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Fandom Hogwarts, A new chapter

QueenEmma said:
(Um...my characters name is Alex, and I don't think we got to the sorting yet)
(Ahh fixed the sorting thing, and I think its ok if two characters are named the same thing as long as my Alex is with Andrew)
QueenEmma said:
"I'm surprised your father or your brother James hasn't told you about me yet, names Malfoy, Alex Malfoy" She said with a smirk thinking of all the stuff she had pulled on James in the past, how heavily she annoyed him over the past few years.
"Now Potter, don't go believing all the lies Daddy tells you alright?" She said bending down a little and giving the boy a fake pout. She smirked again and was about to go for another cig but thought against it.

"Excited about your first year? Following into the footsteps of your father? Being called the reincarnation of Voldy himself? Believe me kid, it gets old fast" She mumbled.

Albus Severus Potter

Albus frowned as he heard the student's last name was Malfoy. "Never heard of you before," he said, his frown turning into a scowl as she bent down to look him eye to eye before developing a fake pout on her face. He wasn't surprised that James had never mentioned the Malfoys having a child before Scorpius who he knew was starting this year if his older brother had been made a fool of during his time here. Unless this girl was a daughter with one of Malfoy's conquests from his 'glory days' at Hogwarts. "You're the first to call me the reincarnation of Voldemort," Albus said, that being the thing that struck him odd. That's what people thought of him? Not just that he was related to Harry Potter, a child of their precious Savior, but that he was the reincarnation of Voldemort now?

Focusing on the other questions, he pushed those thoughts aside for later. "Do you realize Malfoy that you've picked up a Muggle habit and that it's bad for your health? I doubt your father and grandfather would be proud of a Malfoy behaving like a Muggle, considering how they sided with a hypocritical half-blood in the last two wars. As for my...father...," the last word was said with a sneer on his face, "I would hope I've gained something from my paternal grandparents in terms of talent and am able to do well in my classes. I'll leave the goofing off in class and school to James." As for the question about him being excited about his first year, he didn't say anything one way or the other. Everybody here was excited for their first year so why single him out?

"Miss Malfoy, please go to your house table and turn over what is in your pocket. You know smoking isn't allowed anywhere in the school," said Flitwick as he came into the side room to collect the first years. "As for the rest of you, form a line and follow me into the Great Hall where you will be sorted before your peers and step up to the stool where the Sorting Hat will be placed upon your head when your name is called."

Autumn Thatcher

Autumn was looking around her in amazement and had freaked out when she saw what could only be ghosts floating along and speaking with each other during the time that there was a conversation between some older student and one of the first years. When the professor from before came out and instructed them to get into a line, Autumn fell into line behind a boy with sandy blond hair, nervous about being sorted before the entire student body of Hogwarts.

eclipsehowls said:
Albus Severus Potter

Albus frowned as he heard the student's last name was Malfoy. "Never heard of you before," he said, his frown turning into a scowl as she bent down to look him eye to eye before developing a fake pout on her face. He wasn't surprised that James had never mentioned the Malfoys having a child before Scorpius who he knew was starting this year if his older brother had been made a fool of during his time here. Unless this girl was a daughter with one of Malfoy's conquests from his 'glory days' at Hogwarts. "You're the first to call me the reincarnation of Voldemort," Albus said, that being the thing that struck him odd. That's what people thought of him? Not just that he was related to Harry Potter, a child of their precious Savior, but that he was the reincarnation of Voldemort now?

Focusing on the other questions, he pushed those thoughts aside for later. "Do you realize Malfoy that you've picked up a Muggle habit and that it's bad for your health? I doubt your father and grandfather would be proud of a Malfoy behaving like a Muggle, considering how they sided with a hypocritical half-blood in the last two wars. As for my...father...," the last word was said with a sneer on his face, "I would hope I've gained something from my paternal grandparents in terms of talent and am able to do well in my classes. I'll leave the goofing off in class and school to James." As for the question about him being excited about his first year, he didn't say anything one way or the other. Everybody here was excited for their first year so why single him out?

"Miss Malfoy, please go to your house table and turn over what is in your pocket. You know smoking isn't allowed anywhere in the school," said Flitwick as he came into the side room to collect the first years. "As for the rest of you, form a line and follow me into the Great Hall where you will be sorted before your peers and step up to the stool where the Sorting Hat will be placed upon your head when your name is called."

Autumn Thatcher

Autumn was looking around her in amazement and had freaked out when she saw what could only be ghosts floating along and speaking with each other during the time that there was a conversation between some older student and one of the first years. When the professor from before came out and instructed them to get into a line, Autumn fell into line behind a boy with sandy blond hair, nervous about being sorted before the entire student body of Hogwarts.

"Just like your father Albus, you don't know anything. You automatically assume that because I'm a Malfoy I'm just like my parents. And here I was thinking you didn't want to live in your father's shadow, and yet you're putting me in mine." Alex hissed towards Albus. She gave her brother a soft look and handed Flitwick her Cigs.

She quickly walked into the Great Hall and sat toward the front of the Gryffindor table on the Hufflepuff side.

"Al...Psst! Al!"

Alex turned and smiled seeing Teddy giving her a bright smile. She smiled back and mumbled a later as she turned to watch the sorting, James turning to glare at Alex before turning back to watch the sorting. Alex rolled her eyes and tried to focus, but not being able to.

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~Opal's POV~

Opal just stared at the empty plate in front of her, thinking of food.

~Andrew and Alex's POV~

The twins quietly whispered supplies to get the next time they had the chance.
Alex looked around and scribbled out a note and handed it to Teddy, making sure no one saw her do it.

'Flitwick took my cigs, Albus h8s me. Whomping willow tonite?'

Albus Severus Potter

Albus scowled at Malfoy's back as she walked off. He and his father might have been close when he was younger...but it had grown strained the closer he got to Hogwarts. He got into line and the first years made their way into the Great Hall. They walked between the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor Tables, up to the staff table before turning around and standing there in front of the entire school. Then the sorting began. Albus knew it would be a while before his name was called so decided that he may as well watch the sorting as he had nothing better to do. At the Gryffindor Table, he saw his brother James watching him from the Gryffindor Table. He knew his brother expected him to be in Slytherin like the rest of the Potters. In fact there had been a row when Harry had confessed that he had almost been put in Slytherin between his father and brother.

Autumn Thatcher

Autumn nervously followed the rest of her year mates into the Great Hall, the eyes of every student and staff member upon the new students. It made her nervous to have all those eyes on her. At the mental institution in which she lived, she only had to worry about the eyes of the staff who worked there. It frightened her and with her last name starting with the letter 'T' she would be one of the last students called, forced to wait for all the others to be sorted and worrying about her own sorting. She looked up at the ceiling and was surprised to see it reflected the sky outside before her attention was pulled back to the Sorting as the Hat shouted out Ravenclaw for a student named "Ashworth, Connor".

(Either way is fine with me.)
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QuendalynNym said:
Lmao I guess eclipse wants to continue so thanks for volunteering to be headmistress QueenEmma))
MG smiled as the names were read, one by one, and then dare she say it another Malfoy named poped up.

"Malfoy, Scorpious" The hat called.

Alex looked up and smiled as she saw her baby brother reach the hat. It took a bit but the hat called "SLYTHERIN" Alex clapped happily and cheered on her brother, at least he would be accepted there, and then his name was called.

"Potter Albus"
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~Opal's POV~

Opal looked up as the Malfoy boy went to join the Slytherins. She smiled and clapped along with everyone else, and then she heard the Potter boys name called.

~Andrew and Alex~

The twins heard the name and looked up, they looked at Opal before looking back to the hat, awaiting its answer.
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Yeah I figured I'd do double duty when needed, BTW I changed it to Slytherin and I'm gonna go to bed be on tomorrow, good night))
Jórik Aríelsson Walking over to his table he'd sit next to Opal, "
Jórik Aríelsson Hey! It's good to see you again." he smiled happily upon seeing a friendly, familiar face after so long of not seeing anyone due to the isolation he suffered at home. He waited for a response, but could see the hunger in her eyes. Reaching in his pocket he gave her the last bit of Toffee and the Bertie bott beans, "It's not much... But it'll sate your hunger until dinner arrives." after he spoke, Níðhöggr peeked his head out from his robe to greet Opal for the first time ever. Since the egg he'd brought to Hogwarts all the four years he had gone had just hatched over the winter and the dragon that was born from the egg stayed happily clung to his back. He also had what looked like a tattoo on the inner part of his wrist, but was actually an imprint mark that bonded Jórik's and Níðhöggr's soul eternally.


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<p>~Opal's POV~</p>


Opal smiled at Jórik as she took the food. She slowly ate the Toffee and asked him, "Wanna share the beans?"</p>


( <a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/19021-runakei/" data-mentionid="19021">@Runakei</a> )</p>
Albus Severus Potter

Well that's a surprise, thought Albus as Scorpius was sorted into Ravenclaw instead of Slytherin like he had thought. They went through the 'M' names and soon his own name was called. "Potter, Albus" issued from Flitwick. If the school hadn't been shocked already with Scorpius being sorted into Ravenclaw they were about to by Albus's sorting. Callan whispered good luck to him and he stepped forward before sitting on the stool, the Hat being placed upon his head.

"Hmm, another Potter," spoke the voice of the Sorting Hat. "You desire to be great child and step out of your father's fame. I can see jealousy and also relief at your older brother being Heir to three lines."

Albus knew there was no denying that fact. James would get everything. He also knew the Sorting Hat couldn't speak of anything it saw in his head with anyone. "Everyone expects me to be in Gryffindor but there I'll just be another Potter."

"Sadly you are right. Your brother was well suited for Gryffindor. He carried a certain disregard for the rules just like your father and grandfather, a Slytherin trait which James wasn't glad to hear."

Albus snorted. Of course James wouldn't be happy to have heard he had a Slytherin trait.

"I can see you are lonely and afraid of being sorted into Slytherin. There are both good and bad students in Slytherin, just as there are in any house. You have bravery but in Gryffindor, you would likely be overshadowed by your older brother so that is not the house for you. You are loyal but only to those you can trust and hardworking but while Hufflepuff could help you with hard work and friendship...yes you would develop loyal friends and it would surely cure you of your loneliness but you would be stunted academically. I'm afraid Hufflepuff is not the answer you seek."

Albus was silent. That left Ravenclaw and Slytherin then.

"You do carry your paternal instinct of curiosity and are thoughtful of others, two contrasting traits. One of Ravenclaw and one of Hufflepuff there. In Ravenclaw you would have access to a wealth of information and would flourish academically but would find no true friends there. No...oh this is odd...you carry...yes I see...the only place to put you is..."

"SLYTHERIN!" The hat called out. Professor Flitwick took the Sorting Hat off his head and all around him was silence. A Potter in Slytherin?! Albus inwardly cringed as hundreds of bodies seemed to lean forward towards him. Had they been leaning towards him during his Sorting? Probably. Unbeknownst to Albus, it had taken ten minutes for the Hat to decide where to put him. Taking a breath he looked over at his brother who stared at him with a mix of horror and anger. His robes changed slightly to show silver trim and the Slytherin Crest, a silver serpent on a green shield appeared over his left breast along with the tie he wore changing into Slytherin Green and Silver. He reached the Slytherin table, it being nearest the windows and across from Ravenclaw table, taking a seat at the far end of the house table.
eclipsehowls said:
Albus Severus Potter

Well that's a surprise, thought Albus as Scorpius was sorted into Ravenclaw instead of Slytherin like he had thought. They went through the 'M' names and soon his own name was called. "Potter, Albus" issued from Flitwick. If the school hadn't been shocked already with Scorpius being sorted into Ravenclaw they were about to by Albus's sorting. Callan whispered good luck to him and he stepped forward before sitting on the stool, the Hat being placed upon his head.

"Hmm, another Potter," spoke the voice of the Sorting Hat. "You desire to be great child and step out of your father's fame. I can see jealousy and also relief at your older brother being Heir to three lines."

Albus knew there was no denying that fact. James would get everything. He also knew the Sorting Hat couldn't speak of anything it saw in his head with anyone. "Everyone expects me to be in Gryffindor but there I'll just be another Potter."

"Sadly you are right. Your brother was well suited for Gryffindor. He carried a certain disregard for the rules just like your father and grandfather, a Slytherin trait which James wasn't glad to hear."

Albus snorted. Of course James wouldn't be happy to have heard he had a Slytherin trait.

"I can see you are lonely and afraid of being sorted into Slytherin. There are both good and bad students in Slytherin, just as there are in any house. You have bravery but in Gryffindor, you would likely be overshadowed by your older brother so that is not the house for you. You are loyal but only to those you can trust and hardworking but while Hufflepuff could help you with hard work and friendship...yes you would develop loyal friends and it would surely cure you of your loneliness but you would be stunted academically. I'm afraid Hufflepuff is not the answer you seek."

Albus was silent. That left Ravenclaw and Slytherin then.

"You do carry your paternal instinct of curiosity and are thoughtful of others, two contrasting traits. One of Ravenclaw and one of Hufflepuff there. In Ravenclaw you would have access to a wealth of information and would flourish academically but would find no true friends there. No...oh this is odd...you carry...yes I see...the only place to put you is..."

"SLYTHERIN!" The hat called out. Professor Flitwick took the Sorting Hat off his head and all around him was silence. A Potter in Slytherin?! Albus inwardly cringed as hundreds of bodies seemed to lean forward towards him. Had they been leaning towards him during his Sorting? Probably. Unbeknownst to Albus, it had taken ten minutes for the Hat to decide where to put him. Taking a breath he looked over at his brother who stared at him with a mix of horror and anger. His robes changed slightly to show silver trim and the Slytherin Crest, a silver serpent on a green shield appeared over his left breast along with the tie he wore changing into Slytherin Green and Silver. He reached the Slytherin table, it being nearest the windows and across from Ravenclaw table, taking a seat at the far end of the house table.
Callan was in shock that he was in slytherin, but smiled nonetheless. She was so focused she didn't hear her name being called, she looked up at the headmistress and sighed walking up toward the stool and sitting. The hat wasn't even on her yet it yelled,"Ravenclaw!!" She looked over to Albus smiling weakly at being separated, so far he was the only person she knew. She walked over to the ravenclaw table slowly and nervously trying to find a seat.(We don't have to go in name order btw)
~Andrew and Alex's POV~

"Hey Andrew, I'll be right back." Alex said, standing up. He walked over to Albus and told him, "Hey, welcome to Slytherin. I promise were not as bad as most people think."

( Alex being a general nice guy)
(Okay. For anyone who didn't know that sorting was all done mentally, meaning only the student being sorted can hear the hat speaking to it.)

Albus Severus Potter

At Callan's name being called, Albus turned in his seat to watch Callan's sorting only for the Sorting Hat to declare her a Ravenclaw before it had touched her head. She then gave him a weak smile in his direction. He returned it before turning back to looking at the empty plate in front of him, dreading hearing from his parents. No doubt, James would inform them that Albus had gotten into Slytherin instead of Gryffindor. How many of these students were children and grandchildren of former Death Eaters, who might take this opportunity to hurt him to get back at his father? Before he could mull over this much longer, another student came walking down the length of Slytherin Table towards him. He wasn't sure how old the student was but when the student began speaking to him, Albus lifted his head, the flicker of fear showing on his face before he remembered he'd be eaten alive here if he showed any signs of fear or weakness. The student introduced himself by the name of Alex and welcomed him to Slytherin. "Thanks, I guess. I imagine everyone here, except for the Muggleborn know who I am," he said quietly. @QuendalynNym @LlamaInDeHouse

Autumn Thatcher

The Great Hall was dead silent with the pronouncement of Albus Potter being sorted into Slytherin. Autumn wasn't sure why but she did hear her name which brought her out of her thoughts. "Thatcher, Autumn."

Autumn walked up to the stool and sat down, the Hat being placed upon her head and waited.

"Ah now what do we have here? Hardworking and loyal. A late bloomer, your magic didn't first start until you were four."

Autumn wasn't sure what that had to do anything but replied anyway. "Yes."

"Abandoned by your family, you were put where you could do no harm? Well, that explains your hard work. You believe that if you work hard then your parents will love you again and yet wish that you had never had magic so your parents wouldn't have signed you to the Muggle authorities?"

"Yes," Autumn said sadly, though nobody but the Hat could hear it.

"You are intelligent and studious, but not overtly so. You have no desire to shape the wizarding world in the way of Muggles and seem interested in the customs and ways of wizards. Not many Muggleborn come into Hogwarts or the magical world without wanting to change everything they see or think is wrong. You want to gain friends and learn all about magic. I think you will make friends and be happiest in..."

"HUFFLEPUFF!' Happily, Autumn removed the sorting hat from her head and walked to the table with the yellow banner with a badger hanging over it, sitting down as Hufflepuff clapped for their new addition. Autumn's robes changed to yellow trim and her tie to black and yellow pattern while the Hufflepuff creast appeared over her left breast.

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