Woohoo~ I thought you had died of overwork C.E. ;;O . O

But I'm happy you're still around! And even more happy I can rejoin the shenanigans on this RP. I've been waiting a long time for the day the maddened people can all be gathered again. When should I start mulling around my character? :^D
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Last thing I remember is Skye giving Abel his saint something figurine, then going home I think. 

And if the average is 10 then that fits perfectly. Shouldn't have expected anything else really. 
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How do you roll dices on the new site? Let me test that out

Went to test, apparently you can't roll dice anymore? So I just went and generated a random number: 6

I will have to link to a dice roller website, unfortunately. 
Woohoo~ I thought you had died of overwork C.E. ;;O . O

But I'm happy you're still around! And even more happy I can rejoin the shenanigans on this RP. I've been waiting a long time for the day the maddened people can all be gathered again. When should I start mulling around my character? :^D

 I did but I didn't xD

You can start thinking over your characters now, honestly. If you want to change them up or make a complete new one is up to you. 
Puh. I don't even remember where Nozomi was. Library maybe? Iunno.

The location where they were last won't matter because I'll be restarting the rp a good couple months in the future. That way injuries can be mostly healed and I can start out storytelling fresh. =w= b
Own, FuQ. I'm good at this. >_<

Got a splinter in my knuckle. Wtf

Also, do we want a discord server? Before I know I said no to this, however it may need useful in the future. 
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Own, FuQ. I'm good at this. >_<

Got a splinter in my knuckle. Wtf

Also, do we want a discord server? Before I know I said no to this, however it may need useful in the future. 

I already have several discords I'm on. I say make one!


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I suppose I don't mind, but I think I have an annoying voice. And am terribly awkward in speech. 

And 'FUQ' is a porn site btw. I just had to put it out there... :^D
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I suppose I don't mind, but I think I have an annoying voice. And am terribly awkward in speech. 

And 'FUQ' is a porn site btw. I just had to put it out there... :^D

I've been told my voice is creepy and reminds some people of a murder. So don't worry. Plus we don't have to use the VC.
I rarely use voice. I use the text chat option most xD

.... dammit, @RyuShura. I didn't know that. Now I have to resort to just saying 'fuck' again Dx
Oh, I thought Discord was purely a voice chatting place, didn't know it was like a chatroom too!

And yeah... I looked the word up because I thought it was like some kind of slang or like aconym for something. Turns out I was sort of right? :^D
Wait. Where do we post sheets to be approved? On a separate thread, right?

I don't have a place yet because I'm not officially "accepting" anything until I write up all the necessary things. So hold onto it. I just wanted people thinking about their characters while i set up.
I get off work in roughly 2 hours. I'll crank stuff out for you guys then. I'm just working in the warehouse so I have a moment to ooc respond xD

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