@too much idea I think it would be better for Iris to participate in teams. Please don't make me roll unnecessary daemon encounters do quickly. >____<;;
I'll trade you for one sister who thinks freedom is defying parents and constantly being around some deadbeat driving away yer friends and getting ye to spend over $280  in two days! DX

This fucker is 18, no idea if he has a job or not anymore, may or may not have a car. No clue, my sis is always toting him around in hers. He has a place to stay but apparently chooses not to stay there or something. No clue be he needs to be fuckin gone outta her life.
Hrmm. Seeing as she actually improved in behavior and went back to herself a span of 4 days he was gone I will take you up on that offer. He needs to be gone.

Tis funny though how she screams she wants freedom, yeeeet is toting this guy around, falling under his influence, buying him all he asks for or straight up giving him money. Yeah, that's such freedom.
I thought I was a stupid teen... but admittedly your sister is probably going to get a rough wake-up from him. Just make sure to support her and not alienate her, maybe get her to see that he's a failure. 

There are other ways to rebel, like me! I defied my anti-intellectualist parents by going to university :D  
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Mmhmm. And my parents aren't trying to restrain her at all really, as much as they are just trying to keep her from doing something extremely stupid. She can't seem to make the connection of her friend all left her as soon as she kept hangin out with the deadbeat. I am trying to get her to see he is a loser and failure but no luck so far. (oh, and need I mention she dumped this great guy who was nice and bought her thiiings, treated her great and was even becoming manager of a department in a store for said loser....)


She thinks she has something to rebel against but honestly she's the princess of the family. :/ like seriously....she's never been made to cry or jump through hoops to have friends over or do anything. Never had her hobbies called shitty or screamed at for a small failure like I have. She's got it good at home compared to what I had to go through staying here for so long!

Eehhh I had to babysit and had no password for the WiFi there ;-; I'll get to a reply of some kind now c:
Mmhmm. And my parents aren't trying to restrain her at all really, as much as they are just trying to keep her from doing something extremely stupid. She can't seem to make the connection of her friend all left her as soon as she kept hangin out with the deadbeat. I am trying to get her to see he is a loser and failure but no luck so far. (oh, and need I mention she dumped this great guy who was nice and bought her thiiings, treated her great and was even becoming manager of a department in a store for said loser....)


She thinks she has something to rebel against but honestly she's the princess of the family. :/ like seriously....she's never been made to cry or jump through hoops to have friends over or do anything. Never had her hobbies called shitty or screamed at for a small failure like I have. She's got it good at home compared to what I had to go through staying here for so long!

sounds shitty... usually the spoilt child ends up the worst...
Mmhmm. And my parents aren't trying to restrain her at all really, as much as they are just trying to keep her from doing something extremely stupid. She can't seem to make the connection of her friend all left her as soon as she kept hangin out with the deadbeat. I am trying to get her to see he is a loser and failure but no luck so far. (oh, and need I mention she dumped this great guy who was nice and bought her thiiings, treated her great and was even becoming manager of a department in a store for said loser....)


She thinks she has something to rebel against but honestly she's the princess of the family. :/ like seriously....she's never been made to cry or jump through hoops to have friends over or do anything. Never had her hobbies called shitty or screamed at for a small failure like I have. She's got it good at home compared to what I had to go through staying here for so long!

Being someone that was making those same stupid choices with someone when I was 15 then 16, 17, 18 and lastly 19, I say let her do it. Allow her to face her consiquinces but also continue to love her unconditionally. Unconditionally does not mean without your own boundaries though. She will never learn to value herself if she does not come to face what it feels like to be walked all over. Let her learn from this while she is still young before these sort of negative behaviors have more serious impact in her life. If anything you might want to read up on codependency and advise her of the abuse cycle next time her relationship with him hits a down point. A lot of people get caught up in the honeymoon side of the cycle and brush off the other phases, so they never fully realize that it's happening. 

I understand it it can be hard to watch. Hopefully in time she will see the value in herself and leave his butt. 
Being someone that was making those same stupid choices with someone when I was 15 then 16, 17, 18 and lastly 19, I say let her do it. Allow her to face her consiquinces but also continue to love her unconditionally. Unconditionally does not mean without your own boundaries though. She will never learn to value herself if she does not come to face what it feels like to be walked all over. Let her learn from this while she is still young before these sort of negative behaviors have more serious impact in her life. If anything you might want to read up on codependency and advise her of the abuse cycle next time her relationship with him hits a down point. A lot of people get caught up in the honeymoon side of the cycle and brush off the other phases, so they never fully realize that it's happening. 

I understand it it can be hard to watch. Hopefully in time she will see the value in herself and leave his butt. 

Hopefully...really hopefully with it all. It she does wind up running off to live on her own, my parents have decided their not giving her any money if she needs it. or if she runs out now. She wants to do that she's going to really learn what it's like to be an adult.

Although all they're trying to do now is keep her from crashing and burning too badly and get her to see he abuse before it's far too late...or break her out of this cycle of shitty boyfriends and thinking that these jerks are soooo good and gold  -_- She had a good guy! But gave it up for this jerk! Dx

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