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Dice Hoard of the Dragon Queen (D&D 5e) - OOC

WlfSamurai WlfSamurai My character isn't finished but I don't have too much to complete. A few questions: How much starting gold do we get? Do you want a character backstory? For my bard I imagine her as a former herald to a recently ruined lord, and now she's hunting for work. I could go on but I'd likely require some setting information.
I didn't set starting gold for the others. I assume they used the standard choice of equipment package or starting gold alternate form the equipment section. On page 143, you can roll your starting wealth by class instead of taking the starting packages.

As for backstory, I'm okay with you setting the lord however you like or leaving it vague for now until you know more about the world, if that's easier. This is really just Forgotten Realms. Was there specific setting questions you had? Or is that enough.
I didn't set starting gold for the others. I assume they used the standard choice of equipment package or starting gold alternate form the equipment section. On page 143, you can roll your starting wealth by class instead of taking the starting packages.

I see. I don't have the official book so I just used the link you posted in the interest check. It appeared to be just the bare bones info, and I didn't notice an entry for rolling for starting gold. I guess I went with the package by default. I was just hoping to start with a crossbow and some bolts, but I'll pick those up later.

As to rolling, I'm not even sure how to. And personally speaking, I'm comfortable with you rolling for me whenever you need to. Especially if it's a significant time saver.

As soon as you approve my character I'll jump into the main thread.
I see. I don't have the official book so I just used the link you posted in the interest check. It appeared to be just the bare bones info, and I didn't notice an entry for rolling for starting gold. I guess I went with the package by default. I was just hoping to start with a crossbow and some bolts, but I'll pick those up later.

As to rolling, I'm not even sure how to. And personally speaking, I'm comfortable with you rolling for me whenever you need to. Especially if it's a significant time saver.

As soon as you approve my character I'll jump into the main thread.
Approved. And if you want, here are the starting wealth rolls from the book in case you'd rather use that.

so how well should we assume our characters know each other? have they been bros for a while or did they like meet just before the opening scene?
Interesting. What do the rest of you think about keeping a log of rolls I can just pull from?
Not a huge fan, part of the fun of dice games is the element of chance involved. That said I can see the advantages, so I'm not totally opposed to it.
so how well should we assume our characters know each other? have they been bros for a while or did they like meet just before the opening scene?
I figure they met on the road and had been traveling together for a few days for mutual benefit. Long enough to establish some level of trust, but short enough that we're still somewhat strangers to each other.
I figure they met on the road and had been traveling together for a few days for mutual benefit. Long enough to establish some level of trust, but short enough that we're still somewhat strangers to each other.

Same here.
sounds good to me, and just had another thought: since we started at level five, do we get anything from wealth by level besides starting gear from class? I'm fine either way, just curious
So how do we roll? Is it basically an honor system? The last time I played a dice RP on this site RPN had a built in dice roller.
So how do we roll? Is it basically an honor system? The last time I played a dice RP on this site RPN had a built in dice roller.

I like orokos, it gives you a permanent time stamped verifiable link to your roll and lets you enter a character and purpose for each roll, so you also have a history you can refer to if you need to check earlier results

you can get there by clicking the hyperlink part of any of my rolls

speaking of rolls, I broke my links when I pasted to my sheet, I'll fix that when I get home
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Was thinking about 5th level and getting more gold yesterday and found it in the DMG. And then, I've been thinking about the dice rolling as well. Here's what I've come to.
  • Your starting gold and equipment for 5th level is 500 gp plus 1d10 x 25 gp and your normal starting equipment
  • For rolling, we're just going to do the standard roll on request. I have never really had an issue with it and there will be times I'd like to discuss the roll beforehand anway.
Tagging: JayTee JayTee , SilverSuzi SilverSuzi , Sara Sidereal Sara Sidereal , Bone2pick Bone2pick
Was thinking about 5th level and getting more gold yesterday and found it in the DMG. And then, I've been thinking about the dice rolling as well. Here's what I've come to.
  • Your starting gold and equipment for 5th level is 500 gp plus 1d10 x 25 gp and your normal starting equipment
  • For rolling, we're just going to do the standard roll on request. I have never really had an issue with it and there will be times I'd like to discuss the roll beforehand anway.
Tagging: JayTee JayTee , SilverSuzi SilverSuzi , Sara Sidereal Sara Sidereal , Bone2pick Bone2pick

scrapped roll list and rolled gold on my sheet, time to go shopping~
I imagine the official book has a better selection of equipment to purchase. Do they still have master crafted items or something similar? I'd love a better than average light crossbow.
Dnd 5e is pretty stingy with magic items. According to the DMG, this is the overall price range for magic items, assuming the GM WlfSamurai WlfSamurai allows them to be bought and sold.

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Was thinking about 5th level and getting more gold yesterday and found it in the DMG. And then, I've been thinking about the dice rolling as well. Here's what I've come to.
  • Your starting gold and equipment for 5th level is 500 gp plus 1d10 x 25 gp and your normal starting equipment
  • For rolling, we're just going to do the standard roll on request. I have never really had an issue with it and there will be times I'd like to discuss the roll beforehand anway.

Ok so if I'm reading this right, that takes my original 5 gp up to 605 gp (I rolled a 4). At least until I spend some. So we just use the adventuring gear list from the PHB, or are there other lists of what we can buy? And are we meant to keep track of the weight we're carrying, or just hand wave that a bit?
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