Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

(I would totally take credit for the hippogryph stock photo I used in the application, but I can't draw very well... I do have a few works I'm proud of, lemme see if I can find them...)
"That should do it." Umbra took the last things from his room and placed them back into his Shadow Space. He really didn't have much, just a toothbrush and a few items he had in the bathroom. It was hard to buy things when you couldn't even talk to the cashier, let alone walk into the store.

He walked through the halls, taking his last few glances at the interior. It was time for him to leave, he wasn't meant to be here. Maybe he would give it another try after another five hundred years. Although, the events he went through here made him never want to try again. He was happy that he wasn't finally leaving, after all, he didn't belong. However, he still wished he could've made at least a friend or two. Well, that's all water under the bridge. Now, it was time to leave. After all, he had a new book at home that he'd been looking forward to reading. 
(This will do for now. I have lasagna waiting...)
Chrys tossed and turned in his bed, dreams invaded with intense feelings of loss, until he finally awoke and spoke two simple words that would strike fear into the hearts of men if they knew him "I'm hungry."

And so he went off to the cafeteria
"Al- alright," Coyoty whispers loosely as the spider boy dissapperes. You have to find your own way around?[i/] she questioned to herself blinking she then starts too look for her suitcase which in the confusion she managed to loose, finding it again under a displaced table she walks over to it. "Grrr." She voices aloud while pulling it out from under the table.

"Oh this social thing is seriously not something I am used to." Whispering she take sour a pice of paper and glanced around the cafeteria if anyone was in there, she was not sure where to go and for all she knew she didn't have a room yet. She glanced again seeing just wreckage and carnage. "No one is here?" The wolf girl asked pushing her hair over her shoulder.

She sees a boy entering the cafeteria and smiles, he looks like a cat someone cute but Coyoty learned long time ago never to underestimate someone like that, they were almost always NOT cute. Her wolf ears furore under the terrible cover of her hair and she goes to approach the boy dragging we bag along behind her on its wheels. "Hey, you-" she blinked cutting herself off not sure how to speak all of the sudden, or rather what to say.
Chrys didn't even acknowledge the girl who spoke to him, beelining for the food trays and piling one high with at least one serving of all meat products and some vegetables available. with a pile of food high enough to conceal his face, he walked over and sat down, practically inhaling the food. in a matter of seconds, though, he was done, and hadn't gotten a single drop of grease or anything anywhere. This ability to absorb every last bit of food he got has been unfathomable and unrepeatable by anyone else for Chrys' entire life.
(stay for a while, make a name for yourself, then do it)

"Flynn." Chrys said curtly after finchishing what was in his mouth, "New blood here was saying something before I got my food, it's okay, rookie, you'll learn, so what was it you were saying?"
(You know that when Ayra feeds he wont be such an asshole, right? xD )

Ayra made his way to the cafe and got a chicken leg and a sac of blood. He sighed knowing that when he fed he would be back to his normal self. He looked up and noticed a group of people before gluing his eyes to an empty seat next to the group. He decided to sit a few seats away from them. Why did he have to come here?
Coyoty smiled for a second and then that smiled faded as she was casually denied. "Alright that-" she turned and saw the boy consume his food both in record and in amazing timing, he had not even left a single morsel of food left on his plate, perhaps he was really hungry. She walked over to the boy a smooth yet satisfying smile on her face.

"Hi, not sure if you noticed but I was wondering if you could show me where I was supposed to be going. I am kinda lost." She giggled lightly turning her head as she asked her question. She was meaning she was not sure if he noticed we standing there, not many people did and granite she did like it that way but she wanted to be noticed now.
Umbra took his last look at the school. He held his scarf down from the raging winds. He remembered when he first walked through these gates. He ran in here screaming like an idiot. He didn't even make it a week. He chuckled to himself as he thought about what he went through here. It might not have been enjoyable, but it was the most exciting thing that's happened to him in his five hundred years of life. Well, if you could even consider it a life. He sure didn't.

As he turned to face the gates, he saw a figure dressed in a white hoodie. 'Is he lost?' There were plenty of new students arriving and this person was probably one of them. He felt like running for the hills like he always did when confronted with other people, but he managed to stay calm. He mustered all he had to go up and try to help this person. 'I might be able to do something right before I leave here.'

As he approached the person, Umbra put on a smile, which looked far better than his last attempt. "Are you lost?" 'I-I did it! I didn't stutter!' Umbra had never said something without butchering his words, so this made him feel good about himself. Maybe he could actually help somebody.

He extended a hand to the person, which they accepted. His smile grew wider. He was actually having a real conversation. "I'm Umbra, nice to meet you. Do you have any-" Umbra's sentence was stopped when he felt a sharp pain in his stomach.

He looked down in horror, to see a knife planted firmly into his stomach. The blade came out, dripping crimson, only to be thrusted into his stomach again. Again and again and again. The first time he actually accomplished something, this happened.

He didn't make a sound as the stranger continuously stabbed him. There were a million questions that could have been asked in this situation. "Why are you doing this? Am I going to die? Could I have avoided this?" However, the only question floating through Umbra's mind as the blade pierced his flesh was 'Why am I alive?'

All his life he had been a reclusive and meek person, who tried to better himself. However, this is how his efforts paid off. If he was this worthless and this incapable of doing anything right, then why was he ever alive in the first place?'

A final stab was made into his gut, before he fell to the floor, blood pooling beneath his body. His blurry vision caught the sight of the stranger running away. He held no grudges against that person. In fact, he felt that they did the world a favor. He was useless and a waste of space. He was not needed and they simply fixed the problem. He was the virus and that person might have well been the software meant to eliminate him and make the computer of life better.

His darkening vision trailed over the tall school building. Did being stabbed hurt? Yeah, it hurt like hell. But, it hurt even more to know that he'd accomplished nothing he set out to do. He came here to fit in and make friends. In the end, he only made his life worse. Things didn't work out for him here, just like the rest of his life. Sure his life was terrible, but it was tolerable because he never wanted anything out of his mediocre existence. However, he had a drive when he arrived here and the pain of accomplishing nothing hurt more than any knife wound ever could. He hadn't even made one friend here. He would've been happy if his existence would've been acknowledged in some way or even made someone's day the tiniest bit different. But, he hadn't done any of that. He was just a shadow in the background, like he was meant to be. Despite trying his hardest to be different, he suffered the same fate all Shadows did. Emptiness and solitude.

Even though he was dying, he was still a little happy. Although nobody paid attention to him, he had more experiences in less than one week than he ever did in five hundred years. Being here made him feel something he always felt was impossible for him. He actually felt...alive.

As his vision darkened and the red pool grew bigger, a sad smile crept on his pale face. His last sight would be the one thing that made him feel alive. It was quite humorous, considering he was dying. As the warmth left his body, a single tear trailed down his face, it's motion stopping near the smile. Farewell, Ishika High.

A boy with hair as white as snow entered through the gates. It would be his first day here at this school. After a few days of mentally debating, he finally decided to enroll. Hopefully he could gain some color in his world.

His walk came to a stop as he saw the lifeless boy on the ground. He examined the boy's face and raised a brow. "The boy sheds a tear in his death and yet he is smiling." He strangely found something poetic about the body on the ground. He removed his hat and placed it over his chest. "Unfortunate soul, may the angels play your song on their trumpets of enlightenment." He placed the hat back on his head and walked past the corpse.

The last of the boy known as Umbra faded away as the body became nothing but shadows evaporating. There was nothing left that the naked eye could see. Although if one were to look closely, there was a small wet spot from the fallen tear of death. The pool of blood had stained itself into the earth. The stains left behind a shape of an angel's body, much like the ones children made into the winter snow.

And so concludes the tale of Umbra Necrus. Even in death, he smiles.


(Umbra's Dying Song.)
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{~Bows head both in reconcile for a well character and his death and the artist who wrote such a fine way to die.~ Brilliant ~Silent moment~}
((Q~Q) I... I come back from dinner expecting to make a comment about how I eat fast, too, and THIS is what I get? I haven't had this many non-fictional feelings about a fictional character since... well three days ago, but that isn't the point. Tears, there are tears)

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