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Fandom Hogwarts, A new chapter

Malcolm chuckled once again at her enthusiasm.

"Believe me, enjoyment goes down hill after today. You got homework and exams and assessments and essays, general school stuff. Especially if you have one of the stricter teachers. I used to be the biggest daydreamer and that always got me in trouble in Potions..." He paused as he could hear the groaning from beside him. His face shifted into a look of worry, seeing Callan clutching her head. He sighed in relief when she mentioned a brain freeze.

"Don't scare me like that kiddo." He said. There was a pause as he took another bite of his cake.

"I bet you're gonna love the common room. It's beautiful." He told her. "It's really wide and airy and the view is probably the best out of all the common rooms. And the ceiling's painted to look like a starry night sky and stuff."
Garnet said:
Malcolm chuckled once again at her enthusiasm.
"Believe me, enjoyment goes down hill after today. You got homework and exams and assessments and essays, general school stuff. Especially if you have one of the stricter teachers. I used to be the biggest daydreamer and that always got me in trouble in Potions..." He paused as he could hear the groaning from beside him. His face shifted into a look of worry, seeing Callan clutching her head. He sighed in relief when she mentioned a brain freeze.

"Don't scare me like that kiddo." He said. There was a pause as he took another bite of his cake.

"I bet you're gonna love the common room. It's beautiful." He told her. "It's really wide and airy and the view is probably the best out of all the common rooms. And the ceiling's painted to look like a starry night sky and stuff."
Callans brain freeze subsided when she heard about the common room."Is it really?! That sounds so cool." Her face was set into an innocent smile as she thought of what the room must look like.
"Mhm. Lots of books too, you can never have too many of those." He washed down his meal with a cup of water and turned to Callan.

"So, enough about Hogwarts, what about you? Where dya come from Callan?" He asked her, prodding her side with his index finger.
Garnet said:
"Mhm. Lots of books too, you can never have too many of those." He washed down his meal with a cup of water and turned to Callan.
"So, enough about Hogwarts, what about you? Where dya come from Callan?" He asked her, prodding her side with his index finger.
Callan giggled then smiled,"I came from California, where its bright and sunny ninety-nine percent of the time. Theres beaches and ice cream stands!! It's an amazing place really, although, the muggles really get freaked out by magic." She recalled the one time she accidently stole ice cream with her powers as a toddler.
(Can we move on to the common rooms once the others are back?)

"Sounds fantastic. The beaches back Ireland aren't nearly as pretty. And the weather's unpredictable but somehow always gloomy. The muggles aren't really 'freaked out' but they just don't know, they make up their own explanations for these so called 'phenomenons'." He told her in a matter-of-fact manner. He was quite surprised to find she was from America as Hogwarts was really a school for students from Britain and it's surrounding countries.

"Well, if you're from the US, what brings you to Hogwarts? Are there not wizarding schools over there?"

Marcello blinked, coming back into reality once more as he noticed he had knocked some poor unfortunate soul to the ground.

Clearing his throat, Cello resisted the urge to run a hand through his hair and instead occupied his hand by offering one to help the boy up.

Terribly sorry sir, seem to have lost myself in this place." He apologized. His tone cool and calm, but with an edge of sarcasm and sincerity.

Albus Severus Potter

Albus grabbed the other's hand when it was offered, the other student apologizing for running into him and knocking him down. His head still throbbing slightly, Albus just wanted to make his way to the dungeons and try to figure out how to get into the common room so he could sleep and tend to his ferret as well as think things over. "It's fine," he said, "but you should watch where you're going if you're going to be a student here." He waited for the other to move so he could get out of the Great Hall. Looking over at the Gryffindor Table, he saw his brother had stopped watching him and was conversing with his friends. The first year's eyes narrowed in suspicion. Now that he was in Slytherin, would Albus be safe from any pranks on Slytherin House? Somehow he didn't think so. @BlackSwan

Marcelle watched with hidden curiosity as her brother interacted with the younger boy.

He looks vaguely familiar

She thought. But her annoyance at the boy for running into her brother almost overcame that tingling Dejavu feeling.

Marcy watched from the slytherin table with mixed feelings as the rest of her house

mated snickered slightly.

nice job potter"

"Yeah, you'd think for a hero's son he'd be more dignified "

All around her whispers floated.

And quite honestly. They were annoying.

Turning her head only slightly, Marcy gave a chilling smile at the rest of her house mates, who silenced themselves upon it.

"If you would all do me the greatest pleasure..."

she started, her voice soft but cold her Italian lilt wrapping her words like sharp silver velvet.

"Of shutting your fucking mouths.i understand your all much to pathetic to have anything better to do , " here she paused, her smile beginning to grow into a vicious grin.

"But I'm afraid if you continue, you might just be taking a long swim with the grindylows."



Cello raises a brow. Mildly shocked at his tone towards him.

That hidden cruel streak that he shared with his twin flashed briefly in his cool blue eyes.

Humming slightly a small hidden smirk twitched onto his lips.

Tch. Oh of course! How clumsy of me"

he chuckled. Before tipping his head slightly and gestured for him to pass, all the while he sent a non verbal hex to make him consistently fall when walking.

Garnet said:
(Can we move on to the common rooms once the others are back?)
"Sounds fantastic. The beaches back Ireland aren't nearly as pretty. And the weather's unpredictable but somehow always gloomy. The muggles aren't really 'freaked out' but they just don't know, they make up their own explanations for these so called 'phenomenons'." He told her in a matter-of-fact manner. He was quite surprised to find she was from America as Hogwarts was really a school for students from Britain and it's surrounding countries.

"Well, if you're from the US, what brings you to Hogwarts? Are there not wizarding schools over there?"
Hi I'm back and sorry fell asleep, yeah its fine with me.) Callan smiled and shook her head,"Even if there were any, my mom loves Hogwarts too much to not send me here." She giggled.

Albus Severus Potter

As the whispering started again, and that seemed to be happening a lot, much to the second Potter's annoyance, he noticed out of the corner of his eye that his brother didn't bother turning around or rising to his defense. Hearing the insults towards him, reminded once again of his father's legacy, the Heir Presumptuous was tempted for a brief moment to try his hand at the Cruciatus Curse on his house table but he'd probably be in Azkaban by the end of the day if he dared think such a thing. Not even his name would save him if he attempted such a thing. For the briefest of moments, red clouded his vision, barely noticing that another student had stepped up to him and spoke to their house table as the girl was also dressed in green trimmed robes and bore the Slytherin crest.

Exhaling slowly, Albus moved past the Ravenclaw who had run into him, not noticing the non-verbal hex thrown his way as he passed. He continued to walk before he suddenly fell on the floor. Immediately laughter started up around him as he fell. He felt tears pricking his eyes and shut them before pushing himself to his feet and attempting to walk again, the same thing occurring once more. The Snake was disappointed to see his brother laughing with the rest of the Hall as they finally realized what was going on over at the Slytherin and Ravenclaw tables. Albus made his way doggedly towards the Great Hall doors, pushing one of the heavy doors open and disappearing across the hallway for the Dungeon Corridor. @BlackSwan

Autumn Thatcher

Laughter and whispers suddenly echoed around her and at first Autumn was confused as to what was going on but then she saw a commotion between the Ravenclaw and Slytherin Tables. She heard the word "Potter" and stood up to see over the heads of her house mates, seeing the Potter boy in her year get knocked to the ground as he and another student collided in the aisle between the Snake and Eagle tables. Confused as to why they were laughing, she got up and then climbed onto the bench she had just vacated in an attempt to see over the heads of the Ravenclaw House to see Potter had gotten up and fallen again after taking a few steps. Was the stone wet and that was why he had fallen? Wasn't that a safety hazard? She was instructed to get down by the Head of Hufflepuff House and reluctantly sat down, looking in confusion at Katherine. "Why are they laughing?" she asked, confusion evident in her voice. @Runakei
Callan turned to the commotion and was sad at the scene, she glared at the people laughing and looked to Mal. "How come their allowed to do that? Isn't it against school rules?"


Cello smirked, the cruel light in his cool blue eyes alive as the snickers and bostious laughter filled the air.

Raising his chin, he finally let the hurt at being spoken to so rudely die in his chest.

"And maybe if you want to survive in this school you'll learn not to cross me." He whispered. Before making his way to his table.


Marcy watched with slight amusement and contempt for her fellow house mates. Didn't they care about unity? Did loyalty and family mean nothing to them? When Marcelle first got sorted into slytherin she was told that this would be where she would meat her true friends. And now she saw why. These back-stabbing little shits were a shame on the house of Salazar Slytherin.

So with ought further notice she sent a icy glare at her house mates and walked swiftly after the young boy. Her head held high and her silky black hair tossed over her shoulder.

"Excuse me sir, but your not crying are you?" She drawled, upon catching up to the boy

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Albus Severus Potter

The hex hadn't worn off even though he had left the Great Hall, having heard the continuous laughter of his housemates and the rest of the school as the door had shut behind him. Nor had he heard the whisper of the Ravenclaw that had run into him. The pre-teen blinked his eyes rapidly to clear his vision of the tears that were forming and threatening to fall. He had just been made an utter fool of in front of the Great Hall and his own sibling and the Professors hadn't bothered to stop what was going on in front of them. They really are clueless and don't care about Slytherin, he thought to himself bitterly. A voice behind him startled him and he spun around to see an older student had followed him out of the Great Hall, his eyes hardening as he looked at the older girl. But tears still glistened in his eyes. "Why do you care to know?" Albus questioned quietly. @BlackSwan
Jórik Aríelsson Standing up he walked over to the Ravenclaw who threw the hex and literally lifted him off his feet with a single hand, "You touch that boy again and I'll make you wish you were no longer breathing." It wasn't a hidden fact that Jórik was intimidating and upon standing up and speaking the laughter silenced almost in fear due to the fact most of the school feared the 15-year-old nordic male that obviously followed the ancient Norse ways, "And that goes for anyone, in Hogwarts we are brothers and sisters! Even if we are put into different houses! If you idiots actually sat down and thought for a moment you'd know it was this exact behavior that caused Hogwarts to nearly be destroyed the first time!" whether that statement was true or not, it seemed to keep the people silent as he turned around walked out the door in hopes to find Albus. Once he was able to he looked to the boy, "Are you alright?"



Katherine Burke she was just about to answer Autumn's question before the room went silent as the only nordic child spoke up about the act of which just took place before leaving. "I... Umm... I don't know..."

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Albus Severus Potter

He waited for an answer, his back towards the Dungeon Corridor that was Slytherin safe haven, from the girl who had followed him out of the Great Hall. Looking at her, he recognized her as the one who had told their housemates to be quiet. He couldn't help glancing back to the Dungeon Corridor behind him, stairs leading down to a door that marked the entrance to the cold dungeons. The sound of footsteps stopping, accompanied by a voice speaking to him, caused him to take a step back as his gaze flitted to the older boy. Having no idea what had happened after he had left the Great Hall, a mixture of disappointment and resignation shown on Albus's face as he realized it was students who had followed him and no teachers or his Head of House who he knew from his dad was Professor Slughorn, a man who had been the previous Head of Slytherin before the late Professor Snape and Potions Master during his dad's sixth year as well as having taught his grandparents Potions.

It was a sad thing when one's teachers, head of house and even the Headmistress didn't bother to come after a student who was being bullied by the student body. The fact that it took two students to come after him and ask if he was alright or crying was humiliating...as if being hexed in the Great Hall wasn't humiliating enough. "I can't walk," he finally said, not needing to demonstrate as they had surely seen his falling every time he had tried when escaping the Great Hall. He dropped his head, not looking at the older students, hoping nobody else would end up coming out to laugh at him or do something else. @BlackSwan @Runakei

Autumn Thatcher

As Katherine said she didn't know what had happened, Autumn just nodded. "Is everyone at this school mean and the teachers biased?" she asked curiously. She might not have known what was going on either, but the laughter had suddenly died as a student stood up and spoke to the Great Hall at large before following after the Potter boy. If the teachers wouldn't stand up to the student body when they bullied a fellow peer, then why should she bother to stay here and learn magic? "Can we go to our common room now please?" she asked as she was suddenly put off from staying here any longer than necessary.


Marcy looked him over before rolling He eyes. Quietly, Marcy muttered the counter spell on him and dipped into a small curtsy.

"I'm Marcelle." She said softly.

"Well I certainly wasn't going to stay in there" here she paused. And a small grin stole over her lips.

"Though they're dumbass laughing has irritated me...i didn't even get to finish my meal. " here an almost sadistic gleam burned in her eyes.

"Oh but I'm not angry...after all why get angry when you can get even?" She smiled innocently, though her tone was sly and an offer​

Jórik Aríelsson He looked at Marcelle, "The only thing getting 'even' will do is cause people to whisper more If you are going to try to be a mentor the least you can do is be responsible... As I said, this hatred between houses is what almost caused this school to collapse before." he looked to albus, "Stay with me, Unlike the idiots in the dinning hall and the girl who thinks vengance is always better, I'll teach you to defend yourself."


(Ugh guys hold on I'm at work I'm trying to catch ups sorry for the strange replies! Going back to edit!)


Marcy raises a brow at this before snorting and crossing her arms. Her black fingerless gloved hands clenching .

Right...and who are you supposed to be again? "

She drawled, sending the tall male an unimpressed look.

"And the last I checked, your not in slytherin and not his bestie. So why are you here again?"

She mocked thinking about the reasons before giving him a sarcastic smile. And ran a hand through her inky Black hair. Her green eyes gleamed with mischief and distaste, before finally turning back to the younger boy

I'm not saying we should desiccate those morons or possibly set they're dorms on fire..."

she grinned, the prospect of chaos making her magic tingle throughout her body in excitement.

@eclipsehowls @Runakei
Jórik Aríelsson he smirked, "Do you treat all your friends like filth? And just because I'm not slytherin doesn't mean anything... I'm Ravenclaw, though, I'm pureblood and I'm more than just witty. And To answer your question, I'm just the guy who stood up against the entire school and teachers unlike you."



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