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Dice Hoard of the Dragon Queen (D&D 5e) - OOC

I don't believe you get to add the +4 to both dice. It's 2d6, then + 4 to their total. Also, a question for anyone, what's with the extra attack? Is that a class feature?

Oh, oh! I thought it was one of those things where you roll twice and keep the best or something. I'll go edit my post, thanks.
so I was thinkin', since the kobolds look shaken, maybe the next person could act all intimidating and give them the option of surrender / fleeing
so I was thinkin', since the kobolds look shaken, maybe the next person could act all intimidating and give them the option of surrender / fleeing
Hmm... I'm not so sure about that plan. There's a chance they flee to their reinforcements and then we're stuck having to fight them anyway. Plus they're burning down homes and slaughtering defenseless people - they deserve a death sentence.
Hmm... I'm not so sure about that plan. There's a chance they flee to their reinforcements and then we're stuck having to fight them anyway. Plus they're burning down homes and slaughtering defenseless people - they deserve a death sentence.

Very well. Purge everything.
No, no. Remember, we're here to save who we can. If we have to murder everyone else in our way fight a bit more than needed, then thats just the price of doing the right thing.
Did this just become a harem anime? I think it might have become a harem anime. Well, it will be if Chella starts getting affectionate with Marcus, until then it's a love triangle.

...oh shit I just realized hes the only dude in the party. The poor bastard.

How effective was the Sleep spell, WlfSamurai WlfSamurai ? I'll make my move depending on what the results of that where.
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Slow down folks, my character just healed a wounded party member. There's no love triangle - at least not with Cazarina. The challenges of playing a charismatic support bard...
dawn sees horned girl whispering filthy temptations to pure, innocent human man! dawn will protect him!

actually given her ideal, dawn should be okay with getting friend zoned

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