~Hope & Despair~ [Inactive]

"So where are we heading because I have this money and nothing to do with it after i stole it from those idiots back at the bank and I don't need it"
"Idiots? there was already a bank robery?" She pushed the thought a ide "Hm? there's some shops near by we could go to."
"I might want to check the money because it may be to late to use it because of the fire." she checks the money but unfortunately it is all charred and burned. "Oh well, the money is gone. there goes that plan. Lets do something fun, I got nothing to do today unless we can find some idiot criminals."
"Depends what you mean by fun I guess." Nyx thought a moment. "Eh there plenty of idiots in the city or industrial district. though the city is gonna be pretty chaotic cause of the bank thing..."
"thats the polices job. Let them deal with the mess. I down for anything you want to do, lets go!"
Nys gnawed on her bottom lip in thought as she tried to think of something to do. most of her summer had been sent sleeping and exploring at night. Even before she mad the contract she played video games and played the occasional prank on kids at the park or some punks around her neighborhood. But there was a big difference between rigging a can of soda to explode and setting things on fire. But was struck with an idea "Hey, there's a construction site that's near the school. It been a slow build for a while maybe we can head over there? Maybe see what we can do in the school if we can get in."
Charles walked around the Industrial Area, sucking on a Lolipop. "Isn't this area supposed to be infested with Witches?" He wondered to himself, shrugging before throwing the stick the lolipop was on away. "Well, as long as they don't show up I'm fine. . .Less work for me at least!", he smiled to himself as he began to explore the area.
Hana kept checking the area then frowned when she remembered something.Darn it! I forgot to ask for their phone numbers! She thought then frowned
Nyx suggested meeting up at the site since she still had to drop off her shopping at home. "She seems nice but does seem quite right... i can understand loosing faith in humanity but out right killing people..." she sighed shaking her head. It really wasn't much of her problem. She didn't have much faith in people as it was even less for adults. She felt bad innocent people died but there was nothing she could do about it, nor could she just try to turn Sien in. Shed probably blow up any one who tried. And the last thing Nyx wanted was to get on the bad side of someone like that. "Only agreed to the contract for my freedom. what everyone else does't isn't my business." She reminded herself before grabbing her skateboard and leaving her house, heading to the school.
Charles returned to the train station after the exploring the Industrial Area, finding nothing of interest. "Hmm. . .Where to go next. . .", he pondered this question from some hours, blanking out in a daze. When Charles came to the train was at the last stop, which would be the suburbs. Yawning, Charles walked off the bus, stretching, "Well I guess this is the place I was meant to go!", he smiled to himself. He walked off in a random direction, exploring the various parts of the suburbs that he hadn't seen before.
Nyx swerved between the few people on the sidewalk at an easy pace taking the long rout to the school grounds.
Charles stood in the sidewalk, looking up at the building, seeming to be amazed at the building. Of course by doing so he takes up just about the entire part of the sidewalk. "Wow! I never know that buildings like this existed!", of course, Charles, not being the brightest, didn't realize it was just a simple house, though in a rather futuristic design, foreign from his original home town.
Nyx felt her ring pulsate and looked at it seeing it was glowing brightly "Hm?" She skidded to a stop looking around before seeing a familiar blond just staring at one of the houses. "They might think your stalking them if you keep staring at it you know." Nyx teased as she walked up to the blond, skateboard in hand.

Kanashi took out her Soul Gem, "Remember, this is just a practice, we're not really trying to harm each other." Mamoru nodded and drew his own Gem. Kanashi activated it, a wave of cool energy flowing over her body as she completed the transformation. She opened her eyes; she never knew why she closed them, but to watch herself transform always seemed odd to her, and saw that Mamoru had also transformed, his blue armour shining in the light. Her own armour was light and airy, it felt like it weighed almost nothing, though she knew this was a trick of her enhanced strength and speed."Begin!" she shouted, drawing her halberd, and Mamoru raised his shield to block her incoming swing. They battled back and forth, jumping off of the rafters of the skeleton building, exchanging blows and sometimes firing ranged shots at each other.

Kanashi Soul Gem: 9 Charges

Mamoru soul Gem: 9 Charges
"Oh wow that's s- Wait. . .", Charles turned around, looking at Nyx, "Why wouldn't anybody think I'm stalking them! I'm just admiring the house. . ." He shrugged and turned around, stopping his childish demeanor. "I don't see what the problem is!", he smiled at seemingly nothing, though it may of been his own actions towards the house and how silly they were.
Nyx chuckled "Some people are paranoid like that. So what brings you around here? Looking for witches?" she questioned
"Mhm. . .I tried the Industrial Area but I couldn't find any. . .", he sighs solemnly at the news. "I'm also looking for whoever started that bank fire yesterday, I don't like that people died from that. . ." he sighs again, drooping lower to the ground. "Ah well! I'll fix it! It can't be too hard!" he smiles despite his troubled expression.
Nyx tilted her head slightly to the right. "huh maybe they were already wiped out... the city could be a place to look later... especially after the incident." She muttered debating with herself if she should tell him about Sien. "Mmmm I met another Magi while leaving the park. She was a bit... odd."
"Really?! There's another Magi?!", his eyes suddenly light up like a child's, always excited to meet new people apparently. "What were they like!?" He ask, obviously his interest has been peaked.
Nyx blinked at him for a second "Eh different... but she said she lost 3 people she care fore lately so its understandable." she scratched the back of her head. "To put in short she blew up an abandoned car in a parking lot.. for the hell of it. Non one got hurt though."
"Oh. . .Well that's not very safe. . .Somebody could of gotten hurt. . ." He seems a little downtrodden by the news of this.
Nyx nodded slightly. "Just something to keep an eye out for. She seems cool and not aggressive but unpredictable. Her name was... Sien i think." Nyx noticed how dishearten he looked "Hey don't be so done. At least we haven't run into any actively aggressive Magi...."
"I was gonna head to the construction site near the school, makes for a great skating place." she held up her board. "Wanna come along?"

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