Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

Lux eventually pulled Occultus out from under the table and the boy kept his face only facing him. Although you could tell his mask was off, you couldn't see his face. "Why are you doing this!?" His black hair was currently tied in a small ponytail to contain its length. "Don't you think it's about time, Black?"
(Thanks....yeah I'd be terrified of Shadow too. And that's him chibi-fied and cute-tized...seriously imagine him more realistic and its scary as hell.)
(eek.. yeah, I can definitely understand a terror of him)

"Be quiet, little tiny Kitsune." Nessa said, grinning at the baby Kitsune's teasing.
He laughed. "Ok ok." He was so happy...but very tired. Part of him was a bit scared of this though. Over the months, he had discovered that Shadow was freed whenever he slept. What Shadow did at night, he didn't know. Probably gave poor kids nightmares...but he didn't wanna let him loose durning the party.
"This Christmas party is going to be awesome!" Nessa said excitedly, changing the subject to one decidedly less awkward, and one she was very excited about.
Occultus hadn't expected anyone to approach them, so the girl caught him off guard. He tripped and landed on his back. His face was now in full view, but he was too must tending to his head, that he didn't notice. 
Lux crouched down to Occultus' level and checked him over. "This wasn't exactly how I pictured your reveal, but this suffices." He gave his face a good look over since he wasn't able to get a very good look before. "I'd think you'd do better at attracting a mate if you kept the mask off, Black."
"What in the--" Chrys exclaimed No... I'm enjoying Christmas for once in eight years, just sit back, relax, and cuddle with-- Ah to Asphodel with it "Sorry, Eona, I gotta take advantage of this" Chrys snuck across the room and "HEYA, Hatchling! Watcha doin'" Chrys said mischievously 
(That would be you, Flynn)
((This calls for Ajax time!! :D ))


The sphinx walked into the room only for a man to fall back and land on his back right in front of the sphinx's path. Raising an eyebrow at the person, Ajax had never seen this man, but his scent was very similar to Occultus. Extending a hand to help the Occultus like man up, Ajax quickly fixed his antlers to avoid them from falling off.
"Yeah...."he said tiredly. He felt as though he was gonna pass out. "Nessa...I...think HE is trying to come out..." Often Shadow could force him into a slumber.

Happy that Chyrs was happy once again, Eona nodded and walked ff towards her partner, wondering who the new guy was. Pulling down at her short skirt, the kraken stood next to Ajax, almost a full head shorter than the tall man. "Are you okay?" Eina asked the man, brushing off the dirt from his clothing.
Almost bashfully, the spirit bent over and extended a hand to help, but frowned when her hand passed through his arm. "My bad..."
Occultus took the hand and stood up. "Thank you, Ajax." Seeing his friend's reaction, he let out a sigh. "See, Lux, I told you they wouldn't remember me. You only saw me once and you remembered me immediately." Lux released a small chuckle, something he had never done in a very long time. "We'll, it'd pretty hard to forget the way we met, Black."
"He? Big scary Kitsune?" Nessa asked, her eyes widening. The big scary Kitsune was... well, scary, and Nessa didn't like him at all.
"Wait what? The shadow's coming out again? Flynn, get away from everyone, NOW, I can handle this without trashing the place this time, just... trust me"
He nodded. "He keeps saying: "Turn the Key, turn the key. Free me from mine prison."....I don't think I can hold him off for much longer...."he struggles to say, fighting Shadow's power with his own.
Spire turned away, her head bent. Pulling off her hat in front of her, she sent it into the ether, then walked off, passing through the wall without a word.

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