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Fandom Hogwarts, A new chapter

Alex got out as soon as the carriages stopped and groaned in annoyance, slamming the door shut behind her.

"Come on Twilight" She mumbled as her raven flew out and perched herself on Alex's shoulder. Alex walked into the castle and waited outside the Great Hall, not seeing MG yet. She reached into her robes and pulled out her cigs, lighting it with her wand and placing it between her lips waiting to see the first years.
eclipsehowls said:

Albus Severus Potter

Albus shrugged. "Aside from the lake...I guess we might see the castle. Parents didn't say anything about it. Wanted it to be magical." He was nervous about setting foot in Hogwarts and scared of his Sorting. Just waiting here for the boats to move was rather scary. But finally the boats began to move as the last of the first years got in and he steeled himself for what was to come...the whispers...the stares...the questions. @QuendalynNym
Callan looked at him worried then freaked out,"Oh my gosh!! Your not seasick are you?!"
Alex slammed the carriage shut behind her, Twilight flying up to her shoulder and perching herself there. She raced up to the Great Hall's entrance and looked around, not seeing the first years or MG yet. She reached into her robes pockets and pulled out her pack of cigarettes, using her wand to light one.

She stood in the great hall smoking, waiting to see the first years or MG, twilight sitting on her shoulder calmly.
Anubis Orpheus-Wilheim

Anubis returned the hug briefly, then pulled away, flashing the Third Year a quick smile.

"Thank you for the offer, but I was nearly done with the entire year's work when you came in." He cast the Tempus spell, noting that it was nearly time for the Express to arrive. "Best get to the dining hall."

He waved off her thanks, standing to make sure his classroom was pristine before walking into the back room and tucking the folder containing the Ravenclaws' timetables under his arm. He looked forward to seeing who exactly his new students would be. With a small smile, he departed the classroom, heading towards the Great Hall where the other staff undoubtedly was.

Seraphina Falk

The Charms Professor smoothed out her black, yellow and red robes with one hand as she opened the door of her room with the other. Beneath her apathetic exterior, she was rather interested in meeting this batch of First Years. Rumour had it that there were a few pretty...interesting students amongst them.

Well, we shall see shortly, hmm? A secret smile played on her lips as she entered the Great Hall and took her seat, politely nodding greetings to the other professors who met her eyes. Then she turned her attention to the side entrance where the First Years would gather, and waited.

Alex stayed in the shadows of the side entrance of the Great Hall, smoking quietly and hearing the teachers rustling inside. She thought she heard footsteps approaching but shook it off as Twilight flew off, heading towards Hagrid's.

Albus Severus Potter

"No. Just worried about what my family will say if I'm not in Gryffindor. My uncle would probably say I was a Dark Lord or Death Eater if I was sorted into Slytherin and wouldn't speak to me ever again," he said, a hint of sadness in his voice as he spoke. It was a sad fact that Weasleys could be rather bigoted against non-Gryffindors. Look at the actions of his uncles Fred and George when they had been in school, mostly targeting those of Slytherin House. He got the feeling his mom would be disappointed in him as well if he were sorted into Slytherin or even Hufflepuff. @QuendalynNym
Malcolm waved goodbye to Piper as she ran off to join the others.

"Same old, same old." He repeated. Shooting a wide smile to Peter. He had Always been known for being oblivious, especially when it comes to attraction and had only just noticed Peter blushing. He shook away the thought as Peter spoke again about Albus being Voldemort or something.

"Gosh, Peter! Don't say his name." He hushed.

<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="eclipsehowls" data-cite="eclipsehowls" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="218382" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>



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<p><span style="color:#006600;">Albus Severus Potter</span></p>

<br /><br /><span style="color:#006600;">






<span style="color:#006600;">"No. Just worried about what my family will say if I'm not in Gryffindor. My uncle would probably say I was a Dark Lord or Death Eater if I was sorted into Slytherin and wouldn't speak to me ever again,"</span> he said, a hint of sadness in his voice as he spoke. It was a sad fact that Weasleys could be rather bigoted against non-Gryffindors. Look at the actions of his uncles Fred and George when they had been in school, mostly targeting those of Slytherin House. He got the feeling his mom would be disappointed in him as well if he were sorted into Slytherin or even Hufflepuff. <a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/35610-quendalynnym/" data-mentionid="35610">@QuendalynNym</a></p>



Callan smiled sadly at him, she didn't have those problems so shes not gonna say she does. She leaned back smiling at him,"Well, no matter where your sorted i'm sure you'll be a great wizard, no matter what your family says."</p>
Jórik Aríelsson He looked to Albus, "<strong><span style="color:#b3b300;">Ignore them</span></strong>... <strong><span style="color:#b3b300;">Once </span></strong><span style="font-family:Verdana;"><strong><span style="color:#b3b300;">Níðhöggr gets excited and decides to poke his head out</span></strong></span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"><span style="color:#222222;">,</span></span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"><strong><span style="color:#b3b300;"> people are going to lose their minds</span></strong></span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"><span style="color:#222222;">... </span></span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"><strong><span style="color:#b3b300;">People will talk</span></strong></span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"><span style="color:#222222;">, </span></span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"><strong><span style="color:#b3b300;">they always do</span></strong></span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"><span style="color:#222222;">."</span></span></p>


Alex couldn't help but sigh, exhaling some smoke as she did, that she had gotten away with doing bad things yet again at Hogwarts.

She was invisible to the world, no one knew or cared, until she tried and then it was 'EVIL MALFOY' ect ect.

She did have, however a rather nice Hufflepuff boy she could talk to who was also a fifth year. Teddy Lupin. He was such a nice boy and didn't think Alex was evil, he said he liked her rebel side and didn't care who would talk.

But she made him keep their friendship a secret for fear of what his family would say, and what her father would say about them being friends.

(Is it ok if I bring teddy Lupin into this? or does someone else wanna take control of him or...)
"I'm not afraid. You know this is the reason I was almost put in Gryfindor." He remembered his sorting well. 'I say the son of two gryffindors eh? Well you are brave but there is another trait that stands out more. I will have to put you in HUFFLEPUFF!' He is proud of being a Hufflepuff and his Dads didn't care where him and his sister would be sorted.

Albus Severus Potter

Albus shrugged though he hoped he got something useful. He didn't plan on being like his big brother and just caring about causing mischief and starting the second generation of Marauders early. "Hopefully they'll get over it," he said, unaware that older students were already saying he was the next Dark Lord or harboring Voldemort's spirit and bring Voldemort back to life. Turning his head to Jorvik, surprised the other boy had come with them in their boat, he shrugged. "Hagrid will love the dragon," he said smiling as he remembered his dad's tale about Hagrid hatching a female Norwegian Ridgeback in his hut in his dad's first year. @Runakei @QuendalynNym

Autumn Thatcher

Autumn didn't talk much to the other three kids in her boat, instead watching the lake as they sailed. Suddenly, Hagrid announced that they would be able to see Hogwarts as soon as they rounded this bend in the lake. She thought she saw something swimming beneath the lake, a large shadow, having no idea that there was a colony of mermaids and a giant squid living in the cold black depths.
eclipsehowls said:

Albus Severus Potter

Albus shrugged though he hoped he got something useful. He didn't plan on being like his big brother and just caring about causing mischief and starting the second generation of Marauders early. "Hopefully they'll get over it," he said, unaware that older students were already saying he was the next Dark Lord or harboring Voldemort's spirit and bring Voldemort back to life. Turning his head to Jorvik, surprised the other boy had come with them in their boat, he shrugged. "Hagrid will love the dragon," he said smiling as he remembered his dad's tale about Hagrid hatching a female Norwegian Ridgeback in his hut in his dad's first year. @Runakei @QuendalynNym

Autumn Thatcher

Autumn didn't talk much to the other three kids in her boat, instead watching the lake as they sailed. Suddenly, Hagrid announced that they would be able to see Hogwarts as soon as they rounded this bend in the lake. She thought she saw something swimming beneath the lake, a large shadow, having no idea that there was a colony of mermaids and a giant squid living in the cold black depths.
Callan was too nervouse to try and talk to the other boy so she just stayed silent.
Malcolm pursed his lips.

“No, it’s just… Nevermind.” He sighed. He would’ve gone into a rant about apparition tied to a name but 1. It was irrelevant seeing He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is indeed, dead (Or so he hopes). 2. It would bore Peter. He noticed the students had cleared out significantly and thought he really should be getting to the carriages.

"We'll be late if we wait any longer Peter. Let's go." He took hold of Peter's wrist and headed to the carriages.

Jórik Aríelsson He chuckled at the idea of Hagrid losing his beard upon seeing his dragon, "Yeah, I always have liked him." he continued to walk with the boy before placing his hand on the boys head, being much taller than him due to his Nordic ethnicity he smiled, "Just remember, Albus Dumbledore once said, 'It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be.' he removed his hand and walked with them towards the Dining Table, "Oh, Also, The sorting has a habit of singing at the beginning of every year. Some say he spends all year prepping for the beginning of the next year." he chuckles softly.

Albus Severus Potter

The first years had gotten their first glimpse of their home for the next ten months for seven years and it was truly a sight to behold. Albus could see why his parents and James hadn't said anything about this when he had asked about what it had been like to attend Hogwarts during the Second Wizarding War. As they had rounded the bend in the river, the castle stood on top of a cliff, its turrets and towers jutting into the sky, the windows alight with candles. Although Albus couldn't see it, some of the stonework was new compared to all old stone that had been damaged or destroyed when a fire had broken out in the castle during the Battle of Hogwarts. Then they approached the harbor, having to duck their heads as went through an ivy curtain concealing the harbor. Clambering onto the shore they made their way up the stone steps to a set of double doors where they were handed over to Professor Flitwick, a cheerful yet diminutive man who was part-goblin. Albus nodded goodbye...for now...to Jorvik as he walked with them up to the castle. Professor Flitwick took them to a side room to wait for themselves to be collected where they would be sorted in front of the entire school. @QuendalynNym @Runakei

Autumn Thatcher

As they had seen the castle for the first time, Autumn couldn't help letting out a gasp of surprise at the marvelous building before them. It was a real life castle! Like in fairy tales and fantasy novels she had read. Nervously she followed the others up to a set of oak double doors with iron hinges, following the large man at the head of first years. There they were handed over to an old person who was smaller than the first years who introduced himself as Professor Flitwick. They were led into a side room off the entrance hall, given a short lecture on Hogwarts and how houses were your family and then left.
Alex laughed a little bit and stepped out of the shadows, revealing herself to the nervous looking first years. She chuckled a little as they looked at her oddly. She quickly finished her cigarette, and tossed it aside as she approached the first years.

"Nice to see Hogwarts is getting some new faces, some nicer looking ones too. Wait...you see familiar." She said spotting out Albus from the crowd. No doubt once he saw her he would hate her. She could practically hear Harry's words in her ear. 'Never trust a Malfoy'.

"Hmm, scared are you? Don't worry it only hurts a little" Alex joked crossing her arms over her chest.

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Albus Severus Potter

Albus turned as someone pointed him out of the crowd of first years. Great, he thought. Either another Death Eater child or a fan of my father, he thought in disgust towards either possibility. Such disgust likely showed on the eleven-year-old's face as he looked to see who had pointed him out among the crowd, his eyes lighting on some older student with blond hair and gray eyes. He wasn't sure who the student was, only that she was older than the first years. "Who are you?" he questioned, looking at her. Why had she signaled him out of the crowd? For that matter why was she doing a Muggle habit by smoking? @QueenEmma
eclipsehowls said:

Albus Severus Potter

Albus turned as someone pointed him out of the crowd of first years. Great, he thought. Either another Death Eater child or a fan of my father, he thought in disgust towards either possibility. Such disgust likely showed on the eleven-year-old's face as he looked to see who had pointed him out among the crowd, his eyes lighting on some older student with blond hair and gray eyes. He wasn't sure who the student was, only that she was older than the first years. "Who are you?" he questioned, looking at her. Why had she signaled him out of the crowd? For that matter why was she doing a Muggle habit by smoking? @QueenEmma
I'm sorry everyone my laptop died. what I miss?)
eclipsehowls said:

Albus Severus Potter

Albus turned as someone pointed him out of the crowd of first years. Great, he thought. Either another Death Eater child or a fan of my father, he thought in disgust towards either possibility. Such disgust likely showed on the eleven-year-old's face as he looked to see who had pointed him out among the crowd, his eyes lighting on some older student with blond hair and gray eyes. He wasn't sure who the student was, only that she was older than the first years. "Who are you?" he questioned, looking at her. Why had she signaled him out of the crowd? For that matter why was she doing a Muggle habit by smoking? @QueenEmma
"I'm surprised your father or your brother James hasn't told you about me yet, names Malfoy, Alex Malfoy" She said with a smirk thinking of all the stuff she had pulled on James in the past, how heavily she annoyed him over the past few years.

"Now Potter, don't go believing all the lies Daddy tells you alright?" She said bending down a little and giving the boy a fake pout. She smirked again and was about to go for another cig but thought against it.

"Excited about your first year? Following into the footsteps of your father? Being called the reincarnation of Voldy himself? Believe me kid, it gets old fast" She mumbled.

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(The first years are waiting to be sorted. Draco's daughter was smoking off the side room where the first years are before coming out to investigate the new students and has spotted Albus. DADA professor and the student with the fire-breathing basilisk boggart are in the Great Hall with the other students coming in or finishing up coming to the castle. The other teacher...I just know she's the female teacher you approved of...thinks there will be some interesting faces at Hogwarts this year.) @QuendalynNym
~Opal's POV~

Opal waited, wishing food would hurry.She soon got bored and looked at the Slytherin table, trying to find her brothers. She soon found them and watched them whisper to each other. They soon noticed her and gave her devilish grins. She sighed and rolled her eyes at them. She soon began looking for any friends she made.

~Andrew and Alex's POV~

As soon as they sat down, the twins soon began plotting a big 'Welcome Back!' prank. "OK, so what KIND of stink juice is what really matters, what do you think?" Andrew whispered to Alex. "Grem's classic, easy to buy and smells like a pile of bull crap. LITERALLY." Alex grinned. "True, but it could use something extra. We'll ask Opal later, shes smart!" Andrew replied, sending a devilish smile towards his sister.
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eclipsehowls said:
(The first years are waiting to be sorted. Draco's daughter was smoking off the side room where the first years are before coming out to investigate the new students and has spotted Albus. DADA professor and the student with the fire-breathing basilisk boggart are in the Great Hall with the other students coming in or finishing up coming to the castle. The other teacher...I just know she's the female teacher you approved of...thinks there will be some interesting faces at Hogwarts this year.) @QuendalynNym
Sweet thanks eclipse for filling me in) Callan looked around excited, she will soon be finding out what house she belongs in.
LlamaInDeHouse said:
~Opal's POV~
Opal watched as the first years got sorted, wishing food would hurry.She soon got bored and looked at the Slytherin table, trying to find her brothers. She soon found them and watched them whisper to each other. They soon noticed her and gave her devilish grins. She sighed and rolled her eyes at them. She soon began looking for any friends she made.

~Andrew and Alex's POV~

As soon as they sat down, the twins soon began plotting a big 'Welcome Back!' prank. "OK, so what KIND of stink juice is what really matters, what do you think?" Andrew whispered to Alex. "Grem's classic, easy to buy and smells like a pile of bull crap. LITERALLY." Alex grinned. "True, but it could use something extra. We'll ask Opal later, shes smart!" Andrew replied, sending a devilish smile towards his sister.
(Um...my characters name is Alex, and I don't think we got to the sorting yet)

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