Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

Nessa looked up as she heard the door open, and saw a boy with dark hair enter the room, then trip.

She glanced up at the massive teacher, glad he didn't seem to notice, he seemed like the kind of guy who would get very upset over a student tripping.

She followed the dark haired boy with her eyes and saw him take a seat near her.

She smiled at him, although she had a feeling he didn't notice as he didn't seem to be looking in her direction.

She quickly turned her head back to the front, and stopped looking at the boy, and instead looked at the teacher, because she was a mite scared of the teacher and didn't want him to notice she wasn't looking at him.
Eona glanced over her teacher in awe. Those biceps and pectoral muscles!~ Giggling softly at the boy who tripped, Eona hoped that the scratches didn't get to him. Looking back up at her teacher, the kraken beamed brightly, knowing that this year would be very interesting.

"Aye, aye, captain!" Eona saluted the giant teacher, remembering that the humans did this to their superiors on the ships she had sunk back in the day. The kraken grinned at the teacher, straining her neck to look up at him. Although the kraken was huge in her true appearance, she was an average height in her human form.
Lucien looked at the huge teacher as he came through the door and began laying down his ground rules, 'I bet I could take him out,' the voice in his head announced triumphantly. Lucien was tempted to let his other personality out so he could be crushed by the teacher and maybe that would shut him up.

After the teacher walked in Lucien's eyes looked around at all the other pupils to see what their reaction to the teacher was.
Derean grinned with satisfaction.

"Alright. First of all. Who here doesn't know of the Ishika Treaty?" He asked. He crossed his arms, waiting for someone to raise their hand.

Aeki knew but waited for someone else to answer since he didn't feel like talking.

"Come on! It's a simple question." Derean bellowed.
Eona raised her hand, she had not one idea what the Ishika Treaty was. But it sounded like some sort of fish snack. Licking his lips, Eona beamed brightly as she confidently raised her arm in the air. "I have no idea what that is!" Yup, it's official. Seven hundred years under the sea in isolation is not good for you. Eona was curious was this Ishika Treaty, she had read something about it in the letter she got from the high school.

"Is it some sort of snack?" the kraken blurted out, looking like a complete idiot. As a squid, Eona's brain was tiny compared to her humongous body! It was shaped like a doughnut and has her esophagus running through the middle of the hole.

((Want to know more about squid brain's? Click this link: http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2012/10/the-colossal-squid-has-a-doughnut-shaped-brain-with-their-esophagus-running-through-the-hole/))
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Nessa looked down at the ground when the teacher asked the question, she didn't want to meet his eyes in fear he'd call on her.

She hated answering things in class, and was glad when Eona spoke up - although she felt bad for Eona, this teacher didn't seem like the kind who would be happy and kind about class participation.
"You obviously don't have a clue what you are doing here! Good answer. The Ishika Treaty is bond between humans and monsters. We learn to associate with humans, they accept us into their lives. Everyone understand? No? Too bad because I'm not repeating myself. Alright. I'm going to break a rule so be happy. Nessa, Eona, Lucien. Congratulations you have been chosen to show your true form. This is a form of introduction and what not. Explain what you are and who you are and all that shit. Get to it!" Derean said sitting down on his chair.
She looked at the teacher, fear in her eyes as she shuddered. Why was he so big! She really didn't get how someone could be that big. She looked to her wrists, the feathers ruffling lazily as she blew upon them lightly. 'No transformations outside of the arena' Not used to taking a human form there was traces of her true form on her. With a frown she stuck her hands under the desk, turning back to listen to the teacher when he began to explain the treaty. Her parents drilled that into her head when it started, making sure that she understood it. When he called up three students to show their true form she grinned slightly. That was something that interested her! A smile came to her lips as she propped her head up on her hands, tilting her head as she watched. She wondered, what each of them would be. Would they be large creatures? Aquatic? Avian? She couldn't help but be excited!
What? ME? Nessa's head snapped up as she heard her name, she was not excited to transform in front of all of these scary strangers.

She did not like this teacher. Not at all.

She looked over at Eona, not wanting to be first to transform, she hoped that Eona or this Lucien guy would transform soon so she wouldn't have to go first.
Lucien, who was pretty sure he knew what the treaty was, looked at Eona as if to say 'you're crazy.' The other personality sighed in his mind 'your little friend is going to b-' but the voice was cut short by the teacher announcing he was pleased with Eona and didn't rip her up to tiny pieces, 'wow...' the personality thought,

'I did not see that coming... can I have control over your mouth when you have to get up? Or you'll talk like I'm horse shit, and I don't like it when you do that. If you weren't me, I'd so punch you in the face.'

Lucien sighed a mental sigh, 'You're getting no control over nothing, you won't let me back in control, I know you.' he said and began to piece together in his head what he was going to say to the teacher on why he couldn't show his true form.
"Get on with it! I haven't got all day! Everyone is going to be doing this." Derean bellowed with impatience.

Aeki was waiting in anticipation to see their true forms. It couldn't be too bad although they looked really reluctant to do it.
Umbra did not like this teacher. He was loud and it seemed like he could be quick to anger. He was grateful that he hadn't been called on, but he felt bad for the ones who did. Many people were uncomfortable with showing their true form.

When the teacher said "Everyone", his head slammed on the desk. Why did he have to do it as well? Would be people even know what he was? Shadows were a barely known species.
What? Eona paled at the order her teacher gave. He wants us to show our true forms? The kraken fumbled around with her words. "I...can't..." Do it in here. Eona knew that she would crash through the school, completely towering over it and most likely destroying a part of it. The giant squid-turned-human shied away from the teacher, her face deathly pale. She had to show her true form...now? Eona gulped and glanced around the room before standing up from her seat and hurrying over to the teacher.

Going on her tip toes, Eona gestured for the teacher to bend down a little. Pulling out the ID necklace-thing from her neck, Eona showed it to the tall man and whispered quietly. "I'm...I....kraken." The kraken-turned human could feel little tears welling up in her eyes. She didn't want to show her true form to her classmates, they would probably freak out at her. I mean, Eona was a Norwegian, giant, man eating squid that stood at 50 feet in length.
She frowned, teeth biting into the flesh of her bottom lip, so close to drawing red beads from her skin yet ceasing before it did. 'We all have to show our forms?' She did not want to do that. 'Maybe I can say I'm not well...or...or I could ...' Her thoughts trailed off as she watched the girl run up to the teacher, reaching up to whisper in his ear. Did she really not want to show her form? A frown came to her lips. While she herself would be reluctant to show her form, she was curious to why these people would not. 'If I have to do it...Ill have to keep it to a smaller size...If I take on my full size Ill crush a lot of this school....Then that giant teacher will kill me!' Beginning to panic she quickly set her head in her hands tiredly. 'I'm going to be dead before this year is over...'
Derean smiled at Eona.

"I. Don't. Really. Care. Damn you kids are so weird." Derean said irritated. "This classroom limits your true forms powers and also protects the room itself. Meaning if you happen to be REALLY LARGE, like a Kraken, you won't destroy this room. Do I have to do it first before you will?"

Derean stepped away from the class and immediately started to change, growing larger. Derean was twice the size he was originally and had horns. He was a minotaur.

He glared at the students and bellowed so loudly, the front row desks started to slide backward. If Derean hadn't had crouched, he would've broken through the roof if this was a normal classroom.

Derean changed back into his human form, scowling. "Now it's your turn. If you refuse, I will show you the true meaning of pain."
Everyone was doing it? It wouldn't be too bad then.

She slowly stood up from her chair, and bit her lip.

She wasn't really sure how to transform, she'd never transformed at will before. She had only transformed because of anger.

It couldn't be that hard, right?

She thought angry thoughts, she thought about that one September 8th, long ago, and that did it, she felt herself transforming, until felt the familiar burn of fire in her lungs, and the familiar rush of power that came as she unfurled her wings. She had a sudden urge to breathe fire at the teacher as she looked at him with her eyes for a moment, and she was actually about to do it before the rationality of her human brain took over, and calmed her enough after just a few minutesso that she felt herself becoming more human and more human, until the only part left of her true form was blue scales instead of skin, and she knew that within minutes even those would fade.

There. She thought, is that damn teacher satisfied?

(for some reason, this post took forever to write!)
When Eona took centre stage first Lucien felt relieved, hoping that the other person would go next and then leaving him until last, but then he realised that being last is almost as bad as being first and so we would have to stand up after Eona was finished. 'She can't? Maybe she is a mermaid and if she turned she'd fall over and get a cut and have a Lucien looked around to see how everyone else was reacting to Eona standing up and talking to the man.

Lucien jumped in shock when the teacher revealed his true form and then cursed in his head when he told everyone they had to change, 'woohoo I win! I'm free!' the voice cheered in his head,

'Don't worry, I'll think of something. And if all else fails I'll let you out when teacher shows us the meaning of pain. And then you can enjoy the meaning of pain' Lucien thought back to his other personality.
Umbra groaned with his head on the desk. 'Who threatens students with pain?' Couldn't a teacher get fired for that? This was no ordinary school, but using violence if they didn't comply seemed a bit excessive. He really didn't want to show his true form.

'I'll just go last. Maybe he won't notice me and I won't have to do it!' Yes, that was perfect. The ability of a Shadow to go unnoticed might pay off today.
"Was that so hard Nessa? Follow her example class. Nessa you can take your seat. Umbra! You'll be going after Eona and Lucien." Derean shouted.

Aeki sighed. What a drag.
Umbra slammed his head on the desk. His bad luck never relented. 'Am I cursed or something!?' He must be. Yes, he was cursed. He would forever be followed by all the bad luck in the world. 'Maybe I should leave and just be a monk or something...'
Yes. Nessa thought in a silent response to the teacher's rhetorical question as she finally sat down, grateful to be able to.

She really did not like transforming in class, she'd found out it was worse than speaking in class.

Oh well, now she can observe other people transform. She wondered what that girl she'd been watching earlier was. And what about Eona or Ame? Both of them were mysteries to her also. Maybe transformations in class wouldn't be too bad, especially now that she'd gotten her own over with.
((Oh my, he and Mr. Manly [a teacher in another rp who's also a minotaur] should meet up some time xD ))

Eona looked back at the phoenix, still a little nervous to transform. Oh, to halibut with it! The kraken frowned as she exploded into a lake of water, the molecules quickly expanded and pieced her back together, forming the monster that directors made stupid horror movies of. A kraken.

Her long tentacles stretched through the classroom, having to break through the windows and fall limply to the ground, trailing all the way to the front gate. Slime covered the classroom as the kraken glared softly at the minotaur, this is one of the reasons why Eona was grateful not to have any solid bones. Good thing this classroom is charmed. The kraken growled lowly, her body feeling very compressed in this minuscule - well, minuscule compared to the kraken - room.

"I think I'm going to become claustrophobic."
"Aeki and Tira, you two are up afterwards. Good work Eona. Change back please." Derean said satisfied.

Aeki ducked to avoid a tentacle. He resisted the urge to poke the tentacle.
Lucien saw his chance and with a boost from unknown confidence stood up, which seemed to be what kids do in this country instead of raising their hand, "Sir," he called,

"My true form is a bit of an ass-" as he said this the voice in his head interrupted him without actually causing him to stop speaking, 'hey' the voice said, "and if I let him out he won't let me back in and like I said, he's not nice," he announced to the teacher, expecting a chair or table or pupil to be thrown at his face by the Minotaur.

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