Hmmm... Can someone explain to me what the fields and ranks are? I'm having a bit of trouble to understand them. Pretty please?

Or you can give me a link to where those are explained, please?

Oh man, sorry, I didn't mean to not answer you. I didn't see this till now. Dx

Did you manage to read the information about them yet?

In a general sense, Fields are short for Fields of Expertise, which is pretty similar to a character's class in an RPG. Ensis are your melee non-magical fighters, Temepsta are ranged non-magic, Exorcismo are holy magic and Domare use non-holy magic (I guess closest similarity would be white magic and black magic?).

RANKS however, have to deal with experience and recognition within the organization (The Dark Chapter) itself. So, when you first join and start out, you're an Indocto (Indocto is a root for "inducted"), you spend at minimum 3 years learning the basics of all four fields. It's at this time you also get to pick what field you want to specialize in (aka, what class you want to be). It is more based off of a person's strengths and instincts rather than what they like. However, someone can like what they are good at, and it is recommended to do that first and foremost. After the basic training is over and you've picked your Field of Expertise, you become Milites rank.

Milites basically is your typical soldier rank. You can be a Milites as long as you live and it would never be considered dishonorable. Milites are the most abundant and most necessary. They spend most of their lives learning in their Field of Expertise and attempting to master it.

People that are usually recognized for their leadership skills as well as other notable attributes may be promoted to the rank of Regimen. It's basically your shift leaders or supervisors (like at a job). There's not as many of them as there are Milites.

Sacerdos is a rankk that is given to people that are acknowledged for exceptional combat skill. They have a relatively full understanding of their Field and can take on more dangerous missions without the aid of teams (they usually go in pairs though). There are even fewer of these than there are Regimen and they usually don't stick to one location.

Venator and Deos Sacerdotem are the top of the food chain and hold the same level. So neither one is more important than the other. Here, you must be recognized by the head honchos in the Vatican. Means you're a badass mofo. Venator are more like you're Inquisition, and will travel more often. Deos Sacerdotem are usually stationary and the strongest defense of wherever they are stationed at. That's really their main difference. It is extremely hard to get these ranks, and many people aspire to become one, if their dreams ascend passed becoming a Sacerdos.

Oh, yes, I forgot. 

Can he have a pen and an apple? OwO

Woops, forgot to quote this.

So long as you make a pen-pineapple-apple-pen 8U
Crap, and one more thing, @Tidnas, as cool as your character is coming out to be, I just read through his weapon and already I know it isn't going to work in this world. On top of that, I am not accepting any more Domare at this time. So that throws in a big wrench in this character idea.
Crap, and one more thing, @Tidnas, as cool as your character is coming out to be, I just read through his weapon and already I know it isn't going to work in this world. On top of that, I am not accepting any more Domare at this time. So that throws in a big wrench in this character idea.

Hmm... I understand. That idea was the coolest I have tho. Might want to use it again in another distant RP.

Anyway, I would try again :3 Hopefully this time it'll work :3  
Hmm... I understand. That idea was the coolest I have tho. Might want to use it again in another distant RP.

Anyway, I would try again :3 Hopefully this time it'll work :3  

I'd hold onto Isaac for a different rp, because his idea is definitely cool. But in this world, it's pretty much in a pos-apocalyptic future. The world was destroyed, people had to try and build up, then there was a purge, and THEN they had to pretty much build up again from nothing. In regards to time periods, they just passed the "Victorian" period and are in the "Industrial" stage. But all notions back to our own history could have easily been lost. Meaning, people probably don't even know who Newton was. His laws are irrelevant, and thus the references completely conflict everything about this rp's religious mysticism. Yes there's alchemy, but I'm keeping my eyes on that as well, so not to get TOO out of hand.

But I highly recommend Exorcismo if you want to use objects and magic. Have some kind of relation to maybe a reliquary. I wouldn't say the apple from the garden of Eden though... xD;;
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I'd hold onto Isaac for a different rp, because his idea is definitely cool. But in this world, it's pretty much in a pos-apocalyptic future. The world was destroyed, people had to try and build up, then there was a purge, and THEN they had to pretty much build up again from nothing. In regards to time periods, they just passed the "Victorian" period and are in the "Industrial" stage. But all notions back to our own history could have easily been lost. Meaning, people probably don't even know who Newton was. His laws are irrelevant, and thus the references completely conflict everything about this rp's religious mysticism. Yes there's alchemy, but I'm keeping my eyes on that as well, so not to get TOO out of hand.

But I highly recommend Exorcismo if you want to use objects and magic. Have some kind of relation to maybe a reliquary. I wouldn't say the apple from the garden of Eden though... xD;;

You got me at the last part XDDDD
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Hello c: I'm looking forward to rping with you all!

I'm starting to draw out my characters appearance this evening. I'll hopefully have a cs up in the next day or so ((If college work dosent conume me first ;-;))
Hello fresh blood, and welcome to our fun little mad house!~ 

Also, I will have trouble posting regularly the following week due to travelling and personal work that will have me away from my P.C. I'm saying this now as a heads up if I disappear for a few days without answer. 
I seem to have forgotten the fall season for anime had started. Now I must watch all the first episodes of the stuff that looks interesting.
Wooo character reviews!

@too much idea, I'd probably change the plastic bag of incense to just a small bag of incense. I don't think they have plastic bags. O_o

Other than that, looks good and you can post her up in the Accepted Characters thread!

@Manic Muse, did I accept your character yet? If not, he's accepted. xD

@InsanEleven, real quick, I'm not very okay with the idea of Alice being a Regimen rank (even if it's in skill) and a Domare, since both are out of the question for anyone at the moment. So already, I see major flaws in that aspect. I'd like to actually keep Alice out for now and have you focus only on the former two characters. You can switch one out for another, but I recommend only two. You still have the 5 post penalty on you (need 5 posts in order to even post with Nubes), but with an extra character, I would have to boost it up to 15 posts in total before you could bring either of them in.

@Axeykins, Sisceal looks good. You can post him up in the Accepted Characters thread.

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