Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

(but it does sound familiar COUGHLUCIENCOUGH COUGH) 

[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris](The white hoodie wasn't based off a character. It was just a characteristic I chose for the escapes murderer.) 
(Lux was introduced after Umbra died.)

(no, I mean to other characters)
[QUOTE="Flynn Porter](Im so confused.)

( I was always confused at what was happening, to be honest lol. )
Lux looked around the building, searching for the cafeteria. His trip had left him a tad weary and was hungry. He hoped they would at least have decent food. Along with the world and its people, food had also become unchanging. There was nothing really that was innovative or new. Just the same old recycled ideas put into a new format.
((Why don't we skip to winter? :D Christmas and mistletoes! And Mariah Carey! Oh em gee! I love Mariah Carey!! xD ))

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