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Fandom Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Aria wildly waved her arm in return, and called back,"Totally! I'll see you there!", before turning reluctantly to return her attention to the wand maker that stood before her. He was a rather wizened, old wizard, his complexion a minefield of strange spots and frightful folds, and his hair, a wispy white. Upon taking in the man's appearance in it's entirety, Aria decided quickly that the eccentric eleven year old she had met a few moments previous was far from the thinnest human she had ever had the displeasure of encountering, as this man was truly skeletal. He was absolutely emaciated, his aged, angular bones pushing persistently at soft, sallow flesh, as if they were attempting to make an escape from the confines of his frail frame. His dark eyes glittered with mischief and what remained of his lips pushed upward into a knowing grin. He was nightmarish, but, at least for the moment, Aria would have to be courageous and conduct business with this monster of a man. Swallowing her fear, she stuttered,

"Uh- Hello, Mr. Olivander"

Aria might have imagined it, but she though she saw his eyes were gleaming fiendishly, beetle black pits of endless ebony, as he replied,

"Yes, hello. You, my dear, must be Aria Sterne, if I am not mistaken." She frowned at him and reposed, "Well, yeah, and I'd like to get my wand, please." Mr. Olivander raised a single, silver eyebrow and observed, with inappreciable amusement, "Impatient, are we? Yes, I can find a wand that might take a liking to you." And with that, he swiftly swiveled on his heel and began steadily searching the endless supply of stuffed shelves for a wand that might suit his customer. His first selection was an eight inch black thorn, with a unicorn hair core, perfect he believed, with someone possessing an attitude such as hers. Unfortunately, however, upon attempting to swing the wand and conjure some sort of positive effect, Aria found herself encompassed by dark, dusky smoke. It, Olivander decided, seemed to detest her. He pulled another from the shelf, a fifteen inch redwood, with a phoenix feather core, hoping it might suit her large personality, but inevitably it only emitted an earsplitting sound upon coming into contact with her fingers and had to be set back in it's box. He tried a third, a thirteen inch cherry wood wand with a dragon heartstring core, oddly bendy.

Aria knew it was her wand when he pulled it from the shelf, beautiful, thin, elegant, and decorated with a delightful floral design. It was burgundy, a shade of sweet wine and strawberry candy. And when it rested against her palm, it seemed to warm her, it felt like home. It was perfect. Raising her arm high in the air, and squeezing her eyes shut, she flicked the stretch of wood once, twice, three, times. Upon opening her eyes, she found she had conjured a small collection of cherry blossoms from thin air. Her mother gasped with elation, and her father gazed at the petals she had produced for a moment, as if in disbelief, before looping his long arms around her small figure for a hug.


Aria entered Madame Malkins, grinning from ear to ear, and cheerily chirped, "Bec! Bec! Guess what? I got a cherry wood wand! It's so, so cool! What wood did you get?"

@QueenEmma @CelestialBunny

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Rebecca's robes were done perfectly and Ginevra, her mother, has returned with her new copies of the beginners level books. "Mommy, look" she said showing her her new robes that fit perfectly. Rebecca couldn't help but notice how quiet her father had been since she got her wand, "Um... Daddy? Are you okay?" She gasped, "Are you upset with my wand or me?" She asked pouting adorably slightly. Harry shook his head no, "No sweetie, of course not I was just worrying, about your wand" he replied. "Why?" she asked curiously, "Holly wood, like mine is a very rare wood, and let's just say it usually picks its owner because they're engaged in dangerous and spiritual quests and I just don't want you to have a rough time at Hogwarts." He said before hugging her, "I'll be fine" Becca replied, she saw Aria come in. "I got.... Holly ...wood" she said a hint of fear in her tone. @The Magical Girl

(Remember. Please, no spoilers from Deadly Hallows or Half-Blood Prince. Please)



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Aria's countenance brightened further upon hearing this news, she called from across the sprawling spread of a room, "That is so neat! Holly's are super, uber, extra rare, right?" Following this proclamation, she dashed to the platform beside that of her pal, stepping shakily up onto the block and awaited sizing, while continuing to chat with the blonde beside her, "Hollywood is supposed to be really powerful too! I bet you're gonna be a fantastic witch!" She stretched her arms outward, as a young witch hurriedly stretched measuring tape across and around them, "You're gonna have to help me in my classes, my wand's cherry, and most people say that those are kinda useless and just there to look pretty." She extended a leg upward, balancing her weight on one foot, as the witch twisted the tape around her thigh. "But I guess that makes sense, since I want to brew beauty potions when I grow up."

@QueenEmma @CelestialBunny

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.e18020243f7abaab9eec443432d97543.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133141" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.e18020243f7abaab9eec443432d97543.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Rebecca smiled, "Yeah, I guess it is kinda exciting to have such a rare wand" she said with a hint of excitement. Her new friend mentioned having a cherry wand, "Well those people are wrong, Cherry is a rare wand wood type that creates a wand of strange power, most highly prized by the wizarding students of the school of Mahoutokoro in Japan, where those who own cherry wands have special prestige. The Western wand-purchaser should dispel from their minds any notion that the pink blossom of the living tree makes for a frivolous or merely ornamental wand, for cherry wood often makes a wand that possesses truly lethal power, whatever the core, but if teamed with dragon heartstring, the wand ought never to be teamed with a wizard without exceptional self-control and strength of mind" she stated before blushing. "I'm sorry" she said before biting her lip, "With Hermione as my aunt it's hard to avoid knowledge" she said sweetly. She looked up at her friend, "So we both have amazing wands, I'm excited for Hogwarts. I hope we get in the same house." She said with a huge smile, "Well Princess, we have all your clothing, books and Cauldron, crystal phials, telescope and brass scales. So you are almost ready but we're missing a special companion." Her father said behind Rebecca, she her eyes twinkled, "I get to have a pet?!" She asked excited, as her father and mother nodded. They started to leave and Rebecca turned to face Aria, "You coming?" She asked.

@The Magical Girl

(Remember. Please, no spoilers from Deadly Hallows or Half-Blood Prince. Please)



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Alex and her father wandered the pet shop, Alex trying to look for a pet that seemed to suit her most, defiantly not a toad. An owl would be useful because she would write to her father often, cats were small and very sweet and Alex loved cats. But then Alex froze seeing an adorable baby raven hopping around in the nest seeing its other brothers and sisters fly. Alex approached the nest and the raven chirped happily as Alex placed a finger inside the cage and stroked the ravens fathers which seemed to be coated in a small layer of black glitter.

"Dad, can I have this one?" She asked staring at the small bird. Draco placed a hand on her shoulder and said yes walking off to go get someone.

"Hi, you're going to be my new companion" She said smiling at the very tiny baby raven.

"hi" The raven chirped. Alex smiled even more hearing the raven speak.

"Am I mad or did you actually just speak to me?" Alex asked with a smile.

"I'm talking to you, but only you can hear me because we're bonded now. My name's Luna" The raven said with a happy chirp hopping closer to Alex.

"I'm Alex, it's nice to meet you Luna" Alex said with a smile leaning closer to the bird having a desire to be closer to it.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.053ab009b5146359215dc9a554120fbc.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133184" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.053ab009b5146359215dc9a554120fbc.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Rebecca, Harry, and Ginevra walked out of the shop, before Rebecca heard Aria's reply, "What about getting a cat like Aunty Hermione!? Or a cute mouse? What about toad? Or an owl?" She said as they arrived to the pet store and immediately she saw Draco and his 'so far rude' daughter. Ginevra tensed up and Harry whispered to her and calmed her down, "Pick anyone you want" her father said with a kind smile, then he turned to face Ginvera and they talked about the excitement of their only child going off to Hogwarts. Rebecca started looking around, "You are all so cute" she said whispering to the cats, toads and owls. She couldn't decide, but she knew she had to pick the pet that was best for her, it may not be the fastest, prettiest or smartest but her pet would be her friend. She walked around the shop peacefully humming one of her original songs.

@The Magical Girl

(Remember. Please, no spoilers from Deadly Hallows or Half-Blood Prince. Please)



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A shop keeper handed Alex her new pet raven Luna, Alex walked over to her father and saw him tense up as Harry and his family were in the shop too.

"Do you want to talk to them Dad?" Alex asked looking up at her father. Draco looked down at Alex and knelt down looking her in the eyes, as Luna hopped up Alex's arm and stood on Alex's shoulder.

"Alex, I don't want you around him or any part of his family ok? They have a knack for attracting trouble and I don't want anything to happen to you. Also Harry doesn't know the full story of what I did....of why I did it during the war...don't let them twist your mind ok?" He whispered to her. She nodded to her father, her eyes going wide as Harry and his family approached them.
After purchasing a small set of snug fitting, ebony robes, Aria's father dropped a small stack of sickles into the extended palm of the seamstress, while her mother discussed the current season's most recent trends with the manager, Aria catching snippets of their piddling prattle,

"Blue is the new black!"

"-And that new line of robes, the ones enchanted to shine, you know, the Stolline-no the Stelline Collection?"

"Did you see the dress that Luna Lovegood was caught wearing the other day, the war hero, you've heard of her? I went to school with her, she was always quite dotty."

"-ugliest set of robes I've seen in ages, I tell you."

Once the two women had finished scrutinizing and criticizing the couture of every celebrity within at least a thousand kilometers and Jonathan had paid the seamstress, they exited the shop, still in high spirits and ready to make another monumental purchase. The next destination was one Magical Menagerie, where Aria was to find a different sort of companion.


Animals of all shapes and sizes resided in the small, slightly suffocating shop. On one wall toads toddled about large terrariums, thick with greenery of every kind, on another owl's cried out from cages that Aria thought were much too small for a creature of flight, and in the center of it all stood her new friend, as well as that peculiar, pretentious girl she had encountered an hour previous. She first approached Rebecca, crying out,

"Hey Bec! Bec! Fancy meeting you here," she giggled at her own jest, "Any animals catch your eye?"


While her daughter chattered cheerfully at Potter's spawn, Lavender, her husband in tow, approached her fellow Gryffindors. Wearing a tentative smile, she began,

"Long time no see! How have you been?" she gestured to the towering muggle behind her, who seemed transfixed by a display of color changing rats, "That's John, my husband, by the way, and those are," she pointed towards a blonde girl jabbering jubilantly at another child, and then towards boy, who possessed a striking resemblance to the man she had just indicated to be his father, "Aria and Orion"

@QueenEmma @CelestialBunny

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.8830db0ba6531446646756003146b602.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133424" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.8830db0ba6531446646756003146b602.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Rebecca turned around to see her new friend Aria, "Not yet. I'm sure I'll find the companion that's best for me soon" she said sweetly. "What about you?" she asked, continuing to walk the store, looking at all the pets in the store. She could see the faces of the animals, "I wish I could buy them all, they look so sad and trapped in there" she said with a pout.

~ ~ ~

Harry and Ginevra turned to see one of their old classmates, Lavender, "Oh hello. It really has been a long time" he spoke, and Ginevra nodded. "It's truly nice to see you again" Ginny added, Harry and Ginny looked at the children Lavender had pointed to, "Oh how cute. Well our only daughter is the girl your daughter is talking too" Harry said. Harry glanced back at Draco, things were still too awkward and complicated with their Hogwarts experience.

@The Magical Girl @QueenEmma

(Remember. Please, no spoilers from Deadly Hallows or Half-Blood Prince. Please)



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"Father, perhaps we should leave, we've gotten everything I need for school" Alex said tugging gently on Draco's hand. Draco nodded and held onto Alex's hand tightly leading her out of the store. They appirated back to Malfoy manner as Alex went up to her room to put her things away, Luna remaining perched on Alex's shoulder. School started in a few short weeks, hopefully it would go better then this trip visit.

(Can I add in Teddy? For those of you who know who he is?)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.3a2a544582940b4d124aabdab9decd68.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134909" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.3a2a544582940b4d124aabdab9decd68.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Rebecca set her eyes on a baby white owl, she immidiately fell in love with her, "Oh, my goodness. Mommy! Daddy! I found her" she said excitedly, pointing to the cute small owl who had sung along to Rebecca's song. "I'll name her Calypso" she said, exited for starting the school year.

~ ~ ~

Rebecca had tears in her eyes, "Goodbye Mommy, Daddy. I'll miss both of you so much!" She cried, tearing falling off her face and onto Calypso's feathers. "Sorry Cal, it's just I've never been away from home" Calypso hooted, "You're right Cally, this is my dream, I've got to live up to my parents" she kissed goodbye to her dad and mom. "Bye Princess" Harry called, "Bye Sweetie" Ginny said waving to Rebbeca and Calypso. Rebecca got on the train and picked a place, settling down and waiting for the train to leave.

@The Magical Girl @QueenEmma

(Remember. Please, no spoilers from Deadly Hallows. Please)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.gif.38a7f7432ab8c86740fe0b87a98baf7f.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134908" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.gif.38a7f7432ab8c86740fe0b87a98baf7f.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sapphire hurried her mother and father to reach Platform 9 3/4, "Come on, Mom, Dad, We are going to be late and then I'll have a bad reputation. A tardy could ruin my life" she said freaking out. "Sweetie calm down. You'll be fine" her mother, Hermione, said. "Yeah Sapphy, you've got your mother's brain. All the teachers will love you" Ron, her father added. Hermione set all of her daughters things, and her beloved pet cat Ruffles; and kissed her daughter goodbye. "Bye mum! Dad! I'll miss you" she said happily. "Now where do I sit?" She asked herself.

@The Magical Girl @QueenEmma

(Remember. Please, no spoilers from Deadly Hallows. Please)

(Someone comfort me in OOC, Just finished Half-Blood Prince)



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Alex and Draco went through the wall together, Scorpious already ahead of them, going to meet his friends on the train. Scorpious would be a second year in Slytherin house.

Draco pushed Alex's cart as her baby raven, Luna stayed perched on her shoulder, still not quite able to fly yet.

"Alright Princess, send me a letter once you're sorted, hopefully it will be Slytherin house like your brother but if not...I'll still love you" Draco said with an easy smile, not voicing his worry of his daughter not being in Slytherin, everyone in his family had been in Slytherin, if she wasn't...well lets not think about that.

"I love you Father" She said with a soft smile, giving him a hug farewell before walking onto the train.

She searched the train for somewhere to sit, all of them appearing to be full until she saw one which only contained a boy with Hufflepuff robes, and blond and blue hair.

"You can come sit if you'd like" He said with a smile scooting over to offer her a seat. She smiled and walked in, sitting across from the boy.

"What's your name?" He asked her.

"Alexandria, but you can call me Alex" She said with a soft smile.

"Nice to meet you Alex, my names Ted, Ted Lupin, but you can call me Teddy, the rest of my family does" He says with a smile.

"What year are you Teddy?" Alex asked

"I'm going into my 2nd year, and I take it you're a first year?" He asked. She nods.

"I'm sure you'll love it" He says softly smiling at her.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.2d48b4b080a3ee5fac880f9368d74347.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138958" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.2d48b4b080a3ee5fac880f9368d74347.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Rebecca was waiting to see if Aria would join her, she placed her luggage on its rack. She put on her robes, which carried her money for snacks. She sighed at her loneliness, she kinda enjoyed it since she was use to being swarmed with people, but she also enjoyed talking to people, like Aria, who liked her for her and not her parents, at least that's was Rebecca thought. She looked out the window to see that her parents were already gone, she stared at all the people.

@The Magical Girl @QueenEmma

(Remember. Please, no spoilers from Deadly Hallows. Please)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.gif.5363127a14c1bbc1234b5483590257a1.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138959" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.gif.5363127a14c1bbc1234b5483590257a1.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sapphire pushed her luggage though the crowded seats, but all of them appeared to be full. She was starting to get nervous, I am so late, she thought until she found a seat with a boy and a girl, "Mind if I sit here?" She asked to the girl and boy, waiting for them to answer.

@The Magical Girl @QueenEmma

(Remember. Please, no spoilers from Deadly Hallows. Please)



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Alex and Teddy continued talking when a girl asked to join them, standing in their doorway. Teddy looked at Alex asking for permission, having already gathered Alex was a bit of an introvert, aside from when she was angry or annoyed, which seemed to be often.

Alex nodded at Alex.

"Take a seat" Teddy said with a smile as Alex moved over, inviting the girl inside.

@CelestialBunny @The Magical Girl

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.gif.89edca84ed79ac036e2fed8e9d7843dd.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139015" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.gif.89edca84ed79ac036e2fed8e9d7843dd.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sapphire nodded, "Thanks, everywhere else seems to be full" she said, entering and putting her luggage in its compartment, "I'm Sapphire" she said, as her kitten left its cage and curled up on Sapphire lap, "And this is Ruffles" she said to both of them.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.8a6d823bbe7bbb91ba3e444f2163f086.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139018" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.8a6d823bbe7bbb91ba3e444f2163f086.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@The Magical Girl @QueenEmma

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Luna hopped off of Alex's shoulder and hopped over to the kitten.

"Hey Sapphire, this here is Alex" Teddy said with a smile, having already known the girl. Alex gave a small smile towards Sapphire, she looked like what her father described as a 'Weasley'.

"This is Luna" Alex said introducing her baby raven as it continued to look at the kitten, Ruffles, which was bigger then Luna curiously.

Alex hoped Teddy and Sapphire didn't know she was a Malfoy, she knew their famlies didn't get along very well. But then again, her pale complexion and her pale blond hair somewhat gave it away.

"So what year are you Sapphire?" Alex asked.

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