~Hope & Despair~ [Inactive]

Hana looked up and spotted them. She frowned when she saw her ring still glowing.I don't want them involved.She thought when she saw them."Hey guys why don't you play on the playground for a bit?"Hana asked them. Both nodded and ran off. She looked back at the two and slowly approached.
Nodding, Charles walked into the park, looking around and checking his ring every now and then. Caution at this part of his Magi carrier has pretty much been bred into him. He supposed it was only natural, thinking and shrugging to himself, looking at the Girl who was slowly approaching them as his ring glowed once more, "Another?", He wondered aloud to himself.
Nyx blinked "is it city Magi day or something?" she muttered a loud wondering how shed gone three weeks with out seeing another magi and suddenly shed run into four others in the span of about an hour.
Hana stopped in front of them."H-hello"Hana said softly"I-i saw my ring glow so i had to see for myself if there was another"
He waves to the girl "Hello, I'm Charles and this is. . ." He draws his blank, his expression showing a blank stare, his mouth wide open as if he's about to say something. "Uh. . .", he remains as still as a statue beside of his Rings ever changing glow.
Nyx smiled softly "I'm Nyx" she introduced taking her hand out of her pocket again to show her ring as well.
"Er! Right! Nice to meet you!" He smiles at the two, looking at his ring, sighing to himself, glad that none of them are those Aggressive Magi he's heard about. He looks down at his ring, smiling at himself, glad that no witches have revealed themselves yet.
Nyz put her hand back in her pocket. "Uh... how long have you guys been Magi?" She asked curiously. she could tell Kyubey had been busy to have so many magi around. but she also was wondering how long he'd been at it.
"Oh! I've been one for a while. . .I'd say. . .nine, ten years, that's when I made a wish anyway. . ." He rubs his head, never liking to boast about how long he's been a Magi, though always feeling a little proud when he told somebody.
Nyx eyes widen slightly "T-ten years?" she scratched the back of her head to look over at the other girl who couldn't be more than her age or so. "uh... I;'ve only been at this for 2-3 weeks..."
He shrugs, looking around at all the people, "Well at least we know that we aren't those Aggressive Magi. . .I've met a few of those. . .", he shakes his head, trying not to remember those encounters.
Nyx nodded slightly "Yeah... Kyubey mentioned how other Magi might try to fight me for territory or something like that." she traced the ring in her pocked subconsciously.
"And what is it?", he looked at her with interest. Ideas always interested them, of course the one's that weren't his anyway. Usually his ideas ended with someone getting hurt.
"Since we're good magi maybe we could form a team?"She told them. She glanced at her sisters"It'll help us protect each other and even more people"
Nyx tilted her head slightly. it made sense yet she was still a bit weary since shed only just met the other two. "Sounds good but where are your territories? I'm out in the suburbs by the schools."
Charles blinks, obviously not getting it, eventually coming around to the idea "Er, well. . .I don't have a territory, I just hunt witches wherever they are. . .", he rubs the back of his head a little embarrassed. Remaining proud and embarrassed at the same time was difficult.
Nyx nodded "Ah, I usually keep around the schools and about ten blocks out from there. Most I get though are a few familiars." She felt a bit bad about Hana wondering if she lived in the orphanage.
"Uh. . .Sure. . .I can do that!" He rubbed the back of his head and fingered his ring. "Well, I'll get going there, I'll see you two around!" He raised his hand to wave good-bye and smiled at them, walking away, still fingering his ring.

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