~Hope & Despair~ [Inactive]

Rook shook it, tossed it from hand to hand...Slammed it against his forehead even...But still, the item refused to work. "You broke it!" Rook accused as he shook his fist with the Soul gem in it. Rook gripped the gem even tighter and cocked his arm back as if to ready strike aimed at Charles. "Good for no--" It was around that time that his gem began shining almost blindingly bright, it's golden light filling the hall. His 'transformation' was more or less the addition of a skintight muscle shirt white in color with various a single black stripe over his right pectoral muscle, somewhat more maneuverable black pants, his same old boots, and black fingerless gloves...Of course the chains still stayed on his forearms. The light died out, and left Rook blinking dumbly as he lowered his fist. "Thanks." Rook mumbled as if he never intended to hit Charles and gave an experimental right hook in the air, which surprisingly felt REALLY good. "Oh...Thankkk You!." Rook hooted as his right hook collided with a locker and made it break the wall behind it. Rook waved towards the new voice dismissively before looking at his knuckles to see them unscathed..."Where do we find the witch again?" Rook asked nobody in particular.
"I haven't heard from her yet. and no luck on finding the witch yet." Nyx sighed setting her mace on her shoulder
Charles sighed and looked at Rook and then Nyx "I guess we have to keep exploring. . .", Charles conjured his Swords out of his Soul Gem which had become his belt. "Also, Rook, I wouldn't hurt your Soul Gem it's. . .Well, your soul." Charles offer as a simple explanation before walking down the hallway, headed towards the classrooms again.
"If it's my soul..Then the only way that thing's breaking is if god himself decided to sucker punch it." Rook boasted before slipping the gem inside his pocket and stretching his arms up above his head and lacing his fingers together behind his head. "Let's go find this witch...I have a feeling she won't know what knocked her lights out 'till it's too late." Rook stated with confidence and pursed his lips together before again starting to whistle the same tune 'the London bridge is falling down.' as he began heading down the hall with the most skittering of small familiar feet.
Nyx felt the strong wave of despair erupt from one of the halls and felt sick from it. "Ugh... I think its safe to say its in this direction." She announced pointing with her mace to a hall shrouded in a heavy mist of darkness that seemed to be pouring out of the first classroom in the hall.
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Sian walking from her home to the school because a friend told of her of some strange noises and wanted to see what all the noise and fuss was. She reached the school and went into the school with her gem activate and her sword on fore to help deal with any uncertainties. Her gem grew brighter as she headed deeper into the school and saw the dead bodies of enemies on the floor. She could hear voices coming from ahead of her and it sounded like 3 or 4 people and took out her bow and shoot 1 arrow to the right of the 3 people and got their attention "what the hell are you all doing here!"
Nyx jumped slghty when th flame arrow hit the wall. She looked over seeing squinting though the dark mist making ou someone familiar. "Sian?" I'n all the excitement of findin a witch she had forgoten the whole reson she'd came to the school in the first place.
"well hello nyx, nice to meet you. who the hell are these guys. I don't want to greet myself In the way I did to you earlier today. If they don't tell me who they are, they'll probably getting an arrow to knee and have no way of fixing it."
(Dear god, these notifs are starting to tick me off -.- finally caught up with the reading part again, I'll catch up in-RP in a few minutes or so)
"Ah! No need to do that. Tis is Charls and.... " she blinked looking at the brutish blond. "Didnt quite get his name

but he's here to fight the witch to. There's one more girl aroun here as well. Guys this is Sian..." Nyx explained not wanting things to erupt into more chaos than there already was.
"nice to meet eh you two, hope I wasn't getting in the middle of the things you two were doing, hahaha. just joking. what is going on here, I been here a few days and you trouble is already picking up, well I nknew it was too quiet around here. I'm going to go down that hallway now and nobody is going with me because I'm not dealing with any crap from anybody, just want to see what is going on here then leave."

He was in mid-block from a strike his sister had thrown at him when he felt the waves of nausea wash over him. "Kana! The school!" He brushed her weapon aside with his shield and pointed at the dark aura that was emanating from the building across the street. She looked and cursed, "Let's go, Mamo, it's enormous, someone is going to get drawn in and hurt if we can't stop it." He nodded and took off towards the school, leaping down from the second story of the half-built building and running across the soccer field towards the dark aura. He could feel Kanashi behind him, though he didn't turn to look. He raised his shield in front of him as they neared the doors of the school, he didn't know if they were locked or not, but he was going to batter them down in one hit either way. My first real witch, not just familiars, a witch,' he thought, then yelled at the top of his voice, "Alright, let's do this!" The doors gave way like they were made of paper, and they were inside the witch's domain.
Nyx jumped slightly when the doors banged open and two more Magi entered. "More Magi?" She muttered onyl vaugly rember seeing them before. "I know I was waiting for back up but this is getting crazy"
Charles looked around at the gathering of Magi, wondering to himself just how many would survive this witch, "I guess it all depends on the witch. . ." he muttered to himself, "So, are any other Magi coming or is everybody here?", Charles tapped his foot impatiently, seemingly anxious. "Regardless, we should find the Labyrinth. . ."
Nyx nodded slightly "Have a feeling its down the hall way with the haze if doom" Nyx pointed to a hall that was nearly black with negativity
Charles nodded, turning around to walk down the hallway "I'll go on in, you guys follow whenever." He walks down the hallway, his hand hovering over his Soul Gem incase he needs to pull out his blades. He takes a deep breath as he enters the darkness.
Ivy watched from afar. He was currently eating a burger on a rooftop of a random building. The wind was playfully tugging at him trying to get him to move. "Later wind, I'm eating..." As if to respond, the wind blew harder and tried to shove him. "Alright! Alright!" He finished his food amd backed away from the edge. Suddenly he ran and jumped the edge and landed on the rooftop of another building until he was on his way to the school.
Nyx gnawed on her bottom lip unsurly. She'd never faced a with before And there seemed be more than enough Magi around to take on one with. "Stop being a coward, this is your territory ." She scolded herself mentally before squaring her shoulder and entering the barrier.

Ooc: hey I dont know how long ill be online tonight. Dads in the hospital due to appendices. Everything is well I'll just been in the hospital for a while.
Sayu was on her way home from the store with a bag full of sweet snacks in her hand. As she was walking, she passed the school and suddenly felt the presence of witch, which seemed to be coming from it. She stood in front of the school, staring at it while she debated with herself about whether or not to go in. Thinking that the witch might just bother her later, she changed directions and walked towards the school until she entered through the already-broken down doors. It appeared that other Magi were already here. As she looked around, she did spot on walking down the hall way, but decided not to have any meaningless conversations with them. Instead, she entered the barrier behind them.
Sian decided to join Nyx into the barrier because she didn't know what to expect to find in the labyrinth. She had her sword ready at her side but had the bow and flamming arrows ready for anything. It also gave her a source of light to help see in the dark hallways and passages.
Ivy slowly walked through the barrier. As he walked the wind gathered around him until he was inside a mini tornado. Once it dispelled he was in his transformed state, katana at his side while the wind spun around him and playfully tugged at him from time to time. He saw other Magi and shouted "Heeeyyy!" and ran to them.

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