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Fandom Hogwarts, A new chapter

Albus Severus Potter

Albus's frown deepened as he listened to Callan speak so calmly about the meaning of his name and how he shouldn't hate the ones who had been cruel to his father and paternal grandfather in the past. There was no way he would ever see eye to eye with her on that. "All my family has been in Gryffindor as far as I know though my dad was almost in Slytherin but talked the Hat out of it. Just because of Uncle Ron and Hagrid saying only bad wizards go to into Slytherin." At least she wasn't asking about what it was like to be related to the Boy-Who-Lived which he was grateful for. "Where did you get the bat?" he asked to change the subject. @QuendalynNym
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eclipsehowls said:

Albus Severus Potter

Albus's frown deepened as he listened to Callan speak so calmly about the meaning of his name and how he shouldn't hate the ones who had been cruel to his father and paternal grandfather in the past. There was no way he would ever see eye to eye with her on that. "All my family has been in Gryffindor as far as I know though my dad was almost in Slytherin but talked the Hat out of it. Just because of Uncle Ron and Hagrid saying only bad wizards go to into Slytherin." At least she wasn't asking about what it was like to be related to the Boy-Who-Lived which he was grateful for. "Where did you get the bat?" he asked to change the subject. @QuendalynNym
She frowned a bit when his frown deepened, maybe she shouldn't have said anything at all, she quietly said,"My uncle, his bat was a girl which he found out a bit too late, I loved his bat so he gave me one of the babies. I've had her ever since." She looked down her bangs covering her face, she didn't mean to make him upset with her answer, only tried to cheer him up.

Albus Severus Potter

"I don't see why girls think bats are scary but there's so misconceptions about them, like their blind which isn't true," Albus said, happy to be on a subject that was away from names and his family. "You're lucky. I found my ferret in the Magical Menagerie with some other ferrets. Actually, I'm surprised that we were allowed to bring other pets since my dad said it used to be that all you could bring was an owl, cat or toad as a pet. Though Uncle Ron brought a rat which turned out to be the Animagus Peter Pettigrew and before that, the betrayer belonged to Uncle Ron's brother Percy. When I heard the story of Peter Pettigrew from my dad, I thought that it was weird how nobody in mom's family realized garden rats don't live twelve years. And they're supposed to be purebloods though I wonder if their blood status has changed since Mom married dad, a half-blood; and Uncle Ron married a Muggle who is Aunt Hermione? I thought about getting an owl but James has an owl and dad has a family owl named Hadwin so there wasn't any need for me to get an owl." @QuendalynNym
eclipsehowls said:

Albus Severus Potter

"I don't see why girls think bats are scary but there's so misconceptions about them, like their blind which isn't true," Albus said, happy to be on a subject that was away from names and his family. "You're lucky. I found my ferret in the Magical Menagerie with some other ferrets. Actually, I'm surprised that we were allowed to bring other pets since my dad said it used to be that all you could bring was an owl, cat or toad as a pet. Though Uncle Ron brought a rat which turned out to be the Animagus Peter Pettigrew and before that, the betrayer belonged to Uncle Ron's brother Percy. When I heard the story of Peter Pettigrew from my dad, I thought that it was weird how nobody in mom's family realized garden rats don't live twelve years. And they're supposed to be purebloods though I wonder if their blood status has changed since Mom married dad, a half-blood; and Uncle Ron married a Muggle who is Aunt Hermione? I thought about getting an owl but James has an owl and dad has a family owl named Hadwin so there wasn't any need for me to get an owl." @QuendalynNym
She nodded her head smiling,"Sounds like you have a big family, i'm quite jealous actually. I'm an only child and then I have my mom, dad, uncle, and my grandparents. No cousins nor siblings as far as I know... who is james by the way? A cousin?"

Albus Severus Potter

"I hate having a big family but it makes my dad happy and my mom's used to a large family as she was one of seven kids," said Albus. "No. James is my older brother. He's in his third year and a Gryffindor like dad, mom, Uncle Ron...pretty much everybody in our family. My cousin Rose is also starting her first year, my cousin Hugo and my sister Lily are starting Hogwarts in a few years. My cousin Victoire and my dad's godson Teddy are also at Hogwarts already." @QuendalynNym
Callan smiled sadly at the thought that he hated having a big family, she then smiled trying to stay polite,"Well, they all sound lovely." She then tried changing the subject,"So, just a question, how do you feel about blood purity? Does it matter to you?" She leaned forward inquisitively,"Your answer may or may not affect how I act next."

Albus Severus Potter

"We have problems with Muggleborn like Aunt Hermione and we have problems with pureblood elitists like the Lestranges and other Death Eaters who are either dead or in Azkaban," said Albus. "I don't mind Muggleborn, my grandmother Lily Potter was a Muggleborn, but they're trying to change everything from the moment they set foot into our world. Like how Aunt Hermione decided to run that S.P.E.W. in her fourth year to free house-elves. Mom and Dad said that the house-elves refused to clean Gryffindor Tower because Aunt Hermione would leave hats she made around the tower so she could set the house-elves free. Even now, she refuses to see that house-elves need a wizard's magic to survive or they will waste away and die after slowly becoming weak. Plus, they like serving wizards.

"As for the purebloods, well Uncle Ron is a bigot against anyone who wasn't in Gryffindor but this is no more true than between Gryffindor and Slytherin. Those two houses hate each other as I'm guessing you would know with family in Hogwarts. Scorpius Malfoy is starting Hogwarts this year as well. He will always be viewed as a Death Eater's son, no matter where he ends up but will probably be in Slytherin like the rest of his family. But it's the purebloods who get all the good positions in the Ministry, forcing the Muggleborn out that are enabling our world to continue to be exposed at an alarming weight and they underestimate the technology of the Muggles. Both my Aunt Hermione and Dad have said the Muggles outnumber us and have weapons that could find out where we are and obliterate us with their weapons easily. Weapons that could get through even the strongest shields without a problem. The Purebloods underestimate the Muggles...no the majority of wizards in Britain underestimate the Muggles. Potter House isn't just Half-Bloods but also Blood Traitors. We have been Blood Traitors ever since Grampa James married Granma Lily."

He thought on how he viewed Half-Bloods, being that he and his siblings were Half-Bloods along with their father. "Half-Bloods probably have it the second worst. We have slightly better job prospects then Muggleborns but I think the world we're raised in determines how we view our other half. My siblings and I were raised within the magical community and don't have a lot of experience with Muggles, partly due to Dad never had any good experiences in the Muggle world and partly due to Mom could never fit in the Muggle world. Purebloods usually can't fit into the Muggle world without creating problems due to never being allowed to play with Muggle children or even Muggleborn children. I'll have to make my fortune elsewhere. Lily will probably be betrothed to someone by the time she graduates Hogwarts and James will inherit the fortune of Potter, Black and Peverell as well as the Lordships. There aren't really any prospects for second born sons in Britain. Maybe in Europe or America but not here in Britain. At least, that's what I've found by reading information on it."

Jórik Aríelsson It took him a couple of hours to find the platform again, though, once he did he slipped into the gate and quietly observed everyone as he tried to pick out the new students from the old. Being a 5th year himself, Jórik has spent most of his time in the herbology room, making potions and poisons, on the quidditch field, or helping Hagrid with taking care of his partly illegal acquirements of unique animals. Which, were his only real escapes from feeling as though he didn't belong, specifically since that he would have originally been a part of Durmstrang's attendance of Hogwarts didn't take into special consideration to allow him to attend. as he looked around he did see a few newer students as well some older ones, though, he was unsure if he should approach and simply waited for someone to approach him instead.

Katherine Burke Already at Hogwarts since she lived there year 'round helping in any way she possibly could to earn a bed to live in since her parents had passed away several years ago. Humming softly she went into the Defense Against the Dark Arts class and knocked on the door, "Hello... Professor, Are you in?" stepping in she quietly looked around the dark room in search for him.

@Loki Odinson
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Anubis Orpheus-Wilheim

The wizard had been in his classroom ever since he awoke, going through his lesson schedules one last time, making sure he had the timetables for every student in Ravenclaw in every Year group ready to hand out during the feast. Anubis knew the other Heads of Houses were prone to giving them at breakfast, but his 'Claws would always want them the night before so they may be better prepared. Someone knocked on his classroom door and he didn't bother lifting his head from his desk as he continued scribbling last minute plans on a piece of parchment.

Lifting his voice, he called. "Come in. I'm in the back. Mind the stack of papers on the desk to your right when you come through."


Jórik Aríelsson Walking around until he'd grow tiresome of waiting to see if someone would accompany and instead chose to slip into the train and find a quiet compartment to sit by himself, though, he knew that he wouldn't be alone for the ride since there were SO many students returning to the school this year, and even more so since there every year there are new students.

Katherine Burke While she was able to avoid the papers she did manage to knock over a few stray books that were just in the entrance of the back room and quickly she tried to catch as many as she could before the stack toppled over on top of her sending to the ground, "Eeek!" she was buried under a few books and as she managed to dig herself out apologies began flooding from her mouth, "I-I'm sorry Professor Wilheim! I-I didn't mean to, really!" as she apologized she attempted to pick up and re-stack as many books as she could, as fast and neatly as she could.

@Loki Odinson
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eclipsehowls said:

Albus Severus Potter

"We have problems with Muggleborn like Aunt Hermione and we have problems with pureblood elitists like the Lestranges and other Death Eaters who are either dead or in Azkaban," said Albus. "I don't mind Muggleborn, my grandmother Lily Potter was a Muggleborn, but they're trying to change everything from the moment they set foot into our world. Like how Aunt Hermione decided to run that S.P.E.W. in her fourth year to free house-elves. Mom and Dad said that the house-elves refused to clean Gryffindor Tower because Aunt Hermione would leave hats she made around the tower so she could set the house-elves free. Even now, she refuses to see that house-elves need a wizard's magic to survive or they will waste away and die after slowly becoming weak. Plus, they like serving wizards.

"As for the purebloods, well Uncle Ron is a bigot against anyone who wasn't in Gryffindor but this is no more true than between Gryffindor and Slytherin. Those two houses hate each other as I'm guessing you would know with family in Hogwarts. Scorpius Malfoy is starting Hogwarts this year as well. He will always be viewed as a Death Eater's son, no matter where he ends up but will probably be in Slytherin like the rest of his family. But it's the purebloods who get all the good positions in the Ministry, forcing the Muggleborn out that are enabling our world to continue to be exposed at an alarming weight and they underestimate the technology of the Muggles. Both my Aunt Hermione and Dad have said the Muggles outnumber us and have weapons that could find out where we are and obliterate us with their weapons easily. Weapons that could get through even the strongest shields without a problem. The Purebloods underestimate the Muggles...no the majority of wizards in Britain underestimate the Muggles. Potter House isn't just Half-Bloods but also Blood Traitors. We have been Blood Traitors ever since Grampa James married Granma Lily."

He thought on how he viewed Half-Bloods, being that he and his siblings were Half-Bloods along with their father. "Half-Bloods probably have it the second worst. We have slightly better job prospects then Muggleborns but I think the world we're raised in determines how we view our other half. My siblings and I were raised within the magical community and don't have a lot of experience with Muggles, partly due to Dad never had any good experiences in the Muggle world and partly due to Mom could never fit in the Muggle world. Purebloods usually can't fit into the Muggle world without creating problems due to never being allowed to play with Muggle children or even Muggleborn children. I'll have to make my fortune elsewhere. Lily will probably be betrothed to someone by the time she graduates Hogwarts and James will inherit the fortune of Potter, Black and Peverell as well as the Lordships. There aren't really any prospects for second born sons in Britain. Maybe in Europe or America but not here in Britain. At least, that's what I've found by reading information on it."

Callan grimaced a bit, but sadly she knew this was how the wizarding world is. She looked out the window sighing,"Well, what do you think its gonna be like when we arrive?" Trying to change the subject and lift the mood she smiled."I hope they didn't change too much since the war, my mom said they rode on boats when its your first year!"
eclipsehowls said:

Albus Severus Potter

"We have problems with Muggleborn like Aunt Hermione and we have problems with pureblood elitists like the Lestranges and other Death Eaters who are either dead or in Azkaban," said Albus. "I don't mind Muggleborn, my grandmother Lily Potter was a Muggleborn, but they're trying to change everything from the moment they set foot into our world. Like how Aunt Hermione decided to run that S.P.E.W. in her fourth year to free house-elves. Mom and Dad said that the house-elves refused to clean Gryffindor Tower because Aunt Hermione would leave hats she made around the tower so she could set the house-elves free. Even now, she refuses to see that house-elves need a wizard's magic to survive or they will waste away and die after slowly becoming weak. Plus, they like serving wizards.

"As for the purebloods, well Uncle Ron is a bigot against anyone who wasn't in Gryffindor but this is no more true than between Gryffindor and Slytherin. Those two houses hate each other as I'm guessing you would know with family in Hogwarts. Scorpius Malfoy is starting Hogwarts this year as well. He will always be viewed as a Death Eater's son, no matter where he ends up but will probably be in Slytherin like the rest of his family. But it's the purebloods who get all the good positions in the Ministry, forcing the Muggleborn out that are enabling our world to continue to be exposed at an alarming weight and they underestimate the technology of the Muggles. Both my Aunt Hermione and Dad have said the Muggles outnumber us and have weapons that could find out where we are and obliterate us with their weapons easily. Weapons that could get through even the strongest shields without a problem. The Purebloods underestimate the Muggles...no the majority of wizards in Britain underestimate the Muggles. Potter House isn't just Half-Bloods but also Blood Traitors. We have been Blood Traitors ever since Grampa James married Granma Lily."

He thought on how he viewed Half-Bloods, being that he and his siblings were Half-Bloods along with their father. "Half-Bloods probably have it the second worst. We have slightly better job prospects then Muggleborns but I think the world we're raised in determines how we view our other half. My siblings and I were raised within the magical community and don't have a lot of experience with Muggles, partly due to Dad never had any good experiences in the Muggle world and partly due to Mom could never fit in the Muggle world. Purebloods usually can't fit into the Muggle world without creating problems due to never being allowed to play with Muggle children or even Muggleborn children. I'll have to make my fortune elsewhere. Lily will probably be betrothed to someone by the time she graduates Hogwarts and James will inherit the fortune of Potter, Black and Peverell as well as the Lordships. There aren't really any prospects for second born sons in Britain. Maybe in Europe or America but not here in Britain. At least, that's what I've found by reading information on it."

Callan grimaced a bit, but sadly she knew this was how the wizarding world is. She looked out the window sighing,"Well, what do you think its gonna be like when we arrive?" Trying to change the subject and lift the mood she smiled."I hope they didn't change too much since the war, my mom said they rode on boats when its your first year!"

Albus Severus Potter

"Crowded when we get off the train. Mom said you go to the castle in boats in your first year and when you graduate in year seven, you sail back across in the boats with the rest of your year. It's tradition and has apparently been in place since the Founders first built Hogwarts centuries ago. From second to seventh year though, we'll get to ride in the carriages that are drawn by Thestrals, skeletal winged horses that can only be seen by those who have seen death and accepted the reality of it. I heard Headmistress is McGonagall who used to be head of Gryffindor House, Transfiguration Professor and Deputy Headmistress when most of my family was in school. My Godfather, Professor Longbottom, teaches Herbology in the greenhouses and Hagrid is the Grounds Keeper. He's a half-giant but is nice...except for his habit of keeping dangerous pets on school grounds and can't keep a secret to save his life." He was glad when the train began moving, which meant he could spend a few hours relaxing, considering how it took all day to get to Hogwarts. "I'm hoping I get some talents from my paternal grandparents. Dad's good in most of his subjects and can perform both Defense Against the Dark Arts and the Dark Arts with ease but from what I understand, my grandmother was good with Charms and Potions while my grandfather was good at Flying and Transfiguration." @QuendalynNym
eclipsehowls said:

Albus Severus Potter

"Crowded when we get off the train. Mom said you go to the castle in boats in your first year and when you graduate in year seven, you sail back across in the boats with the rest of your year. It's tradition and has apparently been in place since the Founders first built Hogwarts centuries ago. From second to seventh year though, we'll get to ride in the carriages that are drawn by Thestrals, skeletal winged horses that can only be seen by those who have seen death and accepted the reality of it. I heard Headmistress is McGonagall who used to be head of Gryffindor House, Transfiguration Professor and Deputy Headmistress when most of my family was in school. My Godfather, Professor Longbottom, teaches Herbology in the greenhouses and Hagrid is the Grounds Keeper. He's a half-giant but is nice...except for his habit of keeping dangerous pets on school grounds and can't keep a secret to save his life." He was glad when the train began moving, which meant he could spend a few hours relaxing, considering how it took all day to get to Hogwarts. "I'm hoping I get some talents from my paternal grandparents. Dad's good in most of his subjects and can perform both Defense Against the Dark Arts and the Dark Arts with ease but from what I understand, my grandmother was good with Charms and Potions while my grandfather was good at Flying and Transfiguration." @QuendalynNym
She smiled,"Wow, your parents must've told you everything." She laughed a bit,"Mine only told me a few details. I believe i've heard of Professor Longbottom, my mom said he started out as the weakest link but then became one of the strongest. I'm hoping i'm at least skilled in herbology like my mom."
eclipsehowls said:

Albus Severus Potter

"Crowded when we get off the train. Mom said you go to the castle in boats in your first year and when you graduate in year seven, you sail back across in the boats with the rest of your year. It's tradition and has apparently been in place since the Founders first built Hogwarts centuries ago. From second to seventh year though, we'll get to ride in the carriages that are drawn by Thestrals, skeletal winged horses that can only be seen by those who have seen death and accepted the reality of it. I heard Headmistress is McGonagall who used to be head of Gryffindor House, Transfiguration Professor and Deputy Headmistress when most of my family was in school. My Godfather, Professor Longbottom, teaches Herbology in the greenhouses and Hagrid is the Grounds Keeper. He's a half-giant but is nice...except for his habit of keeping dangerous pets on school grounds and can't keep a secret to save his life." He was glad when the train began moving, which meant he could spend a few hours relaxing, considering how it took all day to get to Hogwarts. "I'm hoping I get some talents from my paternal grandparents. Dad's good in most of his subjects and can perform both Defense Against the Dark Arts and the Dark Arts with ease but from what I understand, my grandmother was good with Charms and Potions while my grandfather was good at Flying and Transfiguration." @QuendalynNym
She smiled,"Wow, your parents must've told you everything." She laughed a bit,"Mine only told me a few details. I believe i've heard of Professor Longbottom, my mom said he started out as the weakest link but then became one of the strongest. I'm hoping i'm at least skilled in herbology like my mom."

Albus Severus Potter

"They kept some things secret," said Albus offhandedly. "They said Hogwarts wouldn't be any fun if I didn't get to experience the secrets of the castle myself. Not even James will tell me what he's discovered at Hogwarts since two years ago." Nodding at her hope of being good in Herbology. "Well you can go to my godfather if you need help. He's a whiz with plants," said Albus with a smile on his face at the thought of his godfather. Sometimes, he thought that his godfather was the only grownup he could talk to who didn't treat him like a child or the son of Harry Potter. @QuendalynNym
Alisa arrived at King's Cross station with her mother and father. Her mother hugged her, very tightly. 'M-mom, I can barely breath.' alisa stuttered. Her mom smiled at her, with eyes filled with pride. 'I am going to miss you so much, sweetie~' she almost cried

Alisa's father looked at Alisa and kissed her forehead. 'I hope you'll tell me more amazing stories when you'll return during Christmas. I'm going to miss you.' Alisa smiled and hugged both of her parents. 'I am going to miss you two too. I'll promise I'll tell so much stories when I'm home, that both of you will get sick of them!' Her mother laughed. 'You should go then.'

Alisa smiled and grabbed her suitcases. 'Bye!' and then, she ran into the wall and entered the other universe.
eclipsehowls said:

Albus Severus Potter

"They kept some things secret," said Albus offhandedly. "They said Hogwarts wouldn't be any fun if I didn't get to experience the secrets of the castle myself. Not even James will tell me what he's discovered at Hogwarts since two years ago." Nodding at her hope of being good in Herbology. "Well you can go to my godfather if you need help. He's a whiz with plants," said Albus with a smile on his face at the thought of his godfather. Sometimes, he thought that his godfather was the only grownup he could talk to who didn't treat him like a child or the son of Harry Potter. @QuendalynNym
Callan smiled,"Who is your grandfather then? If i may ask that is."

Albus Severus Potter

"My grandfather was James Potter and my grandmother was Lily Potter nee Evans on my dad's side. My maternal grandparents are Arthur Weasley and Molly Weasley. My paternal great grandparents are Fleamont Potter and Euphemia Potter. If you don't mind, I'm going to take a nap for a bit." He moved his ferret back to its cage and set it on the floor before stretching out in the seat and falling asleep. @QuendalynNym
Jórik Aríelsson Slipping through the train he'd quietly peek around until finding a small compartment with a male and female in it. Cracking the door he'd peak in, "Are you guys alright with one more?" It was obvious he wasn't a first year due to the lack of bought equipment and the fact his want was equipt at his waist along with the blue and bronze uniform.


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Albus Severus Potter

Albus opened one of his eyes as he was disturbed from his nap and turned his head to look at the figure standing in the doorway of their compartment. He sat up to get a better look at the person, rubbing at his eyes before the blurriness of the figure came into focus. Thankfully he didn't need glasses like his dad and grandfather for which he was grateful. The student was taller than himself, probably meaning he was older than the two first years. Dressed in blue and bronze robes...a member of Ravenclaw House. It took a few moments for the boy's question to permeate through the fog in his brain. "Yeah sure," he said, waving a hand and scooting over to the window, moving his ferret's cage with him so the older student could have a place to sit. Looked like the train was now out of London as he could see some countryside out the window. @Runakei
Anubis Orpheus-Wilheim

Anubis was out of his chair and moving the moment the student fell, near buried under the stack of books and scrolls he stored on the table. Maybe he really should listen to the Headmistress and have another bookshelf installed in the back room somewhere. Extend one of the walls in order to fit another shelf or something. His wand landed in his palm within a heartbeat, and a simple flick of his wrist had the fallen items lifting and rearranging themselves neatly back on the desk.

"No harm done, Miss Burke." The DADA Professor said with a small upwards quirk of his lips, holding a hand out to the Third Year Hufflepuff to help her back to her feet. "I would rather these books took the brunt of the damage than you. Now, I believe you were asking for me?"


Jórik Aríelsson He smiled and thank them both, "I owe you both, Had you not let me sit here, I'd of wandered the corridor looking for an empty compartment the whole ride." as the Honeydukes Express made its third round through the train he stopped it, "Hello Mrs. Trolley, I'd like three chocolate frogs, a few Toffee, and a box of Bertie Bots please." he looked over to the two, "Do you guys want anything, it's on me."



Katherine Burke As he re-stacked the books she seemed somewhat relieved before giving a long sigh just before he questioned her directly, "O-Oh... Umm... I was going to ask if we could try my Boggart again, I know the Basilisk is dangerous... But I don't want to be afraid of my dreams anymore..."

@Loki Odinson
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Albus Severus Potter

"Some Pumpkin Pastries and Chocolate Frogs please," said Albus. He wasn't too big on sweets and there was rarely anything in the magical world that he enjoyed sweet wise. He didn't even like Pumpkin Juice which baffled the rest of his family. It was too sweet for his taste so he would order water or milk instead. "Thanks," he said without turning his head from the window, watching the countryside speed by them. @Runakei

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