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Fandom Hogwarts, A new chapter

As the sorting commenced in the Great Hall, Malcolm began to remember what it was like to be a first year, walking up to the ragged hat. He was pleasantly surprised by being sorted into Ravenclaw, a nice change from all the Gryffindor talk. When Albus was sorted Slytherin, Mal was most definitely intrigued. Peter had told him that Albus may be the reincarnated Dark Lord, sorting him into Slytherin further encouraged that theory.

The next name was called and Malcolm clapped as a nervous redhead was sorted into Ravenclaw. He gave her a bright smile as she walked towards the table and shuffled aside to offer her a seat.

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Garnet said:
As the sorting commenced in the Great Hall, Malcolm began to remember what it was like to be a first year, walking up to the ragged hat. He was pleasantly surprised by being sorted into Ravenclaw, a nice change from all the Gryffindor talk. When Albus was sorted Slytherin, Mal was most definitely intrigued. Peter had told him that Albus may be the reincarnated Dark Lord, sorting him into Slytherin further encouraged that theory.
The next name was called and Malcolm clapped as a nervous redhead was sorted into Ravenclaw. He gave her a bright smile as she walked towards the table and shuffled aside to offer her a seat.

Callan saw someone smiling at her and scooting aside to offer a seat for her, she smiled and sat down offering a hand. "Hello, my names Callan. You are?"
Jórik Aríelsson He chuckled and shook his head, "Go head, I've eaten half the box on the train ride up here." he smiled and watched the rest of the sorting while sitting close to her in an almost protective manner.
(We could make this into a plot, all these rumors about Albus being the next Dark Lord/the reincarnation of Voldemort. I already have something planned for him at breakfast tomorrow.)

Albus Severus Potter

"Alright. Thanks for the offer Alex," he said. Unsure if he would ever take the older Slytherin up on his offer. As the Slytherin went back to his friends, Albus began to brood again. Were the rules still the same in Slytherin? No arguments outside of Slytherin? Slytherin was a family and stuck up for each other outside their house? Or did that only apply to children who weren't Half-Bloods and carried the name Potter? He guessed time would tell and suddenly wished for the feast to be over so he could go to bed. He didn't listen to the sorting a girl into Hufflepuff, instead dropping his eyes back on his empty plate. With being sorted into Slytherin, rumors about him were sure to intensify about being the reincarnation of Voldemort that, for reasons unknown to him, students seemed to believe. When had these rumors started and why hadn't his parents and family ever said anything? @LlamaInDeHouse
eclipsehowls said:
(We could make this into a plot, all these rumors about Albus being the next Dark Lord/the reincarnation of Voldemort. I already have something planned for him at breakfast tomorrow.)

Albus Severus Potter

"Alright. Thanks for the offer Alex," he said. Unsure if he would ever take the older Slytherin up on his offer. As the Slytherin went back to his friends, Albus began to brood again. Were the rules still the same in Slytherin? No arguments outside of Slytherin? Slytherin was a family and stuck up for each other outside their house? Or did that only apply to children who weren't Half-Bloods and carried the name Potter? He guessed time would tell and suddenly wished for the feast to be over so he could go to bed. He didn't listen to the sorting a girl into Hufflepuff, instead dropping his eyes back on his empty plate. With being sorted into Slytherin, rumors about him were sure to intensify about being the reincarnation of Voldemort that, for reasons unknown to him, students seemed to believe. When had these rumors started and why hadn't his parents and family ever said anything? @LlamaInDeHouse
(I agree, if ya'll want that is)
Malcolm shook her hand firmly.

"I know your name kiddo. It is announced to the whole school." He said slight chuckle. "I'm Malcolm, though Mal is also acceptable."

He poked a plate of steak with his fork.

"Those are really good, and so is the butter beer actually. It's not actually alcoholic, they just call it that. Kinda like root beer." He shrugged.

"Oh, and Welcome to Ravenclaw, you'll have a greet time here."
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Garnet said:
Malcolm shook her hand firmly.
"I know your name kiddo. It is announced to the whole school." He said slight chuckle. "I'm Malcolm, though Mal is also acceptable."

He poked a plate of steak with his fork.

"Those are really good, and so is the butter beer actually. It's not actually alcoholic, they just call it that. Kinda like root beer." He shrugged.

"Oh, and Welcome to Ravenclaw, you'll have a greet time here."
Callan smiled widely, her mom was right, its not so bad here. She looked at the food and grabbed a steak with mashed potatoes and a glass of butterbeer. She grabbed hold of the glass and took a cautious sip then took a big gulp, it was delicious!! "Mmm, this really is good."
~Opal's POV~

"Alright then, suit yourself.." she said, chugging the rest of the beans into her mouth. "Oh god! The mixture tastes terrible!" she gags. ( @Runakei )

~Andrew and Alex's POV~

"So whatt'd ya do Al?" Andrew asked him. "Talked to Albus, he seems like a good kid." Alex replied. "Oh look at that, Alex is making friends." Andrew told him in a sarcastic tone. "Well, I have more friends than you!" he said, laughing at Andrew.
(It is totally fine with me. The last HP RP I was in where I had a character that was Voldemort's son died out. He was going to be the next Dark Lord eventually.)

Albus Severus Potter

The aroma of food and soon the laughter and talking of students around him, broke Albus from his musings while at the Gryffindor Table, James was still staring at his brother, hardly able to believe that there was a Potter in Slytherin. He reached for some Roast Beef and put it onto his plate with some vegetables, mashed potatoes and gravy. A loaf of bread made up the last of his meal items and e was glad there was milk available to drink, despite the jugs of Pumpkin Juice lining each of the House Tables. He ate silently, stashing some meat away in a napkin for his ferret.

Autumn Thatcher

Autumn had never seen so much food in her life. Biting her lip as she was supposed to take two medications with meal times twice a day, one with breakfast and one with dinner. She selected a few different foods, putting a small portion on each plate to see if she liked them or not, taking a risk and deciding to try the Pumpkin Juice. The food was good and the juice was a bit sweet for her tastes. She would have to remember to bring her pills that she had to take with her to breakfast and dinner from now on.
eclipsehowls said:
(It is totally fine with me. The last HP RP I was in where I had a character that was Voldemort's son died out. He was going to be the next Dark Lord eventually.)

Albus Severus Potter

The aroma of food and soon the laughter and talking of students around him, broke Albus from his musings while at the Gryffindor Table, James was still staring at his brother, hardly able to believe that there was a Potter in Slytherin. He reached for some Roast Beef and put it onto his plate with some vegetables, mashed potatoes and gravy. A loaf of bread made up the last of his meal items and e was glad there was milk available to drink, despite the jugs of Pumpkin Juice lining each of the House Tables. He ate silently, stashing some meat away in a napkin for his ferret.

Autumn Thatcher

Autumn had never seen so much food in her life. Biting her lip as she was supposed to take two medications with meal times twice a day, one with breakfast and one with dinner. She selected a few different foods, putting a small portion on each plate to see if she liked them or not, taking a risk and deciding to try the Pumpkin Juice. The food was good and the juice was a bit sweet for her tastes. She would have to remember to bring her pills that she had to take with her to breakfast and dinner from now on.
(So you gonna make another character that is voldemorts son or have Albus be the new Voldemort?)
~Opal's POV~

She finished swallowing the beans and drank from her goblet. She hadn't eaten anything the day before, so she filled her plate with as much food as she could. When she was done, she smiled a happy smile and sighed.

~Andrew and Alex's POV~

Andrew filled his plate with various desserts as Alex ate his chicken leg. "You know, Andy, youre teeth will get rotten before you know it if you only eat dessert!" Alex laughed at him. "But Opal gets to eat a lot!? Why cant I?" Andrew whined. "SHe didnt eat anything for the past day remember?" he sighed. "How is she alive?" ANdrew said staring at his sister.
Jórik Aríelsson He couldn't help but laugh at her as she gagged. Not that he was making fun of her, but the fact he knew what she had just done due to person experience. Before he knew some of the more vile flavors were in there, he took a mouthful and nearly puked on the spot. Níðhöggr rested his head on Jórik's shoulder as they both waited for dinner. It was obvious that they were hungry when both his and the dragons belly growled in hunger. When the food came floating in along with several ghosts he'd fill his plate and chow down offering every other bite to his dragon that no one seemed to notice yet besides Albus and Opal.

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Malcolm smiled warmly as Callan tried the food. He may or may not have a soft spot for young children due to not having siblings himself. Nonetheless, it was nice to see the new editions to his house having a good time.

"To be honest, everything's pretty good once you get around to trying it." He said, twirling his fork around.

"Oh! Did anyone tell you about the new common-room?"
(going to sleep. please don't leave me behind... And don't start quidditch tryouts without me, I want to try out for a beater.)
Garnet said:
Malcolm smiled warmly as Callan tried the food. He may or may not have a soft spot for young children due to not having siblings himself. Nonetheless, it was nice to see the new editions to his house having a good time.
"To be honest, everything's pretty good once you get around to trying it." He said, twirling his fork around.

"Oh! Did anyone tell you about the new common-room?"
Callan shook her head smiling,"Nope, what's that?" She looked at him confused. (Works for me, I mean everyone already thinks he is lmao so why shouldn't he?)
Runakei said:
(going to sleep. please don't leave me behind... And don't start quidditch tryouts without me, I want to try out for a beater.)
(kk night you two, also internets acting up so if I take a while to reply I'm sorry)
Runakei said:
(going to sleep. please don't leave me behind... And don't start quidditch tryouts without me, I want to try out for a beater.)
(kk night you two, also internets acting up so if I take a while to reply I'm sorry)
(Cool. :) So now to figure out why everybody is spreading rumors about Albus being the reincarnation of Voldemort, bringing Voldemort back to life or being the next Dark Lord in the first place without any prompting from moi.) @QuendalynNym
"You know about the normal common rooms right? 'Course you do. Well in addition to those ones, they've cleared up an extra room for more inter-house interaction. I quite like the idea actually. It means you can hang out with Albus and what not." Malcolm explained, waving his fork around simultaneously.

"I think it'll improve relationships between houses, you know. Especially that insufferable quarrel Gryffindor and Slytherin always seem to be having." He added, pointing to the corresponding tables.
(Maybe Albus was found out to be able to speak Parseltongue. Just a suggestion)
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