Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

Ayra sighed as his tail drooped. He looked over at the others and smiled softly before sitting down at the window once more.
Occultus wiped the sweat off of his face. The sweat made him shine like some new car. "It's really hot in that thing." Lux raised a brow at that. "That was hot? I saw what you were wearing on that day we met. A normal person would've died I heatstroke. You dress like its winter all the time. Well, the old you did, Black."

[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]Occultus wiped the sweat off of his face. The sweat made him shine like some new car. "It's really hot in that thing." Lux raised a brow at that. "That was hot? I saw what you were wearing on that day we met. A normal person would've died I heatstroke. You dress like its winter all the time. Well, the old you did, Black."

(Is this referring to him being Umbra? /hopes I'm not ridiculously wrong xD )
When Occultus heard Chrys, he became wary. He heard something about a shadow and it put him on edge. His eyes took on a yellow hue as he prepared for the worst. "Looks like we may have a grinch in our Christmas story, Black."
(nessa would just be freaking out during this, so i decided to not write anything in the RP for a bit, as it would just turn into a long awkward conversation between her and Inner-Nessa, and no one wants to read that xD )
"Uhg....no...."he said, holding his head in his hands. "Not now....please....not....now...." He mumbles, straining to hold back the Godly beast.
Spire sat on the roof, her head bent between her shoulders. She circled the rim of her teacup with a finger, staring at the blue-brown liquid with a melancholy expression. When was the last time she had really taken notice of a Christmas? When was the last time she had been able to care?
Occultus approached Flynn and looked him in the eye. The yellow hue continued to grow brighter until it was like neon. "Ease yourself creature of the dark." As a fellow kindred to the element, he would have more pull with the creature.
"FLYNN!" Chrys shouted, his voice merging with something... different, his yellow eyes gaining a strange phosphorescence everone around him basked in a warm glow. Chrys grabbed Flynn and dragged him outside, feathers sprouting from his arms on the way out
Kima was walking around the school quite nervously due to one large factor. His time in the mountains had taught him a lot but he had missed a lesson on what Christmas was. He was walking around the school nervously looking at strangely dressed people and trying to figure out what kind of festival this Christmas was. Eventually he came up to a person he believed he had overheard as being called Eona and tapped her on the shoulder gently. "Uhm, miss, your name is Eona right? Can you please please not laugh at me when I ask this but, what is Christmas?"

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