Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

Flynn loved the winter, almost as much as summer. It gave him an excuse to indulge in his love of baking. He currently was borrowing the kitchen to make cookies for the student body and staff. He really enjoyed baking.
[QUOTE="Flynn Porter]Flynn loved the winter, almost as much as summer. It gave him an excuse to indulge in his love of baking. He currently was borrowing the kitchen to make cookies for the student body and staff. He really enjoyed baking.

(1000 cookies for 1000 terrors)
Eona LOVES winter! She finds it funny how there's frozen water on the ground and enjoys the cold very much! She's often standing by Flynn, waiting for the cookies to be done and humming Christmas songs. This would be Eona's first Christmas on land guys! Make it special! This kraken is often stared at as she swims in ice cold water that hasn't be frozen over yet.
Ayra smiled as the snowflakes tickled his nose and he flicked his ears. He hummed a human Xmas tune, this would be his first Xmas in the over realm. He smiled wider as he walked through the courtyard the snow crunching under his boots. Over the few months he had made a friend and was a lot more nicer and hadn't gotten into anymore fights.
He didn't mind others seeing him bake anymore. His time spent with Nessa allowed him to come out of his shell a bit, and he no longer gets embarrassed after people seeing or hearing his hidden talents of baking and (believe it or not) singing.
{I think I'mma just go... I cannot keep up with this form... Maybe I am just not experienced enough for a roleplay of this magnitude.}
Chrys wanders around the kitchen where his friends tend to be, but he has no reason to be there, gluten intolerance can be hell around the holidays as if I don't have enough to be gloomy about, Saturnalia brought about bad memories for chrys, but he tried to keep things cheery, but if I hear one more "two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree" I'm going to lose it
((Chrys and Eona? Are we going to do it? Well, I recommend that they slowly fall in love with eachother and have a bunch of drama and denials between the two. :3 Oh and, you don't have to mainly develop a romantic relationship with Eona first. There can be cheating, jealousy, everything :3))
(Speed rping is hard to keep up with on mobile but i do my best) 
"Oi, Chrys. You said you have a gluten problem right?" He asked. "Well fear not, my feathered friend." He says with a smirk as he hands you a cookie. "Check it out. Gluten free, just for you."
Ayra made his way into the kitchen and noticed that more of the other students were there. He put on a small smile and swayed his tail. "Hello everyone." he purred kindly.

"'Cause I just want you here tonight!~" Eona sang happily as she skipped through the halls, her voice echoing passed the walls. Smelling a delicious treat, Eona wandered into the kitchen, still singing the Christmas song. Her body moved with the beat, loving the Mariah Carey song that played in her head. Eona burst into the kitchen as she began the chorus once again. "All I want for Christmas is you!~"

((I know almost all the lyrics of that song!~ I love Mariah Carey so much! xD I once sang this song along with the piano!))
The mask boy stuck out his hand as the snowflake fell into his palm. He watched it melt as fast as it had came. You couldn't tell because of the mask, but this boy was mezmorized by the beautiful white. Winter was a beautiful season. There were endless possibilities for activities.

"You enjoy the snow, Occultus?" Lux stepped out from the school, guitar case slung over his shoulders. Occultus nodded to his friend. "Yes, I love it." The robotic-like voice on account of his mask took some getting used to, but after awhile, you hardly even noticed it.

Since the two attended school, they had made great progress. Occultus gained many friends and did perfectly academically, as well as physically. Meanwhile, Lux had added a few colors to his rainbow. However, he would never forget his first color. Black, covered in red.

"So, you ready?" Occultus nodded and they went to meet the others. Although the boys got along well with the others, Lux felt Occultus fit him best. Most people would call that a best friend, but Lux referred to it as "the most compatible acquaintance.". The two boys walked inside, prepared for the party.
(d'aww everyone is so happy, I like Christmas time in this RP :D )

Nessa skipped around the kitchen, humming as she looked at the cookies. You couldn't not be happy during Christmas time, it was impossible - especially if you were Nessa. Even Inner-Nessa was happy and sang cheerful Christmas songs in Nessa's mind instead of ridiculing or chiding her.

Plus, she had heard there would be a Christmas party, and Nessa liked parties just as much as she liked Christmas~ Oh, this Winter was having a fabulous start!

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