Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

Occultus nodded and brought the Sphinx a mug of hot chocolate. That was what people drank in the Christmas films and they seemed to warm up quite quickly. He handed Ajax the mug, a little worried that he might catch on fire.
"I'm amazing, winter is my favorite season." She said grinning.

"How are you?" She asked happily - Christmas made her extremely happy.
Noah manifests back into his human form and shakes his hand. "I'm Noah. I don't prefer to interact but mainly just to observe. I am around, just watching." Noah points to the cafeteria. "In there is many people. Some more kind than others. If you would like to talk to some people there, girls tend to be a lot more social. I believe a kraken girl in their is particularly nice but foreign when it comes to human culture."

Watching as her friend ran through the halls, the kraken frowned ever so slightly, but it was replaced quickly with a festive smile as she to ran through the halls, heading towards her dorm. She had a little surprise for everyone, a surprise that she had been working on for awhile now, actually. She hoped that Ajax would be warm enough to do it!

A few minutes later, Eona burst into the halls once more, wearing a complete Santa suit she had gotten from Ajax. The kraken had wondered where the beard was, but Ajax told her that what she was currently wearing was the female part of the costume. It was pretty self revealing if you asked the kraken, but Eona had gotten used to it by now. What she really had trouble doing was walking in heels.

Shaking the thought off, Eona grabbed a large black sack and slung it over her shoulders, hurrying off to the main room, where the party would be taking place. Oh, Poseidon! I can't wait to get this started! The kraken had almost fallen a few times because of the heels, but overall, she was getting used to her two legs!
"Tired...but happy. I'm thrilled to see everyone so happy." He said, the fox-grin never leaving his face. He was the kind of furson that enjoyed being tired out after baking.

(Yes! Ive joined the pun party!)
Lux made his way to the small podium and tapped the microphone. "Since gift giving is customary for this holiday, I will be giving mine as early as possible. I wasn't quite sure what would be sufficient, so I decided that a song would suffice."
Chrys returned to the cafeteria, all spring(chicken) gone from his step, eyes bloodshot, hands fiddling with the patches on his jacket.

The sphinx thanked the masked man, still as cold as can be. Taking the cup in his shaking hands, Ajax released a sigh of relief as the warmth of the cup seeped in through his gloves, heating up his hands. "Thank you..." The sphinx flashed Occultus a quick smile before bringing the cup to his lips, sipping it elegantly. What? Even if he was freezing, Ajax still had his manners.

The warmth came back to his body as Ajax continued to sip the hot chocolate, loving the chocolatey taste that it had. Suddenly, Ajax remembered that he and the kraken had planned something for everyone, he was kind of embarrassed to do it, but, who cares? Oh, wait. Ajax cares.
Ayra smiled "Nice to meet you Noah." he said and shook his hand back. "I know Eona. She is nice, I think my only friend." He laughed reminded of his first day where he hadn't fed. "I'm foreign to human culture myself, though I'm pretty sure this party is missing something." He grinned at Noah "Want to help me get that one thing?"
(oh gosh, just what we need! more puns!)

"I know. This is the happiest everyone's been..." Nessa paused for a moment, trying tot think of the last time everyone in the school was this happy. "Ever." She finished, realizing this was the first Holiday she would be celebrating here, the first Holiday away from her parents... it was odd, but it was good, she loved her new friends.
"Yeah. It's great." He said. He then took notice...we were standing under mistletoe. "Hey...um...Nessa..." He pointed at the plant hanging above them.
Ayra smiled and pulled on his coat before dashing out to the courtyard and spotted the perfect tree. He blinked and looked at his hands "I don't have a saw though." he murmured and turned to Noah "Do you have something to cut down a tree?"
Lux brought his guitar up and began to play a few cords. When he found that it was tuned properly, he began his song. "Silent night, holy night..." Lux didn't know many songs that would fit this occasion, so he felt a carol would be fine. However, he didn't sing it in the traditional way. He gave his own rendition and it sounded quite nice. He hated things that didn't change, so of course he wouldn't play the song how its always been played.
Nessa looked at what he pointed at and blushed.

"Oh, it's mistletoe." She said, knowing what people often did under mistletoe. She looked at Flynn, smiling nervously.
((Weoooo! Singing! :D And KISS KISS KISS KISS KISS!!))


Eona sneaked to the back of the room and grinned when she saw Lux get on stage. "Go for it, tiger!" The kraken called out, cheering on her Gleaming friend. Giggling softly, Eona set the sack of presents down on the floor and watched Lux, an excited look in her eyes.

The kraken sat down on a nearby seat, watching Lux speak into the microphone. Her eyes dashed around the room, giggling at Flessa's current situation. "Hurry up and kiss already!" Eona called out to them, giving the two a reassuring thumbs up. She remembered what one person had said in a movie that she had watched, and decided to yell it out to. ""REMEMBER TO USE PROTECTION!!" Oh, Eona.... If only you knew what that really meant...
Noah follows him with his arms crossed. Spiders don't mind the cold as much. They hate when it's hot though. "Ah I see. A Christmas tree is part of the tradition of this wintry festivity." Noah ponders his thoughts. "Sorry, I don't have something that can cut down the tree. Normally schools don't allow axes, or saws on campus. I guess we'll have to improvise." Noah began pulling out some of his spider sil from his pocket and began weaving it together. "How strong are you?"
He gulped nervously. He had never kissed anyone...but there's gotta be a first time. He leaned forward and kissed Nessa. It was a soft and sweet kiss, timid and light, as though he was afraid she would be upset at him for it.

(Flessa fans...you have been given a fine gift this day.)
((Love it!~ I'm going to have Eona walk up to Chrys, okay?))


Spotting a friend crying, Eona suddenly was struck with grief. When someone around her was sad, she was sad to. Standing up, Eona walked over to Chrys, sitting down next to him. "Do you want to tell me...?" The kraken wrapped her arms around her friend, not wanting him to be upset.
Ayra chuckled softly "I'm not a very strong person." he then thought of one of his dragon master's lesson. "I have and Idea. He said and let his ghostly fire pulse on his palms "I just have to make this into a saw like object." he hummed and morphed it slightly "That should work." he said and aimed it at the base of the tree. He cheered as the tree fell to the ground with a crash. "That worked." he offered an innocent smile.

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