Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

((So, @TheKaosophile are we going to carry out Chrona? Or just go with the flow?))


The kraken burst into laughter as Chrys pulled her away from Occultus - or Masky, as she calls him - changing the song to "Christmas In The Sand", Eona hummed, swaying her body to the beat in her head. "I saw Santa in his bathing suit!~ Trying to catch up a wave, but he tried too soon!~" Eona giggled as she pulled the lyrics right off her mind, a large grin on her face as she stole a cookie from the freshly cooked batch.

Taking Chrys's hand in her own, Eona was lighting up like a Christmas tree. "You look naughty but I'm sure you're nice!~" The kraken was practically skipping next to her friend, pretty much radiating jolliness. She couldn't wait for the Christmas party to start!

((I'm looking forward to Christmas....during August.... Oh well! Where I come from, Christmas season seriously starts in September! xD ))
He let out a sigh, watching everyone enjoy themselves. He really loved Winter for this reason. It brought people together. And he got to bake.
Nessa decided to go over to Lux, who was also away from all the noise, and by himself.

"Do you know how to play any Christmas carols?" She asked, motioning to the guitar and smiling at Lux.
Occultus leaned against the wall when he was finnaly released from the kraken's hold. He may have been in peak physical condition, but that girl knew how to wear people out. He to some breaths, before composing himself once more.
Ayra walked into the cafe and looked around. Even after several months here he didn't know many people. He supposed he was sorta the loner or what not. He walked to one of the windows and looked out one of them.
Lux looked up from his tuning to face Nessa. "Yes." He then went back to his tuning. She hadn't asked him anything else. She asked if he knew carols and he did. He saw nothing wrong with what he did and technically he did just as asked.
((Ajax's turn!))


A figure laid by the fireplace, shivering like he was naked in Antarctica. The sphinx was not used to this cold weather and was wearing so many layers he looked twice his size. Still freezing cold, if you looked at Ajax, you would see that he was very pale, almost blue even, there was a tiny icicle growing at the tip of his nose.

Glancing around the room, Ajax wondered how all these people could withstand such cold climates! Then again, he had come from the desert, it was always hot, exception for night. Shimming closer to the fire, Ajax blew into his gloved hands, trying to conserve the very little warmth he had left.
Eona still swinging him around, Chrys found an opportunity to slam his fist against Flynn's table, "If I have to cheer up, so do you."
He jumped out of his chair, startled by the sudden noise. "Uhg.. Hey I'm exhausted! I spent all day making sure there was enough food for everyone!"
Nessa wasn't good at conversations, she had gotten better at it over the months she had been attending the school but making small talk still was definitely not her forte.

"What's your favorite color?" She asked Lux, deciding to resort to the most common question.
((Project Chrona activate!))


The kraken turned to look up at Chrys and beamed brightly, a silly grin plastered onto her face. "I have eight legs, silly!" Eona giggled softly as she continued to hum Christmas songs, taking a hold of her friend's hand and swinging their arms back and forth. Glancing at Chrys once more, Eona grinned as she teased him playfully. "And you don't like dancing because you suck at it, don't you?~"
Occultus peeled himself off the wall and made his way to the freezing Sphinx. "Uhm, are you alright, Ajax?" He and Ajax had got off to quite a bumpy start, but thy managed to become good friends. At least that's what he hoped the case was.

"Would you like something warm to drink?" Helpless absolutely freezing, even with all those clothes on. Hot drinks are what people usually used to warm up. He had seen it in many Christmas movies.
(Ok I finally caught up after 3 hours this thread can go far. First of all, someone give Lucem an Emmy. 2nd my character will be kind of a minor one. I will mainly interact with those who need interact while everyone else is with another. I will interact with Nico's character.)

Noah crawls out of the ventilation shafts, his main routes of getting around the school. He notices a lone person wondering around when all the festivities are inside the cafeteria. Noah crawled onto a nearby wall where Arya could notice him. "Hello. You seem to be lost. All the festivities for this cold season are in the cafeteria."
"No, it's mainly because Ali used to--" Chrys stopped abruptly, turning bright red "I- I have to go," he stammered and dashed out into the hall
"Black." Given his species and hair color, many people would assume the Gleam would prefer white. However, ever since his first day here, the color had fascinated him. He took to wearing black soon after, but there was alway white in his clothing as well.

He looked at his other rainbow piece. "This conversation is a bit awkward, so I think I'll give my present early."
Ayra blinked when someone talked to him and he smiled and shook his head "I'm not lost, I just don't know who to talk to. Everyone seems to be with there significant other." He said and looked up at Noah reaching out a hand "Ayra, I don't think I've seen you before."

The sphinx shakingly looked up at Occultus, revealing his ice cold face and the little frost growing on it. "C-cold..." was all that the man could stutter out, his whole body shaking from the freezing temperature. Moving closer to the fire, if Ajax went any closer, he'd catch on fire. Then again, the sphinx was seriously thinking about doing that. Burning in flames was better than slowly suffering from the cold.

Ajax's teeth chattered as he snuggled into his multiple snow jackets, thankful that he had enough money to buy so many of them. Seriously thinking that he should set himself on fire, Ajax decided that a warm drink would help and nodded at the masked man before him. "Yes-s, p-p-plea-s-se."
Nessa turned around and grinned at Flynn.

"Hey, Kit." She said, deciding that if he was going to nickname her Wyrmie, she would call him by her nickname for him.

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