Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

She smiled happily, excited upon seeing the girl take on her true form. A dragon!~ It was something that brought a small look of excitement to her face. It was thrilling! Smiling apologetically she looked over at the one called Umbra, feeling slightly sorry for him and his bad luck. "Good luck..." She murmured softly, mostly to the remaining people who were taking their time. However, when the Kraken took form her eyes lit up. A kraken! She wanted to ask the girl if she could draw her in that state! A small blush over took her features at the very thought. Water colours of cou- "WHAT!" She shouted, quickly standing up from her seat. Why so soon. Noticing what she did she quickly apologizes before sitting back down. "I'm so sorry sensei!" She whispered repeatedly, once again repeating it like a mantra. This only led to her slamming her head back on the desk. Stupid teacher, Stupid school, stupid everything!
"I will repeat this again, since it seems your a bit slow. Show your true form. I don't care about anything but what I just told you. Got that?" Derean scowled.

The room started to immediately fix itself, the glass flying back together and the slime disappeared around the room.

He scowled at Tira but said nothing.
Umbra could hardly breathe when the tentacle wrapped around his neck. 'Why!?' Wasn't having to show his true form enough? His turn was coming up soon and he wanted nothing more than to leave this insane school. 'Im definitely becoming a monk...'
Eona huffed as she instantly changed back and trudged to her seat, crossing her arms over her chest. Well, at least I get to watch others transform. The kraken glanced around the room, hearing Lucien's explanation of his transformation.

"You're a donkey?" Eona asked in slight surprise. Over her little years of trying to learn the English language, Eona didn't know that ass was an insult, she thought it was another word for donkey. A mule.

Still feeling a little self-conscious about her true form, Eona avoided the left over slime on the ground and sighed at the broken windows. I hope I don't have to pay for that. Remembering that the room was charmed and would fix itself. "Neat!" Eona exclaimed as she watched in awe as the room magically cleaned itself up. "I should get something like this!" 
((Oh, Poseidon! Curse my dirty mind and Eona's tentacles!))
(( O.o ))

"Lucien, you're really getting on my nerves. GET UP THERE." Derean bellowed at Lucien.

Aeki flinched at Derean's bellow. He was impatiently waiting his turn.
'HAHAHAHAHAAAAAA! I WIN! Oh the things I'm going to do once you let me out, oh I might never let you back in!' the other personality laughed in his head, "Fine sir, but you'll regret that," he warned and did what an elementalist was only supposed to do in the most dire of situations, he let out his alternate form, or 'true form' as everyone around here was calling it. The true form was taller and more muscular than Lucien and he had a white streak in his hair, but other than that he was pretty similar. His voice was much more deep and gruff,

"Hey idiots, I'm in control now and there's nout' you can do to stop me. Oh I'd love to just burn something," the personality chuckled, igniting his hand in a huge ball of flame,

"I hope you enjoyed talking to Mr shy here who gets reigns over this body because I don't think I want to let him back in. Unless I'm about to hurt myself," the personality announced, letting the flame on his hand die out, 'You're an idiot telling them how to get rid of you,' Lucien said inside his head.

The altered personality sat back down in Lucien's chair, pushed the chair back and propped his legs up on the desk.

(Ladies and gentlemen: the most annoying person I could create without breaking the rules of this website!)
"I can see why you were reluctant to let him out." Derean muttered. He pulled back his fist and slammed it into Lucien's face, sending him flying right into the wall. Derean walked up to him and pulled out a bottle of some weird liquid and splashed it on Lucien.

"This will immediately dispel your true form. This only works if you are inside the school grounds and will work on ANY monster." Derean explained, as he cracked his knuckles.

Aeki winced as he watch Lucien fly into the wall.
That seemed painful. Nessa thought as she saw Lucien hit the wall, she was glad though, she didn't like his other personality very much, and he had almost made her change back into her true form out of anger.

She wished she could roast Lucien's other personality without roasting Lucien - he seemed decent enough of a person.

Maybe she could roast Lucien's other personality and the teacher together...

No. Nessa thought firmly, this was not doing anything to turn the blue scales coating her back into skin, she felt her tail beginning to form again - she was not ready to change again, she better stop thinking those kind of thoughts.
Lucien's alternate personality saw the fist coming and let Lucien back in control as the fist slammed into his face, causing Lucien to take the pain, not the alternate personality. Lucien waved his arms around signalling for the teacher to stop pouring the liquid in his mouth as he was back out of his 'true form' state before the liquid was poured in. The force of the punch caused Lucien's eyesight to go blurry and he worried he was going to pass out, 'you couldn't have taken the punch and then changed, could you?' Lucien hissed in his mind,

'NOPE' the alternate personality thought back to him.
"Oops. Sorry kid. When you peel yourself out of the wall, take yourself to infirmary if you think you need it. Although this classroom should start healing you on its own. Alright, Aeki next. Tira get ready because you'll be after him." Derean said unsympathetically.

Aeki got up and rummaged through his backpack, pulling out a huge piece of meat. He lifted it to his nose and smelled all of its meaty goodness.

He immediately changed into his werewolf form. He was about the size of Derean as a human, and pure black. His teeth were razor sharp and immediately wolfed (heh) down the meat. Aeki's mind was running over time.

Meat, I want more meat. Those kids look appetizing. Wait are those my classmates? Yeah they are, damn. Maybe a nibble or two..

Aeki closed his eyes and changed back into his human form before he got too crazy. As usual, his ears didn't change back and he was stuck with his wolf ears. He plopped back into his chair, wanting more meat.

"Alright, good job. Tira. Your turn!" Derean said.
((Is it weird that I wasn't getting any alerts??))

Eona gasped at Aeki's transformation. "Puppy!" The kraken-turned-human cooed affectionately at the werewolf as she ran up to him and began to pet his ears. Bring the dog-man into a tight hug, Eona giggled softly as she stroked Aeki's ears in a pleasurable way to dogs.

"You're sooo cute!" the kraken squeezed Aeki in her arms, rubbing her cheek against the werewolf's. Making sure that the werewolf couldn't get away, six tentacles sprouted from Eona's sides and wrapped themselves around Aeki like how a python would suffocate its prey.
"Sir if you don't mind I'm going to lie here until I can see again," he muttered through pain and blood.

'Hey look on the bright side, he said sorry and everybody knows sorry fixes everything, although if I was you - which I am - I wouldn't mention this to mam and dad in any letters if you want to stay here with your slimy friend,' his altered personality thought cheerfully,

'Hey I wonder if I can control limbs yet? Let's try... HNNNNGH! HNNNGH! Nope. Damn."
(if you didn't check the alert, it would only give you one for all new posts)

See why this was a bad idea? Nessa wanted to yell this to the teacher but decided to just think it angrily to herself.

"Please get off of him, Eona. Or I will set my scratches army upon you." Nessa said, she did not like Eona trying to kill one of her only friends.
((Nope, it happens to me sometimes. No idea why.))

Aeki's ears flattened.

"Please don't call me puppy." He said, unable to breathe. "Also, please unwrap yourself from me."

This bubbly kraken girl was weird so he wasn't exactly sure how to react to her. Usually he would take a nibble out of the person who called him puppy, but he didn't this time. One reason was because he was being suffocated. The other was he didn't feel it would be very nice to this confused girl.
She was practically out of it by now, a frown on her lips ' So.. a Dragon, a Kraken, a elemental and a werewolf' She paused, frowning 'This is just weird...I wonder if we are on TV, a reality show full of creatures of all kinds...OH MY! They might be plotting us all to fight! O-or planning to use us to entertain masses of children with tales of nutcases!' She looked in horror at the teacher. "H-hai sensei.." She murmured as she got out of her seat, pushing it in before she walked to the front of the class. She let the light drain from her eyes as her skin seemed to shimmer softly before it began to burn. Flames flickered upon her person till it had engulfed her body, leaving her hidden, just a black shadow of a human form left. Burning away the fleshy form, letting her take the form that was natural, that was her. The flames burst out, catching the walls and furniture as two wings, large enough to break the walls down broke free from the flames that once hid them. The feathers were a blood red which became a golden colour that matched her hair in her human form towards the ends. Rubble clustered and burned upon the floor and over to the ground when it broke. The head of her form appeared next. A long neck, once again covered in the fiery red feathers, broke the ceiling before it lowered instantly, only raising in a stretching manner. Three large feathers, a lot thinner than her normal ones fell down her back, a mass of larger feathers falling over the floor off the class room, a detailed pattern of gold and red falling across it delicately. Flames burned upon her wings and tail, the smell off ash following the large birds presence. Two blue eyes stared at the class before this form to fell prey to the cocoon of flames that occurred before. Seconds later she was left in a humanoid form, small amounts of ash falling around her. Seeing the damage her large form created she instantly fell silent before she hurried back to her seat. It was more like bolted. She shifted in her seat, quickly putting her head down. 'Isn't torture illegal or something....'
Derean nodded, satisfied that everyone had revealed their true forms. The room immediately fixed itself from the fire and Derean blew away some fire on his shirt.

"Good work. You're all dismissed. You are to find your dorms first. Then you may do whatever you want until tomorrow." Derean said as he sat down once again, reading some paperwork.

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