~Hope & Despair~ [Inactive]

Nyx nodded slightly "sounds good... if anything we can back each other up." She smiled slightly and waved back. "See you around."
Nyx looked back at the other girl feeling a bit awkward not really used to social situations. "So... how did Kyubey find you?"
She hugged them"Why aren't you guys playing?"She asked them."Come play with us big sister!"They begged and pulled on her arms.
Nyx looked between the tree and it clicked in her head that they were all siblings. "Ah, you should play with your sisters. I have to be heading home anyway." She smiled slightly.
Nyx nodded "See you around." She called over her shoulder before starting on her way home her head spinning from what she learned the past hour. "wow... 10 years...." she muttered she couldn't really imagine killing witching for such a long time. Then again when she made her wish the mysterious fox did say until all of them were gone. "When will they all be gone... there has to be some source of them all that we can take out..." she muttered pondering on the thought as she made her way to the train so she could get home.
Sian could see the other gem holders talking to each other, she decided to follow them and see what they were doing because her gem was glowing so bright like the bank that was on fire behind her, she decided to suprise them in a few seconds, she activated her gem to pull out her bow with a flammed tip and aimed it at a car that was across the street far away from anybody in a parking lot with a bunch of rusted cars that had some gas still left in the tank, she launched an arrow to one of th tanks and it blew up into a fireball but luckily didn't hit any other car and just sent a bunch o smoke into the air to get the crowds attention. She says to her self "there's a real show everyone's going to like. She took off the gem and put it away before people saw her. She walked down the street with car on fire towards the group of civvilians near her.

(9 uses left)
Nyx was wrapped up her her own thought until she heard and explosion and nearly jumped out of her skin. "What the hell?" She looked over at a near by parking lot seeing one of the cars and spontaneously combusted. She shifted closer to see what could of caused the attack before checking her ring it wasn't glowing dark it was pulsating the same as before. "Another one? or the same?" she looked around to see if any of the other four Magi were around but didn't see anyone.
sian could see the glowing ring of another magi. She decided t walk up to her and greet herself. "Names Sian, people call me si-si, whats yourt name. Sorry about the little show, just need to get a little stress out of me before coming to meet you, saw that there were 3 other magi with you, they look a litle young to have gotten the gem. tell me how did you get yours, just interested?"
(Four pages of Roleplay and not a single notification D: I'll try to catch up as best I can)


He could tell that the guy standing in front of the bank was another Magi, like him and his sister. Kanashi was so flustered with making sure that he wasn't hurt that she probably had't even noticed her ring. "Typical Kana," he thought to himself, running to her bike to get her phone for her. When he turned around, the other Magi had left, and Kana was starting to walk towards the rubble of the bank, looking for anyone that still needed help. "Kana, where'd he go?," Mamoru hollered to her. "He said he was fine, and that he couldn't stop now, he had to go somewhere." Mamoru wasn't sure this was the truth, he had probably just walked away while she had been in shock over the destruction of the bank, but he didn't say anything about it.

Neither the police or an ambulance had shown up, so he took Kana's phone and called the Emergency Department. "Kana, we should go," He said after he had hung up, "There's nothing we can do here, all the survivors have already left, and if the police get here soon, they'll want to question us about it." Kanashi nodded and picked up her bicycle again, and they both pedaled away until they reached their favorite training ground, the abandoned building that was only half constructed, on the same city block as the school.
Nyx jumped was a bit startled by another new Magi, she was deffinetly older then her other the other two Magi. "uh I'm Nyx, a rather cryptic fox... thing I made a contract with." She replied before realizing what she said "Wait you blew up the car?"
"yes i did, you like it cause I did, reminded me of the fire in my eyes when i killed a **** mugger a few weeks ago. It looks pretty. Love that sight in the morning!
Nyx was sure something was off about Sian but wasn't quite sure just yet. "uh yeah its pretty and all but really dangerous. Anyone walking by could of been hurt."
"I made sure no one was around, I couldn't say for the people in the bank though. wish they weren't in there when I set the bank on fire but I feel no emotion for them, know thei families will now know what it feels like to lose a close family member."
"The bank... you set the fire there? but why?" She asked managing to keep her voice calm. "Setting a random car on fire is one thing but a crowded bank in the middle of the city is a whole nother."
I've had to deal with the lose of 3 of my closest family members this past week and I am tired of people right now and don't care anymore. I have no other reason for living right now. there is my reason you happy now!"
Nyx felt bad for Sien, looking three people in a week? She guessed she was lucky enough to still have her family. Though she had no real attachment to either of her parents and dint know any other family. Nyx put her hands in her pockets and nodded "Yeah.. sorry didn't mean to pry..." she looked over at the fire as the fire truck arrived to put out the fire. "Want to go somewhere less noisy?" Nyx offered. She was still a bit weary of Sien but could tell a fellow mischief maker when she saw it, even if it was misguided at times. She her self had done "pranks" that got other hurt so she was no saint herself.
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"lets go, where did those other magi go they looked kinda young, how did they get the gem. they look too young to have it. Any way's lead the way."
Nyx nodded walking off from the scene "Ah I didn't really get to talk to them for long. I just know they've been at this longer than I have. Did you make a contract with Kyubey as well?"
"yep, just did it to have some revenge before i head back to get my sister from the hospital when she wakes up and leave this **** city and have a normal life with her away from all the danger. why did you make the wish with Kyubey?"
"Mmm I was tired of rules and being tied down." she shrugged "Parents were strict and really suffocating. I didn't want to deal with it any more. Now they pretty much ignore the trouble I get into and leave me alone. Which is a hell of a lot better."

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