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Fandom Hogwarts, A new chapter

Albus Severus Potter

Hurrying onto the grounds after the Professor, who declined to answer his question, instead mentioning that he could either guess or that his godfather might tell him, Albus tried to think of what classes he might have tomorrow. As he had not gotten his schedule, he decided he might as well wait to see what class this professor taught. Grateful that the professor began to slow down so he wouldn't have to jog to keep up, Albus instead asked another question. "Professor, what do you mean by calling Marcelle, Miss Black?" he asked curiously. "My dad's Lord of Black House and James is Heir," he said. "Dad said Sirius never had any children and that's why he decreed dad as the next Lord Black, and so the Black fortune and properties wouldn't go to Draco Malfoy." @Loki Odinson
Anubis Orpheus-Wilheim

Anubis frowned minutely at the question. He didn't have much insight to the twins' life before Hogwarts, only what every staff knew during their enrollment in the school. He was not a pureblood himself so he had no concrete knowledge of the how Families determined their heirs and how this would affect the other members.

"I can only tell you what I know. Anything other than that is speculation or you might need to ask your father for further clarification." The Professor said slowly. "Nevertheless, both Mr and Miss Black are indeed members of the Ancient and Noble House of Black. However, it is most likely that Sirius Black had no knowledge of them due to their residence in Italy. From what I know, Sirius Black was the only remaining member of the English Branch of the Black House. Upon his death, only the Italian Branch remained, of which your father might not have known due to his godfather's estrangement from his Family and subsequent imprisonment in Azkaban after. Although as far as I know, your father is still the legitimate head as the former Head officially acknowledged him as heir. But...don't take my word for it. I'm not a Pureblood myself, thus I lack the in-depth knowledge of Pureblood politics and Family traditions."



Albus Severus Potter

Albus listened to the explanation given by the Professor, surprised at their being an Italian branch of the Black House. "I didn't know there was an Italian branch of Black House," said Albus. He listened as the Professor said he wasn't a Pureblood and didn't know of the politics of Pureblood families or how Heir was determined. Maybe I should research that at some point, he thought to himself. He tried to think of another question to ask the professor. The thought of houses surviving in other parts of the world piqued his interest, even if he would never would never be a Lord unless he invented his own House...which he would probably have to do.

"Are there other sports in the wizarding world besides Quidditch?" was his second question. He knew there was Gobstones and Wizard's Chess but it seemed that there were no sports available for anyone who wasn't on the House Team and that didn't happen until you're second year, unless you're dad and have the rules bent for you, he thought. @Loki Odinson
Anubis Orpheus-Wilheim

"Not many people know that some Ancient and Noble Houses have branches in foreign countries. One of the major flaws of Pureblood wizards - they think that by removing a disgrace from their Tree would strip the pureness out of the banished one's blood." Anubis scoffed slightly and changed the topic. "As for sports. No, the Wizarding World provides a variety of sports and games. Not as numerous as the Muggle World, but there is more than Quidditch, Wizard's Chess, Exploding Snap, Gobstones, and the like. Unfortunately, Hogwarts is rather limited in the type of sports available. Professor Falk may be able to tell you more about them as she hails from Germany and has taught at the Deutschland Withes' Academy. According to her, they had everything from Broom Racing to Aerial obstacle courses and Chariot Racing."



Albus Severus Potter

Albus made a mental note to write down Research Wizarding Families when he went to his house, unless his godfather kept him overnight in his office. "British wizards seem to think they're the center of the universe," he commented at the end of the Professor's explanation about there being more sports than just Quidditch, more games than just Wizard's Chess, Gobstones and Exploding Snap. He knew his dad had been ignorant of there being other wizards in the world until attending the 1994 Quidditch World Cup and that his Uncle Ron was rather clueless altogether. Albus still wasn't sure how Uncle Ron had made it into the Auror Academy. He guessed it was because of his father that his uncle had gotten into that occupation. "I might try out to be a Chaser next year," he said. "I'm not sure of what my talents are. Only James got an inheritance test done when three years ago. Do you think there's any way I could leave Hogwarts to go get an inheritance test and see what magical abilities I have? Professor Longbottom's my godfather so he could escort me." @Loki Odinson
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Anubis Orpheus-Wilheim

"Well, if you have permission from one or both parents in written form, you can arrange to take time off either during the weekends or sometime in between lunch and your evening classes - if you have any - with Professor Longbottom as your escort." Anubis replied. "As long as the Headmistress agrees to having you leave the school grounds with a professor, I don't see any reason why you cannot get an inheritance test done."

The Professor fell silent for a moment, then decided to speak his thoughts, extending an offer to the First-year as he would to his Ravenclaws - new and old. "I wouldn't pry into your family matters, Mr Potter, but anytime you feel overwhelmed, you are welcomed to unwind in my office. Perchance Professor Longbottom is busy or otherwise occupied, my door's always open."



Albus Severus Potter

The grounds seemed never ending and sadly he couldn't make much out at night. Again, surprise appeared on the first year's face, though whether the professor could see it in the darkness was unknown to the Potter child. He was just glad there were no Slytherins outside at the moment and exhaled the breath he didn't realize he had been holding. The Professor spoke again, saying that he had to have permission from his parents to leave the school, making Albus pull a face at what he was hearing. However, the offer of being allowed access to talk to another Professor if he was having problems when his godfather was otherwise busy, surprised him. According to what his dad had said, the Professors had never been there for talks except for Remus Lupin, Teddy's father and Professor McGonagall had been an intimidating woman who hadn't paid much attention to her Lions when she had been head of Gryffindor House in his father's year. "Thank you Professor. I think I know where the Ravenclaw Tower is." He paused as he considered whether to say what he wanted to but it was weighing on his mind. and would likely continue to weigh on his mind regardless of talking about it. Only his godfather knew about him being a Parslemouth and thankfully his godfather didn't shun him or get upset with him because of it. Even Neville had admitted he didn't know much about the Potter family's ancestry and Albus knew his father had never thought to look anything up about his family. "Apparently I'm going to resurrect Voldemort or am Voldemort reincarnated," Albus said quietly. "That's what Malfoy daughter said to me before the Sorting. Do you know Professor that the Potters are distant relatives of the Dark Lord Voldemort? My grandfather and father were distant cousins of Voldemort, something he probably didn't even know about most likely. It makes James, Lily and I related to him as we're also distant cousins to him. I don't think that my grandfather and dad know about the family relation. Is that why people think I'm going to resurrect him?" @Loki Odinson
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Anubis Orpheus-Wilheim

The night was rather dark and without the presence of a torch or the light from a wand, one had to be very familiar with Hogwarts' grounds in order not to get lost. Anubis could not see Potter's face, but he could feel the shock that radiated off the student. He was rather startled that one who was neither an orphan nor - far as he knew - neglected would be so taken back by the offer of simply being there. Was their reputation as Professors truly so tarnished that new students were sceptical in their ability and willingness to help? Well, if what he saw in the Great Hall just a scant couple of hours ago was perceived as normal or expected from the staff, Anubis had a lot of things to bring out during their next staff meeting.

He inclined his head as an acknowledgement of the boy's thanks, and was glad they were walking on relatively flat ground when the next words came from Potter's mouth. It would be rather embarrassing to stumble from shock. But one couldn't exactly blame him. Anubis had went to school for a year with Hary Potter, and was aware of the fact he was a Parselmouth just like Voldemort. However, he did not believe Harry was evil despite rumours then, and he wasn't about to now.

"That...is news to me. I wasn't aware the Potters were distant relatives of Voldemort." Anubis regarded Potter seriously for a heartbeat or two. "You know, I was there when the Battle of Hogwarts broke out, relatively safe behind the older students as they shielded the younger as best they could. I was in my Second Year then, and have heard all about the Boy-Who-Lived and the rumours that surround his every action. People were always of two minds when it came to you father. They either said he was the Second Dark Lord or their Saviour. Sometimes, they labelled him as both. Until the day he killed Voldemort before everyone, people were always changing their opinions on him."

"What I am trying to say is, Mr Potter, is that humans are creatures who fear the unknown. I am hazarding a guess here from your question, that you have inherited a certain gift. That right there, is the unknown. For too long Voldemort reigned as the feared Dark Lord and I don't thnk I need to spell out to you the impact he had on Slytherin and Parselmouth as a whole." Anubis stopped walking, half-turning so that he faced the First-Year fully. "But their opinions of you don't truly matter, do they? Voldemort is his own person and you are yours. Your actions will not reflect him nor him on yours. I cannot speak for the masses, but I doubt Voldemort's soul resides in you, Mr Potter, seeing as your father has made sure all the pieces were disposed of. As for you ressurecting Voldemort, well...I sincerely hope you are not planning to rob graves and kidnap people even before you begin school."

@eclipsehowls (This was unexpectedly longwinded...Anubis apologises for rambling...)

Jórik Aríelsson For a bit his tongue felt weird, though, nothing else. However as the teacher stepped in he immediately lowered his wand and took a step back. After being scolded he nodded and without another word he walked past the DADA Teacher as well as Marcelle, though, he intentionally shoved his shoulder into hers before walking towards the Ravenclaw Common Room. In hopes that quidditch tryouts came today, he could use the stress relief of knocking an iron ball around and bludgeoning students off their brooms. However, in the meantime he pulled out his enchanted quill and began writing on a sheet of paper after dipping it in an inkwell.


@Loki Odinson

Albus Severus Potter

Again, the second Potter child listened patiently and quietly as the Professor talked, finding some amusement in the fact that the relation between the Potters and the Dark Lord was unknown. Albus only knew this because he spent a lot of time in the Potter library and had seen portraits of his great grandparents, Fleamont and Euphemia Potter who had informed him that the Potters and Gaunts were the last two direct families to the Peverell brothers through Cadmus Peverell siring the Gaunt Line and Ignotus Peverell siring the Potter line respectively. The professor then guessed about Albus's gift, going on to mention that people feared what they didn't understand and that it was a mystery as to how Albus had inherited the gift of Parseltongue, how Voldemort's actions didn't reflect on Albus and Albus's actions wouldn't reflect on Voldemort. "Don't worry professor. I don't plan on resurrecting Voldemort." I wouldn't even know how to combine the split pieces of his soul together, he added to himself. The light from Hagrid's Hut could now be seen in the distance, the trees of the Forbidden Forest creaking slightly in the breeze. From the lake came a ghostly howl, the first year flicking his wrist to get his wand into his hand before casting a spell. "Lumos," he muttered and his wand tip lit up, though it did not cast a strong enough light by which to see by. Lumos and its counter Nox were a couple of spells Albus had made himself learn before school, his father also teaching them Expelliarmus, partly due to his habit of falling asleep in the library when caught up in a book, and the latter spell to defend themselves in case someone attacked them. "I think I understand Professor. I should probably try not to let the other students get to me yes?" That was sure to be hard for him, Albus being a thoughtful child and a bit sensitive of others actions and words towards himself. Still, he now had two professors to go if he was having trouble, he wasn't sure yet about his Head of House though. Still, it would be nice if more professors were as welcoming to the students as the Head of Ravenclaw, Professor Flitwick and Professor Longbottom. "Perhaps Professor, the houses should be demolished and students should be sorted by year instead. It just divides the houses, all this competition in Quidditch and with the House Cup." He hadn't yet heard of the new common room so had no idea that they were already working to rectify the animosity between houses. @Loki Odinson (Albus forgives Anubis.)

Autumn Thatcher

Shortly after, the Headmistress stood up and gave some announcements. No going into the Forbidden Forest. No bringing products of some shop called Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, no magic in the corridors, and something about a new common room where students could go into and converse with other students regardless of blood status or blood as long as the students had no evil intentions. Afterwards they were dismissed to their Houses and Autumn followed the other first year Hufflepuffs behind the two prefects to their common room near the kitchens. A room that was actually located off the corridor leading to the kitchens and hidden behind a stack of barrels that squirted foul smelling vinegar at intruders.
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Anubis Orpheus-Wilheim

"Easier said than done, but essentially, yes, the principle of the matter is not to let others' ideas influence yours." Anubis nodded, then tilted his head to the side as Potter suggested breaching the gap between Houses. "Ah, maybe you should have stayed for the end announcement, Mr Potter. It's a recent introduction, but the Headmistress has instilled a common room located nowhere near the other Houses' dorms. As long as once does no harbour any ill intents, students of all years, Houses and bloodstatus are allowed entry. Teachers too, although not many have yet warmed up to that idea. Some do not wish to be surrounded by students all day if possible."

Anubis would have said more, but a familiar Fox Patronus bounded across the grass towards him. The moment he touched it, Seraphina's soft voice told him that the students were returning to their dorms. The corner of his lips turned down. As Head of House, he needed to address the students. It was somewhat of a tradition he had adopted ever since he got the position. However, he did not want to leave Potter alone out here by himself. Flicking his wrist, he gripped his wand and conjured his own Raven Patronus, this one to his Prefects to inform them about his late arrival. The night was still young, and he needed maybe about ten minutes tops to get Potter to Professor Longbottom.

"I apologise for cutting this short, Mr Potter, but I am needed back at the dorms. I will still take you to Professor Longbottom, in any case, but I am afraid we must hurry."


Seraphina Falk

The Charms' Professor stood from her seat once the majority of students have filed out of the Great Hall and bid good night to her colleagues before making her way to the Hufflepuff's common room. The Head of Hufflepuff had yet to arrive and so like every other time, she would be expected to fill them in until they bothered to introduce themselves. She glanced around, looking to see if Anubis had returned. When she did not catch sight of his rather outstanding robes, she conjured a Patronus and sent it off with a whispered order.

Silently, she shadowed the other students and Prefects, keeping a distance so as to minimise the amount of attention she would garner. A small grin upon her face, she slipped into the room before the door could close and waited for the Prefects to address the House.

@eclipsehowls @Runakei

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Albus Severus Potter

Their conversation was cut short after the professor explained about a common room for all students, as long as they weren't evil, and teachers due to a fox patronus bounding towards them before halting in front of the professor. Albus doubted the teachers would join in. They probably got drunk on firewhiskey after classes were over and during staff meetings. Albus watched as the professor touched the patronus and it began speaking, explaining that the students had begun to return to their common rooms. Having seen his parents' Patronuses before, his dad's being a stag and his mom's being a horse, Albus knew what they were for and that only light and gray wizards could cast them. He nodded when told their conversation would have to be cut short and followed the Professor towards the direction of Hagrid's Hut and then it would only be a short walk later to the Greenhouses where his godfather most likely was holed up. Sometimes his godfather got rather caught up in his plants that he lost track of time. @Loki Odinson

Autumn Thatcher

Autumn crawled through a sloping tunnel that led upward, a tunnel she realized was covered in earth and was actually a barrel. As she entered the common room, she saw it was a round, low-ceilinged room. The room was decorated in cheerful colors of yellow and black, emphasized by highly polished honey-colored wood for the tables and round doors led off to the dormitories for the students. A portrait over the wooden mantlepiece of the fireplace against one wall, carved all over with badgers of course, was of Helga Hufflepuff, a Founder of Hogwarts and the original Founder of Hufflepuff House, toasting her students with a tiny, two-handed golden cup. Small round windows, just level with the ground at the foot of the castle showed a pleasant view of rippling grass and dandelions, making the common room feel perennially sunny. A colorful profusion of plants and flowers seemed to relish the atmosphere of the common room from flowers on the windowsills to curved shelves and copper plant holders. Autumn gathered with the other first years, sitting on overstuffed chairs and sofas, there being round tables with chairs for studying, playing games or doing homework as they waited to be addressed and meet their Head of House.


Marcy glared at the boys retreating back and made a mental note to seek a suitable punishment. But for now, she had her brother to deal with.

Who was no doubt loosing his shit because she was not where she once was . And as if on cue, a silvery Fenic Fox potrunus dashed into sight. Marcello following at a quick clipped pace. Students moving out of the way of the tall fifth year.

" Where have you been? I've been worried sick about you."

He mumbled, immediately wrapping her in a strong hug. Cello buried his face in her Inky black Waves.


His heart sighed in relief upon seeing her.

Jealous subtly looked her over to make sure she had no injuries on her person. After satisfying himself that she was okay grabbed her chin gently with two fingers and tilted her head so he can meet green orbs with blue orbs.

" you had me worried to death Marcy, what the hell did you think you were doing you could have been hurt!"

He scolded in a whisper. His black gloved hands squeezed her shoulder slightly.

Worry swimming in the deep sea of his cobalt blue eyes.


Marcy glared at her twin. Her dark black brows coming together in a frown. Angrily she jerked away from her brothers touch. The famous Black temper beginning to present itself.

" I'm not a child cello I can do as I please"

She hissed angrily, before jerking away and storming down the halls. Sending small stinging hexs at people who didn't get out of her way fast enough.

Jórik Aríelsson As he finished writing on two pieces of parchment he clicked his tongue and Nidhogg peaked his head up as he laid on Jórik's desk. Reaching over, he'd hand his dragon the rolled parchments and immediately Nidhogg stood up and left through one of the windows, flying down to find Marcelle. Upon arriving, he simply swooped down and simply dropped the parchment at her feet before making his way to Professor Wilheim with a letter, following the same procedure before making his way back to Jórik, all within a few minutes,

Dear Professor Wilheim,

I am writing this letter to apologize for any misconceptions, negative reactions or hurt feelings that were caused by anything I might have said or done. In both my professional and private life I strive to be courteous, considerate and respectful. I am truly sorry if you felt that you were treated in any other fashion.

I hope that we can work past this miscommunication and return to a mutual relationship of trust and respect.


Jórik Aríelsson

Dear Marcelle Cassiopia,

I would like to apologize for the events that took place after the sorting ceremony. It has come to my attention that you'll more than likely pretty much tell everyone what a horrible person I am because of the events that took place, so I really feel like I should apologize to you. I mean, it's not like what happened was in any way my fault, but now that you've probably decided to go and blame me for it so now everyone will "know" it was. So, thanks for that, and I'm really sorry you'll feel the need to do that.

Also, I'm sorry you're such a petty person that you couldn't just say any of the things on your mind to my face. It's really telling when someone like you can't even resolve a simple problem without resorting to high school level actions or gossip techniques. Way to act like an adult.

So, please accept my obviously sincere apology. I know you must get a lot of these since you I'm sure you're always demanding people say they're sorry to you. And, of course, each of those must be as sincere as the one I'm writing to you right now.

Your humble and groveling servant,

Jórik Aríelsson​

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Mary's green orbs scanned over the parchment quicky. All the while her brows rose higher and higher with each passing second as she read. Finally she stopped. Dropping the letter to hip level and stared blankly at the wall . Then

The letter spontaneously combusted into green flames.

"This fucker dies tonight." She said calmly. Her green eyes gleamed with a fire of their own.

"Daemonessa . Find that scum bag."

Jórik Aríelsson He was still in the Ravenclaw tower when he decided to sit down and begin playing his cello.




Marcy followed her serpent closely as it lead it's way to the raven claw tower.

"So thag ass is hiding here is he..."she hissed.

Upon stepping up to the entrance a riddle was immediately spat out at her.

"How many seconds are there in a year?"

She mumbled thoughtfully.

Pushing her inky waves behind her ear, she threw her brain into thought. At first she wanted to do the math, but then realized. The answer was far simpler.

"There are twelve seconds in a year." She replied confidently. The entrance slid free for her and, Marcy stepped into the tower, her serpent Nessa sliding up the stairs with ease and going to one room in particular.

Marcy paused outside as she heard the playing of a gorgeous instrument

"It's beautiful..." she whispered.

Loosing herself in the song.

It brought back memories of when her aunt told her of her father, and she would spend all day drawing pictures of him and acting our their meeting with her twin.

Then she promptly kicked open the door and Transfigure the Cello into a giant penis.


(I made a profile for Neville.

Anubis stopped Marcelle and Jorvik from dueling.

Everyone is now in their house common rooms except for Marcelle and Albus.

Albus is with Anubis, heading to the Greenhouses.

Jorvik wrote letters to Marcelle and to Head of Ravenclaw.

Anubis found out from Albus that the Potters are related to Voldemort though doesn't know it is through the Peverell brothers that the Potters and Voldemort are related to each other.

The Charms Professor is in the Hufflepuff common room waiting on Anubis I believe.

Marcelle turned Jorvik's cello into a giant penis.)


eclipsehowls said:

(I made a profile for Neville.

Anubis stopped Marcelle and Jorvik from dueling.

Everyone is now in their house common rooms except for Marcelle and Albus.

Albus is with Anubis, heading to the Greenhouses.

Jorvik wrote letters to Marcelle and to Head of Ravenclaw.

Anubis found out from Albus that the Potters are related to Voldemort though doesn't know it is through the Peverell brothers that the Potters and Voldemort are related to each other.

The Charms Professor is in the Hufflepuff common room waiting on Anubis I believe.

Marcelle turned Jorvik's cello into a giant penis.)


Wait did that last part actually happen?!!)
Jórik Aríelsson He was lost in his music, his eyes closed and his body moving along with the tempo. Each movement of his arm and fingers drove him deeper into a trance-like scenario though, as he was half-way through Bach's Cello Suite No. 4 he was broken from his trance when a bolt of magic was shot at his Cello, though, was reflected thanks to the enchantment he'd placed on it along time ago. His eyes would follow the bolt of magic as it ricocheted and hit some random kids owl turning it into a giant penis with eyes, a beak, and talons... The rage build in him so bad his face turned red. The one boundary he had that everyone respected up till now was that everyone left him alone during his extracurricular activities which were the few things he could truly lose himself in and escape from reality. Though, Marcelle had crossed a line she'd soon wish she could return back over. Standing he'd draw his wand, "Expelliarmus!"

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(It's still evening. Loki and I can't do anything further with Albus until Neville's accepted as Anubis doesn't want to leave Albus on his own in the grounds at night. Then Anubis would have to get back to Ravenclaw Tower to hand out schedules to his house as they like their schedules the night before classes start. Well you could have Callan waiting for Anubis to get back to talk about what it means to be an Eagle) @QuendalynNym
eclipsehowls said:
(It's still evening. Loki and I can't do anything further with Albus until Neville's accepted as Anubis doesn't want to leave Albus on his own in the grounds at night. Then Anubis would have to get back to Ravenclaw Tower to hand out schedules to his house as they like their schedules the night before classes start. Well you could have Callan waiting for Anubis to get back to talk about what it means to be an Eagle) @QuendalynNym
An eagle?)

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