Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

He let out a pained cry before he finally passed out. In that instant, the black aura of Shadow burst from his body, shaping itself into the black Kyuubi no Kitsune.
"Well, Black, I believe this is your field." Occultus nodded at Lux's statement. A smoke-like veil of darkness began to surround his body, his yellow eyes becoming two golden orbs from beneath a black robe. Transforming wasn't allowed anywhere but in the arena, something he learned well, but this was an exception.

Feeling someone tap her shoulder, Eona spun around and stared at Kima as he asked her the funny question. "To be honest...I'm not exactly sure. But, it's fun!" The kraken giggled softly as she shivered lightly from the dark aura that came across the room. Was this what Christmas was like? Eona thought that Christmas would be more fun, more joyful. Oh, well. Too bad.
"At last. The boy has turned the key to mine lock." Shadow coldly said, a satisfaction of his power filling him. Mortals are powerless before him.
(Did I say Flynn? oops)

"Damn, I'll have to do this here." Chrys muttered then shouted "EVERYONE COVER YOUR EYES!" Just as he burst into blinding light, "CREATURE OF DARKNESS, BEGONE FROM THIS ONE AND NEVER RETURN, I, HELIOS, HEREBY BANISH YOU TO TARTARUS." Chrys boomed in a voice that was not his own, then shuddered and collapsed, glow fading, and with it the golden hue of his hair
Shadow hissed at the light and shaded his eyes. What foolishness, to think he could be banished so easily. His spirit would live so long as the boy lives.
The now transformed Occultus stared at the black creature. "It is merely an imitation of true darkness. It knows not the bounds of despair that all Shadows do."
Spire sighed forlornly and set the tea on the roof neatly, then climbed down, dropping to her feet as if she were made of air. Pausing at the window, she gazed inside and absently traced something on the frost of the pane, observing the commotion. Stepping backwards and turning her back, she evanesced into the night, her hat tumbling onto the ground in her place.
(I'll just write Ayra out and bid all thee farewell)

Ayra shook his purple locks. He couldn't do it he couldn't, he wasn't meant for the human realm. He stood up and snapped his fingers and the Ghostly fire of the tree dissipating "I should have had it burn." he said before walking out the door and to the dorms. He packed up and closed his case before melting into the shadows. He purred at the familiar sounds of screams and blazing hell fire of the Underworld. He walked up to his Master's Dojo and walked into the building "Master I'm home." He was greeted by the Dragon demon's face and he just shook his head "You weren't ready, we can try again another time."
Shadow let out a dark chuckle. "So the boy's friends have thrown a celebration." He pondered the reasons for such a party. He did not understand the actions of mortals.
"Why do you feel the need to intrude upon us? Do you seek satisfaction in some way?" Despite being what he was he knew the difference between the darkness that was evil and the darkness that was subjected to such opinions.
"I have not come to disturb the boy's friends. I come with peaceful intentions. Mine wish is only to learn of the reasons for the engagement." He says, curiosity plaguing his mind. Although he knows much, human holidays are not one of them.
Noah was crawling through the ventilation shafts once again observing other people. He notices the dodmeki asking the kraken girl about Christmas. He was about to join them and explain when he sense a a very dark force. As he crawls towards that area he see's a bright flash of light. and shouting. Noah regains his vision with black spots chasing each other in his eyes as he peers through the vents. The Kitsune seems to be ... "different." Noah wonders why he was acting like this. Was he possessed by something?
"I see." Occultus reverted back to human form and wiped the sweat off his head. He thought he would have to fight, which he was not looking forward to. He was passed out for almost two days after hi last fight here. "It's a celebration for the birth of Christ."
"Christ? Is that one of thine false gods?" Kitsune we're regarded as gods in many cultures, for good reasons. Mostly of the Shinto religion.

(Japanese mythology is great.)
"I wouldn't call them false gods. Everybody has there own belief system. Whether they're the gods or false or not, they are deserving for celebration. For instance, Christmas is a time of giving a spreading joy. It is akin to the day of Christ's birth, hence Christmas.
"I see. Then mine belief is not of the same circumstance as thoust would be." Shadow said, a simple understanding in his normally unyielding and cold voice. 
(Yes indeed.)
((Weooo! Guess who's back? Back again? Well, I'll be kind of on and off, reading some fanfictions to get ideas and so on :3))


Getting suddenly from the sudden transformation, Eona almost inked herself in surprise! Now, that would be embarrassing. Regaining her composure, or whatever calm she had, Eona decided it would be best not to get involved with what was happening.

Then again, Eona tended to never listen to her own reasoning. "Meow! Meow!" Eona giggled at the giant fox before her, trying to speak to him in kitty language. "Or is it, woof woof?" The kraken frowned in confusion. "Are foxes cats or dogs?" Pondering upon the idea, Eona shrugged and pet the kitsune happily.
Occultus rubbed his head. "Eona, he speaks english." It seemed like his identity wasn't the only thing she couldn't remember.
Melody walked up to this school place, enthralled by all this green stuff on the ground outside of it - what was it? It wasn't like the water, this stuff was green and soft and hadn't tasted good when Nessa had tried to eat it. It was everywhere. It must be some weird land thing.

She walked up towards the front of a school and saw a cute furry animal, talking in an odd voice. This school was going to be great fun! She thought, she'd never seen these many weird people before!

She examined the thing blocking her from entering the school, frowning at it before remembering the brief education she'd been giving on weird human things and remembered to pull it, it was a door.

She pulled it open and walked inside, unsteady on her new legs, wondering what new marvelous things like that green stuff and these doors would await her!

(everyone, that was Melody, the new resident school siren. I must go to bed now, goodnight. ^-^)

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