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Fandom Hogwarts, A new chapter

Time skip to train stopping at Hogwarts:

Callan stretched in her compartment when the train stopped, she'd already put on her robes and woken Albus up. " Finally we're here!!"
Alex sighed as she heard the train stop. 5th year, and still no friends because everyone thought she was evil, and she was in Gryffindor. All of the Slytherins thought she was a traitor, as did the Gryffindors. She didn't belong anywhere. She was the first Malfoy to be a Gryffindor and everyone treated her differently for it.

She got into a carriage all by herself, as usual. Her raven, Twilight, flew in through the carriage window and perched herself on my jeaned thigh.

"I know Twilight, no one likes me and I just don't belong" Alex mumbled brushing her feathers. Of course she would never admit that to anyone else, her brother still spoke to her but only in secret because he was a true Slytherin.

Albus Severus Potter

"What is it?" Albus questioned with a yawn. He hadn't felt the train stop at all but looking outside, it seemed they were finally at school as he could hear students getting up and leaving their compartments, the constant chatter. A voice came over the train, informing all students to leave their luggage and pets on the train and they would be delivered to their dorms by bedtime. He sighed as he got up and threw on a robe over his muggle outfit before opening the compartment door. A few doors down he could see James coming out a compartment with some of his friends. He sighed as he stepped out once the crowd had thinned somewhat. @Runakei @QuendalynNym

Autumn Thatcher

Autumn had sat in her compartment alone and looked up as the train came to a stop. She put Jinx back into the cat carrier, the cat's yellow eyes staring at her reproachfully as he was locked in. She had changed into her plain black robes a short while ago and opened her compartment door before making her way with the crowd onto the platform at Hogsmeade Station. The sky was dark out, the wind carrying a slight chill as it blew over the throngs of students. Horseless carriages stood on a path that seemed to lead up to the school and other first years huddled together against the cold, scared. She joined the others like herself as a tall man who a gray beard and head of hair began calling the students over to him.
eclipsehowls said:

Albus Severus Potter

"What is it?" Albus questioned with a yawn. He hadn't felt the train stop at all but looking outside, it seemed they were finally at school as he could hear students getting up and leaving their compartments, the constant chatter. A voice came over the train, informing all students to leave their luggage and pets on the train and they would be delivered to their dorms by bedtime. He sighed as he got up and threw on a robe over his muggle outfit before opening the compartment door. A few doors down he could see James coming out a compartment with some of his friends. He sighed as he stepped out once the crowd had thinned somewhat. @Runakei @QuendalynNym

Autumn Thatcher

Autumn had sat in her compartment alone and looked up as the train came to a stop. She put Jinx back into the cat carrier, the cat's yellow eyes staring at her reproachfully as he was locked in. She had changed into her plain black robes a short while ago and opened her compartment door before making her way with the crowd onto the platform at Hogsmeade Station. The sky was dark out, the wind carrying a slight chill as it blew over the throngs of students. Horseless carriages stood on a path that seemed to lead up to the school and other first years huddled together against the cold, scared. She joined the others like herself as a tall man who a gray beard and head of hair began calling the students over to him.
Callan put Lilith back in her cage and left her following Albus,"So, this is it huh?"

Albus Severus Potter

Albus nodded, finally reaching the outside of the train and made his way over to the half-giant who was calling for anymore first years. He joined the throng of firsties and looked around him. Those of half-blood saw his face whispered and pointed at him, causing the eleven-year-old to scowl at everyone who looked his way. "Yes it is and the man in front of us is Hagrid." They were led down to the boats, and told four to a boat. Albus got in one in the middle where a black haired boy was already sitting in, motioning Callan over. @QuendalynNym

Autumn Thatcher

Autumn heard the whispers, someone named Albus Potter, was coming to Hogwarts. She wasn't sure who that was but joined a boat with three students, frightened of the large man that had an entire boat to himself.
eclipsehowls said:

Albus Severus Potter

Albus nodded, finally reaching the outside of the train and made his way over to the half-giant who was calling for anymore first years. He joined the throng of firsties and looked around him. Those of half-blood saw his face whispered and pointed at him, causing the eleven-year-old to scowl at everyone who looked his way. "Yes it is and the man in front of us is Hagrid." They were led down to the boats, and told four to a boat. Albus got in one in the middle where a black haired boy was already sitting in, motioning Callan over. @QuendalynNym

Autumn Thatcher

Autumn heard the whispers, someone named Albus Potter, was coming to Hogwarts. She wasn't sure who that was but joined a boat with three students, frightened of the large man that had an entire boat to himself.
Callan smiled and followed ignoring everyone staring at him. She sat next to him and smiled looking around," So many new students, just like us!!" She squealed quietly in delight.
The carriage began to move and Alex sighed, she wasn't very excited about going back to her life at Hogwarts, she was smart and did well in her classes but no one liked her. But she wasn't the easiest person to get along with so it wasn't too bad
Malcolm Wood

"Oh, I tend not to judge people from looking at their parental lineage. My father knew Mr. Potter too, well, personally. I'm pretty sure everyone knew Mr. Potter. Though I haven't met the Potter kids yet." As Malcolm finished speaking, the train started with a jolt and the faint chugging of the engine could be heard.

<Time Skip>

The train stopped with a slow creak and the horn blew loudly. Excited students scrambled out their seats to take a look at the castle. Malcolm thought it was a good idea to wait out the initial storm of children before heading to the boats. He peered out the window and caught sight of the boats, waiting to take the students across.

"Well, here we are." He announced hoisting his luggage up in one arm and lifting Nutius in the other.

"You're gonna want to head to Hagrid and the first years, Piper. They'll take you to the boats." He added, turning to the girl.

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Albus Severus Potter

Albus nodded and listened as they were told to keep their arms and hands in the boats. Hagrid was waiting to make sure they weren't any more first years before commanding the boats, that were propelled by magic, to go forward towards the castle. His parents hadn't told him what to expect on the boat ride so he was just as eager to see what it was about. @QuendalynNym
Piper ran off to join the first years leaving Peter with Mal, "So, back to Hogwarts, same old, same old." He blushed a little, Malcolm got hot over the summer (bedumtss). "What do you think? Albus Severus Potter, the boy who made Voldemort come back."
eclipsehowls said:

Albus Severus Potter

Albus nodded and listened as they were told to keep their arms and hands in the boats. Hagrid was waiting to make sure they weren't any more first years before commanding the boats, that were propelled by magic, to go forward towards the castle. His parents hadn't told him what to expect on the boat ride so he was just as eager to see what it was about. @QuendalynNym
She looked to Albus and smiled," So, what do you think we'll get to see first?"
Jórik Aríelsson He joined the rest on the boats as they began sailing towards the school, 'Man, I rally am going to miss this...' The boats took awhile, though, would eventually find itself to the Castle's island and he'd exit the boat just like all the rest of the students, though, he tried to stay next to Albus as much as possible, not having many friends himself, it was nice to actually have someone to talk too.

Katherine Burke She heard the train pull in and smiled happily before hugging professor Wilheim once more, "Thank you again professor!" and with that she bailed from the classroom and made her way towards the dining hall ready and eager to begin a new year at Hogwarts. Being mostly alone over the winter since she stayed at school with a few other students, but, not enough to keep her occupied the entire winter.

Albus Severus Potter

Albus shrugged. "Aside from the lake...I guess we might see the castle. Parents didn't say anything about it. Wanted it to be magical." He was nervous about setting foot in Hogwarts and scared of his Sorting. Just waiting here for the boats to move was rather scary. But finally the boats began to move as the last of the first years got in and he steeled himself for what was to come...the whispers...the stares...the questions. @QuendalynNym

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