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Fandom Hogwarts, A new chapter

Anubis Orpheus-Wilheim

A small frown furrowed his brows at Burke's request. One quick glance at the clock hanging on the wall told him he had a few more hours to spare before the train arrived and all staff members were expected to be present. Anubis was just about finished with his preparations, too.

"Two hours." The Ravenclaw Head said firmly. He knew from experience the girl would want to push herself to overcome her fears, but he couldn't allow her to overexert herself today. "That will give you sufficient time to recover, rest and not pass out halfway during the feast. I imagine the Healers would be very put out with me should that happen."

An amused smile quirked his lips briefly before his expression assumed his typically stoic demeanour once more. Wordlessly gesturing for her to follow, Anubis led the way to his classroom, where a stasis spell was woven over a small cupboard. This boggart was a new one, captured and locked away by the Headmistress during one of her year-end night strolls throughout the campus. The Professor hadn't planned to use it so early in the year, but he guessed he could always change his lesson plans around.

"Now, Miss Burke, take your position." He lifted his wand towards the cupboard, but did not lift the spell just yet. "I would have to bind its eyes, if that is all right for you. I'm afraid the Mandrake roots are not fit for use just yet. Granted, the powers of a boggart Basilisk cannot hope to compare with the capabilities of the real one, but you would still be paralysed nonetheless."


Jórik Aríelsson Looking to the Trolley Witch she smiled and offered him what the boy offered and a Pumpkin Juice for Jórik before giving him the price. Nodding he reached into his pocket to pull out the bits she requested and handed them to her, "Thank you Mrs. Trolley," he handed the boy one of the three chocolate frogs he'd gotten and handed the other one to the girl across the seat from the two boys, "There are cards in them... I'm sure you two probably already know, but... I figured I'd tell you anyway, just in case." he opened his pumpkin juice and took a slow refreshing few sips. before looking out the window, "I'm going to miss this view..."

Katherine Burke "I'd rather close my eyes, after all... It isn't the sight that cripples me in fear... It's the Aura it lets off..." little did the professor know but the fire that killed her parents, she was almost sure it was caused by a fire breathing basilisk. She never did know that until meeting her boggart, which, her biggest fear she focused on was that same, cold, dark feeling she had a few years back. Coming back to reality she grabbed her wand and placed a blindfold over her eyes and readied herself for what was to come from the closet, "R-Ready..."
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<p><span style="color:#006600;"><strong>Albus Severus Potter</strong></span></p>

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Albus took his sweets, nodding his thanks before setting them on the seat next to him. He already knew about what the sweets were of course and was surprised the older boy didn't recognize him for who he was. Or rather who he was related too. Still, the less he talked about his father the better in his opinion. <a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/19021-runakei/" data-mentionid="19021">@Runakei</a></p>
Jórik Aríelsson He stared at the boy for a minute before realizing what he was actually doing, he knew who he was; he knew who and what the legend of his parents was. Though, he also knew the feeling of having everyone question you about your family... Since his family was the only known family who has the ability to imprint and bond their eternal soul with a dragon in wizard history. It wasn't hard for him to understand the
Jórik Aríelsson feeling the boy probably shared. As he continued to glare out the window a soft chirp could be heard as his cat-sized dragon, Níðhöggr, peeked his head from the collar of Jórik's shirt and took a few laps of the Pumpkin juice as Jórik himself took another sip.
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Anubis Orpheus-Wilheim

"Very well." Anubis consented, stepping back from the cupboard and positioning himself a few steps behind Burke and to the right so the boggart would focus on the Hufflepuff instead. However, it will allow him to step in immediately if the boggart-basilisk get out of hand.

As soon as she announced her readiness, he lifted the stasis spell and the locking charm on the cupboard. The furniture rattled once before falling still. The doors creaked open slowly and the Professor averted his gaze immediately from the large serpent that emerged, conjuring a length of cloth that surrounded itself loosely over the basilisk's eyes. Moving back quickly as the giant serpent hissed in sudden fury, Anubis disillusioned himself, causing the boggart to return its attention to the student. It may have been an unnecessary move, but Anubis needed to be able to keep both eyes on the boggart without fear of being paralysed.



Albus Severus Potter

Albus unwrapped the pumpkin pastry, shuddering as a miniature dragon appeared out of Ravenclaw's shirt and began lapping at the Pumpkin Juice. He didn't even let his ferret do something like that. There was no way that was sanitary or healthy. "Where did you get the dragon?" he asked, biting into the Pumpkin Pastry after asking his question. @Runakei
Jórik Aríelsson Níðhöggr peeked its head out from the Pumpkin Juice and glared at the boy that mentioned him, not even aware that Níðhöggr had peeked out, Jórik looked up at the exact time his dragon did and stared at Albus with a seemingly truthfully confused stare before turning his head to the left just as Níðhöggr turned right. "Oh... Umm, This is Níðhöggr... He's my dragon, Well actually, We are two beings with one soul... If that makes any sense." reaching up, Jórik ran a single finger along the center of the dragon's head before eating a piece of Toffee rather casually.

Katherine Burke

She continued to hold her wand, though, as the Boggart's seal was broken that immediate feeling of dread washed over her turning her face pale as

a ghost. However, with an unsteady hand, she gripped her wand and swallowed hard as the Basilisk took its attention off Professor Wilheim and focused on her. With a huff, it released a puff of smoke from its nostrils which showed it was capable of what most basilisks aren't: Breathing Fire.

The large serpant made it's way blind towards Katherine and leaned down to

meet her face with its own.

Having lasted well over two minutes, it was about time she would break.

However, it wasn't until she felt the beast release a hot breath across her

entire body. Her wand immediately dropped and her body was shaking in pure fear just before she fell to her knees staring blindly into the blindfold as she was practically crippled with fear, but not paralyzed thanks to the precautions taken. After all, her first time being introduced to the Boggart, she'd gotten the professor in trouble for becoming paralyzed as no one was prepared for what her fear was. Now, she sat there at the beasts disposal completely helpless and almost immediately as she fell, the boggart opened it's large mouth and was ready to take the kill.
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Albus Severus Potter

Confusion flitted across the Potter child's face as the Ravenclaw said the dragon and himself were two souls in one body. "That doesn't make any sense I'm afraid. It won't attack my ferret will it?" The ferret was staring out of his cage, chittering in fear at what smelled like a predator. @Runakei
Anubis Orpheus-Wilheim

As Burke dropped to her knees, wand clattering to the floor, Anubis smoothly inserted himself between the boggart and his student, wand raised as he waited for the creature to shift into his worst fears. Having brought a boggart in at the end of each year for the Second Year students to face, he knew what to expect, seeing as his fears had yet to change even after more than five years.

The basilisk shrank and seemed to spread, showing a swirling black abyss, shrieks for help, low agonising moans and despairing wails emitting from it, echoing eerily around the classroom. The abyss expanded steadily, encroaching the classroom's floor and seemingly intending to swallow the place whole. Anubis blinked, not face not betraying a hint of emotion as he spoke firmly.


The abyss instantly exploded into bright-coloured confetti, shrieks and wails morphing into bright and joyful laughter. Another wordless spell banished the boggart back into the cupboard and he locked it immediately, causing the furniture to rocked unsteadily as the creature thrashed around.

He summoned a cup of warm water and a phial of calming draught, diluting the potion to a lesser degree before crouching on the ground beside Burke, waiting until her trembling ceased before removing the blindfold and offering the cup.


Callan had fallen asleep in her seat, snoring softly she was curled up smiling in her sleep. Lilith was curled up on her head sleeping as well, she stayed up for as long as she could to watch over her owner but passed out.
Callan had fallen asleep in her seat, snoring softly she was curled up smiling in her sleep. Lilith was curled up on her head sleeping as well, she stayed up for as long as she could to watch over her owner but passed out.

Albus Severus Potter

Albus ate his Pumpkin Pastry as he watched the window, no longer speaking. It seemed that Callan had fallen asleep so he just waited for Jorik to explain the meaning behind his dragon and himself.
(Sorry, one of the dogs had an accident so I had to clean that up and then take the dogs out to go potty.)


Albus Severus Potter

Albus continued staring out at the whirling countryside. They had traveled quite a distance since departing London at 11AM. "I think we're about halfway there," he said. "It's hard to tell without a clock or a watch." @QuendalynNym
eclipsehowls said:
(Sorry, one of the dogs had an accident so I had to clean that up and then take the dogs out to go potty.)

Albus Severus Potter

Albus continued staring out at the whirling countryside. They had traveled quite a distance since departing London at 11AM. "I think we're about halfway there," he said. "It's hard to tell without a clock or a watch." @QuendalynNym
(its ok lmao) Callan nodded her head smiling,"What do you think the other students will be like? I'm hoping their nice so that I can at least make some friends."
eclipsehowls said:
(Sorry, one of the dogs had an accident so I had to clean that up and then take the dogs out to go potty.)

Albus Severus Potter

Albus continued staring out at the whirling countryside. They had traveled quite a distance since departing London at 11AM. "I think we're about halfway there," he said. "It's hard to tell without a clock or a watch." @QuendalynNym
(its ok lmao) Callan nodded her head smiling,"What do you think the other students will be like? I'm hoping their nice so that I can at least make some friends."

Albus Severus Potter

"Asking Slytherins and Gryffindors to get along is like pulling teeth from a badger," said Albus. He shook his head in disdain. "I don't think those houses ever will get along, not for all the wizarding money in the world. But maybe, you'll make some friends who don't care about house prejudices and bigotry." @QuendalynNym
Jórik Aríelsson He heard the girls question, though, he looked to Albus. "Sorry, I wasn't ignoring you. I was trying to figure out how to explain it... Tell me, do you know what soul-binding or imprinting is?" not waiting for an answer he'd answer Callan's question, "The students are nice, well, most of them... The Slytherin's can be a bit of dicks, but, not all of them are bad."



Katherine Burke As her nerves began to settle as the Aura of the Basilisk was no longer there. Accepting the water that would calm her nerves practically as soon as she started drinking. Standing up she'd look at the professor. "Thank you Professor Wilheim, I lasted 30 seconds longer than before... I just need to stop crippling myself with fear." a low sigh came from her before she smiled and hugged him before looking around, "Do you need help with anything in preparation for the new years?"

@Loki Odinson
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eclipsehowls said:

Albus Severus Potter

Albus yawned, covering his mouth. He was tired and ended up falling back asleep, muttered "Nice. Wake me up when we get there." @QuendalynNym @Runakei
(Shoot sorry fell asleep) Callan nodded her head and grabbed her bat from her head and started petting her. "OK, but it will be earlier than that cause we still need to get our robes on."
"Yeah," She said, "Poor Albus. I'll be able to see him though. We haven't seen the Potters and Weasleys in a long time,"

Peter smiled, "I never told you. Our parents were friends of Harry, Ron and Hermione. I would've told you but I didn't want you to think of me differently,"

That was a lie of course. He never mentioned his parents out of fear that he would be bullied by the Slytherins. Having a mother and a father was easier than two dads. He wasn't ashamed of them; just afraid.

Albus Severus Potter

Albus didn't hear the female occupant of their compartment, having drifted off to sleep. By now the ferret had stopped chittering and curled up on the bottom of his cage before following in his master's wake and drifting off to sleep, lulled by the sway of the wheels over the tracks.

Autumn Thatcher

The girl that had helped her gather her belongings seemed all of a sudden quiet so she ducked into the first empty compartment she could see, a little ways down first carriage and hefted her trunk onto the luggage rack before collapsing in one of the seats. The other was welcome to join as she looked out at the passing countryside, hoping they would arrive soon so she could get something to eat. @Frisky
Jórik Aríelsson Seeing the male was no longer interested in his explanation he closed his eyes and fell asleep for the rest of the ride.

(Request time skip?)


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