Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

Lux eventually finished his song and took a seat next to Occultus. He looked at the couple underneath the missletoe in slight interest. He always felt that th tradition bordered on sexual assault, but he wouldn't question it today.

Occultus looked away from the scene. He couldn't quite handle things like that. Lux turned to his MCA (Most Compatable Acquaintance) and noticed that he was uncomfortable. In an attempt to relax him, Lux struck up a conversation. "So, Occultus, have you found a mate yet?" Occultus began to cough when he heard what his friend said. "W-What!?"
Noah looks at Arya with an impressed expression. "Very clever." He finishes weaving some thread together and it forms a into a net. Noah secures it around the tree and manifests four spider-like appendages out from his back. He lifts one end of the tree. "*Grunt of effort* come help me carry this. Where do you want it?"
(it's a Christmas gift to Flessa's fangirls!! :D )

Nessa surprisingly didn't blush at Flynn's kiss, considering she normally blushed at everything, it was especially odd.

When the kiss was over, she slowly smiled at Flynn.

She wondered what the protocol for what you say after kissing someone was. Nessa had never kissed anyone, so she really had no idea what to say.

Instead of saying anything she just continued to smile at Flynn.
Ayra took the other end of the tree and lifted it up. He looked at the door they came out of and blinked "I guess were the party is."
(I've been reminded that Occultus has a present for everyone! He'll give it when the time is right. It's shiny!)
((Oh, Lux! You're so funneh! xD ))


The kraken smiled softly, gesturing for the man to continue. Hugging her friend, Eona really was concerned for Chrys. If someone was this sad on Christmas Eve, then something has to be wrong! Although Eona didn't know much about Christmas, she knew that you really can't have a negative feeling on Christmas. Unless you're drunk. Then go ahead and be grumpy. You're drunk after all.

Noah nods his head. "Follow me to the cafeteria then." Noah began carrying the Christmas tree with Arya to the cafeteria as per Christmas tradition.
Ayra smiled as they walked to the cafe "Is this your first Christmas in the human realm as well?" he asked trying to make conversation.
Occultus looked to his friend and tried to give an answer to the question that caught him off guard. "No! I mean, I would like one...But not like that! I mean-what I'm trying to say is-" he hung his head down in defeat. "Forget it." He was never gonna be able to give out a proper answer. "Besides, no girl would want me."

Lux raised a brow at his answer. "As much as you would be inclined to believed that, it is not so. I've seen some of the females look at you like some sort of dessert." Occultus' coughing started up again. "That's not helping! Now I'm afraid for my life!"
"No. I have been on this earth for a long time. I have seen Christmas celebrations but I seldom partake in them." Noah says as they reach the cafeteria. "Here we are. Mind opening the door for me?"
Ayra nodded and opened the door wide a gust of of wind accompanying the door opening. He took back his spot as they walked in.
"I had an older sister, she was a lot like you; bubbly and carefree, liked by everyone, and eight years ago, during a Saturna-- Christmas celebration rather similar to this one, except everyone was a Hippogryph like me, people were dancing and singing, and Ali was on the stage..." Chrys' usually sharp eyes glazed with memory "She was always the prettiest, sleek black and white feathers in the air, but when she was human, she had salt and pepper hair, she was singing her heart out on stage, all the guys her age swooning over her, then" Chrys' eyes darkened "a bunch of A**hole gryphons showed up, obviously inebriated, and started harassing the females, Ali... she refused to go with them, turns out they were the egglings of the High Council of Gryphons, and always got what they want" tears welled up again, "They tried to force her, and when she fought, and the bastard... he killed her" chrys sobbed, I got my revenge, but I was then exiled for murder... I would have been executed, but I was saved by Helios, the sun... I owe him my life, but he says he owes me for something I'm going to do in the future... My eyes were blue, my hair was brown, Helios marked me, my name is forgotten, I am now Chrysos Phaidra, The One with Golden Feathers, and this jacket is all I have left of my sister"
Noah places a sticky smorgasbord of web at the base of the tree and firmly places it near a corner. Noah announces "Hey everyone. Arya found this good Christmas tree as a present for all of us." Noah then turns back into a spider and crawls ventilation shafts to watch the party. After all it was fun to watch people do ridiculous stuff.
((Holy crap....wait. If these two are going to get together.... Does Chrys have a sister complex? xD ))


As she listened to Chrys's story, Eona's hold around the man tightened, her chest was aching from pain. She didn't know what to do or say, Eona was scared. Deciding it would be best not to say anything, the kraken pulled Chrys closer to her and kissed his forehead softly.

Not moving, Eona stayed in her position as she continued to hold Chrys in a comforting hug. She really didn't have anything to say, the kraken had never gone through anything like Chrys did, so she didn't have any thing to say. She had wasted a lot of her life at the bottom of the ocean, living down there as everything happened on land.
Ayra turned into his true form and set up the tree. He smiled as it was set up and he turned back to his human form. He stared up at the tree and let out ghost fire to decorate the tree. He closed his eyes and purred as the ghost fire danced around the tree.
(no sister complex, Eona just reminds him of his former life, before he was blessed by a god and everything went to s**t)

"Thanks for listening, Eona" Chrys sighed, "I'm glad I have someone to confide in" he said, hugging Eona back.
((Well.... Is there anyone else who was stuck at the bottom of the sea for more than 700 years that Eona can bond with?? :3))

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