Ohowww... ;;A;;

Splinters in my hands. Why is this even happening today Dx
I get off work in roughly 2 hours. I'll crank stuff out for you guys then. I'm just working in the warehouse so I have a moment to ooc respond xD

We may have a problem. I'm re-earthing my curiousity in the lore of your nicely crafted world.
Better start launching ques-- wait, lemme put up a question board first. xD
There may be sliiiiiiight changes in information here and there, but I'll let you know what it is. It shouldn't be detrimental to anyone's characters.
Eyyy, it's an updated Cathedral. Ah, what a sight for sore eyes. Can't wait to mess around in that thing. :^D

And since I was sitting around with the sheet and some free time tonight, In my excitement for the RP, I also made a thing too!~ Just a quick sketch of my character... I dunno how I feel about the hair though... and he probably needs more scars, but eh, I guess I'll figure it out tomorrow or something. Too lazy now... - w -;

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Thank you for inviting me!

Do we have to register a new character?

Thank you for inviting me!

Do we have to register a new character?

You can bring them back if you want. I'm giving people the option to being back their character, change them, or make an entirely new character. So whatever you want to do. I have the link to the old cs's if you need it, but I will be making new cs's later today which will be required to be filled out. No time restraint though. 

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