~Hope & Despair~ [Inactive]

"Damn it..." Nyx shifted Sian on her back before following Ivy out the window managing to get off of school grounds with out being seen. "Wonderful... didn't even get to cleanse my soul gem..." she grumbled "what the heck do I do about Sian..." She thought wondering is she could just take the girl home. its not like her parents would notice.
Taint shrugged, not entirely sure who to follow, everyone seeming very distant from him. He leaped out the window with this 'Nyx' person, deciding she would be the best since he actually acknowledged him. He trended along side, without muttering a word.
Nyx noticed someone was following her and looked over her should to see Taint was following her. ~Don't think i can get away with two strangers in the house.~ she thought to herself trying to figure out where would be the best place to rest until Sian woke up. "Hey," She called over to the other Magi. "Do you know where we can rest at least until Sian wakes up?"
Taint shook his head. "I am not sure. I rest where ever it is possible for the night. We could try somewhere abandoned on the west side of town, if you're not too fancy."
Nyx thought a moment before nodding. "Alright yeah sounds good to me." she called back heading towards the west side of town where hopefully there wouldn't be too many civilians around.
Ivy leapt from building to building and towards his mansion, he looked back to see Nyx following him. "I hope you can keep up!" He shouted before speeding up.
"Oh yeah say that to the one carrying someone!" Nyx called but pushed her self to keep up regardless, even Sian on her back she wasn't about to be shown up.
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