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Fandom Hogwarts, A new chapter

(Anubis is escorting Albus to see Neville and are near Hagrid's Hut right now on the grounds at night. Anubis suspects he has ten minutes to get Albus to the Greenhouses where Neville is and back to the castle to tend to his responsibilities as Head of Ravenclaw. Unsure if Loki plans on having Anubis talk to Neville.) @QuendalynNym
Kk thanks, im just gonna hop in like HEYO!!) Callan sat in the common room, her legs were tired for she had stood outside of it for an hour trying to figure out the answer to the riddle, she had to wait for a fellow ravenclaw to come by. She was worried about Albus, hoping he was okay after what those jerks did to him.
(You're welcome. I'm going to turn in as its 3:00 AM here, so just tag me if you accept Neville's profile. Sorry for the long bio by the way. Also, Loki has a question for you which can be found in the OOC tab and I believe someone else might be joining and making a professor.) @QuendalynNym
eclipsehowls said:
(You're welcome. I'm going to turn in as its 3:00 AM here, so just tag me if you accept Neville's profile. Sorry for the long bio by the way. Also, Loki has a question for you which can be found in the OOC tab and I believe someone else might be joining and making a professor.) @QuendalynNym
Okay goodnight)


Marcelles eyes flashed dangerously as her Wand was snatched from her. Beside her Daemonessa hissed threateningly, in defense of her mistress. Waving a calming hand at her familiar, Marcy hissed

Non minores aestimo me!"

She spat . Then sent a Wand less
diffindo his way, the spell was uncontrolled and became an erratic chaotic mess, cutting up anything on its way to its target at rapid speed.

Marcy was better with non verbal magic when she at least had her Wand on her. And she was pretty decent with simple spells when it came to Wand less magic. But that spell was not simple,

Hence the choas.

But to be fair...he did right her a very mean letter.

Jórik Aríelsson Upon seeing her cast an unchanneled spell his eyes widened, '
Jórik Aríelsson Is she insane!' Throwing up his wand as fast as he could before yelling a shield charm, "Protego Duo!" the shield charm wrapped around him and the cello, though, not after he had a large gash to appear along the back of his Cello, it wasn't deep enough to completely break through the wood but rather just leave a deep scratch. Before the Diffindo spell could take too serious of an effect, he grabbed her by her shirt and pulled her into the shield. Once the Severing Spell calmed down and vanished he exhaled heavily and lowered his shield and took a step back and placed his cello in its case and looked to her, "Are you insane?! You could have blown this tower apart! Killing us both in the process!"



Marcelle had a mad glint in her eyes. One that clearly said she didn't give a damn if she had to Burn the whole of Hogwarts down.


She whispered.

Her voice gone low with cold anger and fury.

No one took her Wand. No one.

She enunciated each word with a slow step forward until she was nose to nose with large Norse boy.

She held her hand out expectantly.

Ready to let loose another curse this time at point blank range.

Her green orbs flashed with flecks of gold burning in her irises.

Jórik Aríelsson He looked at her a she was nose to nose with him, though, it was humorous since she had to stretch to meet his size, "Even if I had your wand, since you cast a severing spell without something to channel it because you were too lazy to turn around and pick up your wan... It might be severed... And I think you owe me a thanks for saving your ass from your own stupidity."

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Marcy snapped.

The anger at the letter, at her missing Wand. And at the fact she did nearly kill them both.

She snarled and tackled the taller Norse boy to the floor. Straddling his hips and tangling her hands in his hair whilst she yanked pulled and clawed at him.

" Chi diavolo credi di essere!?!?"

Jórik Aríelsson As he was tackled, he was thrown onto the floor and pinned he simply looked at her in a rather calm manner, "Einhver sem bara bjargaði lífi þínu" grabbing her hands, he simply twisted them inwards to add pressure to a sensitive pressure point that would cause her grip to ease up just enough to slip his hair from her fingers, "Hins vegar spurning mín er hvað heldur þú að þú ert að gera ... Ef einhver gekk í að þeir myndu fá mjög slæm hugmynd ef þeir finna okkur í þessari stöðu."

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Anubis Orpheus-Wilheim

Resuming his fast pace, Anubis made his way to the greenhouse, occasionally glancing sideways to ensure Potter was not trailing too far behind. He made it to the greenhouse within the next three minutes and strode up to the Herbology Professor's office. Lifting a hand, he brushed the crawling vines away from the doorframe and lifted his hand, rapping the door with his knuckles.

"Professor Longbottom. I've brought a student to see you." He called evenly, not bothering to raise his voice, knowing that it would carry through easily enough.

@eclipsehowls (Sorry, was doing a mock exam paper.)


Neville Longbottom

It was hard to imagine that the Herbology Professor had once been the stuttering, forgetful, round-faced boy of Gryffindor who more often than not tripped over his own feet and was the subject of taunting from both his classmates and house mates. But the shy forgetful boy had grown over the years into an assured and self-confident man, partly in help by the late Professor Lupin who had first taught him to face his fears, even if he was still terrified of Professor Snape to this day. Fighting in the DADA, surviving seventh year with the Carrows and torture, killing the Dark Lord's familiar as well as his own battle with against Dark Wizards and Jr. Death Eaters might have shaped a hardened war hero but Professor Longbottom was an expert at plants and found it soothing. Gardening had always been soothing for the neglected Lord Longbottom. As a child he had spent hours in the Greenhouses at Longbottom Manor, patiently attending to the different plants and flowers and had discovered early on that plants just seemed to respond to his presence. He had tried being an Auror for a short time after graduating from Hogwarts but had quickly tired of the fighting and chasing down Dark Wizards and Death Eaters. So when he had been offered an Apprenticeship under Professor Sprout, Neville had gladly taken it and eventually taken over the post of Herbology Professor when Sprout had retired.

His godson would be coming to Hogwarts this year and he would have been at the feast but Neville had been had just gotten in a new supply of Mandrake Seedlings. After the Basilisk had petrified four Muggleborn students in his second year at Hogwarts, he wanted them kept on hand. Unlikely as it would be in the Professor's mind that another Basilisk would be set upon the school, Neville would ensure that such an incident like in his second year did not happen again. A knock on the door, followed by the voice of someone calling his name however caused Neville to look up from where he was covering up a Mandrake Seedling. Grabbing a towel from a chair, he wiped his hands off, walking to the door to answer. Recognizing the voice of his colleague, Professor Wilheim, Neville wondered why a student needed to see him at this hour of the night. "Coming Anubis. You can come in if you wish," he called out.​

Albus Severus Potter

Albus had followed along behind the Professor, a bit disappointed that their interesting conversation was to be cut short, as the Greenhouses finally appeared out of the dark night. Standing at the Professor's side, he saw a crawling vine on the door that was brushed aside before the Professor then knocked and called out, not mentioning his name. He couldn't see much, due to facing the door but he could hear footsteps from inside. The Greenhouses had statues of long, serpentine dragons running along the peaked roofs. Windows dotted the walls and roofs of the Greenhouses so that sunlight could nourish the plants kept within and provide light when students...or his godfather...were working. Thus, he waited for the door to open.

@Loki Odinson

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Jórik Aríelsson As he felt her come close to his throat with her teeth he placed the ball of his hand against her jawline and shoved her off of him, "What the hell is wrong with you?! You're are a psychopath!" no longer trusting her to just stand there and talk to him like an adult after she literally went as far as to practically commit a suicide spell without her wand, and rip his throat out after he saved her from killing herself. Throwing his up at her, "Petrificus Totalus"

@BlackSwan ~ By the way, you posted in the OOC Tab)


Glared as a spell was shot at her, quickly throwing up a chaotic shield charm

"Protego!" She snarled. Spotting her Wand, she snatched it up off the floor.

"Me? This started because you just have to have the last word! You just have to be right, you insufferable know-it-all!"

She laughed, her green eyes dancing in anger and...amusement.

"How dare you call
me the psychopath.

You think I'm crazy..." she laughed again.

"You think I'm gone...well..." she grinned, shifting into a fighting stance.

"I think your crazy too." She paused her black fingerless gloved hands clenching and tightening in anticipation.

"I know your gone. And I think...that's the reason secretly we get along."

And then she swung.

Jórik Aríelsson He'd listen to her after she was lucky to deflect his whole-body spell. The more she spoke the more angry he became and upon seeing her take an offensive stance, he took a defensive one. "We don't get along... And I'm not the one who'd immediately jump to murder because I couldn't get my way..." he'd smirk, though, he was a bit surprised when she actually took the swing. As her fist came towards his face he leaned back to dodge her since her height compared to his prevented him from ducking. Upon dodging her swing he grabbed her wrist and with a swift movement, he stepped around her after pulling her fist with her momentum sending her towards the wall. "And now you are wanting to fight me in a style you probably have no real experience besides hitting your twin brother in a full on tantrum when you didn't get what you want."


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