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Fandom Hogwarts, A new chapter

Garnet said:
"You know about the normal common rooms right? 'Course you do. Well in addition to those ones, they've cleared up an extra room for more inter-house interaction. I quite like the idea actually. It means you can hang out with Albus and what not." Malcolm explained, waving his fork around simultaneously.
"I think it'll improve relationships between houses, you know. Especially that insufferable quarrel Gryffindor and Slytherin always seem to be having." He added, pointing to the corresponding tables.
Callan smiled wildly,"I can see Albus?!!" She then nodded her head,"I heard it almost cause betrayal during the great war."
(Sorry. I'm talking about how Albus only discovered prior to the sorting that students see him as the reincarnation of Voldemort or spoke of him bringing Voldemort back. Sorry if I didn't make sense. I have a problem with not explaining things correctly.) @QuendalynNym
eclipsehowls said:
(Sorry. I'm talking about how Albus only discovered prior to the sorting that students see him as the reincarnation of Voldemort or spoke of him bringing Voldemort back. Sorry if I didn't make sense. I have a problem with not explaining things correctly.) @QuendalynNym
(Oh no don't worry my brains not awake yet)
(Ah okay. @Garnet, that could work with Albus being discovered to be a Parslemouth. James was a pureblood after all. Maybe a member of Slytherin married into the Potter line or something when the Potter family was established eons ago. We know they're related to the Peverells after all through Ignotius Peverell. Alright, I think I'm going to turn in. Good night everyone. Will respond tomorrow.)
eclipsehowls said:
(Ah okay. @Garnet, that could work with Albus being discovered to be a Parslemouth. James was a pureblood after all. Maybe a member of Slytherin married into the Potter line or something when the Potter family was established eons ago. We know they're related to the Peverells after all through Ignotius Peverell. Alright, I think I'm going to turn in. Good night everyone. Will respond tomorrow.)
(Night eclipse)
Malcolm chuckled at Callan's enthusiasm. Frankly, he found the both of them quite adorable. His smile turned into a rather serious frown as the war was brought up. He had heard stories about what happened from his father, who fought in it.

"Well let's hope it never happens again." He said, his voice lowered and slightly somber.

As he realized that plates of mashed potatoes and stew have been dessert and candy a cheerful smile once again returned to his face. He nudged Callan gently on the side.

"The final course has arrived, Callan. Dig in! It's the best part of the feast." He exclaimed taking a slice of cheesecake.
Garnet said:
Malcolm chuckled at Callan's enthusiasm. Frankly, he found the both of them quite adorable. His smile turned into a rather serious frown as the war was brought up. He had heard stories about what happened from his father, who fought in it.
"Well let's hope it never happens again." He said, his voice lowered and slightly somber.

As he realized that plates of mashed potatoes and stew have been dessert and candy a cheerful smile once again returned to his face. He nudged Callan gently on the side.

"The final course has arrived, Callan. Dig in! It's the best part of the feast." He exclaimed taking a slice of cheesecake.
Callans eyes brightened then widened to the size of saucers, she then began smiling uncontrollably," Wow!! This place just gets better and better!!" She started by grabbing some candy and an sundae(these shall always be included in dessert lmao). She took a huge bite of the sundae and got a brainfreeze. She held her head groaning,"Owie.. brain freeze"
Jórik Aríelsson As the two of them ate side by side he decided now was a better time than ever, "So..." lifting a fork he took a piece of turkey in his mouth and ate it before finishing his sentence, "We've known each other, what... Four, Five years now?" taking another bite of turkey, he'd then pop a few green, seedless grapes in his mouth before looking at her awaiting an answer.


Katherine Burke Sitting at her table, She didn't really have many friends and most of the Hufflepuff people always seemed too occupied with their own intentions that she didn't feel like bothering them. So, like usual she sat alone and ate quietly while letting Pip sit on the table next to her plate as she smiled and gently pet the fire-belly toad.

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Autumn Thatcher

Autumn only ate what was on her plate, daring to try the Yorkshire Pudding and Peppermint Humbugs for dessert. She grimaced at the taste of the pudding and pushed the bowl away. That was something she would never eat again but Peppermint was always good so long as it was in moderation. She looked around the table, seeing someone sitting alone like she was. Being that the other was sitting at her table, unsure of the world around her, she decided the least she could do was say hello and moved over to sit next to the girl. "Um hi. Autumn," she said uncertainly by way of introduction. @Runakei


Marcy stood outside the doors of the so called 'Great hall' with her back straight, shoulders back and chin up. her sharp green gaze dancing with hidden mischief and chaos. The smirk that dwelled on her full lips was playful with a sharp cruel edge to it as she grinned. Today Marcy Joined slyitherine house. Today she started her decent upwards to be the most powerful Hit-wizard of all time. Pushing a strand of deep black waves behind her hair, she stole a glance at her twin, who stood ram rod straight with his piercing blue eyes focused forward. Instinctively Marcelle knew he was

nervous. Nervous and...worried.

'yes just worried, theres now way my brother would be afraid.'

she thought, as the teacher moved to open the doors in front of them, Marcelle stole her brothers large black leather gloved hand and giving him a light squeeze. Blue eyes flashed to her own green orbs in small surprise before warmth flooded them.

And Marcelle knew everything would be okay.

so they walked inside.


Marcello was having a mild Panic attack under his cool demeanor. This was his first time being in this place. well not his first time being in Britain but..

"Gods, stop it Cello, you have nothing to fear. so long as you keep your cool and you have Sister and Aunt Cassiopeia you will be fine.'

He reassured himself mentally. swallowing the thick lump in his throat he walked with his twin, hand in hand, his knuckles white around hers, to the dining table. as they reached the one with a green and silver decoration, his heart plummeted. He and his twin had never been separated. the dignified (albeit a bit snooty) table reminded him that, for once, he would be alone. the knowledge of this fact urged him to run a hand through his brown locks and tug. disrupt the careful style it was brushed into by his house elf Mink. A tug on his gloved hands reminded him of where he was . reluctantly he drifted back into reality and away from his worries.

"Sister, this is where i leave you, i will walk you to class today yes?" he said, his deep husky voice coated in his Italian accent clearly showing he hit puberty.

Cello slid a small soft smile her way before giving one last squeeze and stalking off the the Table with blue. Ravenclaw.
Katherine Burke She looked up as the girl approached her and she smiled, "Autumn isn't it?" Taking a single bite of chocolate pudding she'd wait for the girls response.
Jórik Aríelsson He sat there and looked at his food for a moment, "Since we've known each other for awhile, Would you like to take out friendship to the next level?" he went silent on that note and stuffed his face with a bit of lobster meat.

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Autumn Thatcher

The new Hufflepuff student nodded. "Yeah, that's right." She sat down next to the other Badger and looked up at the Great Hall ceiling. "I'm not sure if this is real or just a dream that I don't want to wake up from," Autumn said. She wasn't even sure how she had come to be here, despite her letter of admission to Hogwarts. @Runakei
~Opal's POV~

It took her a minute to process what Jòrik was saying, but she finally realized what he meant. "Well, if it means what I'm thinking, then yes." She said looking at him with a smile.

( @Runakei )
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Jórik Aríelsson He smiled softly, "I am glad to hear that you accept. I would also like to invite you as my partner to the annual Yuletide Ball at the end of the year." as he finished his meal he'd take a few sips of Pumpkin Juice. Upon doing so, Nidhogg started lapping his tongue at the juice.


(Nidhogg is the Anglicized name of his dragons real spelling)

Katherine Burke She giggled, "Thankfully, it isn't a dream... Though, once you realize that this life is just as dangerous as it is fun, you will sometimes wish you could wake up if it were one." she finished her plate, "I can't wait until they show you our common room! It's so pretty" he smiled and gave a soft giggle as she ran her finger over her toad.


Autumn Thatcher

"Where is our common room? I heard Gryffindor and Ravenclaw have towers and Slytherin's in the dungeons from Professor Longbottom. He's the one who took me to Diagon Alley," said Autumn. Her comment about this life being dangerous caused her to frown. "What do you mean dangerous?" How could the magical world be more dangerous then the Muggle one? Was it possible she had just traded one life for another? If her life was going to be in danger here then she wasn't sure she wanted to learn magic after all. Speaking of magic, how was she supposed to do homework? The kids were only allowed a limited number of things and they certainly wouldn't be able to have a Cauldron or Potion ingredients in their rooms. @Runakei
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Katherine Burke She giggled, "Don't get the wrong idea. Being a witch or wizard is so much more fun and exciting than the muggle world... It's just there are things in the Wizarding world that are pure nightmare fuel. For example... There is a creature Azkaban uses to hunt and kill escaped prisoners... They're called Dementors, They look like black ghosts, they're faceless and literally suck the soul from your very being." she continued to pet the toad, "But it's still exciting to know that we get to experience such unique and dangerous creatures. I hope I'm not scaring you, here in Hogwarts we are protected from the icky and grimy." another giggle game from her, "We get to spend our time performing spells and learning, having balls, playing quidditch, and battling each house over the wizarding cup!" she seemed rather excited at the mentioning it, "As a matter of fact, Hufflepuff came in second place last year!"

Autumn Thatcher

Once more, the muggleborn Badger listened, finding this all hard to believe. The thought of a creature that looked like a ghost with the capability of sucking out a person's soul, hunting down prisoners from some place called Az-ka-ban sounded terrifying and a shiver of fear crept down her spine at the mention of such creatures. "What about the holidays? Do you get homework over the holidays? Do you have to go home?" she asked. "I don't like the sound of these ghosts or the Az-ka-ban place," she said. @Runakei

Albus Severus Potter

He grabbed the wrapped meats from the table where it was sitting next to him and stood, knowing from his dad's exploits in second year that Slytherin House was in the dungeons. As people chatted with friends, some pausing in their conversations to stare at him as he headed for the doors leading out of the Great Hall, Albus clutched the napkin in his hand, just wanting to escape the merriment of the Great Hall and get some peace from the stares and whispers. He knew that his brother would be rushing off to the owlery or sneaking out after curfew to send their parents a letter about his sorting, his dad having passed on both the invisibility cloak and the Maurader's Map to his firstborn as family heirlooms to the Heir of Potter. If he knew where his godfather's office was, he would have gone there instead.
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Marcello had drifted off into the clouds again. Lost in thought about his new life in this place. His blue eyes were clouded with his critical thoughts, so lost was he, that he didn't even notice the boy coming toward him. Of course he realized it when he ran straight fowarded into the boy

Katherine Burke She giggled, "Don't think too much of it, Azkaban is for the worst of the worst. And to answer your previous question, no we don't have homework over the holidays and you can choose only to leave during Yuletide. I don't... I have nothing left for me in the muggle world."With a final stroke of her finger along her the center of her toad's body, she'd pick him up and placed him on her head before placing her witch's cap over top of him, "They should be showing the common rooms, do you want me to accompany you?"

Albus Severus Potter

He was halfway between the Ravenclaw and Slytherin Tables, the teachers not seeming to notice that he was leaving the hall when someone ran into him, knocking the Heir Presumptuous off his feet and causing him to land on the floor between the tables. His hand had clenched the napkin tightly as he fell, his other hand raising instinctively to the back of his head to check for bruising or possible blood, another possible sign of weakness within Slytherin that the rest of his new house might target him for. Pulling his hand away, he looked at, relief crossing his features that there was no sticky redness on the palm of his hand which would have signified a trip to the Hospital Wing and Madam Pomfrey.

Albus looked up at the other student...black robes with blue trim, an eagle against a blue background on his left breast pocket of his robes, a blue and bronze tie. Ravenclaw then. The other student seemed distracted with his own thoughts and now his head was starting to throb a bit in pain from where his head had made contact with the stone floor. Blinking, he slowly sat up and rolled to his knees to get himself up. @BlackSwan

Autumn Thatcher

Autumn was glad to hear there was no homework over the holidays. "What about the summer? Do we have homework over the summer and do we have to go home?" she asked as she made a sandwich to take with her so she could take her medicine. Autumn wasn't sure what the Muggles had diagnosed her with as she wasn't privy to her medical records with being a minor. Hearing that they might end up going to their common rooms soon and that the prison Az-ka-ban was only for the worst of the criminals, she wasn't sure she wanted an answer to what crimes qualified one to be locked up in prison with soul sucking ghosts, she nodded. "Okay," she said at the offer of being shown to the Hufflepuff Common Room. She got up from the table, hoping that Jinx was alright and had been fed. @Runakei

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