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Fandom Hogwarts, A new chapter

Lorita smiled, relieved, upon hearing Autumn was alright. She tilted her head at the medication curiously, but brushed it off. It was probably some Muggle thing, probably normal. Some of them carried around paraneatomol? No, paracetamol, something like that.

She walked with the girl obligingly enough, lugging her luggage after her (Lorita had very little arm strength) and raised her eyebrows at the girl's question. "Well! It's kind of..." To be honest or not to be honest? "It's improved a lot! I mean, I'm sure you heard all the stories from when Harry Potter was here, but I promise, everything's pretty calm now. It's really fun! Avoid Peeves like the plague, though, he's a little shit when it comes to first years. I don't know what Muggle classes are like, but from what I hear, you'll have a blast. They'll pale in comparison," Lorita promised, grinning. "C'mon, you'll want to bag a good compartment. Let's go see." @eclipsehowls
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Amber Thatcher

Confusion flitted across the first-year's face. "Professor Longbottom said something about a war and Harry Potter but didn't go into much detail." She followed Lorita along the train, nervous about the other students. This could all be her imagination or a dream like the shrinks kept saying in the mental hospital. What if it just in her head? "They aren't that interesting. Reading, writing, math, geography, history, gym class, music, science, and art. I...I didn't go to a regular school." She had gone to school, it was just a school full of other students within the mental institution with workers to keep the kids from trying to escape. Some of the classes had been fun, like the one where they studied plants and got to watch a documentary on them. @Frisky
Malcolm Wood

Malcolm and his mother had just arrived at King’s Cross station and were making their way towards the gap between station nine and ten. They had made this journey many times before and it was usually in a peaceful silence as there was really nothing to say. Malcolm’s father, unfortunately couldn’t send him off due to an upcoming tournament in Wales. He had grown accustomed to these trips and wasn’t really disappointed.

The two arrived at the empty wall and exchanged a look of delight.

“You be good alright, sweetheart? If you need anything, just owl.” His mother told him, ruffling his hair.

“I’ll miss you.” He muttered.

“I’ll miss you too. Now hurry up, the train will leave soon.”

Realizing his mother was right, Malcolm took hold of his luggage and lumbered backwards for a running start into the station.

“Bye!” He called running towards the wall

“Have fun Mal!” His mother answered, waving at him as he ran right through.


The steaming Hogwarts Express will always be a sight to remember even when coming for the fourth year. A giddy smile spread across Malcolm’s face as he caught sight of some of his Ravenclaw classmates, boarding the train. With a sigh of content, he pushed through the crowd of chattering students to make it on he express before all the compartment seats ran out.

All the compartments Malcolm peered into was full of students, most eating sweets. He thought, perhaps, that he had been too late to find even a half empty one. But the day was not to be doused by misfortune as he found a compartment with two students, one of which he recognised as Peter from Hufflepuff. Cautiously sliding open the door, he popped his head into the compartment.

“Hallo Peter, do you mind if sit here? Everywhere else is a tad too noisy for my taste.” He asked the boy in his usual Irish accent.

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Peter heard his name and turned to see Malcolm, a Ravenclaw, asking to sit. He blushed slightly, "Not at all, Mal, sit. Malcolm, this is Piper,"

"H-Hi," she said with a shy smile. She ran her fingers against her owl's cage, "This is Perry."
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Malcolm muttered a thanks to Peter and slipped into the compartment and sat himself next to Peter, bringing his luggage with him. He smiled kindly at the Piper as she daintily introduced her owl.

"Hallo Piper. Nice to meet you." He crooned his head to take a good look at Perry. "Hallo Perry. Nice to meet you too."

Turning to his side, he put his hand on his owl's cage, giving it a gentle tap.

"This is Nutius." He told her. "He sleeps an awful lot. Lazy thing." He frowned half-jokingly at the sleeping owl, clicking his tongue. A cheerful smile returned to his face moments later.

"Say, Piper. This your first year at Hogwarts?"

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Albus Severus Potter

Outside his compartment, the second Potter son to start Hogwarts since the end of the Second Wizarding War, waited for the rest of the students to board the train so they could off to their second home for the next ten months. Albus wasn't certain whether he would return home for the Christmas and Easter holidays as the family would likely be attending parties and Ministry functions. He was glad that nobody had thought to sit with him, he didn't think he could take anyone asking him what it was like to grow up in wealth and as a son of the famous Savior. That was all anyone saw of him and the other two Potter children. It wasn't like Albus as Scion of Houses Potter, Black and Peverell. He was Heir Presumptuous. He hadn't seen James when he had come on the train but most likely his brother was hanging out with his own friends and probably planning on how to prank the Slytherins when they got to school.
eclipsehowls said:

Amber Thatcher

Confusion flitted across the first-year's face. "Professor Longbottom said something about a war and Harry Potter but didn't go into much detail." She followed Lorita along the train, nervous about the other students. This could all be her imagination or a dream like the shrinks kept saying in the mental hospital. What if it just in her head? "They aren't that interesting. Reading, writing, math, geography, history, gym class, music, science, and art. I...I didn't go to a regular school." She had gone to school, it was just a school full of other students within the mental institution with workers to keep the kids from trying to escape. Some of the classes had been fun, like the one where they studied plants and got to watch a documentary on them. @Frisky
"Can imagine why, they've probably added him to the History of Magic syllabus by now. Don't think Binns's class has ever been more interesting... But he's still pretty lame." Lorita grinned.

She pulled a face at the lessons the other girl rattled off, clearly disdainful. "No offence, those sound pretty lame. Don't worry, things are way more fun here! There's Flying, Charms, Potions, Herbology, Defence Against the Dark Arts... loads of cool stuff," Lorita told her happily, then tilted her head. "How was yours not normal? D'you have any preferences on where you wanna sit, kiddo?" She asked kindly.

Autumn Thatcher

"No preference. Somewhere without a lot of people," she said. She was always around people at the institution, even when she slept...there being two kids to a room, sometimes three. At the mention of flying she grimaced. "I think I'll skip that lesson," she said with a shudder. More unnaturalness...flying. If humans were birds, they'd have wings. Still, she did the polite thing and listened to the subjects that were offered, subjects that again spoke of unnaturalness. She stood there, looking down the length of the train. "I go to school behind a fence," she said. How could she explain that her parents had put her into a mental institution at five and a half-years-old because of her cases of accidental magic. She was probably...what was that word that the professor had used...a squib. But the stick...wand...had worked for her. @Frisky
"Yep." She said, "Been waiting 3 years for this. Petey kept coming home and saying how awesome it was,"

"It is awesome for the most part. You'll enjoy it, Miss Ravenclaw,"

"Stop calling me that!"

He giggled at his sister and fed his owl, Penny, a small bit of ham, "So Mal, looking forward to this year?"
Callan entered the train nervously and started looking for a compartment. She found one with only one person in it, a boy, and knocked on the compartment door.

Albus Severus Potter

Albus's ferret was curled up on his lap, lightly petting his unusual pet. Hearing a knock at the door, he picked up his pet and set it on the seat next to him. I hope it isn't James come to be a jerk, he thought to himself as he walked to the door. Turning the lock, he opened the door to find a girl who looked his age, with brown hair and either brown, gray or hazel eyes. "May I help you?" he asked her. @QuendalynNym
eclipsehowls said:

Albus Severus Potter

Albus's ferret was curled up on his lap, lightly petting his unusual pet. Hearing a knock at the door, he picked up his pet and set it on the seat next to him. I hope it isn't James come to be a jerk, he thought to himself as he walked to the door. Turning the lock, he opened the door to find a girl who looked his age, with brown hair and either brown, gray or hazel eyes. "May I help you?" he asked her. @QuendalynNym
Callan smiled nervously,"Is it alright if I sit in here? All the other compartments are extremely crowded and noisy."

Albus Severus Potter

Albus observed the girl in front of him, an obvious first year like himself, though nobody really knew what house they would get into until they got to Hogwarts. Again, he felt trepidation and fear at the thought of getting into Slytherin where the Dark Lord had been in and most of his followers had been housed. What if he turned dark like Voldemort or was hurt by the child of a Death Eater who had been killed or was now in Azkaban for their crimes because he was the son of Harry James Potter? What if this girl found out who he was and then just wanted to know all about what it was like to be related to a famous figure in the Britain's magical society? Would she even care about who he was or just see him as another Potter like the Professors and other students most likely would?

As the silence stretched on, he realized he was being rude and cringed...hearing his grandmother's shouting in his head about 'just standing there like a lout' and even his own mother's reprimanding him. Shaking his head, he stepped back. "So long as you don't mind ferrets," he said as he opened the door wider so she could get into the compartment with her trunk...and so he could lock the door behind her. @QuendalynNym
eclipsehowls said:

Albus Severus Potter

Albus observed the girl in front of him, an obvious first year like himself, though nobody really knew what house they would get into until they got to Hogwarts. Again, he felt trepidation and fear at the thought of getting into Slytherin where the Dark Lord had been in and most of his followers had been housed. What if he turned dark like Voldemort or was hurt by the child of a Death Eater who had been killed or was now in Azkaban for their crimes because he was the son of Harry James Potter? What if this girl found out who he was and then just wanted to know all about what it was like to be related to a famous figure in the Britain's magical society? Would she even care about who he was or just see him as another Potter like the Professors and other students most likely would?

As the silence stretched on, he realized he was being rude and cringed...hearing his grandmother's shouting in his head about 'just standing there like a lout' and even his own mother's reprimanding him. Shaking his head, he stepped back. "So long as you don't mind ferrets," he said as he opened the door wider so she could get into the compartment with her trunk...and so he could lock the door behind her. @QuendalynNym
Callan smiled widely and entered, she thought for a second there that she would have to go find somewhere else to sit. She hoped she made a good first impression, she really wanted to make friends with at least one person. She put her trunk up and sat down her pet albino vampire bat sitting on her shoulder popped its head out from behind her hair. She then remembered,"Oh, I hope you don't mind bats..."
Malcolm had always assumed they were simply good friends but the mention of home confused him. Maybe they’re adopted siblings. Oh, who am I kidding, this is none of my business. He shook off the thought and chuckled quietly at the sibling's bickering.

“Ravenclaw’s a great house, Piper. Arguably the smartest as well.” He told her with a smirk. Unsure of whether she knew he was a Ravenclaw, he decided not to bring it up just yet.

“Definitely. I have a feeling there are going to be some interesting personalities this year. Have you heard, the Potter kids are attending. I think I saw Albus on the platform a minute ago.” He replied. “Poor kid. Must be drowning in press.” He added.

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Albus Severus Potter

Albus shut and locked the door once the girl had entered before making his way back to his seat and sitting down. "Nah, I think they're cute. My sister thinks they're scary," he said. His ferret didn't bother getting up as it had fallen asleep when he'd moved his pet to the seat. His brother would probably try killing the poor thing or say it was the former Head of Slytherin House's ghost. Albus didn't understand why his father had named after a man that was obsessed with Albus's paternal grandmother and hated his grandfather and father. Or after a man that had sent his dad back abusive relatives every year but sadly people couldn't choose their own name. Still...even if Severus Snape was a jerk to his father, he was a great Potioneer and Albus secretly felt sorry for the man. "So...you're a first year?" he asked to be polite and try to keep his own worries of where he'd be sorted at the back of his mind. @QuendalynNym
eclipsehowls said:

Albus Severus Potter

Albus shut and locked the door once the girl had entered before making his way back to his seat and sitting down. "Nah, I think they're cute. My sister thinks they're scary," he said. His ferret didn't bother getting up as it had fallen asleep when he'd moved his pet to the seat. His brother would probably try killing the poor thing or say it was the former Head of Slytherin House's ghost. Albus didn't understand why his father had named after a man that was obsessed with Albus's paternal grandmother and hated his grandfather and father. Or after a man that had sent his dad back abusive relatives every year but sadly people couldn't choose their own name. Still...even if Severus Snape was a jerk to his father, he was a great Potioneer and Albus secretly felt sorry for the man. "So...you're a first year?" he asked to be polite and try to keep his own worries of where he'd be sorted at the back of his mind. @QuendalynNym
Callan nodded her head smiling, excited by the topic. "Yup yup, I'm hoping to be sorted into ravenclaw like my mother, or at least slytherin like my uncle. I hear I can be quite cunning, but then again i'm also smart." She looked at him smiling then dropped it once she realised she never said her name,"Oh gosh!! Where are my manners," she then proceeded to offer her hand to shake,"My names Callan Nym, but you can call me Cali or Lana. And you are?"

Albus Severus Potter

"Ravenclaw's not a bad house. One of my dad's friends was from Ravenclaw. A bit strange but she's alright when you get to know her," he said. Hearing that her uncle was in Slytherin, he couldn't help the grimace that appeared on his face. According to Uncle Ron and James, nothing good came out of Slytherin House. His uncle was bigoted against anyone not in Gryffindor and Aunt Hermione didn't like anyone who was odd like Luna. He never talked to Aunt Hermione because she thought she had to change everything in the wizarding world. Oh he was being rude again. The eleven-year-old tensed, almost as if his mom or grandmom would suddenly appear in the compartment and smack him for such a display. Sighing, he braced himself for the questions that were bound to come, with the revelation of his name. "Albus Severus Potter," he muttered quietly, frowning. @QuendalynNym
eclipsehowls said:

Albus Severus Potter

"Ravenclaw's not a bad house. One of my dad's friends was from Ravenclaw. A bit strange but she's alright when you get to know her," he said. Hearing that her uncle was in Slytherin, he couldn't help the grimace that appeared on his face. According to Uncle Ron and James, nothing good came out of Slytherin House. His uncle was bigoted against anyone not in Gryffindor and Aunt Hermione didn't like anyone who was odd like Luna. He never talked to Aunt Hermione because she thought she had to change everything in the wizarding world. Oh he was being rude again. The eleven-year-old tensed, almost as if his mom or grandmom would suddenly appear in the compartment and smack him for such a display. Sighing, he braced himself for the questions that were bound to come, with the revelation of his name. "Albus Severus Potter," he muttered quietly, frowning. @QuendalynNym
She smiled widely,"Albus? As in Albus Dumbeldore? I heard he was a great wizard, one of the best I dare say." She then looked out the window humming a tune, then she turned back,"My mom says he was the best headmaster anyone could've asked for. Your parents must've liked them too since your named after him."

Albus Severus Potter

Albus grimaced at the reminder of his name but nodded. "I guess it's a matter of opinion on how great he was," Albus said. "Apparently I was named for 'the two bravest men my dad ever knew'. Severus Snape and Albus Dumbledore," he muttered, sarcasm lacing his voice. "Severus might have been a brilliant Potions Professor but he was obsessed with my dead great grandmother and hated my father and paternal grandfather. I wouldn't name my children after someone that bullied me in school." @QuendalynNym
eclipsehowls said:

Albus Severus Potter

Albus grimaced at the reminder of his name but nodded. "I guess it's a matter of opinion on how great he was," Albus said. "Apparently I was named for 'the two bravest men my dad ever knew'. Severus Snape and Albus Dumbledore," he muttered, sarcasm lacing his voice. "Severus might have been a brilliant Potions Professor but he was obsessed with my dead great grandmother and hated my father and paternal grandfather. I wouldn't name my children after someone that bullied me in school." @QuendalynNym
Callan smiled calmly, then looked out the window,"You can't choose your name but, you can choose how your name is remembered. We create our own paths, not follow in the paths of who we are named after." She turned back smiling still,"I can tell you dislike who your named after but don't hate the name, for it is yours."

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