Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

((*bashes face into wall*

Ame lives alone.













(I see where this is going *gets out the hacksaw* should I cut Lucien horizontally or vertically)
(i think lucien should be cut vertically. unless he has a good side. that way no one will fight over which half of lucien they get xD )
The phoenix sighed as she stood up, pushing her chair back as she stepped out, only to push it back in quietly. She pulled her bag off the hook as she packed away her medical book. She wanted to get some more studying on the topic but the teacher decided to break the rules. She rolled her eyes as she quickly left the classroom, making sure to slam the door closed behind her. She really hated the teacher. 'Female dorms...room 15.' She had yet to find out who her dorm mate was and it was irking her. Sighing he headed into the library, having came here earlier she gave a small wave to the librarian. 'I wonder if I'll be with the Kraken...' She hummed softly, taking a seat 'OH! Maybe she will let me draw her! That form...' Shaking her head she returned to her book, loving the library and its current silence and lack of people. She honestly did not believe she would meet any of her class mates here after all.
Nessa decided to kill time, deciding her roommate probably would not be going to their room until later, so she decided to follow that girl she'd been staring at earlier.

She trailed behind her, following her into a library.

She waited until the girl returned her book and then she pounced.

"Hello! I'm Nessa!" She said to the girl for the umpteenth time that day, although this time she whispered it - wasn't whispering encouraged in libraries?
Such a lovely boo- "Hello! I'm Nessa!" A voice, interrupting her book whispered. Despite its soft sound, it made the Phoenix flinch, turning around to look at the voice's origin with worried eyes, panic evident on her features as she quickly held her chest. This...girl...was...talking...to...her. Her cheeks instantly heated up as she pulled her book to her, leaning forwards so she could hide her face. "I-im T-tira..." She mumbled, letting her words be muffled by the pages she held so close to her face. "N-nice to meet y-you." She replied softly, a frown on her lips.
"Hello Tira! It's lovely to meet you!" Nessa realized her voice was loud and lowered it back down to it's whisper as she stood on her tiptoes so she could see the top of the girls face over the book the girl was holding in front of her face.

"What book is that?" She asked, gesturing to Tira's book, proud of herself for starting -and keeping afloat- yet another conversation. 
(nothin' much, paipai! Lucien is cutting himself in half currently. c:)
She glanced over at the girl, slowly closing the book so she could pass it over to her. "M-medicine" She stuttered, unconsciously pulling at the feathers that decided to remain stuck to her wrist. "Phoenix's a-are good healers...f-from our feathers t-to our 'calls'" She murmured as she put her hands upon her lap. "H-however we f-forgot this and l-learned to fight...I l-like to h-heal more..."
With his newfound freedom, Umbra walked the halls aimlessly. He wondered what there was to do here besides being threatened and chocked by tentacles. His question was answered, when he came across a room labeled 'Library.' Umbra immediately opened the doors and went inside.

Umbra's face lit up when he looked around the library. It was a beautiful sight. Books lined on shelves upon shelves. This was where he was meant to be. A place filled with endless knowledge and stories. The best part was, the library was quiet and considered boring by many, so he was probably the only one here.

He smiled to himself a little when he looked at the shelved books. 'Which one should I read first?' As his hands trailed over the spines of each book, he heard voices. He froze and hesitantly turned his head. To his horror, he spotted other students. His happy expression turned to one of fear. It would be okay, right? They wouldn't notice him, right? He was a Shadow after all, right? Right!?
"Medecine? That's so cool you're interested in healing!" Nessa then abruptly ran out of things to say and just took the book from the girl, paging through it.

It was pretty boring, she had to admit, seriously boring.

Oh well, each to their own, she thought, as she handed the book back to her.

"Hey, isn't that one of our classmates over there?" Nessa whispered to Tira as she looked over her shoulder and noticed that boy, the weird one who somehow got out of changing, Umbra or something like that, she thinks.
She followed the girls gaze, catching sight of the boy before she nodded. "Umbra-san..." She mumbled. "He skipped out on transforming..." She whispered softly in return. "S-should we g-go talk t-to h-him?" She asked, seeming to grow the slightest bit more confidence. She pulled her book from the girls fingers, putting it back on her bag before she pulled it over her shoulder. "I h-haven't h-heard him t-talk much..." She tried to recall a time he participated or at least spoke in a conversation.
"Me neither. He seems pretty shy. Let's go over and say hey! The least he can do is transform into a vicious monster and turn us all into a meaty meal, right?" Nessa chirped, grabbing the girls hand and pulling her over to the boy.

"Hello!" She said when they reached him, hoping she didn't startle him too much, as he looked rather serene and peaceful as he browsed books.
(Hey unholy do you have a roommate yet?)

A huge grin came across Lucien's face when he saw the nurse, where his alternate personality was looking forward to an attractive nurse, this 'nurse' was quite the opposite. Tall, buff, excessive muscles, a wart with hair on it on the cheek and the final nail in the coffin for Lucien's alternate personality? Was her voice. Her voice was high pitched and grinded on your ears, "What can I do for you, suga?" The nurse asked,

'Lulu find another nurse, this one is horrific,' the alternate personality thought,

'Since when did you call me Lulu?'

"Well, miss, I can't feel my left arm or my right leg or most of my body," Lucien told her. Without words the nurse shoved an elixir into Lucien's mouth and suddenly he could feel his arm and leg and everything else again. He smiled at the nurse thankfully and walked out of the room repaired.
Umbra paled when the two girls looked in his direction. He immediately hid behind the bookshelves, trying to hide. He looked up to the ceiling, while he leaned against the shelves. 'Why can't I ever catch a break!?' It should be statistically impossible to posses the string of bad luck Umbra had. 'Thats it. I'll leave here and start a life as monk in some faraway county! Maybe Iceland!'
(No I haven't Prowl~) 
She blinked softly as she saw the boy run. Ignoring the fact the girl had dragged her other here she walked over to the bookcase quietly, although she stayed upon the opposite side of the case, hands interlocked in front of her as she hummed softly. "U-umbra-san are y-you okay?" She asked, tilting her head in interest. She couldn't really say anything about him running, as it was something she would do if she saw someone from her class coming up to her. "W-would you please not h-hide? U-unless! I-its b-better for you l-like that..."
Well, Umbra had run and hid.

Nessa didn't know whether to follow him, or follow Tira, and whether either of them would appreciate her presence, so she decided to do neither and instead snuck back out of the library, and back into the hallway, wondering what other rooms were in this place.
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Umbra began to run again, but he tripped like he had been all day. His head hit one of the shelves and he rubbed his head in pain. 'I'm gonna get a concussion one of these days.'

The bad luck continued when the books on the shelf toppled over, falling on Umbra and burying him in a sea of knowledge. 'Betrayed by my true love. A horrible way for one to go. My soul shall be reaped by the words that bind me and imprison me in an everlasting melancholy.' Maybe Umbra could be a poet if the whole monk thing didn't work out...
(Do you want your character to be roommates with Lucien?)

'I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you, oh by the way, I hate you' the voice repeated over and over in his head as Lucien walked around the school. He passed a library and decided to go in there and read up on something which he would decide when he saw what books were on offer. As he made a beeline for the science and science history section he saw two of the girls from his class, 'Hey isn't that the girl who did the fiery stuff which I didn't get to see because you're too soft?'

At the science and science history section Lucien picked out a book on the double slit experiment which he had been meaning to read so he could get started on quantum physics. 'Borrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing,' the voice moaned as he read the book, but Lucien chose to ignore him.
She gasped, watching as the bookshelf fell. 'He is a very unlucky person...' was the only thing she could think off about the boy as she rushed over to the other side, taking one look at the fallen shelf before shaking her head softly. She reached over to the shelf, prying her fingers under the shelf as she began to push it up. Once up she huffed softly, shaking her head as she moved to pick up some of the books. Finding Umbra she offered her hand out to him. "Y-you okay...." She paused. "I-if you keep r-running you w-will keep getting h-hurt..." 
(Sure, ya' know she is female right.) (Should be funny~)
Umbra rubbed his head and accepted the offered hand. "Th-thank y-you." Of course he had to stutter, what else would happen during he first time he spoke in hundreds of years? Maybe he was plagued by a demon? He wondered if he should go see an exorcist. Although, he just might end up getting exorcised himself.

When his head felt a little better, he looked down in horror. He was still holding her hand! He immediately retracted it. He took a few steps back and his face was flushed. "I-I'm sorry!"
She smiled, once her hand was accepted she pulled it back, helping the male up. She did not notice that he had yet to release her hand, instead she was glad that he was okay. "A-are you sure you are o-okay? Would y-you like to see t-the nurse?" She watched him move back, his face flushed and she tilted her head. Why? She looked down in return before she quickly retracted it as well, having kept it where it was before. "I-its okay..." She mumbled softly before she continued to pick the books back up, slotting them back on the shelf. "You should stop r-running."
(I suspected her of being female when you kept using the term she and her, but now my suspicions are confirmed!)

Lucien lifted his eyes from the book to see a fallen bookshelf and some people from his class besides it, 'Oh god my class is full of clumsy people,' he thought to himself,

'Don't forget a very nice fiery power thing,' his alternate voice added to the thought conversation,

Does the big bad alternate personality have a crush on someone?' Lucien teased his alternate personality.

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