• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern hollywood arts: main (open!!)


Chase stared at Javi in disbelief as his mood drastically changed from outraged to flirty, shaking his head slowly. “You are... actually insane.” Despite the meaning behind his words, he didn’t actually want to piss Javi off, so he spoke in a relatively gentle tone... gentle for Chase, that was. He huffed and turned away to face out the window, knowing that it probably wasn’t fair to be mad at Javi when it did seem like he had genuinely forgotten what they’d talked about. Plus, it wasn’t even really Javi that Chase was upset with. He was pissed that he even had to tell Javi to park a block away in the first place. That he had to be worried about being outed to his parents. They just... ruined everything. Not that he had anything with Javi to ruin, of course.

After they, with a bit more good-natured arguing, found a park, Chase was more than surprised by the way Javi put his arm around the smaller boy as they walked through the fairgrounds. Chase couldn’t remember the last time a guy had been publicly affectionate with him. Actually he could remember; it was never. He’d never been in that kind of situation with a guy. Half of him wanted to push Javi away from him, since he did have a reputation to uphold, but it was pretty nice... plus he was cold. That was the excuse he was using, anyway.

He couldn’t help but roll his eyes at both the ‘babe’ and Javi’s suggestion. “By ‘party’, you mean ‘potential threesome’ for you,” he scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest but deliberately not jostling Javi’s arm too much.

He scrunched his face up as Javi took a puff from his blunt - which Chase had seen in the car, by the way - and placed a palm against the side of Javi’s face, turning it away from him slightly. “Thanks, beautiful, but don’t blow that shit my way, okay?
MOOD: definitely... not... enjoying himself... no way

LOCATION: fairgrounds



code by valen t.
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Even as Charlie left, Seb was still grinning. Despite the way Chas pointed at him and demanded that he not speak, Seb was looking at him in... not quite admiration, but more like pride. Seb was, honestly, proud that Chas would accept Charlie’s apology. Of course, knowing Chas the way he did, Seb know he was uncomfortable with it. But he still was civil, even if it was obvious that he didn’t really want to be, or that he was still bitter.

Seb couldn’t even be annoyed when Chas grabbed his hand for reasons that were probably more about getting to the ride faster than as a public display of affection. Seb still laced their fingers together, of course, and savoured the moment. He laughed when Chas referred to his ‘spider legs’, shaking his head fondly. “I don’t wanna leave you in the dust,” he teased, although he did speed up a little bit for Chas’ benefit.

He also noticed the sticky note which flew out of Chas’ jacket pocket, and he blinked, wondering if it was important. He was going to disregard it, but then remembered that this was Chas, and he was very unlikely to have meaningless pieces of paper in his pockets. “Um, Chas?” Seb pulled on Chas’ sleeve with his free hand as gently as he could, conscious of Ellie’s handiwork. “Did you have an important sticky note in your pocket, by any chance?
MOOD: ummm

LOCATION: fairgrounds

OUTFIT: thx tou


code by valen t.
MOOD: lol I’m nervous


LOCATION: the fair
Seb ( LowkeyLovingLoki LowkeyLovingLoki )
Gia ( Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving )

--------don't type anything after this comment--------

TL;DR Mel is nervous for he “date” with Gia.
Melanie Osario
I...oh wow.

Mel was nervous, though she’d never admit it. She currently stood in her closet, rejected outfits on the bed behind her. Gia had told her to surprise her, and Mel had no clue what that meant. And if she didn’t hurry up, she’d be late.

Over the past week, Gia and Mel had grown quite close. She couldn’t help but to love the energy the Italian girl gave off. It was infectious, and Mel was starting to think she might stick Gia with Seb for a few days. Maybe that would cheer him up. Though he had been more happy than usual, now that he and Chas were “dating”. God Mel hated Chas, but if her brother was happy, so was she. Besides, she had better things to worry about.

Like this stupid outfit. Growling in frustration, Mel started moving clothes around forcefully, and a sweater fell to the ground, next to a skirt she had discarded earlier. And fuck her but it was the perfect outfit. She threw it on, along with a pair of brown boots, and grinned at her reflection in the mirror. Where had this outfit been ten minutes ago, preferably before she’d made a mess of her room?

It was a red turtleneck paired with a plaid red and black skirt, something she had bought last year but never worn. Mel’s hair was already carefully curled, her makeup done hours before. She didn’t know why she cared what she looked like so much, but damn her she did. Smiling, she grabbed her purse from where it was hung up by her door, and left her apartment.

The ride to the fair wasn’t long, and when she got there Mel was lucky enough to snag a parking place relatively close to the entrance. Gia said she’d meet her just inside the fair. Hopefully Mel wasn’t too late. She jogged up to the mostly empty line, tendrils of her breath curling in the cold air. Okay, so maybe the skirt wasn’t a good idea. Her legs were freezing, and she felt goosebumps form along her arms.

Melanie paid, and was waved inside by the lady in the booth. Whoever set up the fair this year had certainly outdone themselves this year. Booths were set up everywhere, full of all kinds of delicious fair foods. Games lined the isles, giant stuffed animals on full display. Her classmates milled about, holding hands or talking or doing any number of things and Mel was unable to keep a small smile off of her face.

That smile grew as she spotted Gia exactly where she said she’d be, looking resplendent in the outfit they had picked out earlier. Mel strode up to her, opening her arms for a hug. “Gia darling, I have been put to shame. You look beautiful,” she said, grinning and looping her arm through Gia’s. “So sorry I’m late. We can’t all have that natural Italian beauty,” Mel added with a wink.

God Mel was nervous, but acting should have been her focus because she certainly didn’t show it. No. She’d learned long ago that in order to get by in the shark tank that was HA you had to be bold, confident and charming. Otherwise you were eaten alive. She’d seen it happen to many a new student, and it wasn’t pretty. Mel certainly wouldn’t let that happen to Gia.

“So. Where to first?”
code by valen t.
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fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfillerlerfilelifr 7:45 AM fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfilr



[insert a yikes gif]

Nickie was a total chatterbox, but it was almost entertaining. Plus, chatterboxes always had the best gossip. Probably because you didn't have to put any time in trying to get them to crack. You could just sit back, eat your pretzel, and listen -- just as Adriane was now doing as she let Nickie ramble away while she picked at her pretzel. Honestly, she didn't even know why she had purchased the whole thing. Carbs. So fattening. Well, guess it could be a cheat day.

But pretzels. What a useless thing to waste her cheat day on.

Nickie had a crush on Hunter?

And she was insulting Evie's taste in guys when hers was just as low.

Wow. Hypocritical bitch much?

She made a mental note to push more about the Hunter situation, but later since Nickie was off rattling about Ronnie now who, apparently, she was convinced Hunter wanted. Like, talk about ewww. Not only was it gross because she was a child, but Ronnie wasn't even that attractive. Like if you were going to feel threatened by another girl as Nickie seemed to be, at least be threatened by a girl that could compete. A cactus was more competition than Ronnie.

Adriane let out a guffaw of laughter when Nickie started talking more about the party. Apparently, Adriane had missed a lot and should've gone. Not only did she miss the chance to see Charlie knock out Chas' tooth, but she'd also missed whatever this drama surrounding the stupid little ginger that had ensued.

"You would know if he was simping. Takes a simp to know a simp, right, Nickie?" Adriane asked with a smile and a little batting of her eyelashes to let Nickie know it was just a joke. Well, it wasn't. But surely Nickie knew just how big of a simp she was at this point -- and for someone like Hunter at that. Honestly, if you were going to simp, why not simp for someone worthy of your time?

"I wish someone had gotten that on video," she said with a groan. "The crying, of course, not her making out with Zeph. I would probably gouge my eyes out if I had to watch two sophomores try to figure out what kissing was."

"Zeph and Stella both have that stupid I'm so much better than everyone else temperament. That's probably why they hangout with each other. No one else wants to put up with their vapid, egotistical selves." She rolled her eyes.

At the mention of Mike, all Adriane could do at first was shake her head. There was just so much. "It's a miracle Mike even got into this school. I've seen a million other guys that are way hotter, not nearly as angry, and are taller than a dwarf. He'll never make it in the industry, though. He's always all, like, scowling and that's so going to give him wrinkles. Or they'll end up kicking him because he decided to punch a photographer or stuck his dick in the wrong pussy." She rolled her eyes.

"Honestly, I don't know why you're even into Hunter. He's not even that good looking and he's just small, gross, and annoying. We could easily find you someone ten times better." To make her point clear, Adriane looked away from Nickie to start gazing around the concession food area until her gaze fell on someone that was... not really that much better than Hunter, but at least he was quiet. And, well, he wasn't Hunter so it was already an upgrade.

"That guy." She gestured with one hand towards the two boys. "The one with the gross West. Lucky. I slept with him once. Wasn't the best I've ever had, but wasn't the worst. Plus he's literally the easiest guy to get with and obviously if he's willing to sleep with Minnie, he's willing to sleep with anything that has a pulse."

She flashed a grin. "Best way to stop being a simping bitch is to just move on to the next guy."

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)

Gia grew ecstatic the moment Mel came into view. Her smile growing unbearably wide in excitement as Mel walked up her arms outstretched for her. Hearing her compliment Gia's cheeks heated up as her arms reached up to wrap around Mel's neck in a tight and cuddly hug. "Mel dolce cara. Mi farai arrossire." She cooed happily into Mel's cheek as she nuzzled into her a little. Possibly a moment longer than Gia probably should have but surely Mel wouldn't mind. Keeping the tight hug a few moment longer before pulling away with a bashful smile, her left hand running down Mel's arm to gently hook with hers. "Speak for yourself Mel. You put this natural Italian beauty you speak of to shame." Gia couldn't help but say back as her eyes ran over Mel's gorgeous outfit. Her hair was perfect, makeup perfect, outfit perfect. It only made Gia more anxious with how beautiful Mel was. Giggling just a little more at her joy before she noticed the goosebumps on Mel's legs. truly a keen perception without feeling them but also it was cold and she could only figure at the moment due to her legs being exposed to the chill.

"I've never been to a.... h-how do you say. um Giusta hehe so you chose." Gia said glancing around to the fair as her mind drew a blank on the American word for Fair. Gia couldn't help but let out another little anxious giggle as she moved to Mel's side. Gently hugging the girls Left arm with a big happy smile. Again she noticed the goosebumps on the skin of Mel's wrist and looked to her. "Mel aren't you cold?" She had to ask not wanting Mel to be freezing all night long due to her outfit or worse catch a cold from being out in just a skirt.

coded by weldherwings.

fillerfillerfillflleierlerssdsdfilelifr 4:00 PM fillerfillerfilrfillerllerfillerfillfilr
... nickie abrams ...

insulting everyone on the face of the planet




adriane Winona Winona (too many people mentioned)

The dig that Adriane took at her, Nickie quickly dismissed with a laugh, shaking her head. Adriane, she knew, was kidding. Even if she wasn’t, she was right, so it was cool.

But, like…ouch.

Nickie looked down at her pretzel again, which looked slightly less appetizing after the insult. Why’d small things like that always make her lose her appetite?

Adriane’d paid for it; Nickie’d have to finish it. She couldn’t just let it go to waste. Lesson number one of growing up with three siblings: eat what’s on your plate before the others can come over and snatch it, and eat it all.

She sighed softly, bringing the thing up to her lips and nodding along with Adriane’s comments a bit less enthusiastically than before.

When she heard the name Hunter, Nickie’s ears were pricked again, and she looked up at Adriane, her face growing hot and her eyes wide as she listened to her speak. There was a soft warning in her eyes— a subtle don’t come for Hunter— that was promptly ignored, probably because it was hard to miss, anyway.

Adriane’s hand moved to gesture to two boys standing in front of a food stall, and Nickie’s eyes followed, her lip shifting up into a scowl. “Gross…,” she said. “His name is Lucky— that’s number one. Lucky sounds like a kid’s book character. ‘Lucky Ducky walked down the road, picking flowers for his mom. Along came Pest West with his incel energy in tow, and the two of them stood awkwardly, struggling to talk because between the two, they probably have two personality traits.’” She rolled her eyes. “He’s kinda cute, but…if he slept with Minnie, then that means that he’d hump a potted plant and finish before dirt could even shake out of it.”

She looked at Adriane. “Hunter is hot…,” she said defensively. “And he’s sweet.” She paused.

Well, this may’ve been her only opportunity to diss him and prove that she wasn’t a simp.

“I’ve had a lot better than him, but— I’ve had a lot worse, too, and he’s really nice to me. Like, yeah, he’s a prick…sometimes. But…”

She couldn’t do this.

She turned her attention back to the boys near the funnel cakes. “Ugh, Jace being here puts a blemish on the whole event. He walks around with this weird attitude. Like, ‘uwu, I’m so innocent, so that means that I can be a prick’, and then he probably wonders why everyone hates him. News flash; it’s not because your sister is better than you, it’s just because you’re little dick incarnate.” She gnawed off another piece of her pretzel. It felt a bit rubbery in her mouth, but she made herself swallow with a smile. “But it’s not like his sister is that great, either. Like, that new Nic guy? The anemic, entitled e-boy, with the e standing for egomaniac? What’s with that— he’s a new boy, so like…? I mean, I’m ninety-percent sure that she’s sleeping with that gross Trevor weed guy. I mean, he’s a whore, she’s a whore, it fits. Nic completes the chain quite well, huh? What, is there going to be a big love triangle between the three to see who can stick their little dicks into her gaping orifices?”

She scoffed. “Speaking of little dicks, what’s Gus Gus’ thing with Tittypecs? Like, I know that they live in that…revolting, fermenting-roadkill-smelling apartment together, but they hook up, too, right? What do you think the tally for the number of STIs that that apartment has between Gus, Tittypecs, and Saint Nick?”

She thought that the dig at Saint was clever. She thanked her knowledge of random trivia for her recalling that Saint Nicolas was the patron saint of whores. Impressive, she thought.

“I figure…at least twenty. They crossed off all of the big ones, I bet— chlamydia was last summer, gonorrhea was two semesters ago…do you think that they have a bingo card in their kitchen or something? First one that gets a bingo gets to initiate an orgy while the weird Toni stoner sits back and enjoys the show?” She laughed.

She paused a moment to bite off another bite of her pretzel. “That Saint guy? Did you hear about what he did to Jo? How he, like, cheated on her all of the time but told her that she couldn’t even flirt with anyone or, like, wear tight clothes, and then he ended up stranding her at a party when they broke up? Not that Jo doesn’t deserve something like that to happen to her— total fucking whore— but…guess that the whole slew of Dei's 'friends' is shit.” She realized that that included Hunter and Chas only after she said it. “But Jo’s kind of the worst. So, again, can you really be too mad at him?”

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)


MOOD: agitated.
LOCATION: oliver's car.
OUTFIT: xoxo
TAGS: saint ohdittoh ohdittoh , oliver Kio.exe Kio.exe
M.L.K., Malcolm X, Rosa Parks, and so many more. Each served as a spur to kick the human rights movement into motion, a predicament that, in spite of seeming like a thing of the past, only seemed to linger in their society. Casey, along with the remainder of her Youth Activism club had used fundraising money to fly out to the Big Apple, and join in the ensuing protests in NY's downtown. If there was one thing Casey was truly dedicated to, it was fairness and equality for all, and she'd more than voiced her opinion during that week.

Fortunately for her, her absence had also allowed her to stay out of the week's drama. Still, today's fair would serve as ample opportunity to catch up with her friends and all that she'd missed.

At the apartment, Casey felt somewhat forced to hold in her excitement for today's fair. This was the time of year where Oliver's brooding tended to grow tenfold. He'd lost his little sister Rosalie, step-sister, but a sister nonetheless. Casey couldn't imagine what it would've been like losing any of her brothers, and even if they hadn't been close, she knew he hadn't stopped beating himself up since Rosalie's passing.

He was distant because of it, passively aggressive, even to her. Oliver was similar to Casey in the regard that sharing their emotions was fair from their thing, but it didn't mean that the wall he'd put up between them since she'd got back made her feel any better. She could sympathize-- she'd lost her fair share of people too, but that wasn't want Oliver needed right now. Maybe he just needed to be left alone.

She'd done her part in her opinion-- caught a rom-com with him the other night to cheer him up, and fixed up eggs, bacon, and toast that morning (God knows Casey hated cooking), but it seemed like none of her attempts at helping did much to get Oli to open up. He still dragged his feet over to his room, kept the doors shut, and rarely teased her about her accent. Prying for more information was far from her thing-- if Oliver was comfortable, he'd have opened up by now. For now, dragging him out of the apartment would just be another way for her to try and cheer him up, and hopefully when they arrived at the fair, he'd enjoy himself and have to do that stupid thing where he knows he wants to laugh, but y'know-- has to uphold the whole Batman-attitude and hold it in. She smirked slightly at that.

Casey's eyes were glued to the glass windows of the passenger seat, admiring the whisps of golden leaves as Oliver drove them past. Her legs were up over on the dashboard like she always preferred, fingers playing around with the golden hoop earrings she'd adorned.

yo saint. u have a pack of backwoods there? sumthn to smoke. im otw to the fair rn and i need to get the edge off. She forwarded the text to Saint as she bided time by.

"Are we almost there, homie?" Casey asked Oliver without her eyes leaving the glass. Her accent was thick, R's hardly pronounced, and evidently from New York. She'd grown tired of the silence looming in the car, and if Oliver wasn't going to say anything, she would. "You drive like a fucking granny, word to mother." Sounded a lot like "Word to muvva'." Casey managed a chuckle at her tease though, and finally found herself glancing over at Oliver. She wasn't good at the whole emotional thing, but perhaps it was time she stopped treating him differently because of it.

code by low fidelity.

M.L.K., Malcolm X, Rosa Parks, and so many more. Each served as a spur to kick the human rights movement into motion, a predicament that, in spite of seeming like a thing of the past, only seemed to linger in their society. Casey, along with the remainder of her Youth Activism club had used fundraising money to fly out to the Big Apple, and join in the ensuing protests in NY's downtown. If there was one thing Casey was truly dedicated to, it was fairness and equality for all, and she'd more than voiced her opinion during that week.

Fortunately for her, her absence had also allowed her to stay out of the week's drama. Still, today's fair would serve as ample opportunity to catch up with her friends and all that she'd missed.

At the apartment, Casey felt somewhat forced to hold in her excitement for today's fair. This was the time of year where Oliver's brooding tended to grow tenfold. He'd lost his little sister Rosalie, step-sister, but a sister nonetheless. Casey couldn't imagine what it would've been like losing any of her brothers, and even if they hadn't been close, she knew he hadn't stopped beating himself up since Rosalie's passing.

He was distant because of it, passively aggressive, even to her. Oliver was similar to Casey in the regard that sharing their emotions was fair from their thing, but it didn't mean that the wall he'd put up between them since she'd got back made her feel any better. She could sympathize-- she'd lost her fair share of people too, but that wasn't want Oliver needed right now. Maybe he just needed to be left alone.

She'd done her part in her opinion-- caught a rom-com with him the other night to cheer him up, and fixed up eggs, bacon, and toast that morning (God knows Casey hated cooking), but it seemed like none of her attempts at helping did much to get Oli to open up. He still dragged his feet over to his room, kept the doors shut, and rarely teased her about her accent. Prying for more information was far from her thing-- if Oliver was comfortable, he'd have opened up by now. For now, dragging him out of the apartment would just be another way for her to try and cheer him up, and hopefully when they arrived at the fair, he'd enjoy himself and have to do that stupid thing where he knows he wants to laugh, but y'know-- has to uphold the whole Batman-attitude and hold it in. She smirked slightly at that.

Casey's eyes were glued to the glass windows of the passenger seat, admiring the whisps of golden leaves as Oliver drove them past. Her legs were up over on the dashboard like she always preferred, fingers playing around with the golden hoop earrings she'd adorned.

yo saint. u have a pack of backwoods there? sumthn to smoke. im otw to the fair rn and i need to get the edge off. She forwarded the text to Saint as she bided time by.

"Are we almost there, homie?" Casey asked Oliver without her eyes leaving the glass. Her accent was thick, R's hardly pronounced, and evidently from New York. She'd grown tired of the silence looming in the car, and if Oliver wasn't going to say anything, she would. "You drive like a fucking granny, word to mother." Sounded a lot like "Word to muvva'." Casey managed a chuckle at her tease though, and finally found herself glancing over at Oliver. She wasn't good at the whole emotional thing, but perhaps it was time she stopped treating him differently because of it.
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fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfillerlerfilelifr 4:00 PMfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfilr




Finally, finally, it was as if all the unspoken tension between the two of them was finally able to dissipate and Ash could maybe start to enjoy her night without constantly feeling like she was on the verge of a panic attack. And hey, Trevor had even relaxed and now he was back to being the goofy guy with weird stories that she was used to.

She listened as he rambled on with the story, a smile on her face as the shock of their predicament started to wear off. If there was one thing Ash was good at it, it was overthinking everything -- which she had definitely been doing all week. She had a habit of getting in her own head and then being unable to get out of her head.

People had started coming over, taking the seats around them, but Ash didn't really notice them. Hey, she was focused on Trevor and his story. She was smiling, laughinh, maybe starting to have a good time when the game started up and she turned away from Trevor to better focused on the game at hand.

... Which Ash was terrible at.

She tried her best, she really did, but it was like every time she got the stupid gun lined up, it would shake or something would happen and she'd have to realign it. Her jaw dropped when the younger kid actually managed to pop his balloon while hers was... maybe, almost, nearly half full by time the game ended.

With a roll of her eyes, she glared at the stupid clown before standing up from her seat and starting to walk away with Trevor. Not before, of course, glancing back to see how far he had gotten and seeing that he had... barely filled any of the balloon. A smile played across her lips as she looked up at him as he spoke.

"Oh, totally," she said with a grin. "You only needed, like, ten more seconds max and you totally would've won." Ash said with a laugh. "I can't believe you'd say that you were bad at those kinds of games. You were so good that I think we should start calling you, like, Sharpshooter Sean. Sounds way cooler than Trevor."

"Alright, alright, no more rigged shooty games. My fragile ego can only handle being decimated by little kids so many times." Ash said as she looked away from him to scan the rest of the fair, trying to think of something they could do until it was later for the Ferris wheel. To be honest, Ash didn't usually do much at the fair. She was just there to hangout with people and talk, ride the Ferris wheel once it got dark, and then wait around for the fireworks.

"Are you thirsty?" She asked, her gaze moving back up to him. "There's this one stand that always has, like, amazing hot chocolate. But like, I think they have apple cider or something if you don't want hot chocolate. And I'll buy since you paid for the game."

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)
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MOOD: lol I’m nervous


LOCATION: the fair
Gia ( Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving )

--------don't type anything after this comment--------

TL;DR Mel doesn’t know what to do.
Melanie Osario
What do we do?

Mel frowned as Gia said she’d never been to a fair. “Never? Not once?” She asked, her eyebrows raised as they walked. “And no, I’m not cold. Okay maybe I am. Just a bit, but we’ll warm up soon enough,” she added, pushing a stray brown hair out of face, unable to keep a small smile off of her face. If Gia had never been to a fair before, Melanie would have to make sure she had a good time. Maybe she’d win her a stuffed animal or something.

What did people usually do first at fairs? Last year she had gone with Kane and his friends, and true to his nature, Kane had gone straight for the booth selling sweets. Mel didn’t want to have a stomach ache if they decided to go on rides, so that was out of the question. There was the pumpkin patch and the Ferris wheel, but that would have to wait until later as well. Decisions decisions.

“Are you thirsty at all? Hungry? There’s this booth further down that sells amazing smoothies and milkshakes,” she tole Gia, wracking her brain for a better idea. “They have food too. Fries and funnel cakes, I think,” Mel added, looking down at her friend, where their arms were linked.

“If you’re not hungry we can go play one of those rigged games,” she said, grinning. “Maybe I’ll even win you a stuffed frog or something. If we’re lucky.”

Why did she suddenly not know what to do at a fair? Regardless, she kept her head high. Even if she didn’t know what to do, she’d certainly pretend she did until she figured it out. Typical fair music played around them, and Mel couldn’t help but to think that whatever this music was called would make a cool dance. Maybe she’d choreograph something. Maybe Gia would help her. That would be fun. Maybe she’d ask about it later. For now, she eagerly awaited Gia’s response, content as they walked along.
code by valen t.
fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfillersdlerfilelifr 4:00 PM fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillderfillerfilr
... trevor callaghan ...





ash Winona Winona

Trevor caught himself laughing at Ash’s joke— which was totally normal, yeah, because they were just friends, and they could enjoy one another’s company in a totally platonic way, even though she looked utterly adorable while laughing. “Alright, no more rigged shooty games,” he agreed with a laugh. “Even though I’m so expert at ‘em— ya know, I only took it easy ‘cuz we were goin’ against a kid,” he joked. “Had they not been there, ya woulda seen the balloon explode in record time, I tell ya.”

He looked away from her, face heating up as he realized that he’d been able to look at her without losing track of his words. That was…progress, right? Again…totally normal, since they were just friends. There was nothing surprising or particularly remarkable about being able to form whole sentences.

“Thirsty?” he repeated, and he nodded his head. “Actually, a little bit. Nothing with peanuts or tree nuts, and I’ll take it,” he laughed softly. That sentence hadn’t made much sense, but it was, at least, slightly comprehensible. “Don’t want yer date swellin’ up like a balloon— bigger than even tha one that I filled up at the clown thin’.” He laughed softly. “I’d rather not use up my Epipen.” He patted his pocket. “But ya know— hot chocolate should be safe. Plus, it’s a little bit nippy out here, ya think? Som’n’ warm sounds nice right now.”

He tried to walk with small enough steps that she could keep up with. It was kind of hard, what with him being so tall compared to her. “I don’t want you ta have ta pay for me,” he said. “I can pay for m’self— and you, if ya’d like. We’re on a date for an hour,” he laughed softly. “Ya’n’t have ta feel bad fer me payin’.”

Right, they were on a date.

His face heated up.

Why did he have to mention that?

“Ah…’n…” He looked for other words as he came to a stop in front of a table. “Ya’n’ me? ‘re we both goin’? ‘r should I…wait here? I amn’t opposed ta goin’ an’ gettin’ our hot cocoa. I just gotta know where’t is.”

Feck, feck, it was slipping back into awkward.

“‘r I could come with? Roadtrip?” he joked.


Maaaaybe he was a worse conversationalist than he thought.

It was so…




“’n maybe after we get our drinks, we ‘an jus’…sit a while ’n chat ‘r som’n’— I dunno— ’n then…Ferris wheel? ‘Cuz…it is probably fifty’r so minutes between now and the…sun goin’ down, so…”


He smiled at her. “Ya know. We’ll jus’ go wit’ tha flow, huh?”

That sounded like a plan.

Woooo. Spontaneity.

He hated it.



At least he got to spend time with Ash.

A-As her friend!

As her friend.

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)


MOOD: buzzed off backwoods, content.
LOCATION: fall fair.
OUTFIT: xoxo
TAGS: nic Kio.exe Kio.exe , ellie pandagosquish pandagosquish , evie jasmyn jasmyn , nate Winona Winona , gen geminiy geminiy
It was obvious that he'd interrupted something. It was written all over both the face of Ellie, and "Nic", the other boy had introduced himself. Making heads spin, and quickly becoming the focus of the attention was not far out of Kordei's specialty. He shrugged off the little awkwardness that lingered with his arrival, whatever it was, it didn't matter now that he'd arrived.

Dei couldn't help but give in to Nic's crack about James Bond. It was a joke played out so many times during introductions, he could've tried to be a little bit more creative, but at least Nic wasn't standing in line at the "I Hate Kordei" train station. Too many people opted to ride that dick in recent times, and he didn't need that at the fair. "Nic," Dei repeated once more.

"Pleasure to meet you." Nic added.

"Isn't it always?"

Dei dropped his hold over Nic's handshake in exchange for the flask in Ellie's hand. Without hesitation, he brought the container up and over to his lips, and relished the mixture of weed and alcohol in his person. "Mmm, hmm." Dei hummed over his chugs, and furrowed his brows at Ellie's words. "Sorry? You've got to be kidding me. I'm the best boo ever."

Kordei flexed the arm around Ellie, tightening his grip over his slender companion as he grinned down at the boy in his arms.

Ellie was a mixture of everything Kordei adored. Passive aggressiveness, above average style, and the same lack of filter that Kordei was missing. They bonded over plenty, fought over more, and made up more times than ever. The bromance was real between Ellie and Dei, a friend that was mistaken countless times over as a boyfriend. Unfortunately Dei didn't swing that way, and so the next best thing had to be best-friendship.

The enthusiasm in Kordei's smile faded when Ellie had mentioned Evie. He remembered swearing to hunt out the Sinclaire, but it was a task easier said than done. Unlike Nate, and Gen, Dei actually-- kinda-- sorta-- he still had some level of feelings for Evie. Assuring her defeat, if he even went through with things, was going to be difficult.

Fortunately for him, Nic had broken through the silence once he'd announced he was going to go get fries. A frown crossed Kordei's visage.

"He does know I showed up with a container 'a fries, right?" Dei wondered, putting the flask down, and raising one of his own fries to his lips. His tensing over Ellie's person had long relaxed, and now he embraced his bro in a public display of how comfortable he was with Ellie as he ate.

"You could've told me your boy toy was gonna be here y'know." Kordei piqued a brow whilst cocking his head back in the most extra way of fry-eating man had come to know. While Ellie and Nic had never explicitly stated anything, it was a fair suspicion given just how sensual their Twitter interactions were. While Dei didn't care much about whether or not Nic was fond of him (though from what he could tell it seemed he was), he couldn't help but feel like he was interrupting something.

Speak of the devil.

Through the corner of his eyes, the denim-sported figure of Nic had passed Kordei. "Denim on denim?" Dei thought to himself as he finally absorbed the double-take, "What does Nic see in this guy?"

Rather than joining them once more, Nic had opted to sit across from them, which only caused Dei's brows to furrow deeper. Nic didn't have to say it aloud that he was jealous, he'd finally given off that aroma with his recent action.

"He's jealous." Dei whispered over to Ellie, attempting to be appear normal as he nibbled on his fries. "We should probably kiss. He might die." Oh god was that chuckle taking all of his strength to stay down.

code by low fidelity.

It was obvious that he'd interrupted something. It was written all over both the face of Ellie, and "Nic", the other boy had introduced himself. Making heads spin, and quickly becoming the focus of the attention was not far out of Kordei's specialty. He shrugged off the little awkwardness that lingered with his arrival, whatever it was, it didn't matter now that he'd arrived.

Dei couldn't help but give in to Nic's crack about James Bond. It was a joke played out so many times during introductions, he could've tried to be a little bit more creative, but at least Nic wasn't standing in line at the "I Hate Kordei" train station. Too many people opted to ride that dick in recent times, and he didn't need that at the fair. "Nic," Dei repeated once more.

"Pleasure to meet you." Nic added.

"Isn't it always?"

Dei dropped his hold over Nic's handshake in exchange for the flask in Ellie's hand. Without hesitation, he brought the container up and over to his lips, and relished the mixture of weed and alcohol in his person. "Mmm, hmm." Dei hummed over his chugs, and furrowed his brows at Ellie's words. "Sorry? You've got to be kidding me. I'm the best boo ever."

Kordei flexed the arm around Ellie, tightening his grip over his slender companion as he grinned down at the boy in his arms.

Ellie was a mixture of everything Kordei adored. Passive aggressiveness, above average style, and the same lack of filter that Kordei was missing. They bonded over plenty, fought over more, and made up more times than ever. The bromance was real between Ellie and Dei, a friend that was mistaken countless times over as a boyfriend. Unfortunately Dei didn't swing that way, and so the next best thing had to be best-friendship.

The enthusiasm in Kordei's smile faded when Ellie had mentioned Evie. He remembered swearing to hunt out the Sinclaire, but it was a task easier said than done. Unlike Nate, and Gen, Dei actually-- kinda-- sorta-- he still had some level of feelings for Evie. Assuring her defeat, if he even went through with things, was going to be difficult.

Fortunately for him, Nic had broken through the silence once he'd announced he was going to go get fries. A frown crossed Kordei's visage.

"He does know I showed up with a container 'a fries, right?" Dei wondered, putting the flask down, and raising one of his own fries to his lips. His tensing over Ellie's person had long relaxed, and now he embraced his bro in a public display of how comfortable he was with Ellie as he ate.

"You could've told me your boy toy was gonna be here y'know." Kordei piqued a brow whilst cocking his head back in the most extra way of fry-eating man had come to know. While Ellie and Nic had never explicitly stated anything, it was a fair suspicion given just how sensual their Twitter interactions were. While Dei didn't care much about whether or not Nic was fond of him (though from what he could tell it seemed he was), he couldn't help but feel like he was interrupting something.

Speak of the devil.

Through the corner of his eyes, the denim-sported figure of Nic had passed Kordei. "Denim on denim?" Dei thought to himself as he finally absorbed the double-take, "What does Nic see in this guy?"

Rather than joining them once more, Nic had opted to sit across from them, which only caused Dei's brows to furrow deeper. Nic didn't have to say it aloud that he was jealous, he'd finally given off that aroma with his recent action.

"He's jealous." Dei whispered over to Ellie, attempting to be appear normal as he nibbled on his fries. "We should probably kiss. He might die." Oh god was that chuckle taking all of his strength to stay down.
fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfillerlerfilelifr 12:45 PM fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfilr



the fall fair

Lucky visibly relaxed as Jace stepped into line with him. Music had a calming affect on him and it appeared to do the same with Jace. He almost seemed normal when he was discussing music. Almost. But Lucky knew what he was getting himself into. He knew Jace’s reputation. Knew that it wasn’t going to earn him any popularity points at school, but he didn’t give a shit. Not really. He wasn’t here to make friends. He was here to do music and that was it. Jace was just a formality. A stepping stone. Someone he could use to his benefit.

"Just uhh... plain. Only psychos get the ones with fruit or whatever..." he mumbled, half to himself, because his mind was still whirring a million hours a minute.

Lucky nodded at the other West. Lucky had to agree. He didn’t care for weird fruit shit on his funnel cake. Just powdered sugar. Simple. Uncomplicated. Even with his food. The line moved forward and Jace started talking about music again. He had agreed that an original song was the best way to go. Lucky silently reveled in the small victory.

"What's your genre? Like what do you sing? And you've released your own songs, right? What you got?"

“R&B with a rock edge.” Lucky said confidently. He didn’t like to define his sound. He preferred to just write the music and let it speak for itself. When he played, the world stopped. It was just him, his guitar and his lyrics and he didn’t need anything else. His nerves returned when he thought about Jace’s next question. Had he released his own songs?

Pfft...yeah, right. Like he could afford that. His hand reached up and squeezed his neck nervously. This better not change his mind. He couldn’t afford to NOT have a partner. He couldn’t afford NOT to perform twice. “I…uh…haven’t released anything officially…” He swallowed hard, avoiding eye contact. “…but I have like 12 tracks on YouTube and they have a decent amount of views.” He said as he pulled out his phone and DMed Jace his YouTube link.

He curbed the conversation when they reached the front of the line. Stepping up to the vendor, he smiled weakly. “Can I get two funnel cakes with powdered sugar?” He said as he handed the cashier the money. They waited there in awkward silence and Lucky did everything he could to avoid eye contact with Jace. Jace took his funnel cake and made his way from the cart. Lucky nodded appreciatively and thanked the vendor before grabbing his and following in Jace’s direction.

"Do you play any instruments? Looks better if we can both go out there playing something."

Back to business and that was perfectly fine. Other than music, he’d be hard-pressed to find anything in common with Jace. They came from two different worlds. “I play the guitar. Mostly acoustic.” He answered, but didn’t really give Jace a chance to respond before he stopped in front of the boy. “Look, I know I sorta ambushed you and I don’t have a ton of experience and this is my first year at HA, but I’m good. I’m fucking amazing and I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure we give a killer performance.” He took a deep breath able to finally meet the other boy’s eyes. “I DMed you my YouTube link. Check it out. If you still want to work together after, DM me.” He said with a genuine smile. “And if not, then you got a free funnel cake out of it.” He said with a slight, nervous chuckle. He scratched his head and looked around. “I’ll…uh…let you get back to your day.” He said softly with a quick glance and a slight nod as he walked away from the other West.


Lucky made it about fifty feet before he looked back at Jace and noticed that he was already gone. He sighed and mentally crossed his fingers before he felt a jab at his side. “Fuck.” He groaned as he hunched over and watched as his funnel cake slid off the plate and land on a dirty ass table he had just bumped into. The powdered sugar exploding off the top and landing on some random dude’s shirt. His eyes darted around and took in the various looks from the people around him. “Dude, I’m so sor…” His thoughts went blank when he noticed who he had assaulted with his funnel cake. Daniel fucking Cooper.

Lucky rolled his eyes and suppressed an ironic grin. This was a joke. It had to be. The universe couldn’t be this fucking cruel. He’d spent months ensuring that they never bumped into each other. Lucky recalled seeing Daniel on his first day. Taller. More muscular, but the same Daniel. His best friend. Well, ex-best friend. When they cut off all contact, you kind of get the hint. Lucky cleared his throat and stood up straight. “Sorry. I…uh…wasn’t watching where I was going.” He said in a monotone voice avoiding eye contact at all cost.

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)
fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfillerlerfilelifr 4:00 PMfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfilr




It was almost easy to forget that this was supposed to be a date. That it wasn’t just two friends hanging out, nothing more, nothing less. And, well, date or not, it was still just two friends hanging out. No feelings attached that could complicate things.

Even if she knew that was a lie, at least on her end. Even if she still hadn’t fully admitted to herself that she felt something for Trevor Callaghan, it was hard to deny and it was getting harder to deny. She’d already admitted it to Charlie and Eli, so… what was keeping her from admitting it to herself?

Maybe Trevor making it clear they were just friends.

She could respect that.

“Alright, but a trip to the hospital? Super memorable first date.” Ash said with a laugh as they walked. She slid her hands back into the pockets of her jacket for a moment before pulling them back out so her fingers could fidget with the hem of her jacket yet again. Dates were supposed to get less awkward, less nerve-wracking the longer they went on, but unbeknownst to Ash, she felt like she was just getting more nervous. More in her head.

“Although Charlie might kill me for ruining her date if I had to call her and say ‘hey, could you grab the pedovan and meet me at the hospital?’”

As they came to a stop by a table, Trevor slipped back into incomplete sentences and stuttering. Ash stopped in front of him and turned to face him, a faint smile still on her lips as she watched him. Her pale eyes studied his face while she waited for him to finish.

“I’ll go buy it,” she started. “You got tricked into going on a date with me. I’d feel, like… guilty for life if you had to waste a bunch of money on me for a date you didn’t want to go on. So you just…” she waved one hand at the table next to them, “sit and I’ll be back, alright?”

Every time date slipped out of her mouth, Ash felt… something. She didn’t know what that something was but there was something in her chest.

She smiled back at him. “Exactly — like dates are supposed to just be go with the flow. So I’ll go get the, uhh… hot chocolate and then we’ll figure it out.”

Ash turned away from him and headed over to the nearby hot chocolate stand. She briefly pulled out her phone to yell at Charlie. Even if the date was — now — going fairly well, Ash kept that part to herself. There was no way she would give Charlie that satisfaction, nor anyone else that shared her stupid views. Plus, the amount of just kiss him was going to kill her.

When she got to the front of the line, Ash turned her phone off — or, well, the ringer — and slipped it back into the pocket of her jacket. Enough of that. If they wanted her to give this a fair shot, then whatever. She would. Even if it was coming after not one, but two conversations with Trevor where the conclusion of their complicated relationship had come to the same end.

They made out because they were drunk.

There was nothing there.

They. Were. Friends.

Inevitably, tonight would end in the same way with the same conclusion.

But hey, whatever. No one knew about the making out part except for Eli, obviously, but the conversation where they had come to the abrupt conclusion of being just friends? Ash had told the people that mattered, but honestly it was like arguing with a brick wall.

She was never doing this stupid dating thing again.

Well, the blind date thing again.

Ash purchased the two hot chocolates, thanked the vendor, and then headed back towards the table. Deep breaths to keep herself from stressing out too much, deep breaths to keep herself from stumbling over her words, or blushing, or anything else of the sort.

“Here — one hot chocolate,” she flashed a smile at Trevor as she set the cup down and then took a seat across the table from him.

And then…

And then Ash realized that this was probably the point in where they talked, but that she had absolutely no idea what to say. Like, nothing at all. Her mind went completely blank of anything that would make decent conversation and she hesitated, lips parting, but no words coming out.

“I…” her voice faltered.

“The weather’s nice.”

No, no, no.

That was literally the one thing you weren’t supposed to say in any conversation. Ever. Conversational suicide right there.

Ash, still mentally kicking herself, brought her cup up to her lips and took a sip, doing her best to just not… feel more awkward than she already did.

“You’re writing a script for a movie or something, right? For the showcase?” She asked as she set the cup back down, mentally patting herself on the back for coming up with something that would have better conversational qualities than the freaking weather. "What’s it about?”

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)

OUTFIT: xoxo

none yet

Josephine Bennett
josie, jojo, jo ~ sixteen ~ junior ~ visuals; photo
Josie muttered a few cuss words to herself as she walked around the room wearing only the right shoe to her favorite pair of converse. After looking for what felt like forever, she decided to try another pair but she couldn't find the other shoe for that one either. "What the hell..." she groaned, falling back on her bed and pulling out her phone. So, maybe checking Twitter wasn’t as productive as actually getting ready but she was already late so what could it hurt? After tweeting a little bit and talking her cousin into calming down about the date, Jo got back up.

Deciding that her best option was to borrow some of Charlie's shoes, she slipped them on and walked outside to her Uber so that she could get to the fair. The driver clearly didn’t care that she was in a hurry because he was going slow as hell. Jo leaned back and once again got sucked into Twitter. This time to flirt with Gus, who she was supposed to be meeting when she got to the fair. He was apparently having a bad week and Ko fully intended on changing that. She was gonna let him vent and then drag his ass around the fair until he was in a better mood.

In all honesty, Jo liked Gus a lot. Why wouldn't she? He had always been fun to be around and very welcoming when she'd joined the plastics department. Of course, he gave her shit when she left for visuals but it was only fun teasing. It was a wonder that their playful flirting had never led anywhere else before. Especially because Josie had always found him attractive and maybe even had a crush on him when she'd first met him.

To be fair though, she'd been in a relationship over the past summer and so she was newly single as of a little over a month ago. Which only reminded her that Saint was probably at this damn fair and she was risking running into him. To say the pair had ended on bad terms was honestly an understatement of their fall out. It had been nothing short of toxic and while she'd successfully managed to avoid running into him (in person) she knew that wouldn't last forever. Hollywood Arts wasn't that big.

Just as they got close to the fair Jo's plans with Gus began falling through. It started with Lucky being overprotective, with good reason when it came to her, and Gus taking it very personally. She knew that he was going through a lot and the comment must've been too much but she couldn't argue with him. Josie had fought with her last boyfriend and she wasn't gonna do that with Gus. Not that it was the same but she was into him and if it was gonna go anywhere, even a casual hook up, this wasn't gonna be how it started.

When Gus told her that she was gonna go home, the girl sighed in disappointment and realized that she was gonna be stuck alone all day. She thanked her kinda-creepy driver, she climbed out of the car and walked through the gate. She didn't have much of a plan, just wandering around in search of anything or anyone. Jo stopped briefly to buy some cotton candy, the pink one obviously, before continuing on her way. As she turned a corner, her body collided with someone else's and she muttered an apology.

Jo's eyes traveled up from the fluffy treat that had fallen from her hands to the person who she'd run into. Gus! What are the odds? The smile returned to her lips and she could only hope he wouldn't just push past her to leave. Maybe they could turn things around. "Hey! You're still here! Please tell me you aren't really leaving? Who is gonna ride all the rides with me if you do?" she said with a raised brow. "Besides, you kinda owe me a new cotton candy now," she added, pointing at the pavement.
code by valen t.
Last edited:
MOOD: broken beyond belief

OUTFIT: whatever it was before

LOCATION: trying to leave
MENTIONS: josie and lucky

INT: jasmyn jasmyn (josie)
TL;DR gus is incredibly irrational, and after lucky tried to make sure josie was being safe, gus took it as lucky turning his last friend against him and has decided to leave the "stupid" fair
you know they say that i am better now
everything was going fine. gus was enjoying the sights of the fair and especially enjoying the taste of this burger and fries. it had been a long time since gus allowed himself to eat a burger and fries and he was glad he allowed himself to do so here at the fair. that was, until he got on twitter.
fucking twitter. gus really needed to delete it. it was doing the absolute worst to his mental health. he thought it was chill, he got to reunite with josephine bennet, an old plastics friend. he had missed her. especially since she switched departments. he never failed to give her a hard time about it, but he never meant any harm for her. he knew it was her passion to be behind the camera instead of in front of it; although, gus had to admit, she was pretty damn good at being in front of the camera. gus loved jo, so of course he was thrilled when she said he'd come to the fair to hang out with him.
gus didn't mind how he was vibin by himself, but he absolutely wasn't going to turn down jo's company. gus and jo were both known to be flirts, so when they came together, there was nothing but flirting. gus pulled out his best flirting when it came to jo, he didn't know why, it just...kinda happened. it had never gone beyond flirting in the past, which gus never really thought about. it's not like he didn't want it to, didn't he?
none of that seemed to be possible when someone else hopped on to the twitter, lucky. until then, gus had no problem with the new guy, until he hinted at jo that gus wasn't to be trusted. gus and jo were just flirting, like they always did, and lucky had to pull the protective card. funny, because for the entirety of gus and jo's friendship, she never once mentioned knowing the new guy, or someone named after a chinese restaurant. but here he came, alluding to the idea that gus could and would hurt josie or take advantage of her in some kind of way.
gus was beyond insulted and hurt. he had already been feeling alone, having no one left. this was going to be good for him, until it wasn't. just so turned out that lucky had this protective hold on josie and was making gus out to be untrustworthy guy who was going to screw josie and ditch, or force her into something. lucky was turning josie, gus' last friend, away from him. it was the last straw.
he couldn't take it anymore, he knew he shouldn't have left the apartment this morning, he should've just continued his search for a new place instead of wasting time at the fair, alone. doing his best to not draw attention to himself, he gathered up his trash, and angrily threw it away. he had to get out of here, before he absolutely lost it. he had been drowning himself in weed and alcohol, not allowing himself to properly feel his emotions. and as much as he was trying to stop this newfound addiction, all he wanted to do right now was go home and do what he had been doing all week long.
"josie," his voice was low, almost a growl. he was trying to not explode on her when he realized it was her he bumped into. "leave it be, won't your precious lucky scold you if he caught us together?" the anger burned in his eyes, his ice blue once burning into her deep brown ones. "go find him to ride all the fucking rides at this stupid fair. then he'll be able to keep an eye on you, away from me," his voice faltered the slightest bit in the end of his statement, but his postured never changed. he towered over josie, being half a foot taller than her, and his shoulders squared up to her.
he could never let on how much this hurt; never in a million years would he have thought he would lose josie, or even be stern with her. she was his princess, but apparently, not anymore.
code by valen t.

OUTFIT: xoxo

none yet

Josephine Bennett
josie, jojo, jo ~ sixteen ~ junior ~ visuals; photo
Jo’s eyes remained playful due to her excitement that she had bumped into Gus of all people. After all, she’d been expecting to have to wander around the fair alone up until now. Being given the chance to change his mind about leaving, Josie was hopeful. That was until he opened his mouth to respond to her. His words hurt more than they should’ve especially given she hadn't done anything but try to cheer him up.

Josie was pretty sure his anger was caused by a mixture of things but that didn't make it fair for him to take it out on her. She would be damned if another guy thought they could be a jerk to her when she hadn’t done anything wrong. Her smile was replaced by a scowl, her brows furrowed as she let him finish what he had to say. Go find him to ride all the fucking rides at this stupid fair. Then he'll be able to keep an eye on you, away from me.

"First off, Lucky is a great person. I know that what he said might have come off wrong but he has always looked out for me. Second, you don't get to misdirect your anger onto me because I haven't done anything to you. Gus, you need a friend and I am your friend so don't shut me out. When have I ever let you down? We both know I am a great listener and even better at having a good time," her eyes searched for some kind of reaction but she couldn't really tell what he was feeling.

Josie had always the stubborn type and so she wasn't going to just let him walk away, even if he was being a jerk. "So? You gonna willingly come tell me your troubles or do I have to drag your ass over to that table and pry it out of you? I promised a night of talking, followed by fun and I don't intend on breaking my word," she added, her expression softening. Stepping over to the table, she sat down and then looked back to him, hoping that he would join her rather than just walk off. Especailly because there was only so much fighting she could take.
code by valen t.
fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfillersdlerfilelifr 4:00 PM fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillderfillerfilr
... trevor callaghan ...





ash Winona Winona (amy mentioned)

Trevor lowered himself into the sticky seat of the crusty fair table as Ash’s small figure headed away from him, the words “yeah, yeah, ya go do that” coming forth from his lips whilst countless thoughts swirled behind his eyes, bouncing around his thick skull.

Damn it all.

He’d read somewhere that men had intangible thoughts more than seventy percent of the time, compared to women’s five percent. Maybe that showed that he literally had no balls— the fact that he overthought things far too much.

What exactly was he doing here? Shooting the shit with Ash wasn’t his plan whatsoever. He’d run though this so many times: drive to the fair with Amy, have fun at the fair with Amy, forget the whole week with Amy, end the night by smoking out on the balcony. He’d said it to him in the mirror before he’d tugged on his clothing for the day, he’d monologued it to himself as he’d brushed his teeth with the meticulous, four-quadrant method, and he’d recited it to himself as he’d gobbled down his lunch. He found himself, whilst writing his manuscript, accidentally typing the words have fun instead of the ones that he’d aimed for, or blanking on a character name and substituting in Amy.

Perhaps that just went to show that Trevor could never feckin’ have fun. It was torment after torment after torment.

Taking that back, actually. Friday was fun. He’d gotten to feel up Ash.

And then he’d ruined it.

By being him.

If anyone else had kissed Ash, it wouldn’t’ve been a big deal. Some people remained friends even through hooking up— even if Nate was an example of why that didn’t work, some people still did that. They could have kissed and left it all there.

But they’d been friends. They’d had a past, which meant that they had something to ruin.

And he had feelings for her.

He had fecking feelings for her.

Admitting that to Nate had been hard enough. Admitting that to himself was even harder.

After Monday night, though, he’d managed to conceive a simple, three-step plan of staying away from her. Step one: don’t talk to her again. Step two: don’t smile at her again. Step three: erase any memory of her.

Easy peasy, lemon squeezey. Nothing much to it.

Here he was, though. Messing things up.

Goddamn it.

His lips curled up into a snarl as he turned towards the table. It was disgustingly unsanitary, he knew, even despite all of the holes that perforated it. He could recall running out to the recess just to go and sit at the table and pick at the dangling bits where the rubber had dripped from the grates back when he was just a little kid, pulling out his action figures, and playing with the other stuckup, weird, quiet kids. The amount of dirt and gunk that ended up on those toys that never even touched the ground was astounding.

Germs were disgusting. He should have brought his own can of spray or something.

He sighed softly, his eyes scanning the table and tracing random lines of grate throughout it.

It was fine. He could get through this date without doing anything to mess this up. He could get through this without saying anything weird. Even if he could still feel the way that her lips had formed against his, he would be fine. Even if he could still remember how heavy his heart had beaten in his chest.

He had lied through his teeth and said that they were just friends. He had lied through his teeth and said that they were nothing more, that their thing had meant nothing.

It might not have been the most convincing, but Ash had bought it— and if Ash bought it, that meant that he could make himself buy it.

That was how this all worked.

Was she thinking of this as much as he was? As she was standing in that line, was she considering her every move, rethinking every word that she’d said so that she didn’t fuck things up?

Nevermind. No. She didn’t have feelings for him. She couldn’t.

He…he knew that. She…she had said that she didn’t. That was a good thing.

Even if he knew that she was lying, it was a good thing.

In the end, if they both ignored it, it would go away, like all grade school crushes did, like all friendships did, like all people did. It would be…


There was movement all around him, but he felt so isolated. There was noise, but he felt so deaf. His hands were shaking; his lips were dry. He felt like he smelled terrible. He needed to piss, he needed to vomit, he needed to faint, he needed to start bleeding from his eardrums.

He needed out of this situation.

Before he ruined it.

An hour. An hour. Tick. Tick.

He could last it. He could pull through.

God, fuck. His head hurt. Bad.

Could he…just…not? Could he sink into the concrete and cease to exist? That would be fecking great, thanks.

He sighed softly. The phone in his pocket was buzzing off of the hook, but he chose to ignore it. The damn thing never served him right, anyway. What’d Twitter give him but grief and people teasing him about a very obvious thing that he was trying to ignore?

Ash, Ash, Ash. She was always there, always looming, and he couldn’t talk without being reminded— constantly, constantly, constantly— of the fact that he felt things for her. Couldn’t say a sentence without someone calling them lovebirds. Couldn’t like a post without someone else saying that they’re totally hooking up— or shit, they’re nearly engaged.

He couldn’t handle that. The fear of missing out called out to him less than the fear of seeing whatever the feck was going on.

His eyes shifted up when he saw Ash approaching with the drinks, and he felt himself crack a small smile.

He nearly stopped himself.

But what was the harm in smiling? It was a smile. Friends did that.

“Thank ya,” he said, taking the drink. The warmth against his hand made him shiver, and he brought it up to his face to blow on it. The smell wafted up to his nose, the sweetness of it making him let out a soft groan. “Hot chocolate is always such a treat,” he said, then turned his cup up to his lips to take a sip.

It singed his tongue and his throat, but he didn’t even grimace.

At least he didn’t have to talk if he was burning himself.


He looked up at her, heart thudding as he anticipated what she was going to say next.

I…about Monday…

Was it going to be something like that? Something like what she’d said—

“The weather’s nice.”

Oh. Oh.

Well, that made more sense.

“Nice, yeah,” he agreed, nodding his head, his face heating up as it grew silent between them for a moment.

“You’re writing a script for a movie or something, right? For the showcase? What’s it about?”

He lowered his cup, holding it between his hands and lowering his arms to the table. Though his skin was separated from the tabletop by two layers of fabric, he still grimaced inwardly because of the crustiness of it. It was like he could feel the germs seeping through.

“Oh, yeah— short film,” he said, smiling. “Working title: ‘A Breath of Starlight’. Though I might change it— ’t doesn’t have too much bearin’ on the story. Tha best way to describe it is…eah…well, so it’s told outta order. Starts with these two characters meeting, and then ya walk through ta find out that they only came tagether because each of them was runnin’ from characters who are embodiments of their fears…”

He laughed slightly. “Ah, sorry, I suck’t explainin’ things. Kinda comes off as needlessly pretentious when I describe it like that…it’s more of a…simple story— nearing ninety minutes, but I don’t want ta have to make a full film. I’d classify it as…romance-y? I dunno…it doesn’t fall really anywhere.” He laughed again. “Romance is som’n’ I struggle with.”

That came out weird.

“Ah, uh, in writin’, I mean. Som’n’ about…tha chemistry? Makin’ characters wit’ chemistry. ’n they don’t work with who ya think they should, ’n they do work wit’ who ya think they shouldn’t. It’s som’n’ ya can’t manufacture, but writin’ is all manufactured, so…it’s hard.” He laughed, shaking his head.

“It’s just…difficult. That’s why I tend ta stick more wit’ dramas, but…ya know, it’s junior year, and these past years, I’ve gotten small offers from my films but nothin’ much. This year, I’m hopin’ that things will change ’n that someone will want ta…produce it or som’n’— I dunno. Ya know what they say, ta set yer goals high so when they fail, ya can tell yerself ‘well, that was a lofty goal anyway’,” he joked, shaking his head.

“Yer…singing, right? Is it gonna be a song you wrote…or a cover…or…? ‘Cuz I know that a lotta music dee-poh kids do multiple thin’s…”

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)
MOOD: broken beyond belief

OUTFIT: whatever it was before

LOCATION: hidden spot in the fair
MENTIONS: kane n nate

INT: jasmyn jasmyn (josie)
TL;DR gus is finally opening up to someone, letting himself feel what's been happening to him.
you know they say that i am better now
gus' eyes softened as josie walked to the table and sat down. he couldn't stay angry at her, especially not when she was right; she did nothing wrong.
"damnit, princess," he walked to her, gently grabbed her hand, and pulled her away. "not here." his voice was already breaking. he pulled her to a secluded area of the fair, away from prying eyes. no one else would be coming to their spot, and gus found it perfect to actually talk. not drink, not smoke, just talk. because that's exactly what he needed.
when they got there, gus let josie's hand fall from his own. he kept his back turned to her as he wiped away some of the first tears that started to spill over. he had to find a starting point, he had to catch his breath, he had to just say some fucking words. when he felt he could finally talk, he turned around to face josie.
"it started when i went home." he tried to recall why he felt the way he did without crying, but it wasn't working for him. "my parents have reduced me to some money-making machine. i tried to surprise them, cause i don't even remember the last time i saw them," he paused to wipe more tears and swallow any form of sob making its way up. "but-" breathe, "but they just wanted to know why i wasn't working. they didn't want me there at all. and then i come back to this God-forsaken school into even more drama. i thought i could fucking trust kane, but he threw me under the bus and called me a liar in front of everyone." he started pacing. the more he spoke, the more he felt a panic attack coming on. his breathing sped up, he felt trapped, his throat felt like it was closing up on him, tears started filling his eyes, blurring his vision.
"i don't have anyone, i'm alone, everyone is leaving me or turning out to not really be my friend or even fucking love me anymore. i mean my own parents said that! my parents, jo!" his breathing sped up even more, his hands flew to his neck, feeling like he was being strangled.
"i," gasp "i can't, anymore" and that was it. that was his final straw. he was finally feeling everything he had covered up or ignored for the past month or so. the stress of work, his parent's withdraw of love, kane's betrayal, nate's rejection. everything was rushing back to him. the feeling of not being good enough, the feeling of people leaving, the feeling of no matter how much he struggled and worked and fought, it was still never enough.
so here he was, sobbing in front of the one person that offered themself for him to rant to. his hands clawing at his neck, his lungs desperately trying to take a proper breath, his tears pouring down his face, even if he was bent over. gus' attempts at silencing his own crying only worked a few times, his cries came out soft and strained, anyone could tell that he was in pain.
code by valen t.
MOOD: datin satan

OUTFIT: clothes

LOCATION: fairgrounds
too much work

ohdittoh ohdittoh (Mike)
TL;DR no
Veronica Crosby
"You're right. I've really been trying to hold it all in recently," Ronnie breathed. She giggled softly, her wide eyes scanning the minute features of Mike's face: the precise sharpness of his jawline, his self-congratulatory smirk, his funny little eyebrows. If she hadn't been hanging onto every aspect of this moment for the sake of recounting it over and over later on, Ronnie would have tuned out Mike's words already to focus more on his features. She was completely entranced, back under the dickishly charming boy's spell as quickly as she'd snapped out of it. "But it turns out I'm not so good at that." She laughed again, her mocha eyes coyly drifting off to the side.

Her eyes crept back upwards when Mike delicately brushed her hair aside. Every moment the boy was making the right move, leaving Ronnie with no other choice but to submit to his infectious flirtatiousness. "The night's already perfect, but with you? You're pretty full of surprises. Fun surprises." She returned his wink, hoping it could somehow give her the confidence too woo Mike as he'd done to her. "But I am too. I'd like to say I won't disappoint." The short redhead took a seductive bite out of her candy apple, making intense eye contact with her date.

Ronnie gladly melted into Mike once the two of them got out of their seats, absorbing the warmth of his body into her own. The dress was looking to be an unfortunate fashion choice for the increasingly chilly night, especially as a chilly breeze swept past the couple. She trembled slightly, squeezing Mike even tighter. It was a perfect excuse to keep him close, really, but the decision to squeeze so hard was mostly a decision motivated by a necessity to keep warm.

The girl's heart skipped a beat at the sound of her whole name. That was totally on purpose! He really is enjoying the sight of me swooning... "Oh! There's a haunted house around here somewhere, right? Can we go... Michael?" She immediately followed up her words with a playful laugh, but it mostly came out as awkward. She was trying too hard, however exactly how to dial it back was beyond Ronnie.

The request to attend a horror attraction was yet another ploy on Ronnie's part to manipulate the outcome of the date. She'd have unlimited excuses to practically glue herself to Mike and never let go. She could be so scared she'd have to dig her face bashfully into his chest and get another whiff of the cologne he had on. The masculine smell Mike had about him was irresistible. Just a passing sniff of the aroma wasn't enough for Ronnie. If she was going to live out her dream date, she'd have to aim higher. The full sensory experience, starting with smell.

Acting was a natural component of Ronnie's skillset, so feigning innocent fear would be the easiest part. Ronnie was young and immature, but she wasn't a wimp. No, no wimp simps here. Just pimp simps. It felt wrong to lie to Mike, though, especially considering Ronnie was such an avid watcher of horror flicks. And, after that wild production of Carrie (the guy that played Tommy Ross was sooo her type), blood was no problem for her. Hmm... I wonder if I could land a gig here next year? I could be Tina Gray and Mikey could be Rod Lane! Well, I guess they're not bad guys, but they're horror movie characters, so that's enough, right? Do haunted houses require the scary characters or just... horror movie characters? Hmmm... That's a question for Professor Boyd.

Ronnie pointed in the direction she believed the horror attraction to be, slightly pushing Mike to guide him in the right direction. "If you wanna go, I, uh... I think it's this way." Getting them lost would be the most awkward thing Ronnie could think of, but hey, at least they'd be together, right? Good couples can make do with just each other. Probably. Ronnie wasn't the best person to consult on that.
code by valen t.
fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfillerlerfilelifr 7:45 AM fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfilr

Blessedly alone





He decided that he liked this Lucky guy. He did just what Jace liked to do -- he spoke about business and then he departed before things could get too weird or hit a point where you'd just be desperately grasping for straws to keep the conversation rolling. You know, that part of conversation where you'd mention ridiculous things like the weather in a meaningless effort to keep the ball rolling.

Jace nodded his head but he didn't say anything as Lucky bid his farewell. Instead, Jace just waited until the guy had turned his back and then a huge smile spread across his face. Lucky was such a sucker. Jace was going to get a hell of a song out of this, show that he could work with others, and he got a free funnel cake. Ha.

Turning, Jace's pale gaze moved across the sitting areas until they spotted a nice, untouched table in the very far corner. Bingo. Secluded, isolated, and quiet? Today was actually starting to turn up Jace for once.

He picked his way across the fairgrounds, stopping more than once as someone rushed in front of him. Jace didn't like being touched, especially by strangers, so attempting to avoid that while stepping through an area jam-packed with fellow fairgoers proved to be nearly impossible. Yet again, he was met with the realization that funnel cakes were not worth all this stress.

Eventually, he stumbled his way to the table and took a seat, setting the funnel cake in front of him on the table. Well, sitting alone at the fair and just staring at a funnel cake was a little depressing, so Jace pulled his phone from his pocket to check the link Lucky had sent him.

While one hand held his phone and opened the link that Lucky had sent him, his other hand reached into his pocket and pulled earbuds out of his jacket pocket. Jace popped one into his ear and then clicked the button to start. He placed the phone down on the table and then took to breaking apart the funnel cake and started eating while he listened.

Ahh. Peaceful.

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)


chumped his friends aren't getting along but also yay! cake!




theme song


mentions: evie, casey
interacting: nic Kio.exe Kio.exe dei fin fin amy Kitsune2202 Kitsune2202

so pull me closer, and kiss me hard

“Fries? But Dei—“ And he was off. Ellie was not blind, though many people deemed he was due to his incapability to take social cues. He simply wished the rumors he heard about his buddy were untrue. After all, he wasn’t there during the supposed Twitter war that unleashed the day that Dei was exposed as a cheater. He had barely a clue what happened until Evie spoke to him, but the boy simply did not want to think of his friend like that. Dei had his own list of issues, but it was out of character for his normally very chill and honest friend to cheat. And what kind of person would Ellie be, if he was someone who stuck with a cheater?

Nestled in the embrace of his unfortunately straight friend, Ellie decided to put whatever drama was happening with Dei aside. It was clear that Nic wasn’t exactly happy with Dei’s presence, but it was not in Ellie’s nature to just tell someone to fuck off after he specifically asked them to be here. He’d just have to play the mediator, although the mixture of chemicals in his head made every thought hard to formulate. Ellie curled up closer to his friend, enjoying the warmth that radiated from the other’s body as he mindlessly played with Dei’s hand. Melanin on melanin, the two of them shared more things in common than Ellie would like to admit. A temper, some kind of shitty background (though neither disclosed details, which he enjoyed), a sense of style. However, Elle could argue on Dei’s style. It was fine for the musician, but totally not Ellie’s vibe. Something about buying into name brands and drip drove the designer crazy. $30 for a white shirt and a graphic? Jesus, he could make a satin blouse with that kind of money.

As Nic left, Ellie shifted his position from upright to leaning on Dei’s lap, legs propped up on his original seat. Lightheadedness bulldozed its way into him, causing that ever familiar nausea to hit. God, it was only like 20-30 minutes into the fair and he was loosing his shit. What the hell did he take today? Ellie lolled his head back, hoping to alleviate some of the pressure he was feeling in his chest. Some kind of anti-gravity shit. He noticed Nic make his way back from the stand, fries in hand, in the corner of his eye. Softly, he mumbled back to Dei in response to his quip. “He’s just a friend. And I did tell you that Nic was here, you just have the worst selective reading ever.”

Ellie pulled one of the cups of fries towards him, craving that salty, smokey taste in his mouth to rid it of it’s chalky feeling. Truthfully he wondered how fries were even made; were they mashed potatoes squeezed out into tubes (it’s mushy texture suggested so)? Dangling a fry into his mouth, Ellie grinned lopsidedly at the awkwardness that was now present at the table. Nic, jealous? No. Probably just pissed at Dei, like many people were. “I’d kiss you but your fine ass ain’t scoochin’ on my side of the sexuality spectrum.” Unlike Dei, the chuckle that rose from his throat was unrestrained, accompanied by a hopelessly improper snort.

Propping himself up on his hands, his body lifted from Dei’s lap, he stuck out his bottom lip. Nic didn’t seem to be enjoying himself anymore, but it was better Nic than Ellie. Ellie couldn’t handle anymore bad vibes for the day. He had already picked, what, 3 Twitter fights today? His inebriety was a come and go, hitting him like a truck at some points and unfortunately disappearing at others. “Can’t I just love my brothers tonight? Nic you’re all sad now, whatcha’ need to turn that frown upside down? A hug? Kissies?” The baby voice had come into play in that last word, a tone he enjoyed playing around with whenever he talked to Nic. He hoped the childish banter would liven the 3-person party, for the slowly depleting flask was likely not going to last for long enough if shared between the three of them.

A dark figure was approaching the diner, unillluminated by the shitty lighting that this corner of the fair had. Who else was Ells expecting? Squinting, he made out the small silhouette of a girl, a cropped sweater… jeans. Casey? No, he hadn’t even talked to Casey yet today, his little partner in crime. Though he did consider inviting her to the party. What other girl would come by? She was holding something.. and it looked a little like funnel cake. Cake… cake… Oh! Shit. That was Amy, wasn’t she? The girl that Dei unceremoniously wronged. Pushing his hand against Dei’s chest in a scramble to stand up and block her view of Dei, he used his other arm to wave at her. “Amy! Hi Amy! Oh my god, girl, you really pulled through. Hello!”

nine lives


fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfilslsderlerfilelifr 4:00 PM fillerfillerfisdsdllerfillerfillerfillerfillerfilr
... michael reid ...

...shut up.




ronnie hery hery (zeph mentioned Winona Winona )

The little simp was trying to flirt back, and she was so miserable at it that Mike caught himself nearly laughing. It was so pitiful. Then again, it was Ronnie Crosby, so pitiful wasn’t exactly a surprise.

She really, really thought that he was into her. He’d really done too good of a job. Pat on the back for that, Mike-a-boy. Gold star and a circled A+ at the top of his paper. Promoted to master of manipulation or something.

Fuck. He was so gross. He was really leading on a little girl. A tiny tot who’d managed to guilt him into being here. A widdle wee lass who just had to be someone who he fucking pitied.

It was revolting— her, and his conscience that made him unable to just ignore what he’d done. This was the last time that he listened to the damn thing.

Fuck him for being such a great guy.

After the initial wave of holding back laughter came that seeping nausea. The eye contact that she had made with him had made him hold back a retch. What, had she been trying to be seductive or something? Curling her head, batting her eyes, and struggling with her lips to keep the apple from falling out, slobber trailing from the apple as she pulled it away, wasn’t exactly hot. If anything, it came off as more creepy. Crunching apples and being seductive didn’t mix, and even if they did, it was Veronica Crosby, who wouldn’t know arousing if it hit her in the flat ass or across the empty head.

Now, she squeezed his side so tightly that he nearly struggled to breathe. Holy shit, where was this iron grip coming from? Could she squeeze just a little bit tighter? Do him a big favor and shatter his ribs, puncture his lungs, and watch him as he slowly died? That would be absolutely wonderful, thanks much.

Where was that lightning bolt from above? Where was that bullet to his temple?

C’mon, God. Please. Hurry up with that.

She was like a tiny little rat clinging to his side. He reaaaaaally hoped that no one looked over at him and her right now. Perfect snapshot to be spread around. Great press, yeah. He wanted to be known as HA’s Star Model Who is Dating What Might as Well Be a Toddler. That had a great ring to it, yeah?

"Oh! There's a haunted house around here somewhere, right? Can we go... Michael?"

A haunted house? Why? So she could piddle all over his shoes or break his eardrums with her screeching?

Her laugh, too, sounded like a suffocating cat. She was so painful. Just…listening and talking to her. He understood why no one ever wanted to date her— not that he hadn’t before, but now he had an even better idea (or worse, depending on your view of it). Pity dates were going to be the only attention that she was ever going to get.

Except for from Evermore, but that weird fucking simp’s simp didn’t count.

Ya know, he should’ve asked the tall, freakish fuck what it felt like to make out with a plank. Did it feel different than his pillowcase?

Plus, she’d said his whole name. Was that supposed to be flirtatious? He liked his name, but coming from her mouth, he suddenly had the urge to legally change it. It was so grating. With her squeaky voice, it sounded disgusting, like some…revolting insect.

Yeah, no, I’m not Michael anymore. I’m…Robert. Yeah. Bob.

She tugged him in the direction of the attraction. “If you wanna go, I, uh... I think it's this way."

He fucking hoped it was. Getting lost with Veronica Crosby sounded like the fifth ring of hell.

Come to think of it, was this karma? Was this because he’d gotten his cake before he had eaten his veggies from his tray back in kindergarten when the teacher told him that there was no dessert without eating them? Was that finally coming back to hit him?

If you kill me now, I’ll be a very, very good boy, God. I swear, I promise.

Hell, you don’t even have to kill
me. Taking out Ronnie would work just as well.


Now, he really wished that he knew the layout of the place more— or that he’d at least thought to grab one of the maps that they had up front. He literally had only come to the fairs the years before for the gourd judging competitions. Harvey Thompson, aged twenty-four, had driven all the way from Wisconsin with his pumpkin last year— the thing was nine-hundred-and-twenty-two pounds and six ounces. Had to have been at least three feet tall or something. Fucking monstrous.

He knew where the center for that was. Everything else, though? No clue.

And he didn’t fucking trust Ronnie.

“This way?” he repeated, forcing a grin as he walked in the general direction, keeping his eyes open for any sign that it was nearby, trying not to let his face get dragged down by the dread in his stomach. “I’ll trust your navigation skills, babe.”

His eyes scanned the food carts as they passed them. There were pumpkin pie slices, sweet potato fries, and funnel cakes selling for exorbitant prices and dumbasses actually paying for them. What a waste.

That candy apple hadn’t worked as well as he hoped that it had either, though. Now, she seemed even more hyper and clingy than ever.

Fuck. Bad purchase.

“Haunted house, huh?” he asked. “Why do ya want to go to that? You don’t strike me as the horror fan, Crosby. You want to go in there just so you can scream and bury your head in my chest or something?” he teased, rolling his eyes inwardly. “Romantic, huh? Pissing your pants in front of your date is the best way to charm them, ya know. That’s the real key to ending the night with a round of applause? Come real close, and I’ll tell you.” He leaned his head close to hers. “Start bawling into the back of their shirt and screaming for your mommy.” He pulled his head away, laughing.

Even if it was a bit cruel, it felt kind of cleansing— to take digs at her under the guise of teasing. Seeing the cogs in her puny head spinning made him slightly less miserable. It was a weird mix of being disgusted with himself and being mildly gratified.

Being an asshole was fun, alright? Fuck you.

“Sexy,” he teased, grinning, and he shook his head.

His eyes scanned the tops of the buildings. Spooky, scary, something. Haunted…something? He didn’t even know what it was called.

Finally, his eyes snagged on something: The Fall Spooktacular.

What a dumb fucking name. So generic. They could’ve done something much better than that.

“Is this it?” he asked, walking up to the line. His eyes trailed to the side of it.

Wait: 5 minutes.


That was five more than he could deal with Ronnie for.

He looked over at her, dropping his arm from around her as he made his way into the ropes that made the line. “Ya know, I’ve heard that they give prizes out to the person who flinches or screams the least,” he lied. “So if you be bwave, Wonnie, den you might end up wiff something special…buuuuuut…” He dropped the baby voice, chuckling. “It’s up to you.”

He hoped that that worked to reverse the effect of his teasing earlier.

He fucking prayed that she kept off of him in the house.

“Wonder if this one is going to even be scary. I doubt it. Everything looks super cheap on the outside. That scarecrow has lopsided eyes,” he laughed, and he looked down at Ronnie. “Not very scary, is it?”

He found himself exhaling a shaky breath as the line went down a few more people.

Why’d she have to have picked the haunted house of all places? Why couldn’t she’ve picked something more…cutesy? He didn’t know. On brand. Or whatever. Teacups. The mini coaster. Something. Anything besides the haunted house.

Before you jumped to any conclusions, he’d have you to ask yourself: if you had a green guy screaming for your brains or a dude chopping up bloody meat with a chainsaw, would you not be scared? Would you not flinch even a liiiiitle if a clown just stood and stared at you? What about if you saw guts hanging from the ceiling? Or had a lady in a nun outfit jump out at you?

You would. Don’t even lie.

Shut the fuck up. He was brave.

He just…didn’t like haunted houses.

He grinned over at Ronnie. “Sure you don’t want to turn away right now? Is the pressure of the scare getting to ya, babe? You don’t have to lie to me. I won’t judge,” he laughed.

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)
Last edited:
fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfillerlerfilelifr 7:45 AM fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfilr



[insert a yikes gif]

"And those two personality traits are whininess and horniness." Adriane agreed as Nickie finished her short story. She noticed the briefest hesitation of Nickie's voice as she attempted to try and insult Hunter, but fell extraordinarily short. Adriane rolled her eyes. There was an example of where her and Nickie stopped being similar -- because it didn't matter how much Adriane might care about someone, she could still recognize their flaws and had no trouble calling them out.

But hey, Adriane could allow them to skip over Hunter. Even if she had a list a mile long of things that she could bring up, she would leave those things untouched and unsaid to appeal to the simp before her. And to think, people called her a selfish bitch, and yet here she was, selflessly skipping over one of the biggest up-and-coming pricks of the school.

"I'm sure she is sleeping with..." Adriane grimaced before she said his name, "Trevor. She dated Nico, so obviously her taste in guys is absolute garbage and she'll totally sleep with any guy that gives her an ounce of attention. But hey, if what she's into is shitty guys without an ounce of talent, whatever." She said with a shrug.

Adriane ripped off another piece of her pretzel and took a bite of it, chewing as Nickie started in again, but the instant she heard Gus, Adriane's heart dropped.

Okay, maybe she was as weak as Nickie, but it wasn't because she wanted to fuck the guy. Gus was just... one of her best friends here. One of the only people that could put up with the bitchy attitude and had earned his way into the gaping, cold black hole where Adriane's heart should've been. Insulting him felt... wrong.

How embarrassing.

"He's not fucking Tittypecs." Adriane scoffed. "Please, Gus is a slut but at least he's a slut with standards. Plus Nate is totally straight -- and he's so far up Evie's ass that I can't imagine him having time to fuck anyone else."

It was for the best that Nickie moved on from Gus, because there was every chance that Adriane would've reached across the table and choked her with the rest of her pretzel.

Adriane laughed as Nickie went on. "He was probably so high that he totally forgot she even existed." She said with a roll of his eyes. "Not that I can blame him. I'd probably end myself if I had to show up anywhere with Jo. She's a total freaking bitch. The day she got transferred out of plastics, I totally threw a party."

Well, she did a couple shots at night in her apartment, but close enough.

"You know the worst of Dei's friends? That Ellie guy. Oh my god, he's the literal worst. Whiny little fuck that's usually so fucked up on whatever substance he's decided to snort for the week that you can't even have a straight conversation with him. He's always at the apartment because he's Chas' friend and I honestly don't know what Chas sees him. He hired him as a personal tailor and like, if Chas wants to looks like he just picked the first thing he saw on the rack at Wal-Mart, then whatever."

She rolled her eyes. "Have you seen that one guy on Twitter? Javi? He looks like he shoots up with steroids every morning, which I wouldn't be surprised about because at least that would explain the fuck boy rage attitude he's always got going on. Roid rage. But he's totally fucking that Chase guy which I don't get because Chase looks like he's probably about as fun in bed as a porcupine. Oh, and he went over to Kane's ask. That guy is such a freaking crybaby. With those stupid emojis and whiny attitude all the time on Twitter. Like, fucking grow a pair and stop acting like a baby, otherwise you're going to be a virgin forever."

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)
fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfillerlerfilelifr 4:00 PMfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfilr




Romance was probably the last thing Ash would have expected Trevor to write. She'd expected something like mystery or horror. Stephen King-esque. Like, it wasn't that the story he described didn't sound lovely -- it really did -- it was just that... romance was something she couldn't see him ever wanting to write when he didn't even want to experience it. Hooking up didn't count.

And it had taken Trevor this long to be able to form coherent sentences on a fake date with just Ash, so she could imagine how he might be on an actual first date with someone he legitimately liked.

Granted, most dates probably didn't happen after making out drunkenly with them--

She diverted her gaze from Trevor's the moment the memory filled her mind again. Her cheeks reddened slightly as she set her cup down in front of her and stared at that instead of his face. She picked at the seam of the paper cup with her thumb while both of her hands stayed situated around it, feeling the warmth of the hot drink.

"Couldn't you just change the story a bit?" She asked as her gaze drifted back up to Trevor's face, but she kept her hands tightly around the drink. "Like, so the characters with chemistry end up together instead of trying to force something that isn't there. Like, I guess you could force it because it's a story and characters do what you say and can't protest, but won't it feel unnatural? And then what if the whole movie just falls short because you tried to force a romance that wasn't there instead of going with the one that had chemistry?"

Ash shrugged, her eyes moving back to the drink. "Like, when I'm... writing or recording songs, I have a plan, but it doesn't always go that way. Sometimes you just have to like... stop overthinking and do what feels right, I guess."

"I think you will. Like, I've never read anything you've written, but I'm sure it's amazing." She said with a laugh. "And I mean, most of the lit kids aren't even doing full films, right? You're going to do freaking amazing."

She shook her head when he asked what she was doing because Ash... didn't know.

"Yeah, umm... I haven't really thought about it," Ash admitted. "I just want to do, like, one song but I gotta find someone willing to go up there with me and I like... I don't really know who to ask, I guess." Thinking about the showcase and having to go up there in front of people, onto a stage, to perform live, made her sick to her stomach.

It wasn't like Ash hadn't gone on stage before, but that didn't mean it got any easier. She still loathed it and she suspected that she would loathe the spotlight and all eyes on her until she died.

"I've got time, though, I guess. Like, I'll figure it out."

And then the conversation hit... a snag. Or something. A point where Ash didn't know what else to say. Where she didn't know how to keep going, which -- obviously -- was an issue given the fact that they still had... way too long until it was time for the Ferris wheel. Maybe it had been dumb of her to even suggest it and to mention she liked it best at night. It set up an end goal for them to reach instead of being able to call the date earlier -- like now, when things felt...


She started picking at the seam of her cup again, her teeth biting into her bottom lip, her gaze still focused on the cup in front of her.

"Did you tell Charlie?" She asked and almost instantly regretted the words that rolled off her tongue. Almost, because her thoughts were still trying to put together why Charlie had thought this would be a good idea. Why Charlie and Lin and Gen and Eli and Evie all thought they saw something that just...

Wasn't mutual.

"Like, about Homecoming or anything? I just... can't figure out why she would set this up. Or..." Her voice trailed off, the words dying on her tongue as she realized that maybe she didn't really want an answer.

"Never mind. Forget it."

She did her best to smile, but it was uncomfortable. Tense. Strained.

Basically the definition of sitting at this table with Trevor, of this whole date with Trevor.

So she just kept her eyes glued to her cup, her fingernail picking away at the seam of the cup until it started to detach.

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)
MOOD: fuck. everything sucks.


LOCATION: the fair
Ash ( Winona Winona ) Trev ( ohdittoh ohdittoh ) Dei ( fin fin ) Charlie ( geminiy geminiy )
Ellie ( pandagosquish pandagosquish )

--------don't type anything after this comment--------

TL;DR Nic wants to break things.
Nic Thompson
Fuck.This sucks.

Nic frowned as Ellie scooted in closer to Dei, unable to keep his face from heating in what was either jealousy or anger, both of which were irrational. Sighing, he looked down at the table, not touching the fries that lay in front of him. As Ellie spoke, Nic gathered himself, pasting a cocky grin on his face before responding.

“What frown, Elli baby?” he asked, leaning back in his chair in a forced gesture of nonchalance. “No frown here, but if you could bear to be parted from your ‘boyfriend’, I’d love a cuddle. And kisses,” Nic added, crossing his arms over his chest, glaring at his shaking fingers. Was it cold in here? He was suddenly freezing. That must be why his hands were shaking like he was a recovering addict. It wasn’t because he was jealous, or angry, or so mentally drained that he wished he could just fall into bed and never get up. Not at all.

So much for having a good night. Not to mention that he’d snapped at Charlie over dm’s and he felt like an ass. He’d apologized, several times, but he’d have to make it up to her somehow. It seemed he had a whole lot to make up to everyone in his life, Ellie included. Nic, admittedly, was being selfish. Ellie had asked him to come because he’d been having a rough time, and now Nic was here, killing the vibe. And all because the sight of Ellie and Dei cuddled up made him want to break things.

It was the alcohol. Even if he’d only had a few sips. Hell, it made more sense than what he was feeling right now. Or maybe it was the fact that Trevor and Ash were somewhere, surely laughing and flirting and being lost in each other’s eyes. Maybe it was because for the first time in almost six years he cared, and it sucked. It really sucked.

Everything sucked.

And yet he smiled.

code by valen t.
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