Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

Nessa wandered into a room that seemed to be an empty classroom.

Good, no people were here. She needed some time to decompress after all the talking she'd done today, a lot more than she normally did.

"What is my room number again?" She asked herself, going to pull a piece of paper out of her pocket before realizing there was nothing in her pocket.

She'd dropped the paperwork.

"Oh no. I have a feeling the secretary won't be very friendly at this school." She moaned, wondering what to do, she knew she'd eventually have to find some teacher authority, but had no idea where to go looking for one.

"You've gotten yourself into a mess, Nessa." She whispered to herself as she opened the door to the classroom, pondering which way to go.

(I needed to figure out something for nessa to do xD )
Umbra started putting the books back on the shelves. He didn't want to get yelled at for ruining the library. His red face wasn't going away anytime soon.

He put the books back on the shelf with the girl in silence. 'This is really awkward. Maybe I should say something. After all, she is being nice.' Umbra mustered up all his courage and spoke barely above a whisper. 'I-I'm thinking of be-becoming a m-monk." Umbra's face heated up even more, to the point where it seemed like he would start steaming. 'Why did I say that!?'
She finally finished, something which brought a smile to her lips. She loved the sight of all those books, neatly stacked and in a row! When he spoke she froze, glancing over to him as she just smiled, nodding her head. "I h-hope you become a w-wonderful monk then U-umbra-san." She replied. She , after all , was studying to heal people to the best of her ability. "T-thank you for the h-help." She whispered, looking at the floor as it became a lot more interesting. "I h-hope we can talk t-tomorrow as I n-need to go to my r-room then..." She whispered before bowing her head. "G-good day." With that she quickly walked away, heading towards her room. A few minutes later she arrived in room 15, pushing the door open as she walked over to one of the two beds, quickly falling onto it with a small thud, her eyes already closed despite the fact she was awake.
((Okay, so my internet was out. I have 3+ pages to read through. And Rai-Chan dropped this. Can anyone explain? :S ))
((I agree with the message above. I have no idea what's happening. I'll jump in again once someone tells me/us... :3))
Umbra ran his hand through his hair frantically in frustration. 'I blew it!' He hung his head down in defeat. 'I'm not cut out for this social interaction thing after all.'

Umbra placed the last of the books in the shelf, sighing as he rubbed his head. He walked out, only stopping to grab a few books on monks. When he was outside, he walked through the halls and read the first book in silence. 'Chapter One: Asceticism and You.'
( Well. Tira went to the library once the class was dismissed to read, which was when she and Nessa met properly. They noticed Umbra and went over to him which led him to run. After running he tripped and got a book shelf to fall upon him. Tira helped him out and Nessa went off somewhere. Lucian came into the library after going to see a very manly nurse. Now Umbra has gone outside and Tira back to her room which I dubbed 15.)
Lucien closed his book and began to search the shelves for more quantum physics. After collecting at least six books and checking them all out with the librarian and given a deadline to have them brought back in he decided to head back to his room.

All the way back to his room the alternate voice said nothing which for short periods of time was good, but for this long? Lucien started to worry. He pushed the door to his room open and plopped the books on his bed and sat next to them. He yawned and then looked around the dorm room and he saw the girl from his class which his alternate personality had a crush on, or was it the fire he had a crush on?

In confusion Lucien checked the door and he was in the right room so they must be roommates. Realising whatever confidence had grown within himself during the day was now gone, Lucien fought a mental battle with himself on what to say, or to say anything at all, "Er.. Excuse me? I - I think we-we're roommates," he said in his most polite voice which he realised made him sound like he was talking in RP. He felt his face go red with embarrassment.
(Nessa's papers with all of her info fell out of her pocket, so she doesn't know what room is hers, so she's currently wandering the halls trying to figure out what to do to fix this)
She was dreaming, mostly about eating sushi. This was a common topic in her dreams. A small grin slipped onto her features, her enjoyment of this specific dream raising. "Sushi..." She purred, smiling. A voice, a male voice disrupted her dream and letting it fade into the unconscious part of her mind. Blue eyes drifted open, staring upon Lucian tiredly, which left them slightly dazed. She sat up, pulling her legs up either side of her as she yawned, rubbing her eyes. "L-Lucian?" She asked, tilting her head before she looked around. She was still in room 15. "R-room mates?" She paused, eyes going wide. "I s-see..." She whispered, idly pulling at the feathers on her wrists to distract herself. She felt very uncomfortable. Staring at the floor blankly she eventually stood up, moving to her boxes where she began to unpack them. "I-im sorry if I inconvenience you L-Lucian..." She replied, glancing over at him before she pulled out some stuff to push under her bed. Once done she took a seat on the desk on her side.
((Okay, I'm going to have Eona pop in with a scene. And does everyone have their official roomies??))


"Cullshit!" the kraken swore as she walked into a wall, breaking artefacts after artefacts, leaving a trail of destruction in her path. Tears on pain welled up in Eona's eyes as she clutched her bleeding hand tightly and sat down on a bench at the front of the school. The powerful kraken was facing a problem she had encountered many times in her life, most of them were during the little time she was spending as a human. Eona Adis the legendary kraken was lost.

Hugging her knees to her chest, Eona stared at the confusing map once again, not knowing one thing that it had said. It was a simple map of the campus, not that hard to read. The kraken made sure she wasn't holding it wrong, but no matter what, she knew that the map was no help to her. For this kraken couldn't read.

Yes, this centuries old sea monster couldn't read the 26 letters of the English alphabet. She could barely understand simple words like cat, dog, red, etc. When she emerged from the waters, the old couple that had taken her in died a few months later from old age, Eona didn't have anyone to teach her how to read. The kraken had tried many times to teach herself, but she just couldn't do it! And because of her lack of reading, Eona was lost.
Umbra walked the halls, reading his second book on monks. After reading so many amazing things about monks, he was actually considering becoming one. It seemed to suit him just fine and he felt that he would be pretty good at it.

The monks held a lot of insight and he couldn't stop repeating the monk mantra he has just read. "The world continues on the noble path, each of us carrying another, all connected, ever onward." Ah, how true those words were.

He stopped in his tracks as he read the line following the mantra. 'While this mantra is active, you and your party gain two spirit for every second.' He almost dropped the book, when he looked at the front cover in curiosity. He had been reading a video game guide! 'Who puts that in a library!?'
Lucien sighed with relief when she made no comment about the silly way he was talking, "O-oh it's fine. D-don't worry," he said in a tone that didn't make him sound like a member of royalty, but his accent was still there and obvious, 'What is this? Stutter central? Man up and talk normally!' The voice in his head hissed, but Lucien couldn't create the confidence around the girl who was still quite the stranger to him.
Nessa was still wandering the halls in confusion when she happened upon that Umbra guy.

"Hello." She introduced herself, she'd never really introduced herself before, and wanted to get introductions over as soon as possible, as they were her least favorite part of the the introduction business.
The blonde haired girl dragged her long hair back, plucking the elastic band from her wrist as she began to pull her hair into a ponytail. "Im...Going to get changed in the bathroom then..." She mumbled, quickly grabbing her night clothes before dashing to the bathroom. "You can go next!" She called out as she slammed the door closed, sighing tiredly. "This school is trying to kill us!" She whispered angrily as she quickly got changed, not wanting to be in here to long. She was tired after all. She pulled on the light blue dress, letting the chiffon and silk fall to her mid-thighs before she pulled on the pyjama shorts that reached her knees. She exited the bathroom quietly before going over to sit on her bed. "L-Lucian...Your t-transformation earlier was I-Interesting..." Oddly, she was trying to not make this as awkward as it was and create a conversation despite her hatred for them.
Umbra paled when the girl greeted him. As usual, fate was screwing with him. He couldn't even run away or stutter out a sentence. The earlier experience must've worked its way into his head or something. 'I could really use that two spirit right about now.'

After awhile of being a statue, Umbra finally managed to utter something. "H-hi." Success! He had finally said something without sounding stupid! He could die happy now! But wait, he was immortal...Damn! Where's that two spirit!?
When Umbra said hi, Nessa beamed at him, and then she tilted her head, looking at the titles of the books he was carrying.

One was a video game guide, the others were about monks.

"I'm Nessa, by the way. So, monks... interest you?" Nessa asked, after trying to think of something not lame tos say and failing. 
(goodnight, unholyredemption!)
((Is there anyone that wants to interact? ^^"))

Eona sighed and wiped her wound on the bench, staining the wood with her blood. It's official. I'm lost. The kraken had been wandering around in circles, not knowing where she was or where she was going. Getting up from the seat, Eona walked around, kicking at the ground. I wonder what everyone else is doing..? The kraken frowned at the thought and started to feel a little scared that she was so alone. Then again, the girl was used to it, seven hundred years doesn't do nothing, you know.

With a sad sigh, Eona kept glancing back, feeling like someone was following her. The kraken had heard of a creature that seemed to have no weaknesses and was known to stalk people before kidnapping them. It's unclear to what happens to them, some say that they're killed, others say that they're asked a question and can either be murdered or have their arms and legs broken, and a few say that they're taken to the Underworld by the horrifying creature. That monster was called Slenderman.

Eona shivered at the name. The kraken had once played the game, she died after collecting her fourth note. That little video game had given this Norwegian sea monster nightmares for many weeks before she finally convinced herself that Slenderman only took humans. It seems that the symptoms of Slenderman was coming back. She kept feeling like someone was watching her, following her, stalking her.

Pushing the scary thoughts away, Eona sped up her pace and speed walked away, having no idea where she was going. I eel pike somefin's watching me...

((Goodnight holy! :) ))
"U-umbra." It seemed like Unbra was limited to one word sentences, which was more progress than he's made in hundreds of years. Was it crazy to hope that in annother her hundred years he could maybe say two words? In his case, it probably was.

When the girl brought up the monks, he shook his head furiously. The monk thing didn't sound so glanorous anymore. Especially when the only good thing he learned came from a video game. He needed to be level fifty to even use that mantra!
'Lulu let me say something! Pleaaaaaase?' His alternate personality begged, but Lucien ignored him, "T-thanks.. I- I think," he said trying to make a joke as he reached for his pyjama clothing and carried it into the bathroom, quickly changing into the long sleeved thin cotton shirt and the long legged thing cotton trousers. He stepped back out of the bathroom and carefully placed the clothes he had just been wearing under his bed for late use, after folding them up of course. He put the clothes there instead of the wardrobe in case his roommate needed it all.

The feeling of being followed increased as Eona broke out into a full sprint into the school, rushing past other students and staff members, making it look like a brief wind had blown through the school. The kraken was moving her legs as fast as she could, but the feeling never left, in fact, it got bigger.

Spotting a familiar figure, Eona ducked behind Nessa, cowering in fear. "S-s-slenderm-man!" Eona squeaked out as she gripped onto the other girl, sobbing lightly into her back. The kraken had never felt anything like this, it was like she was being hunted. She was never hunted! Eona was always the hunter! Not the hunted! It scared her, freaked her out, made the young woman fear for her immortal life. "Help me..!" the kraken shivered as her blue eyes dashed around the room in panic before shutting tightly, locking out the sights of reality.

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