~Hope & Despair~ [Inactive]

Charles ran along the main hallway, his Soul Gem in hand as he checked each and every room, trying to find the Witch as fast as possible.
It was a long search, more or less. Rook had been all over the sports fields and around the exterior of the campus. Needless to say, his search bore no fruit and really wore down on his mood. Between not finding the witch, and being called a dirty pervert by some of the less attractive high-school's freshmen it wasn't looking to be going in his favor. It was by accident that he found the entrance to the main school building unlocked, having thought to prop up against it for a quick smoke. With his hands laced behind his head and rustling his golden locks, he pushed onwards. The ring around his neck still giving off that eerie discoloration ever so often. Rook began whistling a tune, one would remember it as the nursery rhyme 'The London bridge is falling down'. The sound echoed about the barren halls surely enough someone, somewhere, would hear it. Well, that's what he was hoping for anyway. Wouldn't that be a way to kill his first witch...Attracting her with a bitter melody in the guise of a children's rhyme. Rook stifled a laugh as he continued on towards the lower levels of the school. Dark, creepy, and surely to attract any villainous activity.
Charles heard the tune, his head perking up "What is that. . .", without a second thought Charles ran towards the sound of the tune. "The witch maybe?", wondering aloud to himself he sprinted down the hallways, not bothering to be quiet anymore, clutching the Soul Gem in his hand, just in case he needed to Transform.
Hana entered the cafeteria and her eyes widened as her soul gem glowed brightly. She took out her phone and tried to call Nyx.
Shura11 updated ~Hope & Despair~ with a new update entry:

First Encounter

Buried with in one of the classrooms a black vortex swirled releasing negative energy into the surrounding area. From this vortex familiars escaped into the school absolutely infesting the classrooms and halls beyond the main entrance areal.


(Note: Witch encounters are going to work slightly different than in the...

Read the rest of this update entry...
As Charles ran along the Hallways, Familiars began to jump out of the walls, his eyes widening as he transformed (Blah Blah Blah, que Transformation sequence and Done), "It's here then. . .", Charles began to attack the Familiars, calming down as he slowly began to kill them all, going back to checking all the classrooms.
Rook stopped as a flush of guilt suddenly washed over his body, it hit him like a ton of bricks and instantly nullified his chipper mood. The tune died on his lips as his pacing slowed. Rook dropped his hands and they covered his stomach. He felt sick, as if he'd eaten too much. He could hear footsteps approaching, but he didn't really care what....He stopped to turn around, these weren't normal footsteps and they sure as hell didn't belong to any human. They were small, fast, and most of all...They looked easy enough to step on. Rook, didn't quite know what a transformation was, that furball talked about it but Rook tuned him out. Instead, Rook raised his arms, the chains settling into place underneath his light jacket with a solid 'Kathunk'. "Come on you filthy sons of *****es, I got enough to go around for all of you!" Rook screamed as his left fist made contact with a awfully slimy looking familiar, who was inevitably flung down the hall with the force of the blow. (Just thought negative energy would affect the Magi too, just because...You know. Logic.)
Nyx opened the door to one of the halls her eyes widening slightly when she saw the number of familiars crawling around the halls. "Well at least i know how to handle this" Nyx smirked closing her hand around her soul gem and transforming into her magi state. She smirked twirling her large mace before pointing it in the direction of the hall showing it with hundreds of spikes taking out most of the population. "Piece of cake" she gloated until more familiars started coming from class rooms "There's more!" She groaned before going in and starting to take out the demented cotton balls with her Mace.

((OCC: Putting this here because of the character limit on actual occ box. I have log off for a short will You can have your character fighting more familiars and what not. I'll have the appearance of the Labyrinth when I get back. Sorry for the delay))
Charles cut down the familiars, heading towards the sound of the tune that he remembered, still trying to find it's source, hopefully leading to the Labyrinth or the Witch, taking deep breaths along the way, due the emission of Grief, though getting used to it the more that he is in it.
"You..Guys...Just...Don't..Stay...DOWN." Rook managed to spit through gritted teeth and a familiar attempting to crawl away from under Rook's boot. He took a step forward, laying all his weight onto one foot and causing the small familiar to merely stop struggling underfoot. To say that Rook was getting to feel somewhat tired, considering by now he'd taken down a good twenty of them without this 'transformation' thing, would be an understatement. He was dripping sweat and his arms ached. These things were a lot tougher than the guys he'd brawled with, not to mention uglier. The coast looked clear for now, and Rook took this golden opportunity to slump back against the nearest locker and take a quick breather. He didn't like the fact that it was quiet, but then again he couldn't complain. Rook removed the ring from around his neck and glared at it, and sucked his teeth as he tossed it up and down a few times as if that would make it work anymore than it already was. "Useless piece of shit." Rook mumbled and balled his fist around the ring before pushing away from the lockers. Once again, he heard footsteps...This time, they sounded like normal shoes slapping against marble floors. "Hey, it isn't safe! Get outside, else you wanna die!" Rook called out and gave and experimental jump, causing the chains on his arms to clink and clank to their heart's desire before his feet touched the ground again.
"Who's there?!" Charles yelled at the top of his lungs, slashing at another Familiar with his sword, "And I'm the last person who shouldn't be here for your information whoever you are!", Charles began to pant, becoming exhausted. Finishing off the last familiar Charles slowly walked around, looking for the source of the voice "Where are you anyway?!"
"Hallway leading to the boiler, partially rusted lockers, and older than sin posters almost peeling off the walls...Can't miss it." Rook stated calmly, if not a bit hostile. Rook kicked at the nearest locker, causing a large metal bang to sound off through the hall. "This is my fight, kid." Rook called out again "Don't get in my way and I won't break your legs." He stifled a laugh before dipping his head at a water fountain and pressing the small button that let loose the metallic tasting water, which Rook spit back out almost instantly mumbling something about it tasting like shit. "Watch your step, I...Made a mess over here." Rook called out one last time before leaning against the lockers again and slowly removing his jacket.
Charles walked towards Rook, "There you are. . .", Charles dispersed his swords, looking around to make sure there's not alive familiars, "Looks like you did make a mess.", He disregarded the dead familiars as he looked Rook up and down "And who are you?"
Rook eyed up the boy in front of him, mostly just judging if it would be easy to take him on if need be. Especially since the get-up the guy was wearing didn't seem all that...Normal. "Nice threads.." Rook commented before pushing off the the lockers and slinging his jacket over his shoulder, chains fully exposed to the light. "Brooklyn Delaine." Rook placed his ring back over his neck before extending his hand to the guy infront of him "It's better to call me Rook.".
He takes Rooks hand "Thanks. . .It's pretty impressive you beat this many Familiars. . .", Charles looked down at the dead familiars, counting them up in his head.
"That's what those things are called?" Rook slipped his hand from Charles' and ruffled his own hair as he kicked the carcass of a nearby familiar. "So, I'm guessing you're either a witch. Or the fur-ball decided to give a stoney thing too. Considering you know what these are." Rook stated as he slipped a hand into the pocket of his blue dark-denim jeans. "Any idea how to use this thing?" Rook mumbled as he fingered the ring around his neck "Not sure how the hell this thing ticks..Supposed to give me something to make this" He gestured towards the dead familiars "Easier.".
His eyes widen "So you're a Magi too. . .I guess you're new to this then. . ." He nods his head at Rook "First you have to change your ring into a Soul Gem, then you can transform."
Rook looked at Charles like he had just spoken Japanese, his eyes narrowed and took the ring from his neck and shoved it in Charles' face. "Do it for me. I've been trying to do something with it for the last few waves of these things." Rook stated/ordered nonchalantly, and his facial features didn't show that he was kidding either.
Charles blinks, tapping the ring as it transforms into it's Soul Gem form "There, use that." Charles made a dismissive gesture at Rook, having given what he asked of him.
A muffled voice could be heard on the next hall over before the doors burst open with nyx batting the remains of one of the familiar into the ceiling. "Its never ending damn it" she grumbled before seeing the two others. "Oh hey Charles." She looked over to the other blond "Hey... New guy?"
He turns around to face Nyx "Nyx! Have you found the Witch yet?! Or the Labyrinth? and where's Hara?", Charles asked all these questions in a matter of seconds, not pausing to hear her answer.

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