was just....a side effect from the drugs, but please, please, stop." He said, but Owl still didn't do anything. "I...Still love you.." He spoke softly, avoiding her gaze which had finally been drawn towards him. "I'll stop..." Was all Owl said, and she got up, and walked to a bench.

When he heard Avery say those three words to Owl- thos three little words- he froze, and sighed, returning to his work. He could never do it. It would never, ever, work. At least- not with Owl here anyway. But he would leave things be, and let life take it's course.

Avrey nodded, and left Owl alone, going over to help Dunder clean. "Well...I think I solved the problem..." He said proudly.
" Hm." Dunder replied. "Can you... keep cleaning? I am going to go find out some more about this place." He walked towards the center of the building. "Is there a leader in this group?" He asked a small child with an old, leather aviator's cap on running past. He realized that it was the only child he had seen here. "Yes" said the kid. "You will want to talk to Mayor Jones." "Thank you," said Dunder. What is your name?" "Ace," replied the boy. "Well Ace," Dunder said. "Where are your parents?" "Dead" said Ace, frowning. "Oh... um, sorry" said Dunder, look ingredients down at his shoes. "It's fine," said Ace. "Why do you ask?" " Just curious" said Dunder. "Have you ever tried to learn archery?" "Nope" said Ace. "Well, it's about time you learned" Dunder said, grabbing a bow off a shelf, and placing it into the boy's hand. "Whaddaya say?" "Sure!" said Ace with a grin.

(All nighter?)
(Quite possibly! ;) Did you watch the video I sent yu?)

Avrey didn't listen, he followed Dunder around in a...stalkerish sort of way, and listened in to his conversation with the...It then occured to him he had never seen a young human before...what were they called..? Children..? Sure. He followed the two to wherever they decided to go.
Finding a bag of wheat flour, Dunder took out his knife, and slit open his finger just a tad. Then he used the blood to paint a large dot on the bag. "Try to hit this" he said to Ace. "Like so..." he notched an arrow. Ace watched him very closely. Pulling back the string and releasing, Dunder hit the dot right on the center. "Cool" said Ace. Dunder smiled. It took him quite a few tries, but eventually Ace managed to hit the dot. "Good job" Dunder said, slapping him on the back. He wiped away a bit of blood to make tell dot smaller, and when Ace hit that, he made it smaller, and so on. Once it had gotten small enough, he started moving Ace back each time, until he had the process down. "Keep practicing" Dunder said, "And some day, you will be shooting like a pro."
(My favorite Dark Souls character:http://www.deviantart.com/art/The-Lord-s-Blade-and-the-Abysswalker-348053048)

Avrey watched Dunder teach Ace for some time, and when he left the lad alone, he stepped in to give a lesson of his own. "Ay there!" He called out, slinging his spear across his shoulder, and trying to look brave and humble. "Hi..." Ace answered, confused. "Wha...Who are you?" He asked, putting his bow down. "Oh, I'm Avree...I'm a good friend of the fellow you just met, no worries." He answered. He chided, smiling at Ace. "Ya know, choose whatever you like, but in my opinion, bows are for cowards." He said snidely. "Any warrior who fights foes from the shield of distance is no true warrior, come, I'll teach you how to fight like...well, a noble fighter." He grinned, running off. Ace reluctantly followed.

Soon, Ace and Avrey were standing alone, in the middle of a street. No zombies, no life, just the two of them. "Alright, I'll show you the basics.." He said, pulling out a long and thin sword from a sheath at his side. "Heh, Dunder doesn't even know I have this." He mumbled. He handed it to Ace, who looked at Avrey doubtfully. He showed him the basic motions, and soon after, disappeared around a corner, ordering him to practice. Which he did.

Later, Avrey returned...with live zombies. He prodded each one at spear-point towards Ace, who obviously took this to be a terrible idea. "Well...Fight em!" Avrey yelled, shoving them towards Ace. He raised the sword shakily, his poise weak, but managed to overcome his first task. "Sloppy, but...oddly efficient..."

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