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Fandom Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Death

"Well I am cheering for Mortimer." Said Lorcan. She just felt as though he was their best bet winning the cup.

"I am cheering for the other person. Who was it again?" Asked Lysander who had a brain fart on the name. He could picture the person in his head but he just couldn't think of the name.

((Seriously who was the other champion?))
Garrett sighs. "The other Hogwarts champion is my little sister, Rebecca." He said while running a hand through his hair.

Alissa walking and talking with Rebecca and Cassiopeia telling them how she had been cheering for them despite them facing her house.
Opal had been walking to the clinic to go talk to Lysander when she spotted Scorpius and Albus ahead of her. "So how does it feel to lose the first game of the season boys?" She teased playfully slinging her arms around their shoulders, even though she was a tad bit shorter than them.

"Oh, your so funny Opal..." Albus commented sarcastically grinning, removing her arm form his shoulder.

"Well, I must be if you're grinning like the Chesh, Alby."

"Sorry for just walking up on you out of the blue, but I always have to greet a new face when I find one." Leo commented smiling slightly seeing that Cerys looked a little uneasy. "I'm not making you uncomfortable am I?"

Marley walked into the nurse's office smiling at the small little group crowded around Lysander. "Hey, just stopped in to congratulate you guys on winning the game. Also, I'm sorry about the bludger hitting your arm Lysander. I mean, I knew one of the Beaters had a good swing, but I didn't know it was that good."

(@Soul OMU ) (@To Never Love ) (@Johnny R McAvery )
While they were discussing the tournament, Flossie fell quiet as she started thinking. She chewed on her sleeve for a few moments before speaking.

"I don't think I'm going to support anything." she said, carefully, "Because I don't want any of them to lose. And... I'm a little puzzled as to why they'd keep the tournament on after a first year got murdered." Then, she fell quiet again, looking down. She was panicking a little, on the inside, but it didn't reflect on her face.

"There are worse things coming, I suspect." Flossie said, "We should all be on our guard."
"Thank you. It was nothing anyone did on purpose I am sure. It just comes with playing the game. Besides I'll be out of here in no time. Our nurse is good after all." Said Lysander as he readjusted himself to see everyone better. "I think this will be the best tournament yet."

"Nice to meet you again Rebecca. You ready for the first task?" Asked Mortimer as he stood beside Alissa.
Rebecca smiles a bit. "It's nice to meet you again and i think so.." she said and frowned a bit as Alissa pats her shoulder. "You played very well today, nice shot with the bludger. and they say girls cant be beaters..." she said softly while holding Mortimer's hand lightly.


Scorpius chuckles. "It's just the first game Opal. They're will be plenty more." he said while shaking his head and stretching. "Rebecca did a number on Lysander's arm with that bludger." Cassi walking back to the castle alone, thinking deeply as she walks. Rachel reading in the library with Bella.
"Good. I wish you luck in the task. If I don't win I want it to be you." Said Mortimer smiling. "You and the others played well today."
"Mmmm, but I still think Ravenclaw's gonna win this year." Opal's eyes shifted to green, to match her playful mood. "So Albus, I heard that you asked Becca to the Yule Ball and didn't tell us." Opal mused bumping her hip against his. She was subtly hinting for Scorpius to ask his question again, while also teasing her best friend.

Clemmence smiled once he saw Cassiopeia walking by. "Hey! Cassi, I want to talk to you!"

(@Soul OMU )
Scorpius grins and claps Albus on his shoulder. "Way to go mate! I knew you'd ask her eventually. You two will be the talk of the school." he said while grinning, happy for his friend, not going to ask Opal out in front of his friend since it's a friendly gesture since he wants to get to know her better.

Cassiopeia blinks and turns around slightly. "Hm? What is it Clemm?" she said while blinking her lashes at him and tilting her head a bit as she waits for an answer.

Albus' face turned a light shade of pink as he grinned sheepishly. "Well it didn't come up... I asked her during the picking of the Tri-Wizard champions." "Aw my Alby's growing up!" Opal joked hugging her friend. "So, do you have your dress robes picked out?" "No, I plan to do it when we got to Hogsmeade in a few days."

Clemmence slowed down once he was near her. "Uh, I- I wanted to know if- Well..... WouldyougototheYuleBallwithme?" Clem's face turned bright red, and he bit his lip nervously.

(@Soul OMU )
Scorpius chuckles. "Good luck mate, and hope your brother or sister don't tell your mom or she might send your dad's." he said while running a hand through his hair and grinning.

Cassiopeia blinks a couple of times before making sure she heard him right. "...You... want to go to the Yule Ball... With me?" she said looking very surprised and blushes a bit as she plays with a strand of her hair. "S-Sure Clemm, i'll go with you..." she said while biting her lip and smiling a bit at him.

Albus snorted. "At least my dad's robes are decent, a little out of date, but decent nonetheless! I would mainly feel bad for my cousin Hugo, because uncle Ron keeps trying to convince aunt Hermione to send Hugo his horrific robes that his mum sent him." "Knowing Hugo, he'd make the best out of it." Opal giggled. "Well, I'll see you guys later. I want to go say hey to Lysander." "Bye Alby."

"Uh y-yeah, I do." Clemmence stammered running a hand through his hair. "Uh great! Do you want to hang out with me right now?" He asked hopefully wanting to get to know Cassi better.

(@Soul OMU )
Scorpius nods and waves. "Later Albus. See you later." he said as his friend left and turned around the corner.

Cassiopeia blushing a bit and nods. "Uh yeah sure, i'm free." she said while rubbing her arm with a small smile.

"I think I'm going to follow him, I want to talk to Lysander and check in on him." Opal nodded in Abus direction, still buzzed from the game earlier.

"Great! Let's head up to the astronomy tower!" Clemmence grinned, grabbing Cassi's hand.

(@Soul OMU )
Scorpius bites his lip. "Uh wait... I still... want to know if you'll go to the Yule Ball with me and Hogsmeade... Opal..."

Cassiopeia blinks and holds his hand. "Uh okay, why there?"
((You know this is a good chance for a love triangle drama. Cause Lysander is about to ask Opal. Feels weird to make him suffer.))

Lysander smiled and the nurse came back in. "You two are free to leave. Lysander. You best take it easy. Your arm is good enough to move about and pick up some stuff, nothing heavy. It'll be perfect by morning time, granted you get your sleep like you should. And no heavy partying for you."

Lysander gulped and slide out of the bed and slid his robes on carefully. "Well... You heard the lady. Take it easy. Perhaps one of you would carry my bags." He joked as he slung it over his shoulder.

Mortimer yawned and looked at Alissa. "I'm heading back to the common room. I think I'll take a short nap before I crunch down on finding out a way to get past the tree."
[QUOTE="Johnny R McAvery]((You know this is a good chance for a love triangle drama. Cause Lysander is about to ask Opal. Feels weird to make him suffer.))
Lysander smiled and the nurse came back in. "You two are free to leave. Lysander. You best take it easy. Your arm is good enough to move about and pick up some stuff, nothing heavy. It'll be perfect by morning time, granted you get your sleep like you should. And no heavy partying for you."

Lysander gulped and slide out of the bed and slid his robes on carefully. "Well... You heard the lady. Take it easy. Perhaps one of you would carry my bags." He joked as he slung it over his shoulder.

Mortimer yawned and looked at Alissa. "I'm heading back to the common room. I think I'll take a short nap before I crunch down on finding out a way to get past the tree."

Alissa nods as she looks at him. "Alright, I'll see you soon." she said as she heads off to go see Lysander.
LuckyANDKitty said:
"Sorry for just walking up on you out of the blue, but I always have to greet a new face when I find one." Leo commented smiling slightly seeing that Cerys looked a little uneasy. "I'm not making you uncomfortable am I?"
Cerys returned his smile, loosening her grip on her book. "Not uncomfortable per se. More surprised and nervous. I get like this nearly every time I'm around someone new," she explained.
"Well we're like complete opposites when it comes to people eh?" Leo commented thoughtfully Putting his hands in his pockets.

Opal gave Scorpius a soft smile, making her eyes crinkle in the corners. "Yes Cory, I'll go to the Yule Ball and Hogsmeade with you." She replied quietly.

"Because the Astronomy tower is one of the most magnificent places ever when the sun begins to set, and it's my favorite place, so why not have our little get to know you session there? I've even got a hidden stash of snacks up there." Clemmence grinned, leading Cassi up the winding stairs.

"And to think I was actually going to offer carrying your bag." Marleen gave a mock gasp, placing her hand over her mouth, and making wide eyes at Lysander.

(@Soul OMU ) (@To Never Love ) (@Johnny R McAvery )
LuckyANDKitty said:
"Well we're like complete opposites when it comes to people eh?" Leo commented thoughtfully Putting his hands in his pockets.
Opal gave Scorpius a soft smile, making her eyes crinkle in the corners. "Yes Cory, I'll go to the Yule Ball and Hogsmeade with you." She replied quietly.

"Because the Astronomy tower is one of the most magnificent places ever when the sun begins to set, and it's my favorite place, so why not have our little get to know you session there? I've even got a hidden stash of snacks up there." Clemmence grinned, leading Cassi up the winding stairs.

"And to think I was actually going to offer carrying your bag." Marleen gave a mock gasp, placing her hand over her mouth, and making wide eyes at Lysander.

(@Soul OMU ) (@LuckyANDKitty)
"Yeah for the most part," Cerys said then looked at him closely. Leo's freckled face and close cropped hair did look familiar, and she remembered seeing him around the school. "I do recognize you and from what I've seen I'd say you are pretty friendly with everyone."
Mortimer hurried back down the stairs and once in his room he laid down and shut his eyes. He was hoping he'd take a nap, that was if he could calm down enough to sleep. The first task was looming over him and the more he thought about it the more worried and stressed he was.

Lysander smiled as they walked back to there common room and was carrying the gift basket happily. It was something he hasn't expected but appreciated it. How had Rachael prepared the basket so quickly anyways? He asked himself but soon thought nothing of it. Never look a gift horse in the mouth and all.

Lorcan was bringing up the rear thinking on the matches and schoolwork to come. Like they had told Opal they were going to win the house this year.
Alissa manages to see that Lysander is out of the hospital wing. "Hey Lysander, good to see your back on your feet so quickly." she said while smiling a bit.

(@Johnny R McAvery )


Alexander getting a drink from his office, deep in thought as he pours it from his flask as he walks out of his office and through his new classroom which he was given an empty class room and office since the death of the first year was in his old classroom.


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