~Hope & Despair~ [Inactive]

Nyx was un utter awe at the strange world she found herself in. “What in the world is this…” she muttered. She cautiously moved further into the maze she shouldn’t have been surprise given the strange familiars shed faced in the past. “Looks like some kind of demonic wonderland…” She jumped hearing another voice and sputn around to another unfamiliar face. “uh… Hi”
"Hi!" He held out his hand. "I'm Yvan, with a y. Call me Ivy." He smiled and gestured to the world around him. "So...who we hunting?" The wind picked up around him and tugged at the both of them. "Shush wind, I'm trying to make friends!" The wind tugged at him once more. "We should keep moving, wind says it's not safe to stand still."
Nyx took his hand and shook it. "Nyx" she introduced before feeling a good breeze blow by them. "The wind" Se looked around "well i dontblame it... doesn't exactly look safe here in general." She muttered continuing futher into the laberynth
"Oh great another one, how many are there. I'm getting tired of having to stop every minute cause there is another magi here. Is there anybody else following you. I'm getting tired of all the stopping and just want to find this witch and kill her because i'm tired of all this crap!"
"Ts is Sian." She explained to Ivy before sghing "I dont know how many there are but with a a city full of Magi there bound to be a good number." She muttered before continuing to move further into the maze. "Any idea how to find the witch? or do we just wander aimlessly?"
"we'll find our way there. I just want to find this witch and get out of here. Heard some news from the hospital before I got here. I'll tell you later but first we have to find this witch and kill her. But that might take for ever." sian continued walking in the front of the group and payed close attention to the sounds and ugliness of the Labyrinth.
Ivy thought for a while. "There's one thing I could try..." He looked at them. "It might be effective but you're not going to like it if it works..." He paused. "I really doubt anyone followed through the rooftops."
"Hm Whats your method Ive?" Nyx asked having never been in a laberynth herself she had no way of knowing what to do.
"It better be good or that witch won't be the only one that is getting hurt here, cause I will make sure you never make out of here alive!"
Ivy took a deep breath. "Hey witch! Where are you! We want to fight you!" The shout echoed throughout the labyrinth. Everything was dead silent. Even the wind shoved him because of his idea. "If we can't get to it, let it come to us." He said while slowly drawing his katana. The wind picked up around them forming a small ring.
Nyx tensed looking aroud but nothing seemed to chance save for the number of Fmailiars who followed echos to the intruder. "So... we know that method does not work" Nyx held out her mace firing off aberage of spikes at the oncomming familiars taking out a chunk of them.
"I think it worked quite fine." Ivy said as he dashed behind all of the familiars. He struck the closest one and stabbed another. Wind started to gather around his blade. "Catch the wind!" He slashed and a tornado tossed the familiars into the air. He then suddenly teleported in the middle of them all. "This is your last breath!" Wind slammed them all down and they fell to pieces. "Now, where did they come from?"
"I new this was a bad idea. If you want to get yourself killed, go right aheah. I have a better plan, these walls look like there flammable right, can you guys check if they are a soft dry material, because if they are i might have a plan." Sian starts to ready her gear while they check.
Ny blinked "Every where this place is crawling with them." She looked aroud "but I think the majority came from the left path. She looked over at Sain. "Are you going to light this place on fire?"
" If it helps get these witches out of here. so we know that this place is flammable, we'll be fine Ivy has that wind sword of his so if any of the fire or smoke gets near us he could blow it away from us towards the witches. Would you rather spend all night here and possibly trapped for ever or worry about burning down this abadoned school that no one ever uses. I'd chose the first option if i were you."
"Okay Miss Pyro, start burning." Ivy said as the wind picked up around them, swirling faster and faster. soon, they were inside a mini tornado. "I got us covered, you can shot through the tornado, my wind will make it stronger while blowing away the smoke."
"Lets atleast g alittle furhter in before we diced to star lighting everything on fire... at least into a more open space than a hall way." Nyx sugested. "Who knows it might not even be that for in."
"Or I could slice through the walls...." Ivy said as he stepped away. "It might be a bit safer if not for the debris." The tornado with with him as they stepped into a big classroom.
"well we better hurry this up then because I can hear more of them coming for us so we have to get out of this hallway fast. You'll have to watch the back of us nyx because they could come from that direction and our friend here is vulenrable because he is busy with this tornado, so make sure they don't hit him. I'll watch the front of the group."
"I'm not really vulnerable per se." He commented. Hands slowly drifting to his katana to prepare for any sudden conflict when she breaches the wall. "I could keep fighting even with the tornado."
"well i hope you can fight as good as you can talk because there is a tone of them coming, like now." Sian could see a group of about 7 or so witches running down the hall way. sian thought to herself this will be fun." Sian started to shoot an arrow at a time taking down all 7 witches in a few seconds.
The small group came to a more open are inside the laberynth infested with familiars which were climbing up the walls and ceiling. Nyx looked aroun before firing off another berag ofspikes at anincomin group of familiars from of the halls before charging the last few who survived smashing them into oblivian.
Ivy just watched it all as the wind picked up around them, making the tornado go faster. "If youre going to burn something do it now!" The wind tugged at him, as if to scold him. "I know it's rude wind, but she better get a move on."
Charles walked out of the gloom of the Labyrinth, having gone ahead of Nyx and the other members of the group. "Well, glad you could show up." Charles looked at the newcomers questioningly, "More Magi I take it?". He shrugged and smiled at them, "Come on then, we've got some more fighting to do." Charles walked back into the gloom from where he appeared, drawing his swords, lighting the way for the others "Come on! The faster we move the faster we find the witch and the faster we can get out of here!", he called back to them.
Nyx moved ahead making a mental note on how to get back just in case. "How do you know where to go?" She asked currious as to how the vertern could track down a witch.

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