Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

He smiles back, happy that she wasn't mad at him for the kiss. "Wow..."

(Sorry i disappeared. Someone lectured me on things i dont care about.)
(I have a few more characters on hand, I'd need a bit to bring them in though) 
Chrys huddles closer to eona, happy for the warmth, without the sun, he doesn't feel... right.
"I'm gonna get a drink." As Occultus got up, he slid on snow that had been tracked inside. As he slid, he landed under a table and his head hit the wall it was against. "Ouch, that hurt." As he rubbed his face, he stopped and realized two things. First, the robotic voice was replaced by his own voice. Second, he was rubbing his face! He looked down in horror to see his mask was broken. "Oh no..."
(So Ima assume Kima and Ajax slept peacefully through world war 3 and just wake up.)

Kima suddenly woke up and forgetting where he was stood up and immediately tripped over Ajax's arms. Remembering then where he was and what had happened he sighed and shook his head. "I need to find my dorm for now its kind of important see you later." With that he began to wander the school aimlessly again one thing that he hated about the place was its lack of signs. Or was it simply that all the signs had been destroyed at one point, I mean there was a group of insane and powerful creatures all clumped into one school. "I really need my sword!" Suddenly realizing that he was trapped in a place with a large group of unknown entities that for all he knew could enjoy eating eyes the idea of having his sword for protection was the first thing on Kima's mind.

Smiling down at Chrys, Eona pet his hand softly as Lux's guitar was heard throughout the room. "It's fine. I'm always here." Unless someone eats me or anything like that. Eona added in her head, officially breaking the mood.


Standing in front of the mirror, the sphinx was beginning to have second thoughts on this as he took the piano music sheets off the counter and walked out into the hallway. Pausing for a moment, Ajax sighed and placed the reindeer antlers on his head and THEN walked into the room.

((Yay! Eona and Ajax have a little present for you guys to! And oh crap. MASKY DON'T TALK!!))
"Wow is right." Nessa said, surprised by the words coming out of her mouth.

Kissing is all it's rumored to be~ Inner-Nessa sang, and Nessa had to agree.
When Lux saw Occultus slide under the table, he went over to check on his acquaintance. "Are you okay?" He looked under the table and his eyes widened a little at what he saw. A small smirk appeared on his face as he took it in. "Well, well. This is interesting."
Kima was still frantically walking around the school when he finally found the office. He walked in and asked about his dorm room. Unfortunately behind the counter was a very unpleasant Binbōgami who was not very happy to see somebody come in. One of the reasons was the as a spirit of poverty she was never happy to see anybody with any sort of happiness and Kima's celebration seemed to just piss her off. "You better have a good reason for being here kid!" Was all she said before Kima could speak. "I need to know my dorm room I'm Kima nobody told me what it was." The lady sighed and didn't even speak just handing him a key with a number and his name engraved on it. Taking the key and finding his room Kima felt much better walking around with his ancient katana strapped to his back but it only lasted until he realized he was alone and had no idea where everyone was.
((Not yet. ;p it is possible though. I must warn all of you, when I do romance I'm as slow as a snail! xD I'm actually really bad at writing romance, I'm much better with action and all that xD ))
(Also. I finished drawing both Shadow Flynn and Chibi Fox Flynn...sorry if its oddly positioned. Iphones can be bitches. I wont be able to scan it tonight...but ill post it when I do. Also the mask Shadow is wearing is based on Japanese Fox Masks. I thought it looked cool so...yeah.)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.b8ef5669929521eafe8fd89d888368a3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5182" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.b8ef5669929521eafe8fd89d888368a3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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