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Fandom Hogwarts, A new chapter


Marcy blinked at that. Before giving a short melodic laugh.

"I just got here. I don't have friends, I have a twin. " she breathed as her laughter died off.

Crossing her arms she smirked st the tall male.

"I'm also not the one with a huge ass target on their head now.

It's completely clear your not in slytherin don't worry and I never asked for your personal information. I don't care if your a pureblood or not. Trash is trash." She said, her voice sweet but her words cruel.


Jórik Aríelsson he smirked, "You're right, trash is trash is trash... However, "Sic Parvis Magna" though, I don't expect you to speak Latin, you're just useful with absolutely no brain compacity..." Nidhogg crawled completely from his collar and huffed a puff of smoke at the woman as it also bared it's razor sharp teeth.




Marcy let out a small laugh at that, before leaning in close.

Non minores aestimo me "

She whispered, before wrinkling her nose at the creature that produced itself from his robs. " such a hideous thing " she sighed. Before waving her Wand and summoning her own familiar.

Which happened to be a 5 foot long mystical snake called a mythril.

"Meet Nessa." She purred. As the exoticly colored snake twined it's body around its mistress. It hissed vicously at the other animal, daring the creature to look into her eyes.

@Runakei @eclipsehowls
Jórik Aríelsson He scoffed as he felt Nidhogg coiled tighter around Jórik, knowing that the creature had a jinx placed eyes, thus avoiding them. However, he made is obvious that his dragon was half the snakes size and could easily defend himself if the need ended up showing itself. "The fact you are turning everything into a challenge simply proves you are unstable in the mind. You take anyone and everything around you and you literally have to beat them, otherwise you don't feel accomplished... I bet it'd even go as far as to you taking Albus here under your wing and intentionally demeaning him under you until you had your own personal slave... Where I see him as an equal since I don't have a personal ego the size of half the planet."




Marcy just rolled her eyes.

"Right. Says the one trying to put everything and everyone in a box." She sighed. Running a hand through her inky Black waves.

"You don't know me, or what I'd do. So don't pretend you do. " she snarked. Returning her fingerless gloved hands to her pockets.

" I'm ambitious yes, so I want to win. Doesn't mean I want to win everything. You should really take a look in the mirror,

The only person trying to out do the other here is you. I just got here today, and I merely came to help a fellow housemate. "

Marcy stepped closer her eyes flashing dangerously.

"So why don't you get off your high horse and realize just because your in Raven claw doesn't mean you know everything "

She hissed, then stepped back.

"Anywhore, Potter is it? Would you like for us to go to OUR common room?"

@Runakei @eclipsehowls

Albus Severus Potter

The Heir Presumptuous to Potter didn't hear the counter spell that was said but when he took a step backwards without falling on his back, he was grateful. His housemate introduced herself as Marcelle and then there began an argument between the two students about their intentions towards Albus. Marcelle suggesting getting even while Jorvik suggested teaching him how to duel. Since nobody else seemed to be willing to defend him, he'd have to learn to defend himself at some point. His gaze flitted back and forth between the two as they argued with each other over him, his eyes following them both like he was at a Quidditch Match.

The conversation was also promising to give Albus a headache, something he didn't want to deal with, when he had to worry about his year mates and house mates when he went back to Slytherin House. The pets coming out intrigued him...some type of snake and some type of dragon? Great. Hagrid will probably try breeding it with Noberta if its a male, he thought to himself. Just because he was a snake didn't mean he couldn't have access to the help of another house.

Well, mention of the student of the second student being a Ravenclaw was interesting. "Best not let Hagrid see that," he finally said looking at the dragon while smirking at the snake's angry hissing. "He'd probably have Charlie Weasley send Noberta here and get in trouble for dragon breeding." How Hagrid wasn't in trouble for the dangerous animals he kept around was a mystery to the first year. "Can I think about the offer?" he asked both students. He wasn't sure he could think on the offers from the pair...to get even or to learn dueling and spells. When Marcella asked if he wanted to go to their common room, he nodded. He wanted to see to his ferret anyway and get into bed before the other students could manage to bother him. @BlackSwan @Runakei
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Marcelle smiled lazily at her fellow housemate, and took our her Wand to twirl it lightly " thank the gods. You don't need him to teach you dueling. That's what house mates are for. " she giggled, before sending a non verbal small stinging hex at the older males bum.

"I can help with that. After all you are my first friend in this place , and that's what friends do right?" She grinned, the chaos in her eyes shining through slightly.


Cello dismissed the brutish male and continued to eat. Making a mental note to have his twin dig up information about him later.

As soon as he finished his meal, his cool cobalt eye's scanned the silver and Green table for Marcelle.

And then his heart stopped.

Because she wasn't there. Panic immediately began to rise in his chest, as he slowly began to hyperventilate.

Standing up quickly, he sharply made his way out of the great hall.

expecto Patronum"

He whispered, thinking of the time Marcelle stood up to Aunt Cassiopia . The two stole away that day, and got ice cream and went to see the muggle zoo.

The memory brought forth a silvery Fenic Fox potrunus that raced around his head in worry.

"Find Marcelle. Find my twin."

And off the potrunus went.

@eclipsehowls @Runakei
QuendalynNym said:
((Man I wanna rp but I was in the middle of talking to Mal so I don't want to be rude and just leave)
Just find an excuse to leave, I don't mind.
Jórik Aríelsson he was quick to grasp his wand before swinging it upward, "Protego!" immediately a ward was thrown up stopping her hex in its track, though, once he reflected her spell he quickly countered it with his own, "Densaugeo!" his hex was thrown directly at the girl before him.



Autumn Thatcher

Autumn waited for anybody to do anything about what had happened but when nobody bothered to stand up except for that student from the Ravenclaw Table, she just became more suspicious of the motives' of the Professors. They call this a school of magic? she thought to herself. Autumn had heard in the institution from kids that came there after having gone to public school, even for a short time, that teachers rarely stood up to bullies as most bullying took place in the hallways and at lunch. Or the teachers would ignore bullying happening under their noses if the students were athletic. She had thought upon entering the magical world that things would be different at Hogwarts, a school that was supposed to be prestigious in the United Kingdom, but apparently even magical children could be bullies and magical adults were just as biased as Muggle teachers. The thought brought a frown to her face as the laughter died down with the departure of the Ravenclaw student. @Runakei

Albus Severus Potter

Albus frowned as Marcelle acted like a child and sent a stinging hex at Jorvik as he turned, only for the Ravenclaw to cast a shield spell...Albus had read his coursebooks over the summer unlike James...and watched as Jorvik sent his own spell at Marcelle. He knew there was a possibility of Marcelle being truthful about her claim to be his friend but there was also a possibility like Jorvik had said of her just using him because he was a Potter, though Albus had nothing to offer the girl. Wisely the pre-teen backed up from the duel, not wanting to get hexed by a wayward spell. Protego is a shield spell, he thought to himself as he watched. Densaugeo was a new one that he hadn't read about in The Standard Book of Spells Grade 1. If he had, perhaps he had not noticed it as he had worried over his placement and James making comments about there being a possibility he would end up in Slytherin which Albus had been frightened and insecure of. He was curious as to the snake Marcelle carried but allowed his eyes to watch the impromptu duel. @Runakei @BlackSwan
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A grin began to grow on her lips as she did a non verbal shield spell.

"Ooh he's not too bad." She giggled, then sent a non verbal transfiguration spell to Transfigure his tongue into a cats paw.

Then twirling her Wand into the air she sent out an even meaner hex at the small boy. She sent a silent Stupify at him and grinned.

"Naughty naughty little Potter. You shouldn't pick fights your not ready for."

Her aunt Cassiopia had been training her in dark spells and dueling since she turned 10. She may not be able to take on them both if potter was as skilled as The older boy in front of her. But he just so happened to be a first year.

@Runakei @eclipsehowls
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Anubis Orpheus-Wilheim

Up at the Staff table, Anubis had been keeping an eye on the students as he did every year, allowing them free reign to interact. However, it was until things got heated and spells were exchanged that he stepped in, Casting multiple shield charms to force them apart.

"Enough. Stay your wands, or I shall do it for you." He said quietly as he approached.

@BlackSwan @Runakei @eclipsehowls

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Albus Severus Potter

Not expecting to see a jet of red light fly from Marcelle's wand towards him, Albus didn't have time to dodge as the spell flew towards him, only for a blue shield to spring up in front of him, causing the spell to bounce off it. As Albus was now near the steps leading down to the domain of Slytherin House, if the spell had hit him dead on, he would have likely bent sent flying into the wall and rendered unconscious. Confused and hurt by the fact that Marcelle had obviously been lying to him about being his friend, his father's words in his head repeating about "You can't trust anyone from Slytherin or a snake," Albus looked to see an adult...a professor now entering the Entrance Hall and speaking to the three students. Why was it now that a professor had deemed it important to grace the students with his presence? None of the professors had said or done anything in the Great Hall. Albus watched the professor approach them, unsure as to what position he taught at the school, only knowing it wasn't Herbology as that was his Godfather's subject after Sprout had retired. @BlackSwan @Loki Odinson
Anubis Orpheus-Wilheim

Anubis cast a quick glance over the young Potter boy, checking him over for any obvious injuries that would require medical attention. Seeing none thus far, he shifted his gaze to his Fourth Year Ravenclaw and the Fifth Year Slytherin twins.

"You seem to have forgotten the rules over your summer holidays. Duels would not take place in hallways, much less involving a First-Year." Anubis' face remained impassive, but his voice was hard, tinged with slight disappointment. "I shall refrain from taking points today, but if you are really itching for a fight, wait for the Duelling Club to be up and running again. Until then, however..."

Anubis trailed off meaningfully, allowing his eyes to convey the trouble they would face in his class if they endangered a First-Year once more. He raised his wand, giving it a flick as he cast a wordless Finite Incantatem, dispelling everything, including his shields. Turning to Miss Black, he countered the Densaugeo hex with another silent Reducio, allowing her teeth to return to normal before tucking his wand back up his sleeve.

@BlackSwan @Runakei @eclipsehowls

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(In the rules of RP Dueling, Marcelle would've been hit since you never blocked my counterspell... HA! <3)
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Albus Severus Potter

Although Albus hadn't dueled, he hadn't even drawn his wand from the dragonhide holster on his right wrist, Albus couldn't help feeling ashamed as the professor spoke to Marcelle and Jorvik nut dueling in the corridors. He saw the professor look him over before speaking and then the shields that had been cast over the three students to separate them were gone. As the Professor disabled both the shields and ended the spell that had been cast on Marcelle's teeth, a fact which Albus had missed but it appeared they were slightly larger than normal. It was then that he remembered overhearing his Uncle Ron talking of Draco Malfoy casting such a hex on Aunt Hermione in their fourth year during the Triwizard Tournament. "Professor, do you know where Professor Longbottom's office is?" Albus asked. He knew his godfather would ensure he got to class/back to his House and that Neville's office would always be open for him, even when his godfather was meeting with other students or away at a staff meeting. Unfortunately, Albus didn't know the password to his godfather's office or where it was located. @Loki Odinson
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Anubis Orpheus-Wilheim

"I do, Mr Potter." Anubis replied with a curt nod, eyes flicking in the direction of the Great Hall as his lips curved slightly into an amused smile. "I shall escort you to Professor Longbottom. Seeing as he was not present during the feast, I assume he is deeply engrossed in those greenhouses of his."

He returned his attention to the trio of older students. "Mr and Mrs Black, please see yourself back to your dorms. You too, Mr Aríelsson, and do me a favour to inform the other Ravenclaws to expect their timetables at their bedside table the next morning, or if they can wait, I will be handing them out as soon as I return. Good night."

With a tilt of his head, he gestured for Potter to follow, whirling around and swiftly making his way outside to the Grounds. it was understandable that the kid would want to talk with his parents' friend after that incident. Hmm...looks like Anubis might have to lay down a more strict and solid foundation for conflicts between Houses in the First-Years' DADA lesson tomorrow.

@eclipsehowls @Runakei @BlackSwan

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Albus Severus Potter

Mentioning that his godfather was probably in the Greenhouses and given a gesture to follow, Albus hurried after the Professor. Although it was doubtful that he would be attacked by his housemate with a professor present, that didn't mean that life wouldn't become difficult for him in Slytherin. Albus hoped that his godfather wouldn't be upset or angry with him for being sorted into the houses of snakes, though he was glad that his godfather hadn't been there to witness his humiliation in front of the entire student body. As the professor spoke to Jorvik and Marcelle, telling them to return to their common rooms and for Jorvik to inform the Ravenclaw House that he would give them their schedules upon the professor's return, Albus was slightly disappointed to hear that Professor Flitwick was no longer Head of Ravenclaw. However, it was the last name of Marcelle that made him turn around and look at the older student that had attacked him. Was she really a member of House Black and if so what did that mean for his father and brother, his father being Lord Black and James being the Heir to House Black as well as heir to Potter and Peverell, the Potters being the last of the Peverells. Perhaps he should write to his father about this later.

"Professor, what do you teach?" he asked as he followed the Professor towards the front doors that led to the grounds. The night sky as he stepped outside was lit with stars while the grounds themselves were cloaked in shadow. He couldn't see Hagrid's hut from here, Hagrid being a good family friend, or the greenhouses as they were within on the steps leading down to the grounds that lay before them. Albus knew that the Flying Pitch was nearby along with the Transfiguration Courtyard, the Greenhouses would be near Hagrid's Cabin and the Forbidden Forest, the Black Lake next to the path that led to the Quidditch Pitch and near the Boat Houses. @Loki Odinson
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(Wait...yeah I did. It says "A grin began to grow on her lips as she did a non verbal shield spell. "

So I did block it. And Marcelle sent a hex at Potter because he got the bright idea to try and send a spell at her.)​
( BUT now that you mentioned it, Jorik would have a cats paw for a tongue as he didn't block Marcelle ' s transfiguration attack on him.)
Anubis Orpheus-Wilheim

Glancing over his shoulder at the boy's question, Anubis threw a quick wink that accompanied his secretive smirk, breaking his apathetic expression for a second. "Now where's the fun in telling you outright? You can probably ask Professor Longbottom...or...you could try figuring it out by yourself. However, one small clue is in order, I believe I will be teaching one of your morning classes tomorrow."

The professor slowed down slightly so the First-year would not need to jog to catch up. The breeze was rather nice tonight, and he wouldn't mind spending time outside just a tad longer than necessary. "On the other hand, it's quite a walk to the Greenhouse. I wouldn't mind answering any other questions you might have, or if you hazarded a few guesses before we reach the Herbology office."



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