Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

Nessa smiled at Umbra and was about to say something else when she felt and heard Eona behind her.

"Slender-what?" Nessa asked, turning around, feeling like Eona freaked out over a lot of stuff.

"What happened, Eona?" She asked, smiling at the girl. She resisted the urge to ask 'what now'. Whether or not she was a bit weird, she seeemed to be Nessa's best friend, so she better be nice to her.
(I am also going to sleep land now~ I'll try and read everything, but I've got so much to do tomorrow .~.)
"Slenderman!" Eona unattached herself from Nessa and grabbed the nearest object possible - which happened to be a vase - to use as a weapon. "I feel like I'm being followed!" the kraken shivered as she put her back against the wall, glancing around warily. "This is even worse than the scratches!" Holding the lamp up in a very scary looking away, Eona's breath was a very laboured from running so much.

Since the hallway was just a straight line, Eona relaxed slightly when she looked around for any tall and suspicions looking figures with no face. "So, what's up?" the kraken beamed brightly, her eyes still glancing around for the creature that was stalking her.

((Goodnight :3))
When Umbra saw the girl, it brought back an unpleasant memory. He shivered when he remembered the feeling of her tentacle around his neck. It was like it was still there, coiling around his skin. He had seen what happened to people when tentacles were involved on the Internet. None of it was good.
"Don't worry, the scratches didn't get you, and neither will this Slenderman." Nessa said, smiling at Eona. "Nothing much is up - I was just talking to Umbra. What about you? Oh, and do you have any idea who to ask about figuring out what room I'm in? I might have managed to lose the papers so I don't know what room I'm in!" Nessa said, not sure why she was asking Eona, knowing it was a long shot that she would know.

((Goodnight Nashi!~))

Eona nodded, slowly placing the lamp back on its podium. "Uh..." the kraken's face turned a bright red as she took out the papers and handed it to Nessa. She didn't know her room number either, nor who her room mate was. Eona hadn't lost the papers, she just couldn't read what was on it. In fact, when she had gotten the letter to go to this high school, Eona had to have someone read it out for her and pretend to be blind. It was a pretty embarrassing moment.

"Here." Eona handed the papers to Nessa, hoping that she would read it out loud so that the kraken would know what it said to. It would be very embarrassing to tell them that she couldn't read, so Eona kept her mouth shut as she twiddled her thumbs anxiously.
(i was saying goodnight to prowler, I'm not going to bed just yet ^_^ )

"Hmm.. it says you'll be in Room 18... does it say anything about your roo- YAY. FINALLY." Nessa exclaims, grinning, then she realizes she's probably scaring Eona.

"It says you'll be rooming with Nessa Maroe. Whom is me." Nessa said, grinning at Eona.

"I think I might be heading back to the room, now. Goodnight, Umbra and Eona." Nessa said, smiling at the two and handing the papers back to Eona before moving to walk away.
((Oh...well this is awkward...COUGH Hey! What's that?! *points to nothing in particular off in the distance and runs away*))

Nessa's sudden outburst shook Eona out of her blank daze. "Pardon me?" Eona blurted out, slowly processing what Nessa had said. "Oh, yeah." the kraken nodded, trying to look like she had known that. Watching as Nessa left her, Eona thought this would be a good op-perch-tuna-ty to find her room and NOT get lost! Quickly giving saying goodbye to Umbra, the young woman sped off to go catch up with Nessa.

"Your last name is Maroe?" Eona inquired out of the blue. "Like roe? As in fish?" Licking her lips hungrily, Eona skipped cheerfully next to Nessa, the scary feeling of being followed began to fade away as Eona's mind drifted off somewhere else. "I like fish, do you like fish?" Eona began to chatter non-stop, engaging Nessa in her crazy tales of the deep sea. "And then Kilala had to eat this mystery seaweed that allows you to breath underwater and-" Making big gestures, Eona's face lit up like a willow-o-whisp in the forest as she explained the what she had witness happen to Princess Ariel and an ugly guppy that was looking for jewels to add to her tiara.
Umbra watched the two head off to their room, leaving him all alone. Don't misunderstand, he wasn't comfortable around people, but he still wished he could be. That's the whole reason he even came to this school, to try and fit in with the outside world. So, he was a little sad that he had been left by himself, but he shrugged the feeling off. After all, he was a Shadow. He was supposed to be alone, right?

Hearing the two discuss the topic of rooms made Umbra think. Would he have a roommate? He knew where his room was, but he had no clue if he would be sharing it with another person. If he did, he hoped it would be with another boy. He had heard that some people had a roommate of the opposite gender and he was nowhere close to being comfortable with that.

Umbra let out a sigh and decided to head to the bathroom. He had gotten a headache from all the injuries and mental abuse, so he felt like splashing some water on his face would be good for him.
(haha, we'll pretend that never happened ;) yay! your fish puns are back xD )

"Yup!" Nessa replied when the girl asked her last name, and then she grinned at the fish remark.

Nessa decided to keep to herself that personally, she did not like fish, they were too slippery and slimy for her, as she was glad Eona seemed to be over that fear of the Slenderman.

Nessa tried to keep up with Eona as she told her a long story about a Princess named Ariel, but Eona was talking too fast for her really to keep up, so she just smiled at opportune points.

When she quieted down, Nessa took time.

"So, life in the sea was interesting? What about your parents?Do you have any?" Nessa asked, it wasn't until after she asked the question she realized how personal it was, but she had already spoke it, so she decided not to scramble to take it back.

The reason Nessa had asked about Eona's parents was, she realized, as Eona was telling her all of these exciting stories, Nessa had none of her own to tell, really. In her mind, when she went back the last couple of centuries, all she saw was her parents and the home they kept her in, too overprotective to allow her anywhere she might get hurt at. She was shocked they'd let her come to the school, she'd expected them to keep her home. 
((ermagerd yeshhh! Their personalities seem so different xD ))

Eona stopped in her blubbering when she heard Nessa's question. Parents..? The kraken had never thought about her parents. Did she even have any parents? As a little larvae, Eona could only remember emerging from her egg to see no other siblings of hers around her. The Norwegian legends say that the kraken was sent by an evil person as a way to kill humans. Eona didn't know if she was laid or created by some powerful being. Whatever it was, the kraken didn't really know and just went with what most squids would say about their parents.

"I never met them." A squid's nature is to lay the eggs and then leave them to fend for themselves, so it was very, very rare to even meet your parents. There is a chance that you could, but you would most likely not recognize them. In fact, there was a very large chance that Eona had eaten her parents - if she even had any - because squids also ate some of their own. Giant squids tended to prey on anything to their liking! Although, Eona had never met any squids her size, the largest she met was 20 feet long, less than half her size.

"How about you?" Eona returned the question, feeling a little curious aboat the dragon's past. The kraken figured that if she was going to room with this girl, might as whale get to min-now her! With a soft smile on her face, Eona baited patiently for Nessa's reply.
(I think we'd definitely get some funny moments from that arrangement xD )

Nessa was quiet for a moment after the girl's answer, wondering what it would be like to never know parents, never know any of your family.

She decided that it would be bad. After all, extremely-overprotective parents are better than no parents at all.

She was surprisingly surprised when Eona returned the question - even though Nessa had invaded Eona's privacy with it, she was a bit surprised Eona invaded hers with it for a moment, and then she recovered from the shock to careful ponder what she should say - her family was a large mess, so many things had happened, her family was as tangled as a ball of twine, and Nessa didn't know if the string hanging off the end was a string she wanted to pull.

And Nessa didn't even know whether to include Aspen. He was a big part of her life, so shouldn't she include him? But then would she have to use the past tense when talking about him? She couldn't bear to say anything like 'he used to'.

"I..." Nessa trailed off, again lost in the muddle of her mind.

Finally, she just decided to say whatever popped in her mind first.

"I had a brother, Aspen. He was five years older than me. My parents... I have both of them, they're still living together, so I guess I'm lucky for that. They are definitely a bit stifling though, and over-protective."

Nessa wasn't really sure why she was telling someone she'd only met that day this, but she trusted Eona for some reason, this girl scared of scratches.

(I'm going to bed, will be on sometime tomorrow. :) Goodnight everyone! :) )
The second the door closed behind him as he headed into the bathroom she sighed softly in relief. "Im really not good at talking..." Sighing she swung her feet over the side as she got up to grab her bag. Sitting on the wall that was next to her bed she pulled her book out once more, setting it on her lap as she discarded her bag. A smile came to her lips as she ran her fingers across its cover before she opened it, flipping to the page she was on last and began to read. She looked up when the Elemental entered the bedroom once again and put his clothes under his bed. 'Why not use the wardrobe...' She thought before smiling softly. It didn't matter. "I...w-wonder what lessons we have tomorrow..."Strangely, she did not stutter as much this time.

(Im back > :D
(Im alive again~ c:)
Lucien shrugged at her question, and as he pondered the question he began to worry if it was rhetorical and he was trying to answer a question that needed no answer, 'Whatever it is, no more nurses! Please!' The voice begged, something had really got to his alternate personality as he never normally dwelled on anything. 'It's your fault we were, you know.' Apart from any failings on Lucien's behalf, even when the alternate personality caused those failings.

Lucien picked up the book on the double slit experiment and continued from where he left off. He began to feel rude about reading a book in front of company, but at the same time he didn't want to disturb her with unnecessary talking. He thought back over the day, remembering the events and how he couldn't properly see what his roommate's true form was, "If you don't mind m-me asking," he began very quickly to try and avoid stuttering, "W-what is your tru-true form. I didn't really see after, y-ou know," he said and mimed being punched and flying into a wall.
Glancing over when he spoke she cocked her head to the left, listening carefully before she closed her book. "O-oh yeah! You g-got hit..." She mumbled, looking over at him worriedly. "A-are you okay now?" She asked, putting her book on the desk as she sat up properly. Having ignored his questions she quickly decided to answer them, feeling like she was being rude for changing the topic. "Ah... I'm a phoenix..." She paused, looking at the ground with a sigh. "W-when I changed I burned and broke the place....I f-feel really bad...but it got fixed!" She said happily, smiling again.
'OH A PHOENIX THAT IS SO COOL! Why do you have to be the owner of this body, I wanna talk to the fire birdie!' Lucien shook his head it her question, "Oh I'm fine, the nurse used a magical elixir thingy and poof back to normal," he said with surprising confidence, probably as he was focused on ignoring his other personality.

When she told him she was a Phoenix he nodded, "Cool... You er must be er quite o-old, if yo-you're a Pho-Phoenix," he said and as the words were coming out his mouth he realised his rude they must have sounded,

"S-sorry if that's personal. I don't mean to be ru-rude."
She smiled, setting her hands on her lap. "Im glad you a-are okay then." She nodded, even smiling when he asked her age. Phoenix's weren't extremely bothered about knowing their age, normally forgetting after a while. Since they only kept track of their cycles so they would know how many times they had became ash once more. "Im currently through two cycles, nearing my third." She stated, shuffling back on her bed, crossing her legs as she set her hands in them. "That m-means...I'm one hundred and forty-nine years old." She stated with confidence, quite happy about that fact. "H-how old are you?" She asked quietly, tilting her head before she paused. "Y-your true form...It s-seems he is l-like a different person...H-how come?" And her full blown stutter was back, it was a question she was fearful to ask but he produced flames, and so caught her interest.
'One hundred and forty nine! That is so old, well for you, why couldn't she be your age?' The other personality whined, 'if she was my age she'd probably look like a baby or something!' Lucien thought back to him, "I'm seventeen," he told her.

'Oooh look she's talking about me! That's how it should be, everybody talking about me,' the personality thought,

"Er.. he's not really a true form... he's the personality of another elementalist. One of them.. one who destroyed Yonaguni. So I guess - he's ten thousand years old.. I prefer to think of him as an arse."
She grinned happily, a yawn passing her lips as she glanced over at him. "17?" She thought everyone here was old, well old in human years. It was surprising to see that there was someone here aging in human years. A smile came onto her face as she seemed to light up, enthusiasm rolling off her. "Really?!" She sat up properly, leaning forwards. "I didn't know that! I mean...I've never actually met an elemental after all!" She paused. "Your flames...they feel different to the ones I produce...Is there a chance you will let me draw them another time?" She seemed to brush off her fear and light up happily.
Lucien seemed a little shocked when she suddenly became very enthusiastic and then smiled at her,

"Er sure.. I guess.. I think my fire is different to his. Well not, not as old," he said with a shrug.
She smiled happily, leaning against the wall as she sighed. "S-sorry...I c-can be very passionate a-about certain things..." Then again, she was very passionate about burning things down for the fun of it as well. Sighing mentally she put on a small frown, looking back down at the ground. It was dark out now, making her glance out the window. "I-im going to sleep, school ...tomorrow..." She mumbled as she pulled the covers off, slipping under them so she faced the wall, her head propped up by resting on her folded arm as she drifted asleep. 'Stupid teacher...I have to deal with him tomorrow.'
Lucien sighed very quietly and moved the books off his bed, he decided it would be a good idea for him to sleep as well. He crawled under his blanket, rested his head on the pillow and closed his eyes. 'Hey hey when she draws the fire, can I do it instead of you. I mean your fire is shit. Also I would look really really awesome as a drawing. You know, because I'm awesome...' the other personality thought, but he to was drifting to sleep.

(http://prowlzerz.deviantart.com/art/THE-SCRATCHES-393426677?ga_submit_new=10%3A1376577900 I can't think of anywhere else to show this so here :P )
(I think we should wait until other people get on before continuing... so er..............)

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