May I all remind you that if we're talking about getting laid Skye got banished from his family from having too much puss. So you're all at least one step behind.
Er... My Gideon post was longer than I expected.

I mentioned too many people and was too lazy to tag. >_>;;
May I all remind you that if we're talking about getting laid Skye got banished from his family from having too much puss. So you're all at least one step behind.

That probably makes Sisceal in second place. His father was so close to locking him into a metal chastity belt. 
That probably makes Sisceal in second place. His father was so close to locking him into a metal chastity belt. 

I would have agreed with that decision. Protect a few nuns from getting beat with said metal chastity belt for breaking celibacy... 
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I would have agreed with that decision. Protect a few nuns from getting beat with said metal chastity belt for breaking celibacy... 

If they enjoy the beating it's then a form of... Just gonna stop myself from finishing that.
That might be a sin just to have thought it up... 
I would have agreed with that decision. Protect a few nuns from getting beat with said metal chastity belt for breaking celibacy... 

It didn't work so well in his original design. x3 He got funky with the Bishops wifey in the church the very first character sheets of him I wrote P:
If it helps make more sense he originally did come from more modern times in ze original rp he was in. So it would have been fairly normal.
Hmm, true, and we don't know if we're catholic or protestant... protestant means you get a lot more leniency in some departments. 

Maybe an afterthought, but I'd say Skye definitely would utter a thanks, considering his personality. I didn't really write it up well in my post though, having to switch between sceneries...

You can leave it I suppose though, as it's my fault

Maybe an afterthought, but I'd say Skye definitely would utter a thanks, considering his personality. I didn't really write it up well in my post though, having to switch between sceneries...

You can leave it I suppose though, as it's my fault

I believe that, I'll just pretend that Skye was just in a rush to get to the night watch that it slipped his mind. Maybe he'll just have to say thanks later xDD
I believe that, I'll just pretend that Skye was just in a rush to get to the night watch that it slipped his mind. Maybe he'll just have to say thanks later xDD

Fair enough >-<

Knowing who he is a thanks when he passes her by will be in place. 
Lol if we're talking about sex, I'm not sure if I've really thought about that for Nozomi. I considered that she might be asexual, but I don't really think she is. Hmmmmmmmm.
Oh great whatever above please bring back the insta scroll buttons. Cthulhu, flying spaghetti monster anything bring it back so the suffering on mobile can end!
Which is worse? The poor way I worded my post or the way Suzu turned it into something dirty... 

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